The Ultimate Turkey Club Sandwich | Perfect for a Quick and Delicious Lunch!

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I know you know how to make a sandwich so I'm not going to teach you how to make a sandwich I just want to remind you that sandwiches are amazing I know we get so caught up in Tick Tock and trying to make the best of the best but sometimes a sandwich is all you need to hit that spot and fulfill that craving I promise so I just went ahead and sliced up a good tomato and I am shredding some lettuce that of course I'm going to clean after I finish shredding it and then I am going to bring out the cheddar cheese Sargento is my all-time favorite brand of cheese and then I'm going to go in and Fry up a few pieces of bacon the kids are getting nice crispy golden pieces of bacon is to start your bacon in a cold pan or a room temperature pan okay don't preheat the pan set the bacon slices in there cold and flip them every couple of minutes then I'm going to go in on another pan and just add some butter to Toast My Bread now I happen to love toasting my bread this way a because of the butter B because I only like one side of my bread toasted um I just still like the softness of the bread so I do it that way then I'm going to go ahead and heat up my turkey and cheese and I like to add just a little bit of water to the pan to help steam create some steam so that the cheese can melt nice and beautifully and that turkey can be warm all the way through and then I'm going to add my bacon pieces right on top and then from there we're going to move on to assemble our sandwiches and look watch how quick this comes together first things first I need some mayonnaise I cannot eat a sandwich without mayonnaise I'm sorry I just can't do it especially if it's Duke's Mayonnaise I love Duke's Mayonnaise there's no way I will ever make a sandwich without Duke's Mayonnaise so if you love Duke's Mayonnaise too go ahead and hit the like button on this video because we're here we're staying eye to eye okay then I'm going in with some lettuce some of that nice crispy clean lettuce and then I'm gonna add that turkey cheese and bacon right on top of that lettuce and I'm going in with two nice pieces of that tomato and of course you cannot forget the salt and pepper it's not complete without the salt and pepper okay then we're gonna close it all up and give it a nice slice right down the middle and listen there is nothing like a good sandwich make sure that knife is sharp too look at the sandwich did you see that cheese pull that's what I'm talking about it's the Sargento Cheese but if you make a sandwich today or anytime this week let me know and comment down below bye y'all
Channel: Mahogany Joann
Views: 38,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: turkey club sandwich, sandwich, sandwich recipe, lunch recipe, sandwich ideas, quick lunch, lunch ideas, creative sandwiches, creative sandwich ideas
Id: nJ0iCRxgcr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 59sec (179 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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