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all right what's up guys welcome to the fourth episode of the Haunter Guide Series today's Haunter is going to be Emma before we get into it though uh make sure to subscribe to the channel and drop a like if you enjoy my content I'm trying to get to 1K Subs before the end of April I appreciate the support thank you a lot and let's get right into it so Emma is a fire hunter that can pretty much do everything that's the main thing about her she's good everywhere she's a great allrounder she's great to clear WS of minions with her AOE does really good damage as well ability to break honestly if I had to have like only one Haunter for the rest of my life it would be Emma she can do pretty much everything just like s but like still kind of lacks in the uh clearing waves department but has more damage output so I guess it kind of kind of evens out right uh honestly you can use Emma for Gates boss fights battlefield of time challenge as well CU Shear is waves really fast so you have great timers with her and uh yeah Ms passive is probably one of the longest and one of the hardest to understand even though it's pretty simple like every soul leveling character has pretty simple passives honestly but that one is a bit tricky so uh the heat absorption effect is applied for each specific action and when flame cleave is used it applies the heat emission effect depending on the number of hit absorption instances so whenever you do something you will get hit absorptions stacks and whenever you use flame cleave which is the second skill the one that breaks heavy you will change you will transfer all your hit absorptions Stacks into hit emission Stacks so when the user uses a basic attack and gets hit the hit absorption effect is applied once so one stack per basic attack when the user uses a core attack burn up which is a first skill flame judgment or exem evasion exem evasion is whenever you dodge at the last minute and Flame judgment is the uh QT skill you will get four stacks of heat absorption whenever you use the ult you will get 10 stacks of heat absorption and when hit emission is active they currently applied heit absorption effect is consumed that's what I told you it changes the heat absorption into heat emission heat absorption is defense sided and hit emission is attack SED so five Stacks is uses defense 7.77% increased right 10 Stacks is recovers HP 7.77% of damage taken and at 15 instances it applies a shield equals to 7.77% of the user Max HP of course if you at 15 instances you will get the previous Buffs as well and if you change those 15 instances into hit emission uh you will get death pen increased by 7.77% fire damage increased by 7.77% and also the heat emission effect will be applied to all team members as well for 20 seconds at 15 right so it's pretty huge honestly uh the fact that you can put hit emission on everyone I like the fact that it's double-sided either you're really tanky either you're really into offense dupes wise um she gets quite a lot from her dupes if I'm being honest uh the first one increased the break damage of the AOE by 77.77% which is honestly mad the second one increased the users break effect by 10% increases the damage dealt to targets affected by the break effect by 20% so she's a very good breaker honestly very very good breaker and her damage on broken units are kind of insane when hit emission is used the active hit abortion effect is applies to team members so whenever you change your heit absorptions into heat emissions the heit absorption doesn't disappear it goes to your team right so that's even better right the uses HP increases by 10% it's always good she she scales of HP right probably the least the yeah the least good one honestly last one when the target enters the break State uh resets the cool down of all skills recover core gauge and power Gauge by 100% applies the damage increase effect of 77.77% for 15 seconds so if you break the enemy with Emma you will reset all her skills including the old and then get a 77.77% damage increase so one thing you want to do with Emma is break the enemy use your core attack to change all your fire absorption Buffs into heat emissions sorry heat emissions and then ought and you will do crazy damage so um yeah I think that wraps up the passive let's check her artifacts now for the active as there's two two path you can go you can go on the more support path or the more DPS one right so I've seen people with A5 Emma going for one hit kill to like maximize your old damage which I understand cuz you reset your Ulta cool down whenever you break and all that but I feel like Mi is not the DPS you want to focus like I feel like if you have Choy you want Choy to be your main DPS and Emma be the support So since I'm running her as a support I would run the noble sacrifice to increase her HP but also increase the team's attack right and also the very distance set for more damage overall less cooldowns so it's great for the AOE you can spam it right and then you don't really mind the MP consumption rate uh increased cuz she's not really using that much MP overall but yeah like I said you could run the one hit kill set and you could also run as the jewelry to be fully uh um fully going support right you could run the aquamarine uh set for like more attack boost on your team but these sub stats pretty basic in my opinion you want this one is terrible you want HP obviously so additional HP HP percentage then you would want crit hit rate and then the last two you could go for damage increase maybe a bit of additional MP um something like that and then on the jewelry obviously change the critical hit rate for critical hit damage uh because it's always nice to have that right uh let's check the weapons now so Emma's weapon is honestly pretty good probably one of the best around all haunters uh not as good as sales obviously but still very good so what it does is increase the damage dealt to targets affected by the break effect by 5.5% so that's always good right and then when the heat absorption activates the users's damage dealt increases by 1.5% stacking up to six times you can go up to quite a lot of damage increase right so it's pretty good but like I said it's one of the best weapons but it's not mandatory um I feel like she's still very good without her weapon where where like s kind of needs it to be very good if that makes sense uh the other weapon I would run with her would be the book cuz extra HP but also excre the users's power gauge acquisition rate by 32% so I feel like if you run the book you want to like go on that cycling old kind of game play which honestly is not bad with Emma maybe you want to run the one hit kill set with that so um yeah in terms of upgrading skills on Emma I don't think anything is bad I feel like you could do anything in any order and it would still be very good but I do advise you to go for the AOE first honestly because extra damage on the a is always nice clear the waves faster then the ult obviously her main thing and then I would assume the other skill you don't really use that much basic attacks with her you you use her core attack quite much because it does burn and all that but honestly basic skills Al like any regular Hunter honestly I feel like that's that's probably the best and now let's jump onto the game play so at first I wanted to Showcase Emma in another stage with like minions so I could show the the AOE but also I could break the boss cuz you can't break the the the cave beer but um I had I encountered a problem is I killed the boss to fast so I couldn't even break him so I guess I'll still go on the bear and like I'll still showcase the damage and everything so obviously you want to AOE first usually then you want to use the core attack for the burn and then whenever you have 15 Stacks you can show you can see it on the on the bottom you want to change that into hidden mission right and then you just stack hit absorption again got four Stacks here more Stacks here and you just cycle that over and over again and as you can see even though I'm spamming skills quite a lot I don't lose damage andp and like realistically you wouldn't be staying on Emma all the time but yeah her damage are pretty cool the the AOE is just very good I mean you've played her before I'm pretty sure everyone has and uh you know better than I do that the is just clutch so yeah that's old that did 1.4 million remember that's without one kill hit set and that's without the 7777 damage increase so yeah she honestly hits she crazy uh very good all arounder like even in bus fight you can see she's she's doing great and yeah I hope you guys enjoyed the video If you did like And subscribe road to the 1K subs and um I'll see you guys in my next one see you
Channel: Gohack
Views: 5,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FD2oUAgtjUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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