The Perfect BROWNIE - How to Make FUDGY Crackly-Top Brownies

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[Music] the perfect brownie doesn't exit actually it does the perfect brownie is fudgy on the inside not too wet where it's molten has a crispy chewy edge and that shiny crackly paper thin crust on top there's only one word to describe it perfection and today i'm going to share my tips and tricks on how you can achieve the perfect brownie so first we're going to start by preparing our baking pan here i have an 8x8 and i'm just going to take one sheet of parchment paper and line it i'm not doing like a double sling here we're just going to create enough of a lining so that you can easily pull the brownie out later so as you can see i'm not covering this side completely just because as you'll see later the sides are going to contract in and pull away from the pan so i don't have to waste paper so this is great i'm gonna set it aside so now we're gonna start on melting our chocolate and butter here i have eight ounces of dark chocolate you can use basically chocolate chips chocolate bars dark chocolate i found that this one gives me a very nice shiny top chocolate chips also give you that shiny crackly top but i'll get more into that later the chocolate bar that i'm using is the pound plus by trader joe's if you guys wanted to use milk chocolate you can also do that it's just going to result in a lighter brownie and super sweet as well so 72 is perfect in my opinion with the chocolate i'm just gonna chop it up into smaller pieces there's no rhyme or reason to this other than i need it to work fast okay that looks good so now we can start melting for this step i actually like melting my butter and chocolate together just because it's double duty and it's fast um here i'm using eight tablespoons or four ounces of unsalted butter again i am going to be using kerrygold butter and the unsalted one i misspoke in my chocolate chip cookie recipe about the kerrygold package it's actually the silver one that's unsalted not the gold one but i find that kerrygold salted butter is less salty than typical salted butter anyway so if you do happen to use the gold package you'll be fine but for this one make sure you use unsalted butter we're gonna melt them together using a double boiler i just have a soft rolling boil of water in here with a heat proof bowl on top for the water in the pot once it reaches boiling point you want to turn the heat down to low and just keep it on a very slow simmer i'm gonna add my butter first and then the chocolate and then we'll just stir the chocolate until it's nice and melted also melting the butter and the chocolate together provides the chocolate enough fat so that the chocolate doesn't seize up if the heat is too hot for this recipe i'm using butter because i like the rich texture that it gives to the brownies but if you want more chewy brownies you can substitute for some oil like vegetable oil or avocado oil once the chocolate and butter is about 75 of the way through melted i'm gonna add some vanilla extract and kosher salt so once they're mixed in i'm actually going to take this off heat and let the residual heat from the bottom melt the rest of the chocolate and butter that we have in here that way it cools down faster for me to add into the eggs next so next in a large bowl we're going to add two eggs now the eggs play a really important role in this recipe and making brownies in general you want to make sure that your eggs are at room temperature and if they're not then go ahead and submerge them in warm or hot water for about 10 minutes but not too hot so that you like cook them um and then just start using them so here mine are already at room temperature i'm going to crack them into the bowl and with the eggs you're going to whisk them quite a bit the reason why i'm going to whisk them first right now is because i want to create air bubbles and make sure they're foamy because the air bubbles and the slight meringue that it forms will help create that shiny paper thin cracking top that we're looking for in a brownie so i'm using a whisk here to show you that it can be done it just takes like a minute to create that foaminess but if you have a hand mixer or a stand mixer you can totally do that too or if you want just stick it into the blender and give it a whirl for like 30 seconds once you get a nice foamy top like this it's time to add the sugars now the sugars also play a really important role in this because it helps make it really fudgy and well sweet um i'm gonna start by adding two thirds of a cup of white sugar here i'm using cane sugar just because that's what i had on hand but if you have white granulated sugar that'll work as well and here i have a third of a cup of light brown sugar brown sugar gives the brownies that extra moisture so you don't get like that dry crummy brownie but i'm using light brown sugar here just because i feel like the flavor is a lot more balanced with the chocolate i used or i tested it with dark brown sugar and i just felt like it was too molassesy and it was too sweet so definitely look for light brown sugar and then with my whisk i'll just mix mix mix until it gets nice and foamy again and what you're looking for is this pale yellow color that almost has a ribbon texture when you drag the whisk alright so our chocolate is cool to the touch it should be about room temperature and as you can see you have pockets of butter that's melted and you just need to give it a quick stir to mix it all in and now pour it into my egg mixture we'll give it one more mix just beating it lightly and now we're gonna add in our flour and cocoa powder i'm gonna use a mesh strainer and just put it directly on top of the bowl and i'm gonna add a third of a cup of flour and a third of a cup of cocoa powder if you guys have never used your third of a cup measure now is the time to let it shine i have tested so many times and i've used half a cup a quarter cup and it's like goldilocks a third of a cup is just right and finally i'm gonna add a quarter of a teaspoon of baking powder for me i like adding baking powder just because it lightens up the texture it's still very fudgy but it's not super dense i tried it without the baking powder and it was just way too hard heavy and dense that this just kind of lightens everything up to the perfect texture and then with any lumps i'm just going to use my spatula to help push it through sifting everything is an extra step but it ensures that your batter is not lumpy and it's nice and smooth because we whipped in a lot of air into the eggs i want to make sure that i'm not deflating those little tiny air bubbles so what i'm gonna do is gently fold the flour and cocoa powder into our batter making sure not to over mix it as well if you see little tiny bits of cocoa powder in here it's okay once you transfer it into the pan it'll magically disappear but this looks good it has this nice lava-like texture that's so easy to pour into the pan this brownie batter looks so good i just want to lick the entire bowl but then with my spatula i'm just going to kind of push it into the outer edge of the pan and because the consistency is pretty loose i'm just gonna give the pan a good wiggle to even everything out it's good so in the oven preheated at 350 degrees i'm gonna bake it for 22 minutes that's the perfect time for the brownies to be nice and fudgy not undercooked not overcooked and if you guys have an oven that runs fairly hot i would check it with a toothpick maybe five minutes before the time once the brownies are done baking it's really important to take it out of the oven and just slam it onto the counter onto a towel this helps to remove any air bubbles and for the brownies to condense down to create that beautiful fudginess that you're looking for if you don't want the top of the brownies to crack just let it cool completely about an hour before you take it out of the sling and cut it up i know it's hard to wait but taking it out of the pan too soon will crack the center making it not look too pretty so patience is key all right it's cooled down completely and now with my sling i'm just going to lift it up let's put it down see you don't need that extra side but if you do then all the more power to you let's crack it open but check out this crispy edge and there's that crackly top here you can see it separated from the bulk of the brownie and once you cut it into squares it's going to look so beautiful i'm going to cut mine into 12 pieces so i'm going to cut it down the center look at the knife you can see the fudginess stick to the knife but i want it to be a really clean cut so i'm actually going to wipe it down after each cut the perfect brownie doesn't exit actually it does alright so i hope you guys like how easy this recipe was a lot of recipes need to use coffee or espresso powder but i didn't really feel the need for that since i'm using a combination of cocoa powder and the melted chocolate and it really packs a chocolatey punch i didn't need that coffee to deepen the flavor just because i felt like it changed it a little too much [Music] oh super fudgy it has a moist center it's sweet but not too sweet and if you look really closely you can still see how moist it is and like i said the edge is so crispy and chewy i hope you guys like these brownies and give this recipe a try and tell me if you guys are a crispy edge person or a center gooey brownie person if you like this recipe be sure to share with your friends and if you make it be sure to tag me on instagram honeysuckle so i can like and reshare thank you so much for watching don't forget to like and subscribe my channel and i'll see you guys next time bye [Music] do you want me baby
Channel: Honeysuckle
Views: 1,628,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brownies, brownie, batter, brownies, ultimate brownies, chocolate, fudgy brownies, moist, tasty, perfect brownies, perfect brownie, best brownies, the perfect brownie recipe, perfect fudgy brownie, homemade brownie recipe, how to make brownies, the best fudgy brownie, simple and easy brownie recipe, chocolate fudge, chocolate brownie recipe, honeysuckle, chocolate brownies, brownies recipe, homemade brownies, brownie recipe, chocolate brownie, fudge brownies, baking, how to bake
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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