I Tested Everyones Brownies- Alvin's 100 Hours, Tasty, Claire Saffitz, Binging w/ Babish

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what's going on peeps welcome back to another episode of no matter how these rankings go cue the angry comments i gave you guys five options on my instagram story of course you voted for everybody's fudgy brownies and yes i did see all of your angry dms in response to these poll results but this channel is based off peer pressure so what the hell you want me to do some of these recipes look absolutely insane so i'm gonna be really interested to see how this one goes we've got tasty's fudgy brownies alvin's 100 hour brownies claire's malted forever brownies and then babish's melty fudgy brownies as well let's queue up the brownie king chalkboard and let's get right into this one if you have been a viewer of the channel for any amount of time you would know that one of my all-time favorite recipes i've ever made is tasty's fudgy brownies so i figured that was a perfect place to start you will need some granulated sugar and dutch processed cocoa powder some kosher salt and ap flour vanilla extract and some unsalted butter a couple of eggs and eight ounces of dark chocolate i've honestly lost count at this point but i'm pretty sure this is the fifth or sixth time i'm making this recipe on the channel because it is that good it's not just one of my favorite brownie or dessert recipes it is legitimately like top three recipes out of all of them i've ever made on this channel it's super quick and simple to make i've got to commit it to memory basically by now because it's that easy and that tasty video in general is just so nostalgic from me from the duration it being one minute to the music and the the video style i feel like my buzzfeed test series kind of peaked around that time and this is going to be a constant theme with all of these recipes but especially with this one there's so few ingredients that if you spend a couple extra dollars on higher quality chocolate and butter you'll be able to tell in the final product and is anybody surprised this one came out perfectly it smells and looks amazing i will be absolutely shocked if any of the other recipes beat this one today but just for the fun of it let's give it a try just the smell of these man it's just so nostalgic it's kind of magic how amazing these are in less than an hour the salt is right there uh the chocolate and cocoa flavor is just right in the forefront if brownies are here and like fudges over here these things are right smack in the middle amazing incredible delicious whatever other adjective you want to come up with if they get knocked off the top spot i will be very shocked next up today we've got binging with babish's quote melting chewing gum fudgy brownies and for those i grabbed some granulated sugar and cocoa powder unsalted butter and bread flour some kosher salt and baking powder espresso powder and six ounces of dark chocolate 6 eggs some vanilla paste and vegetable oil right off the bat i love the addition of the espresso powder because it works so well with dark chocolate those flavors just get along and hype each other up like no other this recipe was designed for a 9 by 13 inch pan rather than an 8x8 square pan that's why there's a lot of eggs and a lot of the other ratios seem a little bit crazy and i guess the most interesting part of this and something i never thought of before is that with the introduction of the bread flour and then that vigorous whisking of all of your ingredients he's actually wanting to create some gluten here i've always been in the habit of just barely working in your dry ingredients as to not create that tough chewy texture but that's precisely what we're going for here so it'll be an interesting contrast this guy is going to get baked in a 350 degree oven for just 25 minutes compared to the 30 with the last recipe and again this is on purpose because babish loves his brownies borderline raw and i'm kind of in the same boat as him as gross as that may sound much like a lot of pies or even some cookies you don't want to bake brownies until the pan is completely firm because by that point it's just overcooked and dry you want to yank it when it's still jiggly let that butter and chocolate come down back to room temperature and set up and you will be left with the most ideal brownie texture and this recipe is no different i had to adjust my camera to show you how delicious and fudgy this looks because it was kind of hard to see in the last shot look at that now i look like casper the ghost so this is good uh it's got really good flavor with the espresso and the different kind of chocolates in there uh the texture more so the dryness is a little bit off-putting i think almost the espresso and maybe the working of the bread flour kind of leaves like a drying sensation in your mouth it's kind of weird though because when you first bite it it doesn't read as dry at all it's after you finish chewing and swallow it kind of leaves like a dry after feeling i don't know it's not bad at all but tasty doesn't have to start sweating yet third in the ring today is claire saffits's malted forever brownies and for those you'll have to grab some granulated sugar and dutch processed cocoa powder kosher salt and all-purpose flour malted milk powder and grapeseed oil some milk chocolate and vanilla extract three eggs some boiling water dark brown sugar a bar of dark chocolate and some unsalted butter now if anybody is going to take down tasty and put up an amazing baking recipe claire is definitely one of the ones for the job from ingredients to methodology claire just knows her stuff better than anybody she's just so talented and happy and cheerful and claire i just i love you as for the brownies though the unique parts of this one is firstly that that cocoa powder is going to get bloomed in that boiling water also we're going to be using a double boiler for the first few ingredients so you're going to have to transfer it to a heat proof bowl dummy creating even more dirty dishes for yourself to clean later and then later we're going to be adding in that grapeseed oil and the malted milk powder presumably for a cool unique little flavor accent i have created any in dozens of recipes with malted milk powder in it and i still have no idea what it is i did want to know that i'm trying to maintain a nice baseline of standard ingredients throughout all these recipes you know the flour and sugars even the cocoa powder and the brand of dark chocolate i feel like having all of those be constants and then isolating the different variables will help me better differentiate and pick out my favorites throughout all this we try to be very scientific here on the david seymour channel especially when it comes to baking recipes like a fluffy pancake these guys get thrown down into some foil in an 8x8 square pan and then baked off at 350 degrees for about 25 to 28 minutes until the top looks nice and crackly and then finally we can give the third contestant today a shot as good as these look the little chocolate chips in there kind of trigger me because whenever i'd see a dessert like this as a kid i just immediately think i can't eat it because it looks like some kind of nut or weird candy that i couldn't eat between reese's snickers three musketeers kit kats and most desserts i couldn't eat many sweets as a kid whoa i don't think i'd be able to tell you that there was malted milk powder in here but immediately you can kind of tell there's a little something extra going on and i really like it the texture is on point they're very similar to tasties this is just me being very picky but the only part i don't love is the exterior where it was contacting the tin foil i feel like it kind of got like a weird denser almost tougher outer layer to chew through rather than being like kind of crispy and snappy um it's more like firm when you chew on it there's resistance it's weird but because of that the time and then the milk chocolate being a little on the sweet side i think these are just barely gonna slide in under tasties they were closer than i thought they were gonna be though last and honestly most are alvin's 100 hour fudgy brownies and you will need some cocoa powder and salt some espresso powder and milk chocolate granulated sugar and unsalted butter vanilla paste a coffee ice cube a couple of eggs an entire pantry's worth of dark chocolate and then some all-purpose flour that i forgot to put in the initial shot now being that this is a 100 hour recipe and the day i'm filming this is thursday uh this started back on sunday so let me catch you up to speed this monster starts with some brown butter espresso powder and that coffee ice cube which is a pretty cool trick it kind of shocks the butter and prevents those little milk solids from burning and it's also a clever way to save some used coffee if you make too big of a pot the rest of this batter comes together relatively simply and in case you haven't already seen alvin's video number one i highly recommend you go watch it because that thing is a masterpiece it's an emotional experience and number two this entire batter comes together gets plopped down into another 9x13 pan and then sits in the fridge for three full days it doesn't help that my memory is deteriorating to begin with but i'm pretty certain that this is the longest recipe i have ever made i know i've made some pizza doughs and some other fermenti recipes that have taken like a couple days but a hundred hours or four and a half days i think that takes the cake i would love to be able to ask alvin about some of the steps in this one such as the order in which these ingredients go into this bowl i wouldn't really think to sift dry ingredients and then dump all that hot butter and melted chocolate on top and in the same breath how he discovered that dumping all that hot fat in there doesn't result in a greasy end product because on my first watch through of this video i thought that would be the case but based on his final products it doesn't appear to be but like i said this batter gets thrown in the fridge for three days to let the flavors fully develop before it gets pulled out thrown into a 350 degree oven for about a half hour and then unfortunately wrapped up with some foil while it's still hot and then placed back in the fridge for another full day i'd like to take this moment to apologize to all my family members who have been smelling brownies for three days straight but based on the looks of this one after cutting it and the fact that i have four trays of leftover brownies i don't feel all that bad so let's give our fourth and final recipe on the day a try oh man if that's not a money shot right there with that chocolate drizzling down i do not know what is i'm respecting the author of this recipe alvin and eating it the same way he was so cheers everybody wow my first reaction is i'm kind of blown away by how cohesive and one this flavor is there's so much um that went into this between the brown butter the espresso powder even the coffee ice cube the insane amount of dark chocolate it all tastes like one like nothing stands out more than another it is insanely smooth and velvety and rich uh if there was photos in the dictionary next to those three adjectives i would assume this brownie would be the one and now the million dollar question is it worth four days and somewhat hours i don't know i'd be curious to bake off one immediately after making the batter and then bake one like a day after making it in the fridge and then compare it to this because i'm sure the time in the fridge definitely helped all those flavors mellow out and become one uh but it's a long time it took me an entire week i think what this is gonna come down to if time and money is no object for you uh then yeah this one's the best flavor-wise texture-wise it'll get the first spot if you're not able to spend four days and like 25 on chocolate then it's probably not the one for you either way insanely delicious and it was a pretty good day for me so thanks everybody i hope you guys enjoyed today's video if you did leave me a big old like let me know which video you'd like to see as the topic of the next mega versus episode and drop some names of maybe some chefs that i haven't tried out yet other than that have a fantastic weekend and i'll see you right back here next time [Music] peace [Music] wasn't wavy but we had a vision
Channel: David Seymour
Views: 835,495
Rating: 4.9332814 out of 5
Keywords: 4-1-21
Id: 63_rgbEeN5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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