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hi guys it's Blackie for shamans forwards with crap back up at the woodlot today so if you hear some dogs yapping in the background the guy down here and this bottoms got some rabbit dogs he's trying to train a little bit and they're kind of noisy and I apologize for that but today is Christmas Day 2017 so I got to stay kind of close to the home front for Family Matters you understand that but one of my subscribers pointed out to me that I owed you a video and that was where I had made mention about something to do with a percussion revolver a while back and I hadn't followed up and I apologize for that it isn't that I stopped doing something for because controversy or whatever usually the reason is I simply forget it I get into a another topic or something really takes off and I go with it when I'm making videos or someone asked me a question that I go off on a tangent to answer for them so it's not that I don't want to make percussion videos anymore whatever I do it's just simply that I get off on a tangent there's going to be more percussion type videos coming this spring I'm planning on doing a pretty extensive shoot but we'll get on that a little bit later for now let's talk about this okay with the percussion revolver what the topic we were discussing was the cat jams and I was talking about Colts design to recap very quickly you have the percussion cap on the end on this cone now in the 1800s they call them cone today it's commonly called a nipple percussion cap nipple okay now inside of it there's a very small opening that enters into the powder chamber so what happens is you have your powder your ball your cap on it upon firing the hammer strikes the cap and detonates it this compresses forward causing a diesel in effect that shoots a shoot of flame into the main powder charge partially by the explosive force of the percussion cap and parsh because of the airs being compressed so suddenly that it becomes a flame look much like a diesel engine works compressed air bang heat this hits the main charge in main charge ignites at that moment since black powder burns it does not combust that's reason it's a Class A explosive it dynamically starts burning from the back going forward in the limited oxygen and compressed area as this gas builds up in the back the pressure reaches point X where the friction resistance of the ball being wedged in is broken in the ball and the whole charge start moving forward they proceed on up the barrel the important part is back here at the back because when that powder ignites there's that whoosh of pressure it tries to force itself back through that flash hole in the base of that nipple back into the forcing cone where the percussion cap now the percussion cap and the hammer and the spring pressure act as a gas seal to keep that pressure from blowing straight back at the shooter now what coat was going for is a problem it was very common percussion rifles of that day was the nipple design they talked about you fire and then you had to pry the cap off because the top of the cap would bust in the ring would be left in place and you had to reach something red with fingers and twist there take a knife and pull it off he was particularly hot or jagged or whatever and this slowed down loading and he didn't want you to have to pry the caps off the gun so it came up with a rather ingenious method for extraction we will say and what that is is on the bottom of the Colt hammer as I have said before right here you see that slit that's cut into it that slit is the weak link and the opposite game is when that pressure hit the back at the very bottom of the hammer they'd be a weak link and it would push out there the cat would give in and the pressure would run around the base of the purr of the nipple and split the bottom of the cap so that now the cat was sitting there like that over the end of the nipple then right here in this slot right here is basically the ejection port and that's where that cat was supposed to as the cylinder rotates like that you see that cat was to fall off rotate and fall out excuse me that better than focus that way as the hammer was rakaat it would rotate over and through that channel the spent cat would drag out and then fall out here the caps of that day were very thin in fact they were called foil caps and many times they are not much thicker than width Incans of aluminum foil they were easily crushed it was just a cut with a pellet in today's caps are much stronger and more durable more like primers because we're coming from a primer mentality as opposed to a cap gun type mentality and because of that sometimes we have the problem on various guns various mates various models of where the cats want to get stuck to the hammer in my earlier videos I have reference that you need to take that slot in this place to hammer and make sure it's nice and smooth that there is no jagged edge to grab the cap but is there something you can do to improve it yes and it's called venting a cone or venting a nipple where I first became aware of this idea was in the the Dixie gun works catalog in the back of it there's a big tonne of tips and tricks from all kinds of things from years and years and years of muzzleloader knowledge and it talked about everything from how to die how to make you know stocks how to whatever and I took the time to read it and one of the things they talked about was venting a percussion nipple now what they would do is you would take the percussion nipple off you would mark it to figure out where it is orientated when it's all the way home and you would take it put it into a vise put that in a drill press and very precisely drill a very tiny hole into the side of the wall of the nipple this would allow the gas to vent out at an angle in the split the cap today you can buy a sure shot and slit shot and several other brands nipples that have this feature made in a factory setting but what can you and I do as just a you know poor guy you don't have access to a drill press and a vise and everything else and doesn't want to spend $50 for a set of nipples well you can make a mark vent it yourself now let me zoom the camera in real close and I'm going to do that on this gun to demonstrate the technique okay I've got the camera set a little closer what we're gonna do and you can do this on a cult or Remington doesn't matter is we're going to take off the cylinder and the tool that we're going to need for this is one of these little needle files and you can get these at craft stores hobby stores or whatever and you want something that's fairly thin this one is like a laurel leaf as you can see that comes to release tiny point and that's what I need is this tiny point and that the edge of the filed like the knife edge of it has actually got teeth for cutting okay looking at the back of the percussion cylinder you see here at the very bottom right here this is the bottom of the nipple that goes to the bottom of vision you safe channel that's where we're going to make this bark because we want the gas to split the cap on the bottom just like colt intended now let me get my eyes on so I can see more precisely what I'm doing because Blacky is old and blind okay so how do we do this what we're gonna do is we're going to take the tip of the file I'm gonna turn it now for me and I'm looking at the bottom of the nipple I'm gonna stick the edge of that file in it bearing down finger and I'm gonna draw straight back to me just like that all I'm doing is putting a tiny little nick in the mouth of that nipple on the very bottom I want just enough that on catch it with a fingernail and nothing else now I know you're probably not going to be able to see that I'll get it up close I think you can maybe it can focus that one right there sad little mark I just made on the bottom of that okay what that's going to do now I've got the mark there I'm gonna come up here on this angle see I'm holding it and I'm going to push away to make sure that there's a scratch right there at the six o'clock position on that nipple just like that now removing a lot of metal just putting a good little Nick right there where I can see it okay and let me get the camera now what that is done I've gone around and done all of them that is done is provided a weak link a place of the wind that pressure comes back and hits face of the hammer that percussion caps seal right there it has a where to go that pressure is going to be uniform high pressure coming straight back boom I have just put a little nick at the bottom that guarantees there's a weak link there now that pressures want to curve that way pressure will always find the path of least resistance and I have created a least resistance at the six o'clock position all the way around now what this is going to do for me is as that pressure hits it's gonna roll around and go down and split the bottom of the cap since I've already taken the hammer face and smoothed and cleaned it up there's nothing for it to grip so it's gonna split the cap and the caps gonna be sitting there just like colt intended I didn't make a big mark you want to be very conservative on this all I want to do is put just a little nick enough of a nick I can catch it with my thumbnail that's all it needs don't cut a big old dish out of it all you need is a big enough I said I was thick as a pen they give you an idea about as thick as a regular old you know sewing pen tip to fit into that and that pressure will run around and split it I've been this technique a couple of times I did it the first time I did it was on a third model Dragoon it has a lot of problems and it kept just sucking caps every time and I tried everything and someone pointed out that if it's just looking for a path of least resistance why not give it one so I took a file and I cut a little notch in it and it cured it now the cat split on the bottom and they just fell off I could shoot it at high speed run through all six and never Jam did it still occasionally suck a cap yes it's a Colt design but now it was one cap jam out of two or three hundred rounds as opposed to one out of every cylinder it made a difference I hope this gives you some ideas guys I hope this sparks an idea for you to do it yourself again be conservative you just want to make a little nick try it shoot it if it hasn't improved it make it a little deeper but don't go overboard okay that's one of the reason I've been a little bit hesitant to bring up this technique it's a little more advanced and I'm scared something's gonna take a dremel tool and go and cut you know cut the nipple halfway to the bottom you know and then there's cap fragments flying everywhere it's gonna hit you in the eyes so be conservative it should be just a weak link at the very bottom so that that gas can roll I hope this helps guys I'm Blackie four shamans Forge woods crafts wishing you safe journeys have a great day guys
Views: 43,970
Rating: 4.9578266 out of 5
Id: Wr5Efa8L5DA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2017
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