Taylor's & Co Cartridge Conversion Cylinders

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[Music] hi I'm Mike Bellevue and today we're going to be discussing tailors and companies cartridge conversion cylinders if you like the sleek good looks and the handling characteristics of classic cap and ball revolvers but you want the versatility of being able to shoot modern ammunition in them then tailors cartridge conversion cylinders are just the ticket for you they allow you to use standard factory ammunition in a cap and wallah revolver now there are some general rules of thumb and I'm going to explain those and then I'll show you how to load these revolvers and how to shoot them today we're going to be specifically discussing the tailor's cartridge conversion cylinders for the Remington New Model Army the Rogers and Spencer's and the Ruger old model army but there are some general concepts with tailors conversion cylinders that apply for all of them regardless of what revolver they're made for first of all these tailor's cartridge conversion cylinders do not require shipment through an FFL you can buy them as an individual and it's completely legal the next thing to be aware of is that each cartridge conversion cylinder is made out of 4150 Arsenal grade steel so they are fully capable of handling modern ammunition safely in your cap and ball revolvers now there is a caveat that you should be aware of you should only use cartridge conversion cylinders in steel-framed revolvers brass frame revolvers are simply not strong enough to hold up under the pressures of shooting cartridges over the long haul we also recommend that you use cowboy type ammunition there are a number of manufacturers of this Winchester Hornady Black Hills that were going to be shooting today they all work excellent and you'll have no problems using them you should always use a lead bulleted load and of course in these particular conversions for the Remington garages and Spencer's and the Ruger we're talking about 45 colt now I know that the cap and ball revolvers are nominally 44 caliber cap and ball and nominally is the key word here these guns all have a bore diameter is just like a modern 45 colt and therefore 45 colt ammunition works fine it'll be completely accurate in your gun but you have to stay away from jacketed ammunition and use lead bullet and ammunition only and use standard velocity do not use plus P or any high velocity loads and if you do that the guns will operate flawlessly for you there are a number of manufacturers of cowboy ammunition you see here in this picture magtec Black Hills ammunition quantity 10x also makes that Winchester white box ammunition is fine there are no lack of vendors who can supply you with 45 colt ammunition that's suitable for these cartridge conversion cylinders even though we're going to be demonstrating in this video the 45 colt conversion cylinders and the Ruger and Rogers and Spenser guns only are available on 45 colt but the Remington is also available for 38 special that would be the 36 caliber remington revolver and the one thing that you need to know about that is the bore for modern 38 special is 0.357 inches I think 357 Magnum that's where that designation comes from but the bore of a cap-and-ball 36 caliber revolver is actually 0.375 inches and because of that the bore is oversized for the ammunition and therefore you're going to get your best accuracy if you use hollow based bullets because they will expand and grip the rifling and there are a couple of vendors who sell them Winchester's 148 grain hollow base wide cutters are excellent very accurate in these cylinders and the 10 X ammunition company makes a 38 Long Colt ammunition their black powder cartridge ammunition which has a hollow based bullet and that is also quite accurate so those are your best bets if you're using the 38 special conversion cylinder if you have a Ruger old Model Army revolver or you have a Rogers and Spencer revolver each of these guns only was made by one manufacturer and if you order a taylors cartridge conversion cylinder for the Ruger old model army or for the Rogers & Spencer's that cylinder will fit any Ruger old army you have or any Rogers and Spencers you have but if you're getting a cylinder for a Remington New Model Army also called the 1858 Remington this gun has had a number of manufacturers over the years and currently there are two companies that produce Remington New Model Army revolvers who Bertie and piata tailors make cylinders for both of those companies but they don't entertain so you have to order the cylinder that's made for your specific model gun and if you're buying a cylinder that's already out on the market you need to be sure that it's for the model gun that you need it and the way you can tell that is on the cylinder itself stamped right on the rear face there'll be a P or a U and a second I'll show you a close-up of that so you'll know what it looks like but in this case this one says P because this revolver is made by Pieta if you've got a new birdie of course you want one that says u the cylinder on the left is marked with a P designating pietà and the cylinder on the right is marked with a u designating birdie these are Colt type cylinders but all of the cylinders the Remington cylinders Ruger Saunders Rogers and Spencer's are all appropriately marked on the face of the cylinder just as these are Taylor cylinders are two-piece cylinders there's a main cylinder body which is board through and then there's a backing plate which has six firing pins on it now this is a historic design Remington came out with this in the 1860s the very late 1860's and the originals were different and only one respect they were made for rimfire calibers so instead of individual firing pins like this back plate has they had slots cut through them so the hammer could contact the rim of the rimfire cartridge and set it off but this is a fully historic design and [Applause] it works quite simply there's one alignment pin and that one pin finds its way into a hole in the back plate and that's what holds everything into alignment now for safety's sake though these are six shot cylinders for safety's sake we recommend that you load them with only five cartridges and they load quite simply with five cartridges off the gun leave one chamber empty and we would recommend leaving the chamber empty either before or after the alignment pin most people do it with the one before that way you can tell what the empty chamber is because you want to put that chamber under your hammer put the back plate on your fully loaded and then you can put it on the gun now if you have an older taylors cartridge conversion cylinder like this one the cartridge head is fully enclosed in the cylinder body and I'll just load this and you will see what I mean the cartridge head is fully enclosed within the cylinder body when you put the back plate on you're only visual cue as to where that empty chamber is is going to be your alignment pen and that's going to tell you where your empty chamber is so you can line it up under the hammer now if you have one of the newer cylinders if you buy one today you're going to find that there is a notch cut into the face of each cylinder and that shows a little bit of the rim of the cartridge so when you look at it you can get the visual cue as to which one is loaded and which one is empty so when it's mounted into the revolver you'll still be able to see that glint of brass telling you that there's a loaded chamber there cylinder removal and installation is a pretty straightforward process so I'll show you how you get the cap and ball cylinder out and it's quite simple place the revolver on half so the song has been freely drop the loading lever about half way and pull the base pin until it stops then just take your thumb and push the cylinder out right into your other hand and there you go captain ball Solon goes out now to install the korky cylinder I'll show you with an empty cylinder even loaded of course put the two pieces together still have the gun on half [ __ ] we still have the loading lever partially dropped and the base pin pulled you're gonna see right here won't be sticking out right there and that's the hand and when we go to put this in the hand is going to get in the way so you're gonna push it in until you feel it up against the hand and then all you're gonna do is rotate it about a half a turn in a clockwise direction and that's gonna lift the hand up out of the way and once we've done that you can slide the base pin in put the loading lever up now here's the alignment dead so what I want to do because if this was loaded this next chamber would be my empty one so I want to get that so that it's one chamber away from being in battery and then I'll pull it back to full [ __ ] and lower the hammer and now the hammer would be down on an empty chamber the one right in front of the alignment pen and because you can see the alignment pin right here you'll always know if you're on an empty chamber or not well let's load up the cartridge conversion cylinder on the rubbing tenue Model Army and take it out to the range and see how it performs half-cock drop the loading lever pull the base pin on the cylinder out take off the back plate and load five cartridges place the back wait insert the cylinder there's the base pin back in the polluting lever up find the alignment Hall which is right here drop the hammer and we say the loading process on a ruger old army is very similar the difference is we've got a cross bolt that holds the cylinder pin in so the first step is still to put it on half [ __ ] so the captain Moll cylinder spins freely we're going to drop the loading lever but now we've got to rotate the cross bolt so we can pull up and out and in this case just pull it all the way out and once again the cylinder will manipulate right out with your thumb into your waiting hand Hey installing the corrected cylinder is very much like on the Remington we keep it at half [ __ ] and work it in get it up past the hand I like that stabilize it with my thumb and forefinger and then we're gonna put the base pin back in now the only complicating factor on around I'm out Ruger I should say is that the whole base pin assembly wants to fall apart on you if you're not careful because it's all just toggled together but goes back together nicely final step there's the turn locking screw on the cross vault and you're back in business and once again you would line it up the same way here is my pinhole and now I'm down on an empty chamber [Music] [Applause] well the cylinder removal procedure on a Rogers and Spencer is very much like the Ruger it has a locking base pin turn that screw put the gun on half [ __ ] so that the cylinder spins freely drop the loading lever pull out the base pin unlike with a Ruger this is all screwed together so it won't fall apart push the cap and ball cylinder out take the cartridge cylinder insert it into the window give it a slight twist to push the hand out of the way reinstall the base pin feel your way around on that there we go lock it back up rotate it until you can see the alignment pin that should be your empty chamber [ __ ] it drop the hammer on the empty and you're ready to go [Music] okay well we hope that you really like that and if you did please give the video a big thumbs up because that helps to position that on your recommended videos suggested videos on the side over there when you're watching something so you can see more of our content now if you're not a subscriber to the channel we hope that you'll take a minute and subscribe because if you enjoyed this as plenty more videos like this on the channel and we're gonna be turning them out all the time so we don't want you to miss any and if you are a subscriber already you can support the channel on patreon and that goes a long way towards being able to allow us to bring you these videos because of course they're not free to make and we 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Channel: duelist1954
Views: 164,696
Rating: 4.9633913 out of 5
Id: nyST_EiJlVs
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Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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