Uberti's Remington New Model Army Revolver

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hi I'm Mike Bell of you and today were back out at duelist n and you know over the last well probably the last several years I've devoted much more time to Colt cap and ball revolvers than I have to Remington's and it's no secret that I'm more of a fan of the Colts but Remington is a fine revolver and I thought it was time to show a little love to all the Remington shooters out there so today we're gonna be shooting a replica of a Remington New Model Army revolver now this is manufactured by Uberti in Italy and it's imported by Dixie gun works in Union City Tennessee and it's a brand-new revolver so before we load it up let's take it back to the shop and I'm gonna show you what I did to get this ready for primetime then we'll take it out we'll shoot it well the build quality on this gun is excellent maybe the best I've ever seen come from their plant I can't find a single burr that's hardly a machine mark anywhere on it I mean it's just clean clean clean beautiful I mean really beautiful work so the first area we want to work on on a Remington is the cylinder window for capping which you can see you know right here this is the original one and I've got Ted cash capper here that I like to use alright so we can't get that capper on there I mean this is just too narrow so you can see what I've done here I've cut these out into a u-shape and that allows me to get a cap on right with no problem at all and all we need to do that is a small grinding wheel on a dremel and you're gonna need one grinding wheel for each of these windows so well let's get the last one done okay the other area that we're gonna work on is right here you know I've had a number of guys tell me that they can load paper cartridges without modifying a Remington and you certainly can't on a pietà and I think out of birdies depending on the tolerances some of them are gonna work and some of them are this is this one almost makes it but it doesn't so if you can see the line I scribed there it's Kitson light that's where I'm gonna grind it down and that's what we're gonna do right now okay just a little bit more in here and we should have it [Music] okay let's see how it goes all right good so we got clearance now and we're good to go okay let's get the rolling tonight it up I've got the ability alone either Chronicles or round balls but I'm gonna start off with round balls so we're using cast four five four inch round balls and theoretically you get by with four or five ones but I prefer to make sure that the chamber mouths are sealed with four or five fours and really they are no more difficult to seat than four or five ones contrary to what some people might tell you so we're gonna load powder we're gonna load 30 grains of 3f go X black powder we're gonna top that with one of my homemade 44 caliber revolver wads it's a pure wool felt soaked in my black powder lube and then we'll top with the ball I'm gonna load five you could safely load sex and they would have during a day this has fully functional fully functional safety notches so it can accommodate loading sex but you know I've got 25 years of competing and Cowboy Action Shooting behind me where you load five on all single actions and even before that I always loaded five and my single actions because you have to be safe with a cartridge gun so I just like to stay consistent but if you want to load six load six that's totally up to you if you want to load three load three right don't you don't need to hassle me about loading five load whatever you want I'm just going to show you how okay so the procedure is pretty simple put it on half [ __ ] right so that we can rotate the cylinder I'm gonna take a thirty grain powder charge in my powder measure and just pour it into a chamber right there we go now I'm gonna take hey wad no seed it I usually just use the back of this pen to push them straight down okay so now we got the lot in get a ball in it know what we want to get is a good ring of lead shaved off right and that will tell me that we've got a nice tight fit so pop her in and there we go we're gonna let just fell off so you can see that right that's what we want so I'm going to load four more of those and then I can cap it and we'll be good to go well evil Roy never learns he's been up to his evil ways again and it's time for us to put them in this place with the Remington New Model Army revolver so let's see if it's up to the task well Roy went down in a hail of bullets thanks to my trusty Remington math well a lot of people call this gun the model 1858 Remington and that's just plain and accurate to be perfectly honest there is no such thing as a model 1858 Remington the correct designation for this is the Remington New Model Army and it was part of a long line of army revolvers going back to about 1860 and culminating in this model in 1862 with a lot of you know small changes along the way to improve the gun until finally it reached what we'd consider the final version in 1863 nobody at the time ever called this in 1858 unfortunately where the confusion comes in is the 1858 designation is actually a patent date and it relates to the way the base pin is secured by the loading lever it's a Fortis Beals patent that he took out obviously in 1858 so for some reason people pick that up as a model designation and it absolutely is not and you know you you can continue to use it that you're at your well because people seem to understand it but really Remington New Model Army that's what you ought to be saying okay now we're gonna load up the Remington with paper cartridges with Johnson and Dow conical bullets in military usage this gun would have always been loaded with conical paper cartridges in the civilian world probably not so much they were very expensive but they simplified logistics and simplified loading so much that the army use them religiously and they do speed things up as you'll see all we have to do is take one push it in the chamber get it under the rammer and we're ramming on home now the interesting thing about this is that Remington did not cone the inside of the rammer so I guess they felt that was okay rotate it underneath load it up and just push it on home so we're gonna do that until we've got five loaded and then we'll go shoot her out well steel Steve has moved on up push out evil Roy is the leader of the outlaw gang so let's show steel Steve that promotions aren't all glory let's see if we can tickle a steel with you birdie new model army Remington and this baby is loaded with paper cartridges and conical bullets so it's already shooting high with round balls because it's got the issue front sights so it's going to shoot about six inches higher with the heavier conical bullets so let's see if I can make the appropriate adjustments and send Steve packing okay pretty decent group considering all the Kentucky elevation I was using and I'll tell you you can really feel a difference in shooting these comic goals and the round balls I wouldn't want to get hit with either but I really would not want to have one of those comical slacking me well I guess we're gonna have to watch out for Injuns here at duelist n I found this sticking in the bank behind my my target area must be the hekawi Indians because they don't know where the heck are we but anyway it's kind of a scary sign to know that the engines are arming themselves with crossbows these days so we'll just have to keep our eyes open well let's finish off for the bad guys view of Remington's new model army revolver if you liked this video I hope that you'll hit like give it a big thumbs up and if you're not a subscriber to the channel well I invite you to subscribe we'd love to have you and if you want to support the channel on patreon that's very helpful because you know all of this cost money to put on to buy the steal and maintain the place and pay the taxes and your patreon contributions make a lot of that possible and those of you who are patrons already supporting the channel I thank you from the bottom of my heart because it really is a big help so until next time keep making smoke
Channel: duelist1954
Views: 32,745
Rating: 4.9783516 out of 5
Keywords: Firearms, handguns, cap and ball, revolvers, black powder, muzzleloader, Remington, New Model Army, 1858, .44 caliber, Civil War, Cowboy, Duelist, Duelist1954, Mike Beliveau, Evil Roy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 30 2019
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