"The Patience of The Saints" - Pastor Stephen Bohr

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let's pray our loving God what a joy and a privilege it is to come before your throne today to open your holy book and hear your voice speaking to us through the ministration of the Holy Spirit we ask that as we study about the patience of the saints that you will teach us what we need to learn for we know that soon in this world unbelievable events are going to take place and we need that unshakable and unbreakable faith in order to go through this period successfully so we ask Lord for divine guidance in our study and we thank you for hearing our prayer for we ask it in Jesus name Amen in Revelation chapter 15 and verses 2 and 3 we find the description of an endtime group of saints who have gained the victory over the Beast over his image over his mark and over the number of his name I'd like to read those verses as we begin our study today revelation 15 verses 2 and 3 and I saw something like a sea of glass mingled with fire and those who have the victory over the Beast over his image and over his mark and over the number of his name standing on the sea of glass having harps of God at this point this group is seen as having gained the victory over the Beast his image his mark and the number of his name of course the question begs to be asked how did this group of saints the living Saints when Jesus comes how did they gain the victory over the Beast and over his image and over his mark and the number of his name how did they face this incredible Christ upon planet Earth the answer is that they exercise what the Bible calls the patience of the saints now that expression patience of the Saints appears in two very important places in the book of Revelation the first place is in Revelation 13 and verse 10 if you go with me there revelation 13 and verse 10 and by the way this verse comes immediately before the passage that speaks about the final trial over the Beast his image his mark and the number of his name in other words this verse introduces the final crisis and I want you to notice what it says he who leads into captivity shall go into captivity he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword here is the patience and the faith of the saints and then beginning in verse 11 you have a beast that rises from the earth it has two horns like a lamb but it speaks like a dragon and it becomes a persecuting power so notice that the patience of the Saints is spoken of as a group who have this quality immediately before the endtime crisis over the beast his image and his mark the second place in the book of Revelation where this expression the patience of the Saints is found is in Revelation 14 and verse 12 go with me to Revelation 14 and verse 12 by the way this is the conclusion of a third angel's message if you go to the previous verses verses 9 through 11 you'll notice it talks there about worshiping the Beast His image receiving his mark and the number of his name and immediately after the third angels message we find these words here is the patience of the saints here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus so you'll notice that in Revelation 13 verse 10 the expression patience of the Saints appears immediately before the endtime crisis is described those who go through this period must have the patience of the Saints revelation 14:12 immediately after speaking about the beast and his image and his mark it says that there's a group that needs to have the patience of the saints so obviously the patience of the Saints refers to an end time group who has this specific quality now we need to define some terms first of all we need to define the word patience and then of course we're gonna see who the Saints are the word patience in the New Testament is the Greek word Hooper Monet there are two words in the New Testament two primary words that Express patience one is translated in the King James long-suffering that's the word mclaurel Fumiya that means to suffer law that's not the word that is used here in these two passages the word that is used is hoop for Monet and let me tell you what that word means it means to hang in there no matter what the cost to persevere to endure to be steadfast to be independent unyielding and defiant in the face of aggressive misfortune in other words this word is not simply sitting down and saying okay I'll be patient no this is an active patience this is an endurance or a perseverance by the way it's the same word that is used in Matthew 24 where Jesus says he who endures until the end will be saved so this is an active patience it's a patience of people who are unyielding and breaking in their faith and in their trust in God now the question is who are the Saints because this is the patience of the Saints who are the Saints well you know depending on which group of Christians you're talking to they would understand the word Saints in a different way you know for some people the Saints are you know like all of the saints that are mentioned in California see like there's a saint for every city in California so they think that these Saints are these heroes these wonderful Christians throughout the period of Christian history but in the Bible the Saints represent primarily specifically in Daniel and revelation those who are persecuted by the littlehorn by the beasts and by the harlot of revelation 17 in other words the Saints are not just any group they are the ones who were persecuted by these endtime powers I want to read several statements from Scripture so that you can see this notice Daniel chapter 7 verses 21 and 22 were defining the Saints the Saints are those who suffered persecution under the Beast the little horn and who will suffer persecution under the harlot this apostate Church it says there in Daniel 7 verse 21 I was watching and the same horn was making war against whom against the Saints and prevailing against them so the Saints are God's persecuted people no it's revelation 13 and verse 7 here it speaks about the Beast which is the same as the little horn this is the way it reads it was granted to him that is to the Beast to make war with whom with the Saints and to overcome there so once again the Saints are those who are persecuted those who are persecuted by the little horn or by the Beast notice Revelation chapter 17 and verse 6 revelation 17 and verse 6 it says I saw the woman this is a harlot woman so it's a fallen church I saw the woman drunk with the blood of whom of the saints there it is again and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus and when I saw her I marveled with great amazement so my question is this when it speaks in Revelation about the patience of the saints is this referring to a group of people who need to exercise patience because they are being persecuted yes within the context of prophecy this is a person period group now we know that in Scripture the Saints and the woman represent the same thing let me just mention how we determined that we just read in Daniel 7 that the little horn persecute the Saints we read that the Beast of Revelation 13 also persecutes the Saints and how long does a little horn how long does the Beast how long do they persecute the Saints well time times and the dividing of time and in Revelation chapter 13 it's for a period of 1260 days or a period of 42 months now the little horn in other words and the beasts persecute the Saints for 1260 years but it's interesting to notice that in Revelation chapter 12 it says that the dragon persecutes the woman for 1260 days so let me ask you are the Saints and the woman the same thing absolutely because the little horn and the Beast persecute the Saints whereas we're told also in Revelation 12 that the dragon persecutes the woman so the Saints are the woman and the woman represents what the woman represents specifically the church so are you understanding what we're talking about when we deal with the word patience it's dealing with God's people who are being persecuted by the Beast and by the harlot and by the little horn and they have to exercise incredible perseverance incredible unshakable and unbreakable faith in order to stand firm and not worship the Beast or receive his mark or the number of his name now I believe that Jesus told a parable that illustrates what is meant by the expression the patience of the saints this parable is found in the Gospel of Luke Luke chapter 18 and verses 1 through 8 and I'm going to just read this parable and I want you to listen careful because we're going to then study each verse individually Luke chapter 18 verses 1 through 8 here Jesus is describing this period when God's people the Saints are going to have to exercise this patience of the Saints this unshakable unbreakable unyielding faith and trust in the face of horrendous persecution it says there then he spoke a parable to them that men always ought to pray and not lose heart saying there was in a city a certain City a judge who did not fear God nor regard man now there was a widow in that city and she came to him saying get justice for me from my adversary and he would not for a while but afterward he said within himself though I do not fear God nor regard man yet because this Widow troubles me I will avenge her lest by her continual coming she weary me then the Lord said hear what the unjust judge said and shall God not avenge his own elect who cry out day and night to him though he bears long with them I tell you that he will avenge them speedily nevertheless when the Son of Man comes will he really find faith on the earth so this is the parable that I believe is describing the phrase the patience of the saints now we're going to take a look at this parable and we're going to study at verse by verse to see how it applies especially to the end time let's begin at verse 1 then he spoke a parable to them that men always ought to pray 2 lessons from this parable men always ought to pray and not what and not lose heart in other words they should always pray and they should never give up in their prayer experience in coming to God and then I want you to notice verse 2 here's the parable say there was in a certain city a judge who did not fear God nor regard man now the question is what does the judge in this parable represent well fact the fact is folks that the judge represents God and you say now wait a minute pastor Bohr it says that this judge did not fear God or regard man how can he represent God the way in which this judge represents God is a comparison by way of contrast in other words they're not being compared as being equal they're being compared by contrast and we'll see this as we study along we're gonna notice in the parable that this Widow comes to the judge and she keeps on coming and coming and the judge he delays giving her justice and finally says to get her off my back I'm gonna give her what she's asking for and then of course we're going to notice in the parable that the lesson is you know if this judge actually answers the pleas of the widow in order to get her off his back how much more will God answer our pleas not to get us off his back but because he loves us in other words it's a comparison by way of contrast they're not equal they're not the same God is in some sense it's the same as the judge but in the sense of the reason why he answers God is different and so there's a comparison by way of contrast now notice Luke chapter 18 and verse 3 so the judge represents God now let's notice the widow it says now there was a widow in that city now the question is what does the widow represent the judge is God what does the widow represent well what does a woman symbolize in Bible prophecy a woman represents the church that's right but is this a woman under ordinary circumstances no she's not a common ordinary married woman this woman is a what she's a widow woman in other words she is totally destitute of any earthly support she has lost everything she has we're gonna notice as we study along in other words this is a woman this is the church under extraordinary circumstances now in the book of Revelation the woman is used as a symbol of the church and the woman is persecuted by the dragon in other words the woman is left destitute she has to flee she can't take anything with her this is the period that is being described in this parable it is a woman it represents the church but it's not the common ordinary Church it's the church that has lost everything that it has all earthly support in other words this woman has been cleaned out by her adversary and her only hope is found in the intervention of the judge in her behalf now according to the parable who does the widow represent well if you read the parable it says will God not avenge his elect as this judge avenged the widow so God will avenge his elect so what does the widow represent she represents the elect of God another way of looking at it is she represents the saints of God now according to Moore's most scholars who have studied this parable they've concluded that probably this woman's husband had a debt with a creditor and he died and he didn't pay his debt and so the creditor was actually taking everything away from this widow to pay for her husband's debt in other this woman was totally dispossessed she had no children she had no home she had no money she had no friends she was all alone and she was forsaken of everyone she had no human support because her adversary had cleaned her out totally and completely now let's go to chapter 18 and verse 3 the last half of the verse it says there and she came to him saying get justice for me from my adversary now that verb came is not real well translated there it's actress actually a continuous tense it's a continual tense it means that she kept coming she continually came though that she didn't just come up come once and leave it at that she kept on coming and coming and coming you say how do we know that well first of all the tenths of the Greek verb is a continual tense but also if you notice verse 5 it says a little bit later in verse 5 that the judge says I will avenge her yes lest by her continual coming she weary me so you notice that this woman didn't only come once or twice and say ah what's the use I give up this judge is never gonna do justice no she kept on coming and coming and coming even though she was a woman that was totally destitute I want you to notice something very interesting about this woman this woman which represents the church totally destitute of human support had a faith which was independent unyielding and defiant in the face of aggressive misfortune but in the story we also have an adversary the Greek word is on TD cone the question is who is this adversary what is represented by the adversary in the parable --it that totally cleaned her out that took everything and left her without any human support who is this adversary well 1st Peter 5 verse 8 uses the same word to describe Satan notice what it says in 1st Peter chapter 5 and verse 8 be sober be vigilant because your adversary the anti recon because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion lion seeking whom he may watch seeking whom he may devour so who is the adversary that took everything from the widow the adversary represents the devil the adversary represents Satan now the question is did this judge answer the widows please immediately no did she give up no what kind of what kind of patience did she have she just sat down just I'll wait for the judge to do it no she had a persevering faith a persevering patience and active patience if you please she says I'm going to continue coming to him until I get justice and I'm not going to give up but there's a delay in the parable notice Luke chapter 18 verses 4 & 5 the judge does not answer her pleas immediately it says and he would not for a while is there a delay in the woman's please absolutely but afterward he said within himself though I do not fear God nor regard man yet because this Widow troubles me I will avenge her lest by her continual coming she what she weary me did he give her justice for the right reason no he actually decided that that he would avenge her to get her off his back is that the way that God listens to our pleas he says I'm just sick and tired of them coming and and presenting their pleas before me so I'm just gonna give them what they asked so that I can get some sleep that's not the way God is you see God is being compared with a judge by way of contrast there is a delay in both cases but when finally the judge answers he answers for the wrong reason when God answers he answers for the right reason now let's go to Luke chapter 18 and verse 7 here comes now the main lesson that Jesus wants to teach in this parable it says there in chapter 18 verse 7 and shall God not avenge his own elect so who does the widow represent the elect who does the judge represent God and shall God not avenge his own elect who cry out what day and night to him do they continue coming is this a patient endurance is this a perseverance that doesn't give up even in the worst case scenario absolutely but does God answer their pleas immediately no because it says and shall not God avenge his own elect who cry out day and night to him though he what though he bears long with them now there are different versions of the Bible of course and it's interesting to notice how some of these versions translate this expression though he bears long with them the New International Version has this translation will he keep putting them off does that mean that he did put them off for a while absolutely will he keep putting them off the Jerusalem Bible has it this way even when he delays to help them so there is a delay or the way mouth translation says although he delays vengeance on their behalf so is it clear that God is going to delay answering the pleas of his people in this period of human history absolutely now I want you to notice Luke 18 and verses 6 through 8 we already read verses 6 and 7 but I want to I want us to notice the flow now Luke 18 verses 6 through 8 then the Lord said hear what the unjust judge said and shall God who is the judge by the way not a venge over whom the adversary right shall God not avenge his own elect that's the widow who cry out day and night to him though he bears long there you have the delay though he bears along with them and then comes the answer I tell you that he will what avenge them speedily so even though there's a delay is God going to intervene and avenge his elect over the adversary and he's going to do it speedily the Bible says yes and then notice how the passage ends nevertheless when the Son of Man comes will he find faith in the earth what is he the same he's saying nevertheless when I come am I going to find this kind of faith that this Widow had on the earth and the parable ends now the question is when does this parable especially apply in human history well we need to look at the context and I'm just going to not read the verses because there's too many of them but if you look at the verses that come immediately before the parable which would be Luke chapter 17 and verses 26 to 37 all of those verses are talking about the second coming of Jesus and if you read the last verse that we just read from the parable it says nevertheless when the Son of Man comes will he find faith in the earth the parable concludes by reference to the second coming so the question is when does this parable especially apply to there's no doubt that have applies especially to the time of the second coming of Christ because the passage that comes before the parable is talking of the second coming the parable ends by asking the question when the Son of Man comes will he find faith on the earth and so we know that this parable in between the two passages that talk about the second coming is referring to the crisis that will take place at the end of time now let's review the symbols the judge represents God the adversary represents Satan the widow symbolizes the church what kind of church just the church in times of peace like today where everybody has plenty absolutely not it's the church in dire straits the Church of the endtime the Church of the tribulation we're going to notice and yet we notice that there's a delay but after the delay what does God do God answers the pleas of his people now the question is what is this parable really referring to in terms of time folks I have no doubts whatsoever that Jesus is here speaking about the terrible time of tribulation that is going to fall upon this earth it's going to be a time of trouble such as never has been seen in the history of the world and only those who have the patience of the Saints will stand before the Beast and His image and will refuse the mark even on pain of death they will not be immediately delivered there will be a delay they will have to go through this time of trouble lose everything that they have and yet they will not cease to come to God in prayer and to plea for his blessing and to plead for his protection and to plead for his presence with them by the way most Christians are expecting a pre-tribulation rapture are you gonna need a special kind of patience and faith to get through this period we noticed immediately before revelation or after revelation 13 verse 10 you have the beast as image that is mark immediately after the third angels message you have what a reference to those who keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus and those who have the patience of the saints and so it's speaking about the severe crisis that is going to come upon the world and the patience of the saints will be needed by God's people but if you believe that you're going to go to heaven before the tribulation why would you prepare for it see the devil is shrewd he knows that the church is going to be here during the tribulation he knows that we're going to need unshakeable and unbreakable faith he knows that we're gonna need the patience of the Saints to get through this period to reject the Beast and His image and the mark and so he teaches Christian says don't worry about that that's for the Jews after the church is in heaven and when they find themselves in the time of trouble they will be totally unprepared for the crisis that is taking place upon the world by the way that word elect that is used in the parable I want you to notice Matthew 24 and verses 22 and 24 how that word elect is used in the context of the time of trouble and the final tribulation Matthew 24 verse 22 it says and except those days this is the tribulation according to the context should be what shortened there should be no flesh be saved but for whose sake ah there's the key word and the parable but for the elects sake those days shall be what sure are God's people going to go through the tribulation yes there is there gonna be delay there most certainly will be a delay but is God going to intervene to answer their pleas absolutely now notice verse 24 for there shall arise false Christ's and false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders in so much that if it were possible they shall deceive who the very elect there's the word again so when does this parable especially apply to it applies to the period of tribulation through which the elect will go according to Jesus in Matthew chapter 24 you see folks the widow represents the final generation of living Saints that will dwell upon this earth the book of Revelation calls them 144,000 we have a complete lecture coming up on the hundred and forty-four thousand these people follow the lamb wherever he goes these people reject the Beast they reject His image they reject the mark they reject the number of his name they plead day and night for deliverance from their enemies from the adversary they give up they have unflinching perseverance to face this endtime crisis let me ask you who is the adversary there in this period the adversary folks is what is the devil is the devil going to take away from the church everything that the church has in terms of earthly support absolutely the church those who are faithful in the church will be left totally destitute and who will strip them of everything that they have the devil will strip them of everything that they have and they will have absolutely no earthly support and as the parable says they will cry out day and night for deliverance over their adversary who has taken everything that they have by the way the expression cry out crying out day and night that's used in the parable is the same word that is used to describe Jesus on the cross where he cries out with an intense agony to his father my God my God why have you what why have you forsaken me was there a delay in the case of Jesus Christ the father answering the pleas of his son absolutely he said father let this cup pass from me if it's possible nevertheless not my will be done but yours did God deliver him out of the crisis did God remove him from the trying circumstance that he was in no he continued going through this crisis and he cried out to his father apparently his father didn't listen but eventually he was avenged over his enemy when he resurrected on Resurrection morning now is it just possible that God's people are going to go through a similar experience to the one that Jesus went through in Gethsemane absolutely through the one that Jesus went through on Calvary that they will feel forsaken by God that they that they will feel that the agony is too great to resist and yet they will not let go of the hand of God is that just possible not only is it possible but that's exactly what's going to happen do you know Isaiah 54 verses 7 and 8 describe this terrible period of human history when God's people will have to stand before the Beast his image his mark and the number of his name totally destitute of any earthly support nobody to be with them they will cry out my God my God why has thou forsaken me and yet they will remain firm in their faith with God notice Isaiah 54 verses 7 and 8 where this period is being described by God he says for a mere moment I have forsaken you how long did not forsake for a mere moment I have forsaken you but with great mercies I will gather you with a little wrath wrath I hid my face from you for what for a moment but with everlasting kindness I will have mercy on you says the Lord your Redeemer so this period is going to be a relatively short period a mere moment the Bible says and yet it will be a period of severe anguish and God's people will continue coming and coming and coming they will not let loose of the hand of God let me ask you when is it that we have to learn to trust God in this way if we don't learn now we're never going to exercise that kind of patience in the future that kind of endurance and yielding faith in the case of the worst circumstances in the history of the world where we have no earthly support now do you know that there are some stories in the Bible that illustrate this period you remember the experience of Jacob right it's told in Genesis chapter 32 Bible tells us there that he was returning home after 20 years in the house of Laban and as he's nearing the promised land he hears that his brother Esau is coming with 400 armed men and they have evil intentions of destroying Jacob and his family the Bible describes Jacob and his family as being totally defenseless they have absolutely no way of protecting themselves against an irate brother and so the Bible tells us that Jacob feared that he and his family would perish and so he goes off to the other side of the river and he starts pouring his heart out in prayer to God and while Jacob is praying suddenly someone comes and grabs him and Jacob at first at least he thinks that this is an enemy it might even be his brother and so he starts fighting and he starts struggling with this beam and they struggle all night and finally the Bible says that when the Sun was starting to come up Jacob realized that he was struggling all night with the angel of the Lord who is none other than Jesus Christ in the Old Testament and so the angel of the Lord said to Jacob let me go for the Sun is rising and Jacob grabbed on to him and he said I will not let you go until you bless me and the angel once again said let me go for the Sun is coming up and Jacob says no way I will not let you go unless you first bless me let me ask you did Jacob exercise the patience of the Saints that either have that kind of persevering faith that kept on coming and coming to God he most certainly did and then of course the Bible tells us that Jesus the angel of the Lord blessed him there and changed his what changed his name in fact let's read this passage it's found in Genesis 32 and verses 24 to 31 by the way do you know what the end time time of trouble is going to be called it's the time of whose trouble oh why do you suppose it's called the time of Jacob's trouble because it's going to be similar to the experience of whom of Jacob and he refused to let go of God's hand God's people will refuse to let go of God's hand until they have the certainty of God's blessing it says there in Genesis 32 24 then Jacob was left alone notice that he's there to anguish by himself and a man wrestled with him until the breaking of day now when he saw that he did not prevail against him he touched the socket of his hip now did you notice that the angel did not prevail with Jacob so what does that what does the angel do he touches the the socket of his hip and the socket of Jacob's hip was out of joint as he wrestled with him and he said let me go for the day breaks but he said I will not let you go unless you bless him bless me so he said to him what is your name he said Jacob and he said your name shall no longer be called Jacob but Israel for you have struggled with God and with men and have prevailed another way of translating is you have overcome then Jacob asked Shane tell me your name I pray and he said why is it that you ask about my name and he blessed him there so Jacob called the name of the place now notice we was wrestling with he called the name of the place penny el for I have seen God face to face and my life is preserved who was Jacob struggling with he was struggling with God our gods people who go through the time of trouble going to be struggling with God in the midst of the worst suffering in human history having lost everything like the widow destitute of human support absolutely by the way this period is described in Daniel 12 and verse 1 where it says at that time Michael shall stand up Michael's a symbol of Christ Michael shall stand up the Great Prince who stands watch over the sons of your people and there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation even to that time and at that time your people shall be what your people shall be delivered every one who is found written in the book are God's people going to go through the tribulation they most certainly are it says that there will be a time of trouble such as there was never in the history of the world since there was a nation but then it says at that time in the time of trouble God will deliver his people and so the experience of Jacob foreshadows the experience of God's people in the end time as Jacob refused to let go of the hand of God saw God's people rule refused to let go of God's hand until he answered their answers their pleas over their adversary there's another Bible story Old Testament story that illustrates this period it's the story of Jobe now let me ask you if we apply the the symbols of the parable who would the widow represent in the story of Joe of course that would represent whom Joe the job lose everything yes friends the supporters wife health possessions he lost everything right he was totally destitute like this Widow did he have an adversary who was the one who took everything who was it the devil was the adversary took everything from him did job cry out day and night for justice over his adversary he most certainly did and God answered immediately the first time that he prayed God answered and gave him everything back No did job keep on coming and coming and coming and not give up he most certainly did and what did God do eventually the Bible says that God eventually avenged him over his adversary you know the faith of Jobe is illustrated in his expression that's found in job 13 verse 15 though he says where he says though he slay me yet will I trust in him in other words he has this faith of the widow he had absolutely nothing to lean on his adversary has taken everything from him he cries out day and night for deliverance from his adversary God delays but he doesn't give up and eventually God at the end of the story gives Joel what he lost plus another amount equal to it he gave them him twice as much in other words he answered the pleas of his servant are God's people going to receive far more than they had on this earth after the period of tribulation they most certainly are because the things in this world really don't count they don't matter because everything is going to burn up folks it's only our faith and trust in God that is going to carry us through the period of the tribulation that the Bible speaks up you know there's another story in the Old Testament that illustrates this same time this same period see we have several we have the story of Jacob we have the story of Joel and we also have the story of the three young men in the fiery furnace who would the widow represent in that story the three young men right who would the adversary be well behind the scenes that would be the devil but who specifically historically it would be Nebuchadnezzar right was the were these three young men men of Prayer did they have that persevering unshakable and unbreakable faith in the face of death they most certainly did and when they come before King Nebuchadnezzar Nebuchadnezzar says don't you know that we can kill you they say yeah we know you can't but the God whom we serve will deliver us and from your hand he will deliver us but if he doesn't nevertheless we still serve Him whether we live or whether we die our mind is made up is this the kind of patience of the Saints that this parable is talking about most certainly yes No did God answer the please of the three young men immediately could God have delivered them before they were thrown into the fire could God had given Nebuchadnezzar a heart attack he most certainly could have he could have made it much easier for them not to go through the furnace and yet the Bible says that even though they had a close relationship with God and their minds were waiting made up that they were going to be faithful to God no matter what they had to go through the furnace of fire where their pleas finally answered by God they most certainly were answered and they were rewarded by God we have New Testament examples of this period of human history you remember this woman from Canaan she wasn't a Jew and she had a daughter who was severely ill and so she's following Jesus and she says Jesus please heal my daughter and you know what Jesus does first he continues walking and acts like he's not hearing anything but she continues pursuing she says please hear me my daughter is sick please heal my daughter and then she hears the disciples say Lord this is embarrassing send her away I don't know about you I would have thought about twice about leaving at that point but she didn't she kept on coming and then Jesus says out loud I'm not sent but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel I'm out of there by then Jesus is saying I wasn't sent to save Canaanites like you I was sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel but she doesn't give up she continues coming to Jesus and she says lord please save my daughter and then Jesus caps it all off by saying it's not good to take the bread of the children of the kingdom and give it to the dogs it appears like Jesus had called her a dog I'm definitely out of there by then but this woman had the type of faith that is described in this parable she knew that Jesus wasn't that way her answer was delayed but she was not about to give up and was her faith rewarded because she persevered absolutely of course the greatest example folks of this period is the experience of Jesus when Jesus went through the experience in the Garden of Gethsemane when he pleaded with his father if it be possible to take away the cup please take it away was everything taken away from Jesus with what did he lose everything he lost his friends he lost he is even the clothing that he had on because he hung between heaven and earth naked on the cross he had no earthly support his feet were not even on the earth and when he was on the cross he cried out to his father my God my God why hast thou forsaken me he pleaded for the father to deliver him did the father immediately deliver him no because the Bible says that he died there was a delay but was his faith eventually rewarded over the enemy absolutely when Jesus came forth from the tomb and he said I am the resurrection and the life his faith and his trust in his father and his continuous coming to his father was rewarded I'd like to read from Hebrews chapter 5 and verse 7 Hebrews chapter 5 verse 7 where this suffering of Jesus is described it says there this who in the days of his flesh that means while he was on this earth when he had offered up notice prayers and supplications with vehement cries and tears to him who was able to save from death was he safe from death at that moment was he safe from dying no he was safe from death when he resurrected but he was allowed to go through the experience of death he was not delivered from death when he actually died on what is called Good Friday and so it says with the 'man cries and tears to him who was able to save him from death and was heard because of his godly fear now why did God allow Jesus to go through this notice verse eight though he was a son and it should not be a son though he was son a special son it says yet he learned what he learned obedience by the things which he suffered is the delay during the time of trouble a blessing or a curse it must be a blessing because these are God's people they're faithful they're sealed God is not gonna curse them but God knows that the best answer to their prayers is to delay the answer so that they learn to totally trust in him Ellen White says in the great controversy that all earthliness must be consumed no that's not worldliness she doesn't say all worldliness must be consumed she says all earthliness in other it's everything that links them or connects them to Planet Earth must be consumed in other words their hearts might must be totally and completely in heaven you know what job understood very well the reason for his suffering notice what he says in job 23 and verse 10 he says when he that is when God has tried me I shall come forth as what as goal so going through the fire is a refining process notice what we find in isaiah 40:8 and verse 10 god says behold i have refined you but not as silver I have tested you in the furnace of what in the furnace of affliction I'd like to read a statement that we find in a wonderful book where you have a common a commentary on the parables this is Christ's object lessons page 175 some people say why do we need to suffer I mean why so much pain why when I pray to God doesn't God answer my prayers well let me tell you something folks when we pray and ask God for something God answers in one of three ways he answers yes or he answers no or he answers wait and the problem is we take wait as a no answer but God knows when it's best for him to wait because we learn to trust in Him that's the reason why he allows God's people to go through the tribulation in the end time to reveal to the world that even though the worst may come to them they lose everything the adversary takes everything to have God is going to prove to the universe that he has a group of people who are absolutely loyal to him though the heavens fall and and the challenges of the devil against God are gonna be answered once and for all there will be a whole generation of saints who will be faithful to God in the worst circumstances even willing to face death if necessary Christ object lessons 175 the Lord permits trials in order that we may be cleansed from earthliness from selfishness from harsh on christ-like traits of character let me ask you when when gold is tried in the fire or refined in the fire what do they throw in the fire only gold no there's all kinds of there's stones and there's dirt what happens with all the dirt and the stones and everything they're all burned up and what comes out on the other side pure gold so she says the Lord permits trials in order that we may be cleansed from earthliness from selfishness from harsh on christ-like traits of character he suffers the deep waters of affliction to go over our souls in order that we may know him and Jesus Christ whom he has sent in order that we may have deep heart longings to be cleansed from defilement and may come forth from the trial pure holier happier often we enter the furnace of trial with our souls darkened with selfishness but if patient taught us the key word but if patient under the crucial test we shall come forth reflecting the divine character source suffering a blessing will the delay during the time of trouble be a blessing for God's people it most certainly will be but do we need to withstand delays today in smaller things in our lives yes this is rehearsal folks let's not get aggravated over our little trials and tribulations you know we might lose a job and we might have some family strife and we might have lost some money in the stock market or whatever you know let's not get bent out of shape over all of that let's trust in God let's continue coming here to him in times of relative relative prosperity because the time is coming when we will have to come to him in times of severe crisis and adversity so once again I asked the question when Jesus ended the parable he finished with the question nevertheless when the Son of Man comes will he find faith in the earth in others will he find this kind of faith the faith that is illustrated by the widow by Jacob by Joe by the three young men and the furnace by the Canaanite woman by Jesus who kept on coming and coming Jesus says when the Son of Man will he find this kind of faith and patience perseverance on the earth unfortunately the parable ends with the question and you wonder as you read the parable whether this question is answered yes or no is God going to have a group on the earth there will have the kind of faith that this Widow had well I praise the Lord that the answer is not found in Luke chapter 18 but it is found in Revelation the two verses that we began our study with today Revelation chapter 13 and verse 10 Revelation chapter 13 and verse 10 is God going to have a people who have this characteristic absolutely it says there he who leads into captivity shall go into captivity he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword here is the patience and the faith of the saints is God gonna have a group who have the faith and patience of the saints in the midst of the trial absolutely and as we read at the conclusion of the third angels message immediately after God has spoken about the Beast his images marked the number of his name we find this declaration there is going to be a group who will have this kind of faith it says there in Revelation 14 verse 12 here is the patience of the saints here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus so what is the answer to the question that Jesus asked in his parable will he find faith will he find the patience of the saints on the earth the answer in the book of Revelation is a resounding yes and the question is will be will we be among those who have the patience of the saints [Music]
Channel: Aaron
Views: 4,142
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Id: D5i3g-psZgI
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Length: 57min 0sec (3420 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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