The Pacific is great! - Battlefield V

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hey guys hope you all doing well and welcome to a Pacific livestream I'm not in the Pacific in real life obviously on in the Pacific in the game but it's been released today and I haven't had a chance to play it yet at home obviously I covered it last week when I went over to dice in Stockholm and made a video on it then did a bit of an overview for you guys but I wanted to get some live gameplay today and some first-hand impressions so that is what we are doing should be good fun I've got the jungle carbine - I unlocked in the tides of war meme and just before we get going as well I wanted to just remind you guys that if you want to pick up that sexy limited edition gold phantom t-shirt design also available as a sweater or a hoodie it's a link down below or you can go to goodly slash shop Jack frags it's only gonna be available for like nine hours or so so if you want it last chance to get it I saw right then I can see everyone in the chat hello I hope you're all doing absolutely wonderful and having a fantastic day evening whatever you're doing I actually managed to find conquests a server with a slot on conquest whoa and that call says having a great time it just jumped out as you can see 64 players most of the service today we're on breakthrough but I found one that's on conquest which is cool now we will play some break through a bit later on I think but for now it's a bit of conquest I love the look of it like the whole the whole color palette of it has changed oh no they seemed seems like they got rid of that blue filter right so even though we had the blue filter in bf3 and people didn't really like it then they took it away for bf4 but then it seemed to come back in bf5 it wasn't really there in bf4 neither but I haven't even used this gun yet I use it at the event it's a one hit kill headshot think about all the Easter eggs as well guys like how many Easter eggs are on these maps it must be so many I think that's the guitar and it spawns there these caves it was a bit stuttery for some reason I'm getting little stutters every now and again like I said this is the first time that I played today so I don't know what the live experience has been like to be honest what is this guy doing I must I must watch being very oh he's got the flea go fast this guy's being very cautious should we just follow him see where they go come on let's get some Snipes someone sniping us dude hey I got you covered I'm gonna protect this this guy oh don't worry everything's okay I am the bodyguard I am the medic where are we going now hold on I've just realized I can't have the voice on nope not the streams on YouTube that's zero yeah it does feel quite slippery as anyone else in the chat managed to play this on conquest and was it running smooth for you guys or feels a bit stuttery to me this could just be on my end though could be my PC I'm not sure I might be able to revive you oh no you didn't want to revive well I was a katana over here I think and I get I'll try try and get in there give me that what's the flamethrower look at this check that out what I love about it is that the flames actually linger on the ground so you can use it for arial 'arial area denial I mean you can also use it for aerial denial because you can hit planes with it it does a lot of damage to planes but one cool thing about the flamethrower and the katana is that it just replaces your gadget so you can still use your main weapon see I've still got the jungle carbine here if you want to get this weapon by the way you have to level it up in the tides of war XP or you can get some boynes and do it that way that's what I did there's a couple of sidearms in there - a pistol and a u.s. revolver iving 360 with the plains make a brink of fire when you are when you hold fire as well it slows your sensitivity down so you can't like waggle it around everywhere I wish dice made d-day pixel gun well maybe they will I've got a feeling that they're going to trying to figure out what's that aiming too low then look at that headshot or completely miss it's okay for both right so if I can get up to those caves over there I may be able to do some damage with this flamethrower because if there's people camping there it's devastating it's what's so good about this gun headshot damage amount on it it's just insane so good I've got to watch out for that tank behind us I can actually do damage to this time throw with the flamethrower but it's gonna take a while it's not it's not easy to kill a tank with the flamethrower you know yep come on down here say hello to my little friend I got toasted right there's loads up here well mate it's me the dragon all right you're dead as well and you are oh this is too much fun now do you like this gun it's nice you know I need right now a flare it's me again I'll flamethrower be flamethrower no come on revive me please no squad may sink I must hold on to the flamethrower we might lose it I think there's simply too many enemies around there never mind hello shadow six Andrey what's up a Ian hello gage cheeky monkey what's up do you have to pay for the new maps note they're free completely free all you need to do is give me your bank account number your credit card details sort code and then you'll get access to the maps for free no I'm just kidding like they are completely free Donna what yes all right the stuttering seems to have calmed down a bit now better close the gap though yeah if you want to get kills with a katana you've got to get up close and personal you know what I'm saying can't be running across the ruined landscape like this I will get you oh dude this gun is good man he's good I like it a lot I'm so dead yeah if they weren't looking could have done on a nice little back rage there with the old katana thank you for the 50 my friend I appreciate that serious said is the katana one-hit-kill yes it is if you do a right-click or if they're low HP basically hey juicy what's up Samson how you doing man no you're the man you're the man my friend right man we're losing F I want to go explore this area of the map you can spawn here and the planes take off here on the runway I might go here though is the re soccer in the game yeah IRA sac is in yeah it's the sniper for the Recon class oh it's good someone just shot me in the side there and I'm not about that life make they're dead don't worry I can hear a flamethrower kind of won it Bobby I'm gonna push so many over there Daniel did the Japanese yell Banzai I think they do yeah I actually think they do Aziz it's the jungle to carbine my friend it's wicked really cool gun Christian said where can I mostly find the flamethrowers so the flamethrower is spawn all over the level and they're on these little platforms that you can see and you can actually build them as well I believe I'll try and get to him I've been suppressed though so oh come on man I had you I'll show you hey they're also on the map as well you can see a little icon on the map sometimes but you can build you can build these to these dragon's teeth oh come on trying to chill the stream out to build the dragon see what they all do for anyone Steve happy Halloween to you too man Thomas Robert said do you still play sergeant see Sam storm I loved your videos on that I do occasionally yeah I haven't played it for a while I'm not playing it for a while mister Devils thing my graphics are mainly medium mainly player medium but texture quality and texture filtering is on high yeah so good that you actually take off from the runway there yeah there you go that's the flagger fast so that's what the meta is at the moment in the game planes are useless at the moment dude this is one here I think I know that's just a normal I'm I think it's two back here though these might be katanas see this here so I can build this I know it sort of been built so there see these yellow triangles with the X's that will be either a flamethrower or a katana it spawns there it might be one here yes someone's actually got it at the moment there's one all the way back there as well I know if you can see that on the map that little icon with the revolver yeah that's where you get them anyway so if you're playing the game that's where you'll find them just a heads up these are cool as well these cannons do a lot of damage wrong place wrong sign my friend friendly you can get the boats with these and break through they're really good for that not really seeing you targets someone the point ah come on die speed up those animations do it please and not fun not to please not to not to revive come on dude you can do it you just ran away from me and then I always noticed me come on man come on do it do it do it do it yes thank you Thomas yeah 28 UTI my friend oh wow we actually held on to it cool so this is their gimmie point they're all over see it's got to be does that work through the cave I'm not sure about that the flare works through the cave that's a cheeky door edge all right there how to reload this I really like the ground it's very good and the car see frags that's a good one if flares are super Opie now if you hadn't realized already they last longer and it almost seems like they've got a bigger radius as well so if you see a flare in the sky shoot it down because then they man I don't like them look at this this is Easter Egg right this is Easter Egg right here come on bbbbb pppp pppp pppp see what you saw say the PPP PPP PPP I'm gonna do this you go there's some real Morse code for you okay okay okay at least they tried I'm really happy that they tried thank you I appreciate that what's upload and stuff are you doing peacekeeper 2.0 yeah right it's an enigma machine maybe maybe it is I use those for codes didn't they decoding stuff sending messages that needed to be deciphered Jax beep indeed yeah donut stand still too long I'll end up copping a bullet in the head from the sniper sniper Connor Z is battlefield back well I can tell you for a fact that these two new maps in the Pacific especially this one they're the most battlefield maps in battlefield 5 I'll say that a very sandbox you can have fun mess around if you want you can play super serious lots of new toys to play with vehicles that are just there on the ground you don't always have to just spawn them they're gonna be knife to what has been killed so I really hope that they continue that trend and you know make the game a bit more inverted commas fun how to have fun in battlefield just make maps like this that's it man I mean the planes take off on runways there's Jeeps it's all sorts of stuff the flamethrower the katana really cool editions dead I'll try I might have done how got away with that so youtubers do revive people I swear say hello to your Brazilian fans hello Brazilian fans how you doing I appreciate you that's gone the point somewhere where are they Sean the back well it's a close game isn't it look at the score guys really close there's one more here yeah I was going for the knife let me get it bro it's down to the wire this are the katana look at that so good how are we gonna lose never mind how you doing something as a close game it's fun though GG enjoyed that Daniel thank you indeed also pilots indeed Christian cheers from denmark what's up man how you doing [Music] you can't do charges Tyler Moore unfortunately that's one thing that I would like I would like to see it a charge you know mercury I don't think so what's that what is that no name blog thank you for the - I appreciate that my man thank you very much that's kind here hey Ben I'm very very well thank you how are you it's Pacific storm how many Pacific storm up so I could join we could just go straight to breakthrough I learned advanced is this PC Brian tieria sir it is PC can you deflect bullets with the sword demo I don't know if you can deflect bullets with the sword but if you can that needs to be tested if only we had private games what's up Dan Hall how you doing hey Jarrod from Australia what's up thank you for coming guys hello Eman he's the katana good yeah it's a one-hit kill Johnny Dupree asks how was your day my day is good man oh good thank you so this match is already slide so once they'd use the arasaka type 99 I need to put a look at that got this new skin for it six times scope on it I'll start my own squad create new squad items squad - feel free to join so this is the type 99 it's got a good sound doesn't it hey ash how you doing an actual represent I missed that it's too busy looking at this course they're all that was close I kind of want to play Pacific storm well see how this goes and then I might change server whoa that was close a puny God thank you for becoming a member man that's really kind to you I appreciate that bud enjoy the emotes love how that sounds got great sound to it oh no I don't have the damn it I thought I had the Flair equipped but I don't for some reason must have turned it off why did I turn the Flair off what was I doing not sure what's the fear out hey panda gaming extra health for the katana man I don't know if they get extra health but I think they get like better health regen or something come on maybe they were behind something and it wasn't rendering maybe I was just missing and being terrible that guy there I think he's behind the rocket she's showing me his icon for some reason I don't know why it's weird hello from the moon h2 WM you live on the moon it's impressive dude I didn't know they had internet on the moon learn something new every day they all come on dude can we get a fleet Faust air please could someone just get a fleegle Faust that'd be great I don't know we found weren't my bullets going dude does this just have insane drop on it or something uh uh flame shredder you're gonna make an updated settings vid don't think so all the katana man I think they're still around just guitar knowing everyone ow again pushed in here man I felt the first shot and I wasn't sure I was like is that a tank ooh is that a sniper that's why I peeked that's out shouldn't a peek it was a tank this hold 5 right I'm gonna get it if that guy kills me again I'm gonna get a flagger first and then they won't be happy and won't be happy about it a nameless it's a threat I will flee go fast you I swear sounds still swear to god i'll fleeca Faust you you want to get fleeca Faust because that's how you get fleeing a Faust I'll do it I swear it's gonna be [Music] oh come on the back rage was all I was gonna do it John Rambo is there a hardcore mode no I don't think there is a hardcore mode my friend rice thank you for five do you still play with level-cap and Matty me oh yeah we play together occasionally yeah could do some strafing here maybe oh look at all those spotted guys on the right hand side there Wow oh man I need to do that again spot the more please I bet they've got flag of us proxy Jam sounds like a medicine like a cream that you porn if you've got psoriasis or something I use proxy gen for all my dry skin needs worked 100% of the time 99% of the time just like a stupid one of those American adverts it's one of the funniest things for me when I when I travel to the US I just find the adverts hilarious like there's something so funny about them on the TV we're the boys up that's a Miss but be so the best gun to use on the new dlc um I really like the garand with the right if you go all the way down the right tree on the garand that puts out some serious damage that tank might get here oh well you wanted to see some zero gameplay that's what you got I think there's actually a plane on me now the El Camino guy Thank You Man oh that was close that was tag tight tight you want me to do a kamikaze are you serious I mean I can but I don't know how effective it is as a tactic in this game oh no he just blew up what's a sham no they've got the fleeing of us out now I could feel it you see those little orange dots in the sky they were just flying past then in front of me that's the flagger I don't want the flagger you want me to go full kamikaze you really want me to do it okay I'll do it here we go well I need to find him first hey go there's no one there it's fine it's fine uh get the Browning on maybe actually you know I'm gonna sleep with the jungle carbine it's Easter eggs then uppppp no don't pick it up let me pick it up let me pick it up whatever it is no one picks them up look at it it's so sick why would you not pick that up why would you not look at it that closes the gap of it that right-click attack Stefano thank you dude I'm gone I die my smoke I think the tank is I think the tank is coming you can get the tank in these tunnels and someone please join my squad as well I don't want to be alone anymore yeah the tank is there I need to get behind okay right I remember on this map there's a way you can go from above mad max thank you for becoming a member talk live happy Halloween dude thank you so much for the donation that's really kind of you I appreciate that ow a divers I'm going for it it's risky yeah I need you what's up I haven't heard about the restaurant on the moon nah didn't didn't realize you guys had one up there it's a good five-star Michelin rated maybe our little house is around here somewhere there's a tiny house for the gnomes what if I this is risky please can someone just flag at the fast if someone could just flag at the Fauss yeah I'd be great I was a tank farm dead now all I wanted to do was go on a sick flank with the katana now it's ruined behind us if only that tank wasn't there no I'm so scared someone take out that tank I just see if I can crawl past I definitely see me wouldn't if I crawl past coming down from there as well I don't know if you guys can see that yeah let's say go past go past yeah go past Jason thank you for the five no it wasn't me oh it wasn't actually me oh come on dude I just want a katana people hey some 95 do you have to be like this say bass unfortunately you can't use the katana against the tank it doesn't do any damage so guess I'll die love you I mean like it's not it's not fair is it right now this is the lust okay so this is the lust sector in the map and it gets absolutely crazy up here this is on top of the the mountain I think it's a volcano actually one capture point 64 players this is where it gets crazy like watch this it's gonna be insane I'm guys come on come on now come on I can save you kill death ratio don't worry I've got you kill death ratio bro don't worry it's okay slots Jesus thank you so much thoughts on no new Battlefield game till 2022 well they said in the earnings call that it's fiscal year 2022 and that means between March 20 21 and April 20 22 which probably means the next Barfield game will come out in October 2021 right so we've got another couple years before it's out but I think it's a really good thing because it means that the f5 will get a load of support and get a load of new content added so you know you just know they're gonna do Stalingrad they're gonna do Omaha Beach Bala divulge operation Market Garden Berlin all those like you know epic battles of World War two they're gonna do it aren't there like after this it's obvious and then in the meanwhile they've actually got some time now to make the next Battlefield game big and different maybe like bf5 was obviously rushed you know they there's rumors that they had like 18 months to develop the game this game and that's why there wasn't much content when it released and you know why the live service content was really slow so I'm you know I don't mind it I mean if you don't like battlefield 5 obviously your outlook because you'll be stuck with it for the next two years but I think for the franchise as a whole it's a good thing you know and it actually gives the developers some time tank I'll go away tank can we just let the win slam win yeah LM winged yeah yeah there we go pains over the paint's gone it's all good I think the next game as well will definitely be a modern combat game or something like the cold war I just think people you know really want to see that now I would anyway I'd love to see it war in the Pacific so what map is next then does it go also will be attacking now are they let's get the garand on can someone please Joe why does no one join my squad does everyone hate me is it locked or something no it's not locked everyone hates me okay fine mark marks well you're a pretty good streamer or thank you mark I don't stream that often but I do enjoy it I like chatting with you guys live and I like the it's very different style of content like live is completely different highly edited YouTube videos where you can really pick the best moments but you know this is raw unfiltered this is what you see in here we've actually got battlefield in the chat as well legit battlefield are here what's up guys are you doing thank you for coming along to the stream I appreciate you everyone say hi to battlefield in the chat getting one of these Higgins boats smithy donated 10 pounds and said if you had to lose a finger on your left hand which one would you choose well the pinkie obviously which one would you choose and I speak Japanese no icon but that bomb away I'm gonna flee go fast you if you're not careful I will do it good evening good evening mr. battlefield imagine if it was actually just last gustafson just like a jerk streaming oh come on about the guy's access to the hopfield YouTube account one I doubt it anyway Oh mate you should be dead you should so be dead hey everyone say hi to battlefield and you guys are the best oh my someone maxy matt is a guy called maxi join my squad thank you so much maxi I appreciate you bud I'm actually scared to leave this boat I don't wanna yeah you have to press e to jump out as well Maxie I don't know if I can do it but actually I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it you joined my squad I'm so dead I'm so dead he's just out on the sand he's having a great time lovely time [Music] I've got many medics here do way of the American Voices Hey Oh said one gaming how you doing all the sounds so good come on get on the objective guys you gotta take this you want to get fleeca files did I don't have any equipment [Music] can someone explain what just happened then battlefield I know you watching you tell me what just happened you tell me what happened I just self combust Eidos of it honestly I don't know it you flee goes out come on get your fleas out lads let's go Jamie entertaining as ever thank you man whoa that was crazy what the hell come on boys swore we got a push up this Beach let's go that's a full dice moment right there wasn't it yeah okay these guys in my squad thank you I always like saying thank you as well even if you don't know you know just say thank you nice please we're not doing the do you know joking again okay we're not doing that this time I fell for it last time not again thankee you need to be careful Oh No Oh No thank you all right show them and go Avanti right I'll go that way we need a smoke or something can I afford a smoke not quite although they have pushed up on the right there let's go this way take control of the objective Lucas 94 this game finally looks like a World War 2 game I agree with you it does look very World War 2 doesn't it US Army's like so cool obviously got Japan in there as well all those iconic World War 2 weapons I just like I want to see I want to see the Sherman tanks in Europe like I want them I want dice to do the US Army in Europe can't wait for that Santos hello from Mexico what's up man let's go be yeah others people on a don't let anyone close to the objective it was obviously someone on it but where are they is the question someone right there [Music] or the ground is powerful not even levelled it up for anyone just sounds Calder's now how good does it sound guys and that pink as well it's just iconic if you do hold on whoa forgot my blood if you fire a shot you can do this wait you have to fire two shots that's the spawn beacon there I'll show you it I'll show you what I mean hold on if I get a raise all respawn is on there well Connor Rowan donated 20 bucks Thank You Connor yeah I mean you probably figured out what I was trying to do I can't get those guys you might be able to get him it's gonna be a long reso that a satisfying ping yes indeed I need ammo oh he's flooger and he knows what he knows what the fleek is about right so you fire too I just want to show you guys right here we go that's the Barfield bim sabar filled being with the pink at the end Seth thank you for the five love you too man it's the US Marines in the Pacific yes it is well we actually took it look at this guy back here what a little scamp what's he doing come on he's dead oh that's cheeky I like that what's my Kelly you're right play with Yuri is this another one of those things where like it's a funny thing it's a funny name isn't it get that tank come on keep hearing it take out the tank take out the tag ping asset demo you know about it you know about that pink well well I'm gonna go back here and get the flamethrower I know he's getting it dude I wanted that plan for you brewing me how could you let's get the Jeep come on lads [Music] literally what do I prefer Yorkshire pudding goes shepherd's pie shepherd's pie scheppers pies a bit more interesting although Yorkshire PUD is as 10 out of 10 real isn't it someone's down there on me then Bing love it we get in come on let's go for a ride let's go we'll go cover to cover and the jeep watch ads I need some help is that that normal medic and we're all assault players [Music] pretty planes falling out of the sky and everything's crazy so close to one so big all right there's a lot of enemies there I've got three shots okay yeah just careful of the thumbjam I don't want to get my thumb jammed in it do I I wanted to get some ammo off that dude it was just bingo man hey Jack your voice is like Batman can you say where are they like Batman I mean you you got that in the four night video didn't you I'm not doing that every stream there's no way I'm sorry I was a little trench here check this out please give me that I'm oh no it's gone I'll just pick this up instead why is it oh it's a garand with ammo I mean that's exactly what I wanted I put the three times scope on it though that's kind of interesting come on boys gain here down the point with me let's go come on overwhelm it push up with me come on we're on the point let's go breda oh this guy's got gold Breda goodnight it's gone is so good I think everyone else died then didn't they Adele Feeny did you build your own PC or did you buy one I built it myself [Music] generally speaking if you build your own PC it turns out to be a bit cheaper usually quite simple as well a lot of people think it's difficult to build a PC but honestly it's not it's some fight lego technic rights Lego just a bit more advanced that's all you can't really do as long as you ground yourself and you've got the right tools not really go wrong there's a really bad spot for us here and a move back the most difficult part I think is like choosing the right components and figuring out what works best for your budget and your performance and what you want to what do you want to do with the PC is it just for gaming is it for rendering and heavy workloads is it is it for a mix of both is it for streaming so that's you know those are the questions you have to ask ash yep let go way more advanced you know what we need we need the new SMG that's what we need if we just get on the point here if our team just fall in be alright unfortunately there's a massive tank in the way I got ya that's really risky come on team get on the point I mean this is world war two isn't it this is World War two I love it it's so good I'm putting a smoker mended no shifty - said read super chats when making a cup of tea what order do you put the teabag milk and sugar so you put the teabag in the cup and then you put the hot water in you let it you let it stew for about three to four minutes take the tea bag out and then you put just a dash of milk in that's it that's how you do it you happy Steve they're dropping your mulch thank you so much plains they're dropping the bombs you flee yeah come on teams just got to stay here now we'll get it come on there we go well they're lovely jubbly good job love the sound of this new gun it's great it's chasing him with a katana great shot don't edit that uh does that guy have a flamethrower can we can we tank tanks please I'm just gonna just ignore that tank and just you know hope it no you don't put sugar in tea no no no you don't put sugar in tea last for me isn't it I mean oh come on where was there the pacific extension is gorgeous and this is exactly what battlefield needed yeah I agree with you man like so many people are playing the game today like I know I have a lot of friends who like habit just haven't played this for ages but they've seen this and the game playing on actually you know what I'm gonna play the game again like loads of people on my friends list that just haven't played and so longer have been on the game today so they play em they're playing them there's like must be the same today so many full servers as well that guy just all afford from the game or something [Applause] disappeared into the abyss I'm scared I'm scared I'm naked and afraid hey mate just trying to climb up anybody help me I'd medic I love you thanks big man Oh take these with you hold up he's got a rest I'm come from behind here Oh nearly blew you right off mate we have taken that objective over it to be go but I'm just gonna ignore the people that [ __ ] on me you just get a flank oh no I wanted that so bad look they just lying there prone oh man I should have thrown an ADA and both Maxie kill both of them now it's for Maxie I don't know if you can do it man I believe in you though this guy a true American Hero a true American Hero Maxie that was unbelievable un-freakin'-believable dude so proud of you man I was actually sick ah I didn't think they were that close oh no they reviving your wait for Maxie again I don't think you can make it but Maxie I believe in you I believe in you Maxie let's go let's go let's go Oh No there's a guy right there he's gonna kill him Maxie all the true American Hero look at that oh no Maxie no hold on I've got to get Maxie first I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead ah Maxie Maxie Maxie oh no Maxie please hold on we got duck 690 coming in instead no duck watch out he's gone mg you know so good alright we can't go that way the real the real American hero Maxie two for two one what's up V no guys please I wish I had a sniper rifle then that would have been headshot central goodnight come on come on he's not many enemies left there Maxie for president stick that one out I think I'm bleeding out faster the Battle of the tunnel did a rusty mr. potato is dropping bombs on us right now dropping bombs what's he doing come on let's go B we need more smokes you're on the point man let's go ah I can't see anything just going to throw a random grenade up you must overwhelm them with sheer strength in numbers that's a really bad idea isn't it my friend come on just overwhelming that's it we got it although there's a tank that tanks gonna go down faster shoot the tank boys shoot the sank come on in it hit the tank yes good job oh that was awesome maybe you just got drilled I'm not I'm saving the v1 for the top guys I'm saving it there's a reason why and you'll see you'll see the reason why don't face an mg there with an SMG from that distance thank you hey there's a flamethrower over here can I get it in time I don't know let's see yeah that was a sick push I really enjoyed that okay we got the flamer it's aliens then it's aliens time smithy should do a video trying tease maybe a second channel tea connoisseur no that's not it sounds like a fun idea but that's not for me maxie let's go dude he's going in with a flamer Shh I don't I can't get him I don't smoke because I swapped it out for the flamer let me get around here that's bad news I think no rest come on Reza Reza let's go let's go my body I think went flying down the hill edek think you move I want to get in there behind them there's an mg in that bloody nest though let's try this way again here take some bandages are you about to give up my burn I set myself on fire I nearly died then nearly killed myself I'm set myself on fire again what's up max how you doing oh he's got a shotgun no ah forget all these guys they would have inflamed I was about to flame all of them Maxie's coming for it though you know I believe I'm gonna need some smoke though boys gonna need some smoke come on come on let's go let's go I want that I want that back rage come on come on we're now time oh they missed big can't pick that kiss up now either keep yourself healthy that's nice advice isn't it there's a flank ear that we need to do ya behind him brother katana right now would be great don't chase me don't chase me that's clear apart from the AP in mine are their back the other way now they are they on the top I'm not sure there they are on the top we could just try and take B though you got a Sherman in there burly easiest 25 kills of your life that's funny nice burning ah man oh there's so many there please calm Allen yeah yeah this 8,000 watches I mean sir it's popping off guys I'm I'm really happy that you guys are here thank you look excel we aren't worthy of maxi go fuzzy yeah that was a nice blank wasn't it no one's worthy of maxi like he's just he's okay look at him a couple peas some boys can't stay here come here right a push let's go push push push go go go let's run blindly at the enemy the dolphin divers good job right now this is where we use I've actually got two V ones guys almost I've almost got two V ones this is gonna be crazy this is gonna be insane hold it right there [Applause] are we collab with Maxie I don't know if Maxie plays I don't know if he has a channel little spawn beacon there sector secure let's go really really mean isn't it I don't want to hear no around me sent me on fire then come on dice no dice nope not like this please honcho down over there I can hear someone right here oh the dynamite man it did so much damage right did we b1 now let's look at the map you can see them all they're all here on the right-hand side someone else has just done it that's mr. long and though it needs to go like it needs to go here like there I think I got it off then hope that wasn't too far back I think that'll be all right there Duke I've stuck again thank you so we're not when that v1 lands we need to push like straight away here we go it's coming in right we've got to go now [Applause] best enemy artillery Patrick thank you not sure if that's friendly or enemy raise the flag boys come on son cool down I get behind stop it it's Genji that's enemy artillery yes let's go come on then that was so good have really enjoyed that really really enjoyed that yeah the v1 was on cooldown for like another 10 seconds or so sir DJ raise that flag it'd be cool if it was a cinematic where you could see the doing it how did we do [Music] historically accurate yeah indeed Kenji alright look at my guy Alpha gas-mask I call him thank you for being here guys I appreciate it just the heads up I know a lot of you guys watch my videos all the time you may know that I've been doing some new merchandise some new t-shirts and stuff at the moment there is this bad boy the gold phantom it's a limited edition gold foil design you get it hoodie t-shirt or sweater and today is your last chance to get it it's only gonna be available for like another six hours or so but if you want to check it out there's a link below which goes directly to it or you can go to bit ugly slash shop Jack frags and just just browse all the cool designs I've been working with a really talented artist called ty soul and I'm very careful about my merchandise like I don't do it that often because I want it to look good and I want it to be stuff that people like to wear rather than just throw in a cupboard and just use for decorating so there's some really cool designs on there if you're interested go and check that out like I said there's only a few more hours for that one but let's play some Pacific storm so we do a bit of tanking my car's got a red red course there that's a dope skin I like that right so breakthrough on this is they attack don't they from the aircraft carriers I think the sharks and turtles on this level by the way guys Norris yes you are watching an actual stream this is live this is 100% live right now thank you for coming down I appreciate it Norris that's a bad idea to revive in front of a tank isn't it my friend that's a really bad idea as way too low what am i doing I need to level these tanks up because the the new tanks in this have got some really sick specializations on like the Sherman for example you can actually I can't aim up any further the Sherman has a flamethrower variant which is just sick I lost squad lead Maxie please I don't know where they where they come from exactly I think it it literally is just that aircraft carrier over there someone kill him with a stir like a hunger there or something then what tank on the front line right so that's their deployer over there I don't think this is one of the amphibious ones though all right mate that's one of the amphibious ones thanks to tanks they're in a boat get out up vote it go right here oh that was lucky I actually killed the real obi-wan Kenobi that no way I didn't know everyone Kenobi played battlefield did you guys know that I had no idea hey Thomas what's up how you doing pink this someone repairing that guy bouncing words not good come on out DPS me here hmm that was lucky I think I was one shot away there from being killed a war logic armored boat yeah rollin so they're amphibious tanks and the thing that landed on the beach here right in front of me that's a Higgins boat so they actually use those they get those in there deploy like their deployment over there which is like an aircraft carrier and then they have to try and get on the beach Daniel thank you man love you [ __ ] frogs and the Pacific is awesome yeah it is cool isn't it they actually and right in front of me here they're going to surprise him oh there's lots of assault players though oh mama I need a thing I need to find a supply finger or just go and die someone want to get roadkill's I think they do I missed him No oh this is I can't see anything there's so much foliage I'm out of ammo in that as well roadkill oh no all right there is a thing over here I was some more Road kills coming up here guys check this out it's gonna get flattened like a pancake [Laughter] I'm these guys oh right I'm out I'm out ah trying to get my grenade off I should have just shot him Leonard yeah the Pacific DLC is free that's correct yeah that was a nice little run there wasn't it without tank maybe I've got a couple levels on it take a look at the specializations Patrick thank you for the $2 man thank you so much I appreciate you what would be good I mean you see the Browning I need to use the Browning a bit the tank over there so the Browning in this game is an MMG Auto gamer thank you so much man a little support for all the entertainment you provide us all with that's very kind of you also thanks it'll be sneekybeeky because nope I was gonna say I've got the sword and I want to get that nice back rage I just I just needed to happen I want to get the clips you know oh I know right in Sam helicam all the storms coming to check this out I know but Maxie though Maxie's gonna have to go sick he's right there trying to spawn now max is dead that would have been the play not enough bullets what's this guy doing wait why why is he he's just swimming out to the he's just swimming out to the middle of the ocean why are you doing that any tank is you gonna get him Maxie but you did nice where's it gone he just dropped a katana I'm sit I once set first smoke was a bit short then oh I'm so dead so there's a lot of enemies now I'm just gonna chill for a second see if I can get my squad to spawn on me again I thought I could quickly switch their still be cold well Stevie Coldwell sorry thank you for the five happy Halloween thanks for the great content Stevie I appreciate that man what the hell is with the run speed what do you mean am i running too quick mate do you plan console because it could be that like on PC it looks like you're running faster because we we can have bigger field of view so you're not actually running any faster it just kind of looks like you are and I just run past someone mr. Sharkey said if you played bass field five on the calculator no I haven't actually is it good on calculator I've not played that version and again would you recommend it a Dale Perkins thanks man do I use in-game chat no not really I usually have it turned off I wonder how long this storm will last sometimes it lasts like the whole game good cover though thanks for the $2 Dave can we get to be grizzle thank you so much Chris they were all murdered man hold it hold it could be a back rage here guys come on give us the order give us the order [Applause] well it's dynamite there Kenji okay quad kill oh that was sick Lowell hey Jack Oh what thank you really we're losing it let's get back there then come on it's choppin time but hey I've got a better choppy than you you don't want to see much choppy Samurai Jack yeah that's a good one I like that chop chop maksoon thanks dude Simone thank you for this nation and Vil true I appreciate you guys thanks the sword is so powerful it like my stream thank you for the Teen Wolf and Troy dude thank you thank you oh I was gonna go sicko mode with the katana again and does anything different from what I played in Stockholm well the only thing different that I played in Stockholm was Wake Island so I actually I actually got to play Wake Island but we weren't allowed to record it dude stop covering that angle let me flank Wake Island was good it's just they haven't changed it it's just Wake Island you know I'm gonna make a new squad Maxie you know what to do you don't need to really change Wake Island though right like it's it's classic layout it's good it just looked really nice like the graphics on it we're insane bad run Cole thank you for the 5c Maxie's intro Maxie knows man like he knows he knows I'll look after him if he joins my squad there is a what a lad absolute balling out of control someone was looking at that map looks great yeah Maria it is it's it's a really good map this under ajumma very good dude what he needs to put that mg42 down I'm gonna smoke him off I'm dead I'm dead obi-wan got me again new cod is good Bob yeah I'm enjoying the new word the new card modern warfare probably be streaming it tomorrow as well I reckon I just wish I had more ground war maps to be honest we got pushed back right we actually lost that yeah that wasn't a last couple minutes or so they just absolutely hammered us a mongoose fungus thank you for the five love the content dude you're a legend ba you see these things here you can actually build these these dragon's teeth that's cool Altaf occations as well in this patch build a lot quicker see how fast you can build some by walls now wicked it's all about the katana why should we defend there I don't know where they are here it'd be much better if I was attacking I think steal that kill artillery strike and there's a tank over here as well try and get this dude who killed you he gets might maybe am I gonna get sniped I hope not come on defend be defend be where's that tank snipers looking at me can't really go there hey Ryan what's up that braid who is still really strong on the assault class unders why can you build faster now they've just buffed this I think they're trying to encourage people to build more and because it's faster arguably that means that they will Tommy thank you for the - yeah plenty of streams plenty of streams coming up I'm quite enjoying doing live streams on YouTube you know it's it's kind of fun if taken off the bomber reticle as well for fighters you don't get it anymore for some reason I don't know why she's got a kind of guess I mean I can't see anything yeah I might just try and go after the planes will be killed by fleeing Foust just looks like that's about to happen does that go spotted me I don't know so cool flying low down to the ocean like that I love that where kid is now hey West nut what's up UFOs sky love you too man why can we get a ping on the ground like I just can't I think there's a couple of tanks there it's very difficult to aim them all this guy needs a hand after these cool says don't you dare bailout oh no there's another one I'm dead bf5 should have had this map from day one yeah I agree can you help me prevent us oh dude how is your wings still there come on come on come on I got him this one watch out for the sea I can't I couldn't pull up I just got stuck to him oh man that's that's unfortunate oh dear Alton Thank You Man you abandoned Modern Warfare for me well it's dedication please please see it these with me I haven't played see it these for a while you know last time we played it was when they did that massive content drop which was which was great yeah that was a kamikaze won it right there I'm allowed to do that I think where the bloody hell are they chutney good off good morning from Australia is bf5 back I think it might be I think it might be noscope bro as aura was just playing this been loving out cool yes no he's gonna get it once it I needs it as a table in front here yeah I never mind a man I never mind attack I must call flamethrower oh he's got a Scout knife that could have been nice Haizi thank you for the turn man that's kind ear max hey max hey have you seen you can lock me weapons in the chapter wards yeah George I have yeah I've got the jungle carbine and the is a revolver and this also a pistol come on I was on him farewell soldier and I bailed out show me that head again drop on this is weird man I need to get used to it please don't fly into me right now oh I didn't even realize he must have been raised is that - pistol I thought there was just the pistol and revolver always there like is there another pistol skipped up I need to put the flare on the flares okay man they've changed flares by the way if you didn't know they'd really like that's stupidly good now like way too good in my opinion [Applause] brah Oh another one dag off is there no conquest on consoles yeah there is it's just the most service of playing breakthrough at the moment its it feels like it's the game of the dice are trying to push with this expansion so you know most of the servers are actually running breakthrough you can if you want to play these two new maps in conquest oh my goodness if you want to play these two new maps in conquest the way to do it is go on server info and look what map is before them so I think it's Allison down before they both a played on conquest so if you go to server info you can see the map rotation see this is just breakthrough but for conquest I think it's Allison done and then it does these two maps so if you want to play them on conquest that's how you do it just an FYI it's all I care about I thought I'd be able to say someone then there have 100 tickets I wish you could have the flamethrower and the katana at the same time maybe that baby I'll pay and I feel like there's a lot of drop on this I'm just trying to work it out cuz often I think I'm about to hit someone and I just don't they spied me good night I'm gonna spot me anymore is he when he's dead my tanks on to me now I gotta go time to go add emails thank you for the five here so that's the big cannon I know someone said in the chat can can we see the big cannon I mean I can't get in it because someone else is in it right now sir can spin it around like crazy as long where did you come from I was proper stealthy that guy stealth Lord I call him got to watch out for flanks on this map let's go around the back of B I mean I dub that flamethrower so we can make it work you know you're good fun wouldn't it start lining strike that was sick come on playing let's go you can actually set the planes on fire that's not in vain if they're low enough to the ground you can set them on fire and it does a lot of damage I kind of miss been able to snipe pilots I don't know why they stopped it it was good man that was it that was the flank with the flamethrower run me up day tickets you're an enemy now you're dead lucky conehead not so lucky where are their people on this point there oh that's so sick I love that enemy artillery strike here still up there oh come on dude that was a really fast bombing run there I was like Christian are you doing incendiary bullets on machine guns I mean I'd be crazy wouldn't it you shot at me then I kind of want them to take this so I can use that v1 good job GG that was really fun I enjoyed that lock guys I think I am gonna end it there though it's nearly two hours these maps are very good man the Pacific Maps like they feel really battlefield you know they really do I think dice have done a fantastic job with them a nice real nice good stuff but I want to say thanks again to you guys for coming along really great having you here I appreciate you bunch stream today I should I should stream battlefield some more shouldn't I with that said once again asked chance to get the gold phantom limited edition linked below or you can go to badali slash shop Jack frags it's only available for like another few hours and then it's gone forever so if you want to pick up a call sweatshirt t-shirt or hoodie there it is it's got a little jf font as well on the under school it's like the Phantom program but I'm gonna leave it there guys tomorrow I think there'll be a modernwarfare stream or maybe a video maybe a battlefield video talking about battlefield 2021 because that's quite interesting to me the fact that they're taking so long off but anyway guys appreciate you thanks for being here leave a like as well if you enjoyed the video or dislike if you didn't subscribe for more and I'll see you in the next one bye bye
Channel: jackfrags
Views: 803,784
Rating: 4.8606644 out of 5
Keywords: battlefield 5 pacific, battlefield v, battlefield v pacific
Id: mqZWvFEoSj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 26sec (6746 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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