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now anytime there is need to enter the holiest of all go to them when you are in other type of meetings that are normal casual meetings or whatever do what else that you are doing and the holy spirit himself is an intercessor the holy spirit himself is a worshiper oh you need to know that worship didn't start on earth is among the first thing god created when he started creation the moment he created the angelic beings he created music and they were supplying him this as backup while he completed the race of creation creation lasted for 14 days yeah there was first seven days i first six days and rest and then second week there was further work of creation oh yes the woman was not created within the first woman was created in the second week for example but if this is my subject i will tell you what was created on monday of the second week tuesday all the way till friday again and then there was rest the second time yes remember that creation has two chapters chapter one of genesis and chapter two okay oh some people i just confused some people okay don't worry god created the word in six days rested on the seventh day that's the standard procedure just it's just that after the original work he looked at some other things that needed to be touched touched up again and he did another six days of work yes like you guys ladies you know how why your skin with extra those extra hormones why we men are rough you guys you were created after he rested [Music] so there are fresh ideas they think i'm joking okay show them and god rested and was refreshed genesis 1 said genesis 2 said he rested but in exodus he said he rested and god was refreshed and i was shocked that the spirit being can be refreshed he was instituting the law of sabbath for the jews and he explained something to them it's a sign between me and the children of israel forever for six days the lord made the heaven and the head and on the seventh day he rested i was what i was what so [Music] there is something called i have a tape on it you can look it up called the written of grace that's what is sustaining people like us that's why you can't see me burn out you can't see me knocked out because we're following what that principle is following there are five elements you know have you noticed how we work that's right whenever i take one step what i did is half a circle if you follow the movement of my leg all the way to the point it dropped i just drew half a circle when i do the other one i complete 360 a full cycle so everything moves in that form so you think it's only bicycles and cars that are rolling no whether it's animals or insects is secular movement that is propelling us forward so that is the pace god wants us to have whether it is walking or running if not you have made it from here i'm on the door no it's when i do this space do it do it i arrive at my destination it's not a one dash this is the message i want you to get somebody wants to go and do 80 days fast so you can show that you are better than jesus you will still not get let me tell you it is about doing something and being able to sustain it [Music] when you do some of these long fast the important things at the end of it you have achieved something use smaller pieces smaller to keep that thing sustained if you finish like this fasting program you have one day week you fast maybe till evening a whole day you don't eat every week you will sustain the result of this you can sustain it for two years three years and keep going one of the doctors that has done in 40 days first and you know accomplished of mine he said he now maintains it with one day a week and then every beginning of the year seven days full if he notices that something has dropped he will have to extend the fast to get himself back there there is something called the pace of grace the place of grace is balancing work and rest the place of grace is from one activity don't jump to the next without a gap that's why god makes mountains you see a valley than before the next mountain [Music] there are people who go from activity to activities no [Music] there should be interlude between activities and some people drive their church crazy in the name of your pastor who's not is loose [Music] i went to a place to visit somebody video monday tuesday wednesday for every night nobody in that street and they don't have any sense of decorum to lower their their microphone it's not the people you want to reach that you are driving when you are tormenting them every night you are a witch and i pitied his church members they wouldn't accomplish anything monday till sunday you have not slept so how do you even have try to read your bible and see if that brain will work well try to go and do your business and see if that brain will work well they are they are suffering from man-made insomnia induced by a witch a witch called pastor people under him under torment and he calls himself a pastor can imagine if god was like that but it's possible that there might be an intense season maybe there is a week of this kind of intensity maybe something going on and they do that but after that release people let them go and recover if not when you say you are doing a lot of spiritual activity and people are dying their finances are breaking up their business are you wondering what is wrong you are the problem you don't have balance you don't have sound mind and yet they said they gave us the spirit of a sound mind we have the mind of christ jesus said the son can of himself do nothing it's what he sees the father do anything you spat and you see jesus follow him see the father follow it you have rest for your soul that's why people with all my busy schedule people think this let me give you guys an example there are five elements in the place of grace just watch devotion is number one do you know i've had my morning devotion today do you know i had it yesterday do you know i had the day before yesterday even though we are here preaching do you know i have been reading why we are here preaching [Music] you guys will notice when we go i just pray for the food and i greet everybody next time i have disappeared you don't know where these books there is a book waiting for me to finish [Music] the minister session they will observe that these books and i'm reading books that are bomb you can't you can't stop [Music] that's why i said when you guys are serious i'm going to introduce you to books we're giving you these flat flats [Music] i'm sure you've seen like god's general how far there you have following one volume two look i think there's even three now okay these are the elements in the pace of grace what this is how you are going to sustain bully yourself and sustain the revival each one you have violated will break something down in your car devotion your personal devotion that's where god the what is called divine inflation i helped us agree yesterday call it download where god [Music] number two diet just because you've done fasting doesn't mean you go back to eating horses of junks [Music] there are some food you need to eliminate completely and such food are done once in a while like you want to do christmas just once in a while i want to kind of maybe do it but there are some people their health challenge does not require them to taste such food again like ice cream doesn't enter my mouth but once in a while maybe it's my daughter's birthday and they're doing all this ah daddy i was okay what's my business with the ice cream and there are such things i'm in my 50s i had my years to eat ice cream the first 25 years you can eat there's something you should leave for children if you now you are still struggling for your mother's breasts with your shouldn't somebody slap you [Music] it is sugar sugar leave you for coke and the rest of them what's what's cook doing inside my mouth [Music] i have to be in hawaii and there is no nothing to drink i say okay give me what's he doing inside my mouth i'm the temple of the holy spirit i have to know the type of food that helps my car this is the car god gave me to ride this body the things you don't put in your car the things you don't put it will make you knock your engine anyway don't worry the professor is back he's not in nigeria at the right time you the whole dominion city so that these our pastors can last and these leaders can last i think yesterday they sent me a video a pastor a crapper ghanaian pastor and he doesn't look fat he was just preaching and he did like people thought it was another nothing he fell on his knees even the pastors that were around were looking they thought yeah and they were all then he went flat on the floor he thought he was anointed or god died they still thought he was anointing he was just you know so nobody went to help him and he was crying on the ground for help they thought he was maybe he was crying to god or he was in the spirit oh yes they could have rushed into hospital or done something it was after a long time a guy stood there some people now went to check what is happening here it has long gone on the pupil holding mic preaching so diet diet and living a fasted life you see you you eat what is healthy what helps you number number three is rest rest for example now you see me here i might not sleep as much as you know because you're supposed to get six hours all this talk of four hours remember i preached it forget it you need to get six hours you need to get six hours of sleep axe prof where the ones preaching it how can a serious person want to accomplish whatever sleep more than four hours and we tried it let me not say what happened i think he was in kenya was he kenya uganda we are doing conflict where the whole meeting was changed because we are praying to save his life [Music] and now they are passing all kinds of fluid through his heart talking about opening hearts doctors we have to ask god for mess oh oh yes don't get enough sleep the report card will show very soon six hours people who they ate leave that one for busy people is a basic at least one fourth of the day switch off so you can talk with god switch off so that your body can renew [Music] so like now we're in a heat i can't get that but you think that's what i do once i leave here and i return home my god i can do ten when i finish give me breakfast when i finish i told the other side and take off if you see what i do with mondays when i leave that's why you don't you can't reach me on monday when i finish this they will give me breakfast i will eat it i'll brush my mind eat it when i finish i just turn the other side and continue and there are some dreams when i is the dream is good i just i just check the position on my head and the position of my body so when i feel i just take back that position and i return back there yes there is a secret of person you go hello they don't know in the brain there are tv channels and radio channels for example if my hand is touching this push and and i'm thinking about pastor hugo and then i get distracted and i lose it if i go back now what is it that i was thinking about and it's part that thing is gone even if you use your we power and pull back the thought is that it will disappear you switch channels there are challenges in the yeah yeah and this here is for something here is for something here is for something here is for something the top here is for something it's true it's not a joko so i just go back and i'll check if i had my hand that's why when i get up i don't rush out of bed i check and i check what is it that is transpired is there any communication any information i check my whatsapp for sms i check for whatsapp messages i check if there are some and then i download it to my mentor had this where i can i remember things so i don't get up i start screaming prayer no i wish to know if there are things because night is for god to communicate there is a purpose for the night season there are seven purposes for the night and it's not just for sleep you know it's one one of them is to sleep you need to relax one is that the body needs to rebuild that's when they do servicing i brought the fixed road in the night in the day the opening so that vehicles here they block the road in the day everybody will be in traffic in the 90s when they do between 1am and 4 am what they are not able to finish they leave it next night they come back next night they come back and when you come the road is fixed that's what the body does i think you need to show them because i don't know who is who is listening that joke the job scripture you know when deep sleep fallen upon men then god opened their ear and seals it with instruction so if you have too much noise around you you don't hear from god you can be in a dream in a vision of the night okay let's start with verse 14. so you see during the day when god talks and you are not getting it you wait for the night when you have calmed down for god speaking once and twice yet man persevere they know god is communicating but if you're not too tuned into cnn how it doesn't mean you see any no broadcasting it's just that you're not trendy you're not getting the message so human beings miss a lot of day so he waits for the night watch verse 15. then in a dream in the vision of the night when deep sleep followed up on men not shallow sleep when you're in shallow sleep is your brain playing things for you are you call that vision no his dream that come out of multitude of business when god wants to communicate he takes you deeper he reaches your subconscious that's your human spirit okay when deep sleep followed up a man in the slumbering upon their bed then verse 16 then he opened the ears of men and select the eyes he drops messages gives them instructional direction see i prayed for you yesterday that there will be openings but not if what's up everything is ringing you can't even put that phone on silent you are sleeping you're saying you can't you will be useless i mind things from the deep so you can't even have real sleep because everything is noise then verse 17. look at what the instruction does that he may withdraw man for his purpose and hide pride because sometimes we have made a decision or we are going in a direction that will bring us problems you're about to invest in something that will crash he will withdraw you from it and and redirect you and correct won't you of danger okay i said there are five elements in the pace of grace your personal devotion hi [Music] you know in my house we have morning devotions before they come i've already completed their money my money usually when they come they meet me seated in the place pazu sarah and the kids always meet me seated there so only once in a while especially if i return from a trip that one that next day if for certain accounts now we will still do it all when when they come we'll pray when they finish i tell them bye-bye and go back so your personal devotion your dieting rest exercise okay i did five routine this morning of exercise i have a five to seven routine i can easily do anywhere in my hotel room anywhere when i one dr jack came and taught us this you know so i did five the moment i completed the third round because when i started my body didn't even want to do it so but when i did the first round [Music] i did the second round the moment i completed the third round it was not easy let me give you some example of what i did this morning you can account between 30 and 50. i count between thirty and fifth then i have to do squat so and then i have to do pressure [Music] then i have to do this because it helps my you know so first round hey [Music] i sat down in the chair i said no you have to keep the pace i went back second round hey third round when i completed it and came to the fourth round and answered that doubling all the numbers it was like it's no more that's what happened so fast and then at that moment the lord spoke to me immediately he said this is what i'm you're teaching your people about fasting he said this thing is a car that i gave you service it it will serve you it can serve you to 120 years you can serve it in 90 years leave it on service it will frustrate you and then you are not able to carry out your assignments i'm talking about this morning i'm not talking about yesterday after my devotion i was shot and exercised and i was sweating when i finished i had to calm myself down so i was playing something just to calm down because i go under the shower i come out i will sleep here sweating so when i calm down i went in and took my butt and i'm ready for the day so have you seen now so if you think it's just an anointing anointing that there are disciplines involved in this you want certain level of anointing you have to have the body to carry it [Music] so your devotion so you can be refueled spiritually then you refer the physical body with the right diet then you rest then you exercise then the fifth and the last element in the pace of grace you go in pursuit of your purpose walk you you are not to be lazy around there is time for sleep there is time to return to assignment so with this you don't cut off courage you don't disconnect on any angle there are two other elements but we will leave that that has to do with finance and other things so it makes my routine same but this is the basic laws of peace of grace you will go very far go wrong because even when the devil is trying to increase so you will pick it you will track it but when you move to stress and all that you have stepped outside grace outside grace there is fear there is stress there is unbelief there is doubt there is grief i mean what you call the bitterness there is a strife and and even depression and all these others outside you are no more operating with the power and enablement of the holy spirit that's where you fell you fall you commit sin your faith is not working everything is grounded no there is a river whose water makes glad the city of god and the trees around our liver are all energized to bear fruit every month that tree that produces fruit once every month is us once you are planted by the river of life so you enjoy all around spirit soul and body you're doing well your health you're doing well spiritual you're doing well your marriage your you're doing well financially you doing well [Music] oh god [Music] let me say i'm still trying to find out why i stood up the first time what led to this is book review and that's what i'm telling you now when i sleep sometimes i wake up i've lost the message fasting okay yeah some people want to do more than jesus or do more than you know and all that even the man i wanted to do 50 days let me advise you a secret you can do 50 days but you need to do seven if you succeed do 14 if you succeed do 21 if you succeed go all the way once you can do 21 or whatever you can do first if you're doing daniel you still have some chat but if you can do 21 or whatever you can go all the way to fault try to do what jesus did then a different time consolidate the rewards the result of that one use it because after the first what did you do with the power what did you accomplish with the consolidated result of that maybe another time you can do another one [Music] and why you do all of these things remember i told you there are two other elements i'm not going to discuss it but i will mention one has to do with finance the other has to do with family make sure there's also i'm a father to mo and i'm a husband at [Music] home [Music] we have to retrain our people again because that's what we see it hasn't been in church for a week we flee from dubai we flew to singapore we flew for i showed my children what noah taught his children and moses taught the israelites and abraham taught his own children they taught them that sabbath has several laws there are several laws about it one of them they even told and that's not the day for traveling i said when you're ready to read i'll give you books now of course jesus came um and balanced and made sure that it's not bondage that people are creating with that remember that the jews had their saturday we have the sunday the day jesus rose but you should not go bring up all sorts of canna activities and you don't have time to attend service even the rest that's a day too for family to have attention give attention to your family after you people don't have time it is all this career that run up and down listen personally i was in your city enugu [Music] i can't remember what i came for it's likely to be a program so to live up i booked my flight to live on sunday and it was 8 am or 8 30 so because of that flight i didn't go for service it can't happen again because i learned a big lesson that day this is preacher but sunday morning so i say let me when i get to abuja i will now sleep because you're already in a in a place attend service now go later so i went to airport for the entirety fright refused to come i don't know story they kept announcing we were there till 12 30. by the time we even finished the boarding the people when it landed by 12 30 when they finished coming down we boarded that it was around after one and when i was very good i kept repenting i repent well that's not even the main issue what drove the message home is that a senator in nigeria nigerian accident walked in you know in executive room and he saw me he said reverend this is i'm blessed to to be able to see you today and he shook hand you know touch himself then the nun turned again and said reverend what are you doing here i said i'm going back to abuja he said you should not be doing this kind of thing you are here this is sunday now you are in this an unbeliever leave people like us that are like sheep with a shepherd this is what he told me leave people like course and another i don't know this kind of money that was sitting on the other side he said leave people like us we're like sheep with ash and all of them were looking at me and he was talking he said boy you how can you robert nugu you are entering this city do you know what it means people that were being healed people that will be saved how can you live on a sunday what are we rushing for can't you go monday morning or go with evening flights and there's even an evening flight i was wondering what am i going with morning flight why i was talking i was axing myself i didn't know whether to carry my bag and go back and tell them take me to church i said you know oh the flight will still come that's how we sat there i think god wanted to teach me a big lesson in traveling so they're traveling in the evening go and attend service okay you go you saw how i do my overseas trip eh if it's gonna be between the week i put it on a service day you remember legos and by people who go to the airport this is night flight all these flights that take off from 9 30 10 p.m they will go to the airport they will be checking i'll go inside the service be part of the worship be part of they will be monitoring the time it takes to get be part of once it gets i just go i usually it's not the aircraft that carries me i float in the glory and wake up the next day they've checked everything it's just my you know that's what i do i used to do my international trips and all of that so and i moved to abuja so i came to enugu and we had not finished what we came to do we just blocked the thing you know dog this russian russian russian where would they rush they go where we they go where are we going settle down finish one two way you know like some pasta after a rush because if you don't rush back now and go broke through here to establish something that will carry you who knows for the next 10 years or 20 years i know when the glory will lift that's when this meeting ends i know i know i've been schooled in that one god is here we're here somebody said let's die here no but here is let's leave here we have not been this way before the last move of god is here we need to be retrained we need to be retrained because of the destination and what i don't know what i was so angry with airline that day and i was complaining they are messed up i didn't go to sap look at entertainment flight somewhere now the holy spirit joined the discussion he said are you complaining he said a lot of these people that live what they should be doing and be running that's what happens to them your businessmen and whatever you'll be run up and what would have been where they would have enjoyed grace the jews so obey the sabbath law that the food they will eat on that day evening or yesterday they cook it do all the things i actually just bring out things that's how they are free madame let go to church every sunday correct your ways what god was saying here is that god uses how you respect his day to also know how much respect you have for him that's what he was saying there in case you don't make it a delight make it honorable have respect the christian world taught all these things and if you notice including your cities before you know how sunday used to be in your cities you don't have traffic once church finish everywhere people are at home rest you have time for that that's when you go visit family friends visit your friends children go and see their are you understanding what i'm saying today now we have brought back in we have brought all sorts of things in i'll tell you i just have to be in the first service show because by 10 we are walking but of course there are essential services because if the hospital is short accident on that day people will die essential services you don't take police to shut down so what they do is that such people our rotation like the priest that day you address we are working serving you so a minister should have his mondays off and if monday is not the day you need to have another day so you can be obeying the law of the sabbath and you can have time for your own personal life and growth this retreat is a sabbath for you because you notice in the bible that the sabbaths are last for a whole week there is even a sabbath of one full year lecturers go on and they call it sabbatical it's a whole year the bible recommended every seven years the seventh year is the year of sabbath the year of release and then there is the one that come every 50 years they call it jubilee god created these laws so that there will be balance in life okay but you know so remember i'm not teaching you the strict law the way the jews do is not there is a liberty that grace brought but that liberty is not licensed from his behavior ladies and gentlemen fasting is training in temperance temperance is self-control temperance is self-restraint ability to make yourself stop temperance is self-boundary self-imposed boundaries temperance is self-government or leadership and once you cultivate temperance you can build all the other fruits of the spirit when you go read the fruit of the spirit there are nine one of them is temperance temperance is the key to the rest your can is break and he needs theory in his control and now that we're going to be unlocking the power of god where is the control where is the control fasting instills self-discipline set temperance so that fights with food and all that you are developing a muscle a fruit of the spirit a character quality called self-control and that lays the foundation for all other virtues for those who want the anointing and supernatural power they have to pass this particular stage i can tell you that one and anybody has medical tell you we understand you're crossing you know when you start in fast you fight with the flesh first your body your stomach hunger in order then he leaves you alone after about three days four days even if you are strong you can go there is another boundary you're gonna meet somewhere if you're doing a long fast somewhere you will meet this world that looks like it's a world of that people even feel like god abandoned that god is no more that they have some people even started out a particular person who told me that he was feeling backslidden and he was wondering why i thought fascinating is supposed to that is when satan shows up the world the boundary is what separates the natural realm for the supernatural for those who want gifts of the spirit the the faith of god to do the impossible who want to operate in supernatural acts on another dimension that's the wall the same way you broke the wall of the flesh now you have to praise this and the moment you break through it you become sensible aware of tangible presence of god you start being aware of angelic presence is a wall of demonic contempt they want to stop you beyond it you start moving the gifts of the spirit you just these are no more it's not theory they are studying the book ub distance you are in it now you move into an awareness you know like when you are in a heat zone heat environment and you move into ac environment nobody tells you that's how it is and you know what everything is and the presence of god now becomes real and tangible but jesus paul moses elijah and all of us have done the journey can tell you that a new general is born out of the womb of these experiences they come out nothing can stand before them the children living in this age are facing a lot of challenges that sometimes we who are the parents don't have enough resource to deal with all their problems expose them to environment of revival don't you know that god is a father he will help you and parent them so they will enjoy to parent your own which has defects and his own which is perfect your love which is not perfect and his love which is perfect don't you know the holy spirit is a teacher is a mentor they will enjoy your mentorship and your parenting but they will enjoy his own it's something about god with all the multitudes of children he has he's there for everybody it's nothing like abstentive with god it's nothing like that nothing of course natural parents can abandon you not him if you introduce your children to that you will have solved a lot of your own problem and theirs [Music] play [Music] [Music] you
Channel: DC Airforce TV
Views: 2,050
Rating: 4.9480519 out of 5
Keywords: DOMINION CITY, PASTOR DAVID OGBUELI, 2017 SERMONS, 2017 MESSAGES, NCF, PASTOR LAWRENCE UGHAMMADU, PASTOR LAW, PASTOR NOBS, PASTOR NOBERT ONAGA, PASTOR CHUKWUDI CHINEME, david ogbueli, david Ogbueli messages, Pastor David Ogbueli messages 2017, Pastor David Ogbueli preachings, Dc International, DC Airforce international, DC messages 2019, #NYS 2019, #DC Messages, #Dominion City
Id: DC25_5oI4dA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 49sec (2749 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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