The Outlaw (1943) JANE RUSSELL

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[Music] [Applause] hmm doc holliday just got off the stage coach do you want me and some of the boys to come along with you why do you ask that well i certainly wouldn't want to fool around with him alone i don't blame you but i'm not gonna make any trouble for doc holliday he's my best friend as long as i'm sheriff around here the place is his [Music] gosh i'm glad to see you doc how are you you're looking plenty sassy are you a winter kind of fat didn't you what are you doing over this way well for one thing i want to have a little talk with you the other is this have you seen anything of a little strawberry room somebody steal your horse yeah cutest little fella ever saw mean is mean but i dote on him like it was pure rock candy [Music] what are you laughing at jokes on whoever done it first time i ever felt sorry for a horse thief did you hear he was headed this way yeah oh put that on the table in there what are you going to have pat well i started with roy i don't see no cause to change where you've been keeping yourself well mostly across the border that's what i want to see about i uh i need a little money and i thought maybe you might want to come in with my heart what's the matter i'll let you have the money but if the deal is anything like that last one of yours you better not tell me about it why not where'd you get that thing oh they stuck it on me a couple of weeks ago you're the last man i ever thought it'd be so easily satisfied man's got to settle down sometime say mike did you see anything of a strange strawberry rome strawberry run yeah about 13 hands high and cute as a bug's ear seems to me i did see one about that side yeah when i came on duty where up in front of the dentist place where's that i'll show you i'm only gonna tell you once more you put that glass on top of your head but what are you gonna do then just put it up on your head i'll show you best thing in the world for the dandruff of yours wait a minute doc hello fred hello pat [Applause] you're still using that one man my old standby never has failed yet how many fingers do you see fred well i guess i'd better take fred over to the jail let him sober up there you go ahead doc the dentist place is just up the street near the corner i'll be along in a minute [Music] well red red eye how you feeling hello nice little horse you got here sonny i think so where'd you get him bought him in santa fe springs why somebody stole him from me in sakura if it wasn't for those two guns i'd say you were starting in pretty young you think it was me he hadn't told me any different i ain't going to my name's holiday doc holiday yeah i've heard of you thanks i don't want to take advantage of you thanks for what i thought it'd be the other way around what's your name son bonnie william bonnie billy the kid huh still think i stole your horse how much you pay for him wouldn't do any good if i told you why not i like this little horse and i've got kind of used to it so have i i don't blame you just like sitting in a rocking chair i look son i hear you're pretty good doc that's what i hear about you all right you mind standing right in front of that horse pretty sure of yourself aren't you no sense in going to all this trouble for nothing that's right hello doc any luck yes and no what do you mean it's your horse ain't it it was hey you're a cool one better get you over to the who's going before this gets around come along uh thanks doc for being so forbearing and all all right pat see why i left off he's just a kid i told you to come along did you hear what i said yeah i heard you you're not doing any better than i did wait a minute pat i'd like to make you acquainted with this young man uh billy this is an old friend of mine pat garrett pat this is uh mr william bonnie william well well i've been wanting to meet you for a long time how are you billy hey pam how many fingers do you see [Laughter] you want to use that only on your friend while you two are talking i better put my horse away back up boy hold up come fly off the handle nice little horse ain't your dog remember me where's mr gear i sent him home how about you and me having a little talk i don't believe in talk unless the other fella holds all the cards sonny that head of yours sure is screwed on tight if it wasn't somebody would have knocked it off long ago i guess that's right say how did you know pat was gonna hit you out there well it's the first time a sheriff ever wanted to shake hands with me he heard you say shake hands how do you do mr horse i'm pleased to meet you well i'll swear i didn't know he could do tricks what else can he do doc you back up there and i'll make him walk over and take those gloves right out of your belt over that way a little [Applause] now back a little farther that's far enough kid put your hands up all right doc this is something new for you ain't it what being arrested for horse stealing doc you know i didn't steal that horse anymore than you did billy many a true word is spoken in jest this is something new for you too isn't it doc yeah what's that the great dark holiday getting someone else to help him and a policeman at that i can hardly believe it and after the way i've heard people talk about you ever since i was in short pants that's enough of that turn around now walk out that door oh wait a minute pat why well this thing don't seem to sit right on my stomach no what doc you're not going to back out on me i'm afraid i am pat i'd never hear the end of this hold on i'm not through with you yet step aside doc you may shoot me in the back they tell me that's the way you've given it to some of the boys no pat that's a pretty strong thing to say i never heard anything like that well mr garrett if you believe that here's your chance to do the same to me [Music] coming doc yeah i think it will i want the two of you out of this town by sundown well what did i do that's all right doc you've got the right to choose your friends shucks i don't take kindly to that at all he knows there's no stage until tomorrow and he knows that i'm a foot or am i not by a darn sight you mean that son sure we'll dig up another horse somewhere [Music] okay [Music] well i guess that's enough for me cleaned out not quite uh where you're stopping son i got room to hotel why could i see you a minute oh sure you might as well cash me in all right [Applause] what's on your mind son no offense dog but that last ace you just drew yeah what about it i got a feeling i saw it on the bottom of the deck are you sure i wouldn't have asked if i was that's where you showed good sense here you are doc oh 640. thanks yeah you could have paid three or four times for the horse and still save money that's right hope you're satisfied now you're gonna turn in yeah i think i will walk down the hotel with you good night gents and thanks good night good night doc if you're not already fixed up you can bunk with me tonight no thanks billy i've got a girl she and iran just moved in town yeah you got a girl billy no i ain't got nothing except that horse you can't fool me good looking boy like you you must have a girl somewhere huh i don't trust them hey you're pretty young to talk like that well i've known quite a few and they all did you dirty every one of them every one of them that's too bad billy i guess things haven't been so easy for you tell you what i'm going to do since that little horse means so much to you i'm going to make you a present on him that's awful nice of you doc thanks a lot all right good night see you in the morning good night [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi billy just thought i'd say good night the little horse well if you're all through you might as well put him back in his stall all right good night red see you tomorrow what no kiss no i don't like mush all right back in the stall red hey that's my back isn't it i think it is you don't mind if i take that do you red i think i'll bunk right here tonight if you don't object foreign [Music] hmm [Music] so so so [Music] so [Music] say what is this anyway what are you shooting at me for you crazy can you understand english can you yes what's your name real what's the rest of it macdonald where'd you come from what do you care what'd you live before you came here sakura mcdonald's oh yeah who was he my brother well he shouldn't have taken so much tequila what became the girl she married another fella two weeks afterwards well that's the way it is how'd i know he was your brother it was him or me and i didn't lay for him and no barn neither sorry i also rock with you you didn't hurt me sure it's too bad i didn't know what it was your brother what's that got to do with it well maybe i wouldn't have tried too hard to get the other girl oh you wouldn't [Applause] man there's a rock under here let me fix [Music] it [Music] let me go hold still lady or you won't have much dress left he did not i say did he didn't really hear him holler sure i it and i ain't billy the kid shucks a dentist can make anybody holler look out here he comes sorry to keep you waiting doc i'm in a hurry say mr you're buddy the kid ain't you that's what they tell me see what they tell you wait a minute one at a time have you really got 20 notches in your garden is it true you got 13 indian scouts in your war bag i had to throw them away why the malls got to them oh you should have tanned them that's the best way to keep them is that a fact that's what my part told me what are you doing with that piece of willow son trying to make a whistle but i can't get the bark off have you soaked it i sucked it till i'm near dry can't you shoot the insides out yeah yeah put up on that post can i hold it can you hold it steady sure billy you don't have to prove anything to me sorry doc turn the end up a little a little more little more don't you ever have to bother to take aim sure i took aim when before i drew look billy it's all right you fixed it fine thanks man to help there's anything i can do for you billy just let me know all right bye billy what's the new one on me what's that aiming before you draw i've got to why my hand seems to be a little quicker than my eye well ain't that too bad where'd you get the heart i bought this one that's all right he'll do for the time being lemonade fry the eggs on both sides i'll take the same mine straight up how about a cold hand while we're waiting how much how's that it's me before you get started i'd like to speak to you for a minute who is he what do you want let's go in the background why you don't know me but we have a mutual friend yeah who and i don't like him any better than you do oh gears eh the name sounds familiar figure on staying in town tonight why well everybody knows that guard told you to get out of town sooner or later you're gonna have a little trouble with him i thought i might give you a hand that's very kind of you mister listen i ain't doing you no favor it'll be a pleasure now what i figure is while he's arguing with you he won't be watching anyone else so it'll be a cinch for me be careful you don't knock me over with the same bullet don't worry i'll stand at an angle i'll do it like this [Music] suppose this chair is garrett there and if you're standing about where you are i i'll be over here do you mind if i draw my gun so you can see the line of fire i'll go right ahead [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey billy come on in doc well what happened he's a pretty smart hombre you know him yes he's been hanging around trying to talk garrett into giving him a job as a deputy yeah well i guess he figured if he got billy he'd be such a hero he could have the deputy job or run for governor if he wanted it everybody get out of here son why he pulled on me first it's gonna be hard to make god believe that well we'll see [Music] where's my dough well i guess i must have picked it up your food is to stick around some i think i'd be a whole lot more foolish to pull out and gear to be sure that was my fault come on cut the deal what you mean is you want to play poker huh that's right doc you're not worried about me if i tangle with garrett are you that's pretty good i know i'm better than you all right if you're so good then you'll get your horse back won't you saying i was out of that hmm [Music] what's the matter huh [Music] nothing send me a hundred doc sorry son i never lent money in a poker game spoils my luck but i'd be glad to have you put up a little horse for a hundred i guess you would hello pat a little hand of poker no thanks doc you in there when it happened no but listen pat he pulled on billy first how do you know his gun was on the floor that don't prove nothing that you've got an ugly temper and you're letting it get the best of you you have no right to hold billy for this killing and you know it you just saw it and that's all doc i'm going to give you a chance to stay out of this thanks your horse is outside go on get on him good luck to your duck same to you pat well what are you waiting for he's waiting for those chickens viewers to hatch are you gonna put up a fight i'll tell you one thing here i ain't going to jail for no killing i was pushed into thanks doc what are you trying to do i still think that fella pulled first on billy are you throwing off on me again no then what do you call it well uh since i figured that this is purely a personal matter between you and billy uh i don't think you ought to bring in all this uh hired help well i only did that to keep billy from putting up a fight so i wouldn't have to kill him do you uh stuff birds too you're making a big mistake doc turning on an old friend and all because of a little snip who's never given anybody nothing except the back of his hand speaking of hands come on let's get out of here before this hot head makes us plug him king or run me out of town all right if you want to hold the fort while i ride off on your little horse it's all right with me well since you put it that way go ahead simon take it easy pat doc this finishes you and me for good and all i'm sorry can you get up son i don't know can you make it to the horse i think so [Applause] [Music] so [Music] you see what that little horse did pulling me out like that he's a regular bird dog say i gotta get you undercover someplace i'm all right charlie you better stay here and have a look around town that kid's got a bullet in him he ain't going very far let's go [Music] who is that with that yelling [Music] duck get these horses out of sight so there's billy the kid he's got a bad one on the left side but the bullet didn't hit anything vital and came out from the back don't move at all no matter what you have to do or the bleeding will start again and i guess you better cut his clothes off put a bandage on the wound and see that it's always moist keep him warm and dry no matter how much he sweats if he gets a chilly as a gunner he goes out of his head tie him down the neighbors hear him yelling well tell him your aunt's got the smallpox that'll keep him away guess that's all now do your best for this boy if i can't come back i'll send the word where i am and billy can bring you along hmm [Music] so shoot a face like a baby he's so hot he's no hotter than your brother julia was he's soaking wet again get me some sheets and what loopy get them yourself what's the matter with you i wouldn't lift a finger for him what's the matter looking for him around here well and they're too bad chico what's the matter with you he smells the blood he was just getting ready to peck his eyes out you stay out of here your name mcdonald what do you want to know for what's the matter why don't you want to tell me yes that's my name why was your father's name angus yes well my name's wood of charlie woodruff i used to work for him and it was town marshall at zakora oh yes i i guess i was a little girl in charlie [Music] very well thank you say you're getting fat as a pig what are you doing up here i've been working with the sheriff by the way we're looking for billy the kid if you should happen to hear get out of here why don't you come in and sit down for a minute some other time i'll drop in the first chance i get what's wrong with that bird oh nothing i have a hand setting under the bed and he likes to peck at her want me to get him out of there for you oh no everything's all upset in there we just got up goodbye i'm glad to have seen you same here so long and guadalupe i won't know the ways with you oh no you won't lunches already goodbye i'll fix you how's billy looks like he's having a chill chill [Music] where are you here right here don't go away i won't so cold how can you stop a thing like this you're mad at me no sure you are not how do you hide from me i'll be right back where's that bottle of whiskey i finished it the time i had that bad cop i tried those hot stones with a julio but it was just the same he shook like a leaf till he died you get out of here and shut the door just get out of here have you gone crazy you can bring the minister here in the morning if it'll make you feel better about it now get out you're not gonna die i'll get you warm [Music] well right you can't stand this place much longer i guess i'll just have to slow those boys down none of my affair pat but we crossed the county line 10 minutes ago that's right swanson it's none of your affair break up scatter for those rocks [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] look different today look better say is that you yes what are you doing here i live here well i've been trying to figure this out how'd i get here doc brought you doc oh are you doc's girl what do you know about that be careful you're wound you'll hurt yourself that's right i remember now i caught one yesterday didn't i yesterday it was a month ago you've been terribly sick a month that's a long time how's red red you've been taking good care of him for me it was red didn't doc leave my horse here no well i'll swear i didn't think he'd do a thing like that behind my back too is he all right again say who's this old lollipop it's my aunt guadalupe you thought loopy come on stop you haven't got a ham sandwich on you by and chance have you you hungry i don't think we have anything cooked except some beans i'll do her starter hey lollipop hey you don't talk like a sick man you said i was what does that lollipop mean something sweet sweet sweet like candy you know dulce oh is that a fat where are you going oh to see if i can find a fresh ego too [Music] how do you feel fine when did we eat he just had lunch about an hour ago [Music] honestly will you bring me my clothes i want to get up and have a look around what for [Music] well i can't spend the rest of my life in bed anyway i want to see if i can find my ring your ring yeah i had a ring on his finger it's gone i've been sort of worried about it oh well you must be upset about a thing like that you can always get another one can't you well this one's been kind of lucky for me belonged to a fellow supposed to have had a charmed life as long as he kept it on his finger well then how did you get it did you kill him no somebody else did that well then the ring wasn't so lucky for him after all was it well nothing happened to him until he took it off towards his hands no no you better not get up till tomorrow you said that yesterday but you're not strong enough yet who says i'm not billy you mustn't you'll hurt yourself then why don't you quit wrestling with me but you've been so sick you're not well enough you not real come on i want you to go down to the store with me i have some washing to do you've got all afternoon to do it come on [Music] i have to fix my hair first all right hurry up then why do you have to go with it i better what if somebody should come by like a deputy sheriff friend of yours the other day yes that's right i'll go tell aunt guadalupe [Music] mmm [Music] why is it it's me ah come on hurry up open this door here hello doc glad to see you doc well you've never known i thought i'd have to break the door down it's the rain dog i couldn't hear a thing doc you don't need to yell a lot i'm not deaf did you ever see such a storm and it's been going on like this for three or four days dawg it was lucky for me the only way i could shake those bloodhounds washed out all your tracks huh can we first sit down on heads as i left here how's billy oh he he's fine sure he has been up almost a week now good where's real real oh yes oh so that's what all the yelling is about eh wait a minute you made enough noise now to raise the dead oh so that's it all right where is he he's getting dressed well maybe i better give him a hand no no doc please let me talk to you first what got in here were you drunk what happened to you i don't know he's a devil he did the same to me he can charm a bird right out of a bush yes or uh i never sought to fail don't talk that way doc what do you want me to say bless you my children you might as well huh i'm married to him the what that's the truth doc only please don't tell him tell who billy you mean to say he doesn't know it no and how could you be married to him he was out of his mind i never would have done it on me i thought he was gonna die and so he would have if it hadn't been for you i don't want his gratitude yeah i guess i should have stayed out in the rain with a chef make me a cup of coffee sure doctor it's a good thing you don't want his gratitude why do you say that you know when i come to think of it after what you've done to me i couldn't wish for anything better than you hooking up with billy what do you mean oh i i wouldn't want to spoil it for you hello doc is that all you've got to say to me now look here doc i'm sorry but it's your own fault oh my father who brought me here you know you want to switch the blame on me first you take my horse and my girl and both times is all my fault that reminds me of something else you ran away with red didn't you [Music] think that's any excuse it was good enough for me there's only one trouble with it what's that the horse was mine too i wasn't in much shape to argue that with you was i no i guess you weren't but you didn't have much use for that horse lying flat on your back or did you all right doc if that's your way of looking at it you just took the loan of him so to speak say what are you getting at yes that's what i'd like to know you borrow from me i borrow from you what does that mean let's have a cup of java we better be getting out of here on doc not at those prices all right doc i'll tell you what i'll do what's that well just to show you my heart's in the right place i'll let you take your pick you mean you trade me for a horse it's up to doc after all i've got to think of the other fella you know [Music] i appreciate that billy i sure do billy you don't mean that and after all she did for you say you should have seen what that little horse did for me my doc that's right [Music] i uh hope you won't think too hard of me but uh under the circumstances i'm going to take the horse you are you're not satisfied listen doc i like that little horse what'd i tell you huh i still can't believe it what are you talking about nothing say what's eating you nothing you're uh fillies with fresh water the creeks are muddiers all get out how about grub it is enough flour and bacon to get us to pour it somewhere sure sure hey it's clearing up we better be getting out of it [Music] lend me some don't will you how much do you want about 50 bucks there's [Music] buy forty a horse and buggy don't you think it's too much you can give and guadalupe 20 if you want if we get located in fort summer i'll send for you what for i can't stand ranch cooking here you are doc thanks goodbye bye doc [Music] bye lollipop bye billy take care of yourself you do the same fill these up for dog hello yo hayback have you missed me say he's thin as a rail he's been getting a little exercise where'd you get that plug i wore out that black horse i had so i traded him to a sheep herder for this one he's all right a little while yet come on ain't ready sweetheart i'm going to let you have the loan of them for a little while huh until you get your strength back say you're not going to do me any favors what's the matter with you i don't want to be obligated to you about red why not because i haven't given up getting read back yet anymore i've given up getting on this honorary goat [Music] there we go [Music] so what's the matter boy am i tuck what are you looking for sing it say is there anything in mind you don't cotton to i guess i forgot yeah it's a bad habit you've got what forgetting what belongs to other people you think i did it on purpose yes listen mister i don't feel too good as it is neither do i you want to make something out of it that's a big advantage i can't help it i'm so plumb beat out i'll be lucky if i can draw them clear i don't want to crowd a sick man i'm all right just give me 40 winks now take you on with both hands free well i guess this is a good place i need to make camp there's no water no only won't find any between here in fort summer it's a long ways off when we get there our friend the sheriff won't be far behind [Music] huh [Applause] hear it how do you know it's here i could tell i'm farther off from that he wouldn't be coming after two of us alone maybe he's lost too many of his friends how come you didn't knock him over or did you try did i that's what i said did you didn't do nothing else [Music] who you supposed to put him on our trail maybe somebody saw us pulling out or uh or what nothing sure she was a one yeah real why do you suppose you had to up and do a thing like that well women are funny hey go easy on that water we've only got two canteens to get us to fort sumner what's the matter look sweet spirits of nighter little darling put sand instead of water now that sure is one for the book well i'm just hanging around here holding postmortems let's get going [Music] you know doc i think i'll have another drink what are you talking about you didn't have one in the first place no but i had the same notion about an hour ago [Music] i know what you're thinking but it won't do you any good [Music] take my advice what killing a woman why not ah they're all alike there isn't anything they wouldn't do for you or to you hey where did you wake me up we should have got started long ago them up [Music] oh hello pat where's billy looks like he left you and on my horse eh try those out oh you know me pet do i have to put these things on i know you put them on [Music] so [Applause] [Music] that was pretty smart putting sand in those canteens [Music] i had to give you something for your money didn't i oh i see so you sent the sheriff after us for good measure huh no wonder he came along all he had to do was take his time and wait for the sun to finish us off then how did you get back it was pretty tough but the more i thought about seeing you darling the easier it got [Music] what are you waiting for go ahead say that sounds real nice i liked how you asked for it keep it up beg some more what would you like me to say well you might say please very sweetly please will you keep your eyes open yes will you look right at me while i do it [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] huh what is it everybody drinks but me i'm supposed to be a camel huh want a drink you can climb down and get [Music] it [Music] hey did you hear something [Music] what kind of a track is that i don't know too small for a man there's another one a couple over there worth trying aim it doc well if he's full enough to come back he ought to get himself caught i told you not to breathe so loud all right all right [Music] well how do you like it i thought i tied it tighter than that [Music] you came back you don't think i did on your account do you didn't you see anything of docking the sheriff here we are billy right behind you and put those hands where they belong say why didn't you tip me off [Music] hurry up with that grub i want to get back to town before dark well i've only got two hands why don't you use both of them i'll use one on you in a minute i wouldn't put it past you now's your chance with me all trust up like a chicken here we are together again same old happy family yeah and i'd have been halfway to fort summer by now if it hadn't been for you me yeah you give me a cigarette yeah you mean her real say are you out of your mind why don't you come out and admit it like a man admit what you didn't know that pat had caught me until you got back to our camp did you no and what's the user coming after us why not but we'd have been clear to lincoln before you even got back here say mister what are you trying to make out well i heard you say once you didn't like ranch cooking so i guess you figured you better come back and get real oh you're daffy i wouldn't come back two inches to get her you did i tell you i didn't actions speak louder than words do they all right i'll show you how much i care about her if you want her back you can have her and welcome now what do you think about that [Music] i don't want her cattle don't graze after sheep sheep sheep did you say i didn't say go to monkeys why are you ah sit down [Music] i've just been waiting for an excuse like this hey i'll fix you up never mind fixing any more food we're leaving now come on let me get a drink first all right hurry up [Music] hey rio come here and hold my hand so i won't fall in come out of there [Music] foreign you're all right now come on you're figuring on taking us back to lincoln ain't you what did you think i was taking it so that way ain't it sure it's over that way what are you getting at take a look hey doc well the mescaleros are out early this year they're talking about us ain't they yeah they're they're tipping off another hunting party that must be out somewhere right over there on both sides of us well i guess our best chance is to hightail it to fort sumner don't figure out me doing much hightailing why not i ain't no acrobat [Music] i hope you fellas left sense enough to behave yourselves why sure pants certainly what's your path oh you don't that's your horse over there who says so i say so get on them and hurry up rio you ride the paint [Music] thanks hey red's my horse i know he is but i'm gonna ride them [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] i don't like this looks like some of those mescaleras are ahead of us too no no you you better not come over here rio why not they put the fire on them those mescaleros sure do play for keeps say what's that it's a good-sized party we'll be knee-deep in them in a minute look over there too [Music] hey what are you doing what do you think i'm doing i want my guns oh now wait a minute you're not going to argue at a time like this pat aren't you going to give us a chance he'd like to see them put the fire on me all right sure what what about her oh we can't talk about it now i want to know one thing do i have your solemn promise that you'll give them back when i ask for them sure what do you think we are will you see do it that he does no who's gonna say to it that i do i'll take your word for it where my cartridge here you are now what do we do take a stand or run for it can't make a stand here i know something might work what is it come on do exactly what i do [Music] so [Music] [Music] gotta move [Music] i know this place we're about 40 miles from fort summer senor garrett what are you doing up this way hello pueblo can you put us up for the night sure glad to have you go right in my house is yours i'll take care of the horses well boys i guess we're out of the woods now huh yeah yeah that's right oh no i i wouldn't be too sure of that pat oh yes he's right pat those muscularis don't give up so easy cover this is very important i want you to ride the fort sumner and give this note to the town marshal did he say town marshall that's what it sounded like to me [Music] thanks real [Music] so it certainly is a beautiful night out i think i'll take a little stroll and uh gentlemen just in case i shouldn't return before you retire i'll say good night now i think i'll go with you well billy you've been pretty good to my little horse and i guess the least i can do is to let you say goodbye to him that's awfully nice of you doc oh i always like to think of the other fellow so if you just stand right here in this doorway and don't make no war-like moves then you can wave farewell to him as we ride off in other words you think you're gonna leave i'm sorry pat i i hate to eat and run but uh well you know how it is listen doc you're only wasting your time pat haven't you forgotten something no i don't think so good night all say doc yes what is it i'm afraid you'll have to listen to me for a minute why what if i don't feel like waving goodbye to red oh you still think you've got something to say about that horse eh yes i do all right go ahead and say it that's a pretty big advantage to give a man like you didn't you tell me that once how's this you don't have to go that far [Music] thanks what about him will he leave us alone or do you think we ought to pull his teeth before we start don't worry about me i wouldn't lift a finger duck to keep you from killing him you and me never had any trouble though he came along he'll keep out of it all right son i'm waiting put those plates down you're making me nervous billy he'll kill you what do you care but you can get another horse i want this one why i want to see if i can teach him to make smoke come out of his ears say i haven't got all night get back against that wall and count up the three i won't you're out of your mind both of you how about you pat sure i'll be glad to you're too willing i don't trust you i think i'd rather have that cuckoo clock do the counting for me yeah that's good enough it's going to strike in a minute shall we pull on the last cuckoo all right [Music] well billy i guess this is it men are pretty much like children after all have you ever seen two kids wrestling in the yard they push and tussle and maybe they look like they're fighting but they're not they're really friends and everything's in fun and pretty soon they play a little too rough one of them gets mad and in the end somebody always gets hurt so for you and me this is where somebody gets hurt but when it's over and however it turns out some no hard feelings dark [Music] why didn't you draw [Music] i changed my mind sure you did you lost your nerve i always knew you were nothing but a show off shut up why did you change your mind just some trick of yours no i just don't feel like it maybe i ate too much but some other night you will feel like a day who knows that's no good billy if you and i are bound to fight sooner or later i'd rather do it now and have it all with you've been ready to pull on me every day since i met you i never wanted it but i waited and let you pick your own time and place you've done that tonight are you gonna draw do i have to make it are you going to fight where do you want me to nick your ears doc have you gone local what's the matter with you billy i didn't think you'd take this off anybody maybe i wouldn't off anybody else what do you mean by that doc don't listen to that kind of talk haven't you ever seen a case of cold feet before he never had cold feet in his life what is it billy i guess the idea about the cougar clock wasn't so good why well it gave me time to think and remember a few things you're the only partner i ever had gosh do you really feel that way son i treated you worse than anyone ah it was all my fault i i had no business getting sore and cutting you up this way on let's get out of here now we better split split what for well i wouldn't want to make red care that both of us oh don't worry you'll find a better way than that to divide him up so you can ride him out of here oh i had him last [Music] so i ain't worried about you and me ever fighting now billy because one thing is certain if we didn't do it tonight we never will come on let's go uh so long pat don't take any wooden nickels you're not going with him i look here you ain't gonna start something with the two of us are you i might have known you'll do this to me ever since you met him you've treated me like a dog the very first day you signed up with them against me that made me the laughing stock of the town take it easy i gave you your guns so you have a chance for your life and now you tell me i've got to fight the two of you to get them back you stand there side by side with that little sniff a kid against me me that was the oldest and best friend you ever had and i still would be if it wasn't for him say mister that's about enough out of you for one night wait a minute you let me handle this pat is a friend of mine i don't want to kill him and i don't want you to kill him is that clear that you're just getting yourself all steamed up i'll be seeing you one of these days we'll have a good laugh about all this help so long be careful you know you haven't got a chance against me [Music] goodbye say don't son please don't do that oh dark lie down why not no that's one thing i've always been afraid of what dying in bed [Music] why didn't you shoo you had me beat a mile you had me cold maybe i don't like cold meat [Music] well go ahead go ahead what aren't you going to say something over that i don't know what to say i never said anything over anybody i killed before i think we ought to say something over dark you better do it so long doc [Music] pat i want you to know i'm sorry i honestly am last night i was ready to kill you but in the daylight i can see things much better you and doc have been friends for years if i hadn't come between you none of this would have happened it sure is funny how two or three trails can cross and get all tangled up well go ahead after you say you don't think i'd shoot you in the back do you i don't know but i ain't gonna tempt you i don't think you're gonna be fool enough to try to do it from the front you never trust anybody do you i apologize pat go ahead [Music] who's that where's pat he's still in the house what you doing he's not gonna try to stop you how do you know he told me so huh say billy can i see you for a minute what do you want if that's the way you feel about it never mind at least i'm not afraid to turn my back on you here hold these a minute now [Music] i thought you might like to have ducks guns as a keepsake say i sure would thanks pat thanks a whole lot i never had an extra pair black holsters too they'd go nice with sunny clothes if i ever get any do you think they'll suit you if the barrels ain't too long no they're just the same be careful they're loaded that's right say i think you're even better balance than mine then how about letting me have yours my guns what for if i had your guns i could say it was you out there in that grave instead of duck huh you'd pass dock off as me sure everybody would believe me once they saw billy the kid's six shooters you could leave an end to your trail right here nobody'd follow you up north all your troubles would be buried past and present you and rio could go off with nothing to worry about how come you do a favor like that for me there you go again billy distrust in a person who's trying to be decent to you don't you realize that's your whole trouble don't you see that's what's gotten you into all your fights you've got more enemies than anybody in this part of the country how do you expect to get along with people when you think every man who holds his hand out to you has a knife behind his back some i i just don't know what's going to become of you honest i don't oh i didn't mean anything i'm sorry that's the spirit that's my boy now give me those guns and clear out of here before it's too late what's the matter nothing but i've had these guns a long time i sure hate to let go of them billy i've been pretty patient with you billy my son it's your duty to give them up you owe it to yourself you are to start a new life today those guns are the badge of your shame they represent everything you must leave behind you don't you realize that don't you understand that if you're going to start all over again your hands must be clean i guess you're right pat i never thought of it like that thanks pat billy you don't know what this means to me you'll never forget this day goodbye pat why do you say that why shouldn't i why should you you ain't going anywhere hmm i took the firing pins out of those guns why you nothing would make me happier than for you to keep coming uh is that one of your own guns it sure looks like it how did you get it you jersey little cheat you switch those guns on me of all the dirty rotten tricks i didn't mean to pat honest i didn't they must have gotten mixed up while i was playing with them thanks i left my guns right there what for didn't you say you'd have to show them to everybody to make people believe that story of yours you see i have an idea that you'd rather give doctor credit for doing you up like this because i think you'd rather be dead than have people know better the kid did this to you goodbye pat you don't want to go off without your canteens do you did you fill them up for me yes [Music] foreign [Applause] uh [Music] you
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 1,669,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Outlaw (1943), BANNED, FREE, classic movie, filmstruck, BILLY THE KID, movies, Thomas Mitchell and Jane Russell, classic movies, CLASSIC, Pat Garrett, Doc Holliday, Jack Buetel, MOVIES, free, Howard Hughes, #classicmovies
Id: tGNCxaHzkXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 42sec (6942 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2013
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