The Outer Worlds Critique

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when it comes to bad games I often feel a bit sympathetic to those titles that try their best and still fail because they often have good ideas and for all their faults there's signs that a good game is in there somewhere and maybe if things were different and money and time are more plentiful well maybe that bad game could have been something great but there's another type of game I don't find myself having any real sympathy for and it's those games that do nothing special that take no risks that offer nothing new that just feel manufactured to meet industry standards and sell copies it's those games that are just a bit soulless oh yeah the outer worlds are high like I didn't see there what's up oh the the sales are still going well are they but yeah a nice one I bet it must feel good to actually make money oh yeah I I heard about the game of the Year nominations yeah they're they're really impressive good job no I I haven't looked at Metacritic well not actually I I didn't realize you're now two points ahead of Fallout New Vegas yeah that's that's no actually I didn't see the last YouTube video calling you a masterpiece I'll uh you'll you'll have to link it for me no I'll check it out sigh yeah yeah yeah I promise just just as soon as I finish this this thing I'm working on yeah okay I'll uh I'll catch you later this might be a hard sell okay so this video wasn't very easy to make because I don't think what I have to say is what people want to hear but there's still a part of me that feels like I have to be real about what I think of this game and hey enough time has passed now about interest in the outer worlds has died down a bit and maybe that means I can get away with voicing my opinion on it and my opinion is that this game is the epitome of mediocrity calling it's a bad game is in some ways harsh entry follow the game is fine in many ways it's fairly competent it's polished the graphics are fine voice acting solids its systems are easy to understand the animations don't leave the NPC's looking like lifeless abominations and it's almost bug free a particularly impressive achievement for an RPG but still I have to ask if that is is this only takes is this where our standards are out and am I the crazy one or is there something else going on because this doesn't seem like a game of the Year contender so I'll explain why I think this game is such a disappointment and you can be the judge fair warning bow where we're going there will be plenty of spoilers and a whole lot of negativity welcome to the outer world if you worked at a big videogame company and you were tasked with making a bold new RPG that was going to take the gaming world by storm and rival fallout well you would think if there was one thing important you'd want to get right it would be the setting after all it's not the mechanics or the writing or the gameplay that really drove fallout success it was the wastelands for a game like this setting is king and pre-release there sure was a lot of talk about the outer worlds sci-fi corporate dystopia a setting where at an unknown time in the future humanity has mastered faster than light travel and sent to colonizing the galaxy with the game taking place in a remote solar system ruled entirely by corporations and the player taking the role of someone who wakes up from a long cryogenic slumber to find themselves a stranger in a strange land and when I heard about this setting I was sold I mean come on he doesn't love a good dystopia I was all ready to crack open my copies of the classics and re-watch Brazil for the fourth time in anticipation of seeing what fresh ideas the creative minds that obsidian could come up with and then we get to the game itself and it turns out it's only really has one idea which is that corporations are bad it's a fairly shallow and basic idea that the outer worlds repeats endlessly but before I get into specific problems with the setting I just like to suggest a little thought experiment for you the viewer to try yourself imagine the setting of the outer worlds with Edgewater and Byzantium and the big baddies the halcyon Holdings corporate boards now replace the boards with a stereotypical totalitarian government and ask yourself what changes I mean some terms might be a bit out of place you'd have to replace the CEOs and managers with town mayors and party members but that's not a big change the slogans might now seem a little much but governments and political parties have slogans to which also get slapped on merchandise and repeated by the masses I'm sure it's not too hard to think of some examples so slogans aren't exactly unique to corporations so what else is it all the talk about profits and productivity because normal governments care about those things too and I'd imagine colonial governments in particular take a big interest in the colony's profits so what about this setting makes it actually about corporations is it that the board members are unelected because not every government comes to power democratically is it that the board lies the people because governments aren't exactly always honest so what is it that makes this corporate dystopia actually corporate the answer seems to be in fitting with the game's single idea of corporations baths that corporations are also made to be done incredibly impossibly unbelievably dumb and that's what separates the outer worlds corporate dystopia from bos other dystopias or real life in the outer worlds corporations are always stupid and everything corporate is stupid and the stupidity is how you know it's a corporate dystopia rather than just a normal disc Opia take the first town you get to in Edgewater many people are dying of the plague no one is allowed to try to heal the sick people because I guess healing your workforce so they can work again is something no one has fought off or cares about the corporation in charge of course blames sick people for getting sick because corporations bad so people lots of people are dying of the plague in the future which seems a little medieval but fine whatever people can die to the plague if that's what the game wants accepts then you find out the actual reason everyone is getting sick which is because Edgewater's inhabitants only eat canned tuna and oh my god it turns out humans need a balanced diet to survive now keep in mind this is a future where humans have mastered faster than light travel and can successfully terraform hostile planets these feats sounds pretty advanced so people must have a good understanding of science in this future but wait people have also forgotten that there is a connection between a person's health and their diets something I'm pretty sure [ __ ] cavemen were able to work out but in a future where corporations rule this is apparently too difficult to understand and this isn't the only example it's not even the only example from the first town in the outer world everything corporates has to be displayed as incompetence to fit with corporations bad so when people commit suicides due to their quality of life being so low people respond by complaining about the straw of company property but they don't show any compassion for their colleague / employees or maybe instead try to prevent these suicides - I don't know boost morale and productivity maybe instead they just whine about those selfish people killing themselves other NPCs are shown to care more about parking violations than the group of armed Marauders right next to them who are trying to kill them because dumb corporate rules and culture I guess the corporation spaces choice have four slogans you've tried the best now try the rest as well as it's not the best choice its spaces choice and these aren't depicted as some kind of deliberately self-deprecating late-stage capitalism market employ to stand out on social media they just played straight up as if spaces choice isn't intelligent enough to realize their own slogan is calling their product bad because her corporations are so dumb am i right fellow human and you might defend this on the basis of it being humor because maybe you think it doesn't need to make sense if its purpose is being funny but is it funny if this is humor it's just one joke being repeated over and over and over and over again and every time it's just the same punchline corporations pretty stupid right - which the player is presumably meant to respond by thinking huh yeah corporations are stupid I would easily be able to work out that health is linked to diet or that suicide is bad or that a slogan that calls your product shits isn't very clever god I'm so much smarter than these dumb corporations and you know we have corporations in real life too so I must actually be smarter than them as well god I'm smarts unlike those stupid corporations am i right and you know fine humor is humor and people like what they like just don't try and claim that this is clever satire the depiction of corporations in the outer worlds is so far divorced from reality that it's impossible for it to have any real kind of satirical bites to it instead it just feels like the writers took the laziest roots possible to both create a bad guy for the player to oppose which is the board as well as to create an easy source of shitty jokes that haha corporations are dumb and it's this need to make corporations both stupid and morally bad that's the real cause of problems here if corporations were meant to be evil then they should have at least been competent but because the writers are so fixated on that single idea of corporations bans they are by necessity made to always be incompetent as well which means there's no positive to them whatsoever and so their depiction seems obviously two-dimensional take Edgewater again quality of life is so high people keep killing themselves big parts of the population have the plague and they apparently haven't met their productivity quotas in years so what good's about corporate rule and it's not like living in this place is even shown to be difficult with no resources or corporate funding both the deserters and many groups of Marauders are shown to survive just fine so there are literally no positives whatsoever to this terrible corporate lifestyle and what about the board themselves they're the ones who really matter in the story so at least they must be shown to be somewhat competent to make up for their complete immorality and this for of human life except no they are also shown to be complete idiots if you continue the main story it turns out the boards have actually ruined everything and run out of food and other resources their solution to this problem is the lifetime employment program which involves sending everyone but the rich few in Byzantium off to be cryogenically frozen the board hasn't worked out how to revive people from being frozen without killing them so this plan basically equates to killing off the entire solar system's workforce because resources are running out and no one at the board has apparently considered that if you kill all your workers food and resources you know the things that the workers are working on mites actually run out sooner and it's also worth pointing out but the boards has had teams of scientists researching for years how to revive people who are frozen without killing them meanwhile pickle Rick over here has of course worked out how to do this in just a few attempts because he's against corporations so he's allowed to be not stupid so in summary corporations are evil stupid and incompetent which makes the setting pretty boring the writing comes across as shallow and lazy and even parts of the setting outside of the whole corporations bad dynamic don't offer anything interesting either you have things like the Marauders who exists just so there are generic enemies to kill they have no motivations no personalities no dialogue they just exist to be shot and while generic enemies are a part of games including games like fallout 3 & 4 what's so disappointing about this is that this was a problem solved by obsidian in Fallout New Vegas where instead of nameless raiders each Raider group was forced out and given their own backstory motive patience and base of operations that you could go to in the game world but I guess no one cared that much about the Marauders in the outer worlds because the outer worlds can't really be bothered with world building and it's not like the problem with the setting is a lack of potential I think a corporate dystopia is a solid foundation there's so much that can be done with the idea of corporations taken to a future extreme to show what I mean here's a quick list of ideas that I just came up with that I think could be fun to explore the alienation that comes with being surrounded constantly by unknown acronyms and corporate jargon and how the player could be made to feel this just through the use of language in game or what about the idea of cutthroat competition within a corporation with NPCs so focused on climbing the corporate ladder that they're unable to trust their peers who they see only as competition and want the player to take out or how about looking at over-the-top copyrights patents or trademark laws we here at YouTube already get to experience the joys of having huge corporations stamp on the faces of small independent creators over copyright claims that have no basis in actual law but are still allowed thanks to the dystopian design of the system so that idea even has some extra topical relevance yay but if you don't like those ideas I've got more what about the encroaching micromanagement of corporations over their workers lives for minor boosts in productivity you can add some easy moral grayness to this one with companies forcing employees to do positive things like eat healthfully or take daily exercise to increase productivity or prevent sickness or something which could make for a pretty interesting exploration of what we personally find right and wrong or what about looking at brand loyalty and brand rivalries we already see plenty of this even in inconsequential things like what phone system or video game console you own so in a future where corporations have complete rule this could be ramped up to some fun extremes or how about corporation best corporation warfare that's being fought both through military and through advertising as we see competition between products taken to new extremes or how about good old out-of-control free markets or the consequences of an overwhelming monopoly on a market and you know I could go on here you just have to look at reality for inspiration but the point is ideas really are easy and a corporate dystopia is right for the picking yes I guess why bother to explore a variety of things when you can just repeat a single message that corporations are bad over and over again and somehow actually get away with it but enough about the setting what about the rest of the game well good news I have stuff to complain about for the rest of the game - don't worry and we can start with this thing what the [ __ ] is this now I may not like it but I have over time come to grips with the idea that quest markers are going to be a part of modern games once upon a time I spent many hours searching for a dream a puzzle box in Morrowind the little box was in the first Brewin I searched but I didn't see it and so I kept exploring and searching more and more dreamer ruins getting more and more frustrated at my inability to find the item I was looking for and while I consider this as a memorable experience to look back upon it was annoying at a time and if there had been quest markers in that game I would have found the puzzle box or at least known I was in the right place so I understand the logic and accepts the existence of West markers as a necessary evil until game developers become cover enough to provide better solutions but there are two problems with the outer worlds quest markers firstly when we accepted quest markers as a thing it was because open worlds were large a game could have loads of different quests and different NPCs and a huge world to explore and given all that it's hard not to concede that yeah maybe we do need that quest marker because we would just get lost otherwise but the outer worlds doesn't have loads of quests or loads of NPCs and for landscapes to explore aren't endlessly sprawling expanses of different things to do in fact the zones in the outer worlds are pretty tiny there's only a few different quests to tackle at a time and only a handful of names NPCs in each location so quest markers aren't necessary at all and what's more the markers aren't just limited to being on the in-game compass or mini-map like most games instead they sit on your screen at all times telling you the exact place you need to go so the player can just brainlessly follow the arrow without ever having to think for themselves and a lot of the time B's quest markers don't even make sense like there's a quest in Fallbrook that asks you to investigate some missing drugs you have no solid leads except that sprats are involved so I guess it's time to put on your detective hats quiz the locals keep an eye out for clues and carry out some deductions to figure this all out or not because even if you don't know where the drugs are and the quest giver doesn't know either don't worry the magic quest marker obviously does so just walk 97 yards that way and you're done quest finished cool the quest markers really do help make quests in this game feel particularly unsatisfying by providing such an over-the-top level of hand-holding that nobody actually needs and yet everything is marked nothing is allowed to be discovered by the player themselves and it's a bit pathetic how little belief the game has in the players ability to perform simple tasks without a big arrow pointing them where to go at all times and this kind of philosophy extends to other parts of the game designed to take the stealth / the skies system the outer world use a disguise system where some areas are restricted leading to the player being attacked if they enter them to circumvent this the player can pick up an ID cartridge so that when they enter restricted areas they are automatically disguised by a hologram in theory this system is fine but in practice it feels like it was designed by a developer who is absolutely terrified of players failing these stealth sections and so did everything possible to make them unveil a ball first up ID cartridges are given out so freely but you have to wonder why the game even bothers with requiring the player to get an item in the first place often the location of the ID cartridge for a specific restricted area is literally just outside the entrance sitting in plain sight you would think that these things would require the player to buy or steal or trick someone to get but know the game gives them out so liberally and makes them so obvious it may as well slap you around the face with them and then when you've got your disguise you can act how you like the only thing that matters is a timer as for why the disguise has a timer I'm not sure but you can just reset it by going in and out of the area so it's a bit pointless and if your disguise ever does run out you just need to pass an incredibly easy speech check and it refills again you can do this three times over I'm not sure how you could ever reach this limit while playing normally and if you do manage to somehow do something to break your disguise like shoot someone in the heads in front of some other people well those people will attack you at least but then when you're done slaughtering some NPCs and bathing in the blood of innocents your disguise kicks back in and we'll be completely recharged I mean seriously the stealth system is impossible to fail even when you deliberately try to make it fail by killing people the game is still like oh you're you're shooting everyone in the face well that's not very stealthy but here's another chance now and oh you're you're shooting people again well whatever just just do what you like and we'll keep disguising you in case you change your mind later and it just feels wrong in so many games the stealth option is presented as this challenging but rewarding route where as the outer world takes the exact opposite approach it's almost insulting like the game won't let you write your bicycle without the safety wheels even though you've been cycling just fine for twenty years already and the skys system isn't the only thing that feels ridiculously generous what about all that loot as you kill enemies and complete quests you'll find that as a constant stream of boxes corpses containers and other items lying about for you to pick up really they're everywhere and by the time you finish the first area in the game you'll have thousands of rounds of ammunition endless amounts of lockpicks or hacking items and more health items than you could get through in multiple playthroughs and that's just the first area you'll keep accumulating these things and it's always at a rate that's far faster than you could ever hope to use them it's like a hoarders wet dream this stream of stuff just Renne it's how the game chooses to reward the player after each fight except you know none of it matters because you're already so loaded up on resources but they have no value but the game doesn't care it just keeps throwing this crap at you and you keep picking it up listening to that little sound effect play over and over while you try to pretend all this loot and your actions have some actual meaning to them it's almost feels like the loot system is designed to try to trick the player into gaining a fake sense of accomplishment by constantly clicking all these little boxes over and over constantly acquiring things everywhere you go and hearing that little sound effects tell you what a good boy you are taking up all this hard-earned loot but really it's it's all a sham and you're not a good boy you're a failure who's wasting their life playing shitty games and watching shitty YouTube videos while your best years pass you by but don't worry about that right now just go pick up the rest of that loot you earned it and while some loot stacks and is weightless things like weapons armor food items and weapon mods all have a weight to them and take up space meaning you frequently need to waste time selling dismantling or just dumping this junk to keep below your max carry weight it gets pretty time-consuming and there's never actually any interesting loot out there the game has the usual selection of handguns shotguns assault rifles laser guns and sniper rifles for you to find and you can get them all early on from then onwards you just find higher-level versions of the same types of weapons that look similar and feel the same but have a higher number next to them and so do more damage the enemies there are some unique named weapons but they never seem to be higher level than generic stuff and so there doesn't seem to be much point in using them I guess there are at least a small number of science weapons that are different but still overall volute system is pretty boring and on the topic of loot and boring there's also stealing which is of course also really easy you can steal most things with no one noticing and if they do notice you just need to pass an incredibly generous speech check which can be repeated multiple times even in the highest level areas you still only need 40 speech skill to steal everything and there's no other consequences to stealing you'd think in a world with strict corporations and lots of rules that maybe someone would search you for contraband or restrict the sale of stolen goods but nope no one cares just do whatever you want and the nonchalance of NPCs extends to combat - if you ever find yourself in a difficult fight or just get bored mid combats you can actually walk away a little bit and everyone resets the companions come back from the dead and you can heal up quick save and be ready for round two I guess NPCs just forget someone was shooting them after a few seconds and decide to return to their very important lives of standing still in the game world waiting for you to shoot them combat itself at least can be challenging I mean you have difficulty options that work although the difficulty options do have their own issues the highest option is supernova which makes enemies tougher but it also includes a number of immersive elements like forcing the player to eat and drink as well as limiting their ability to save and introducing parma death for companions the problem with this is that some players may enjoy the immersive elements but not want the higher combat difficulty while other players may not care about the immersive elements and only want the higher combat difficulty for some players the immersive elements can just seem like boring chores with no benefits and also the combination of limited saving with companion permadeath just feels like it's designed to waste players time your ability to control your companions isn't particularly deep and they can easily die which means frequent reloading and even if you get your companions under control you'll still need to take frequent trips back to your ship to rest to remove annoying debuffs or save and so on all in all supernova feels poorly designed and the difficulty selection would be much improved if there was simply a separate option so players can choose if they want the immersive elements or not you know like hardcore modes in Fallout New Vegas which works great and if obsidian understood this ten years ago you have to wonder why this isn't the case anymore but at least there is a supernova difficulty so that means one part of the game can be difficult which is good because nothing else is from the quest markers turn you exactly where to go at all times for the incredibly easy skill checks to the brain that disguise system or their never-ending loots really it feels like outside of combat the whole game is set to very easy modes and there's nothing you can do about it and this has a knock-on effect on the RPG systems in the game the outer worlds is an RPG and so it comes with all those RPG features you'd expect such as character creation stat choices perks on level up and multiple solutions to quests what lets these systems down is that with how easy the game is all these choices you make don't feel like they matter very much for example there are lots of skills to choose from but outside of the final couple of story missions most skill checks are set incredibly low so you can pass almost all of them anyway combine this with the fact that skills are bundled into groups so you can level up multiple things at once and get all skills level 50 very cheaply and it's hard to avoid creating a jack-of-all-trades who's a master of well everything apparently one of the things that the outer worlds does do well is provide multiple solutions to quests that are connected to skill checks this should be a good thing it should make players builds feel like they actually matter and it feels good to find unique quest solutions it's interesting and you're odd choices feel validated and that's how it should work but skill checks are so easy to pass in the outer worlds you don't feel anything the game has multiple solutions the quests but they're also shoved down your throats with how obvious they're made to the player and how easy the requirements are to meet and what's the point if you want an example of a game that instead does this right just look at fallout the first one because while fallout can seem a little primitive in some ways today it still leagues above the outer worlds in this particular aspect in Fallout Quest solutions aren't handed to you so you have to work things out yourself and when you find that one of the skills you invested in provides the answers you've been looking for it feels great you can only really invest in a few skills and pull out one so these moments are appreciated and this is still something that stands out about the game today but the outer world goes in the opposite direction of giving the player all the things all the time like it's scared of the player failing anything even though failing is needed sometimes to give meaning to success but the outer world just doesn't get this even the floors you can get in this game are optional the floor system was something talked about a lot pre-release as this great unique factor it's still shown as one of the game's key features on various store pages quotes while playing the outer worlds the game tracks your experience to find out what you aren't particularly good at keep getting attacked by Raptor Don's taking the Raptor phobia floor gives you a debuff when confronting these vicious creatures but rewards you with an additional character park immediately this sounds ok on paper at least but in game it's a different matter let's just ignore how ridiculous it is to present things like partial blindness or permanently crippled as choices because even then what's the point in this floor system that reacts to the way you play when the player just gets to pick and choose the floors they want anyway like the game reacts to you doing something bad such as consuming too many drugs with this weak pop-up but it's like hey sorry to bother you but but we noticed you've been taking lots of drugs so we we thought maybe you'd like this cool drug addiction flaw or not I mean it's totally optional we we don't want to bother you and will give you this this free perk but it's it's up to you you know your body your choice as we like to say in the world of drug addiction like [ __ ] if the player can't start popping pills just slap that addiction straight on them don't ask them if they want to be addicted don't even tell them that developed an addiction just give it a chance to trigger randomly and then add some withdrawal symptoms and let them work it out when their character starts Jones in for their next fix and if they don't like it send them to some black-market back-alley doctor who promises to treat them but actually robs them blind I mean you want to roleplay as a drug addict well guess what drug addiction is a floor so maybe sort yourself out or deal with the consequences except in the outer worlds floors aren't floors they're just optional ways to min/max your character and I'm not even sure why anyone would want to min/max in this game anyway not because it's easy but because the perks are just so boring who designed these and why didn't they include some more interesting options more Armour more health walk faster carrying more weights guards this park system is so generic it's such a wasted opportunity but I guess so is the rest of the game I haven't mentioned it yet but the outer worlds is kind of short and I didn't mention this because it's not really a problem here a game is allowed to be short even a big-budget RPG and there's nothing wrong with going for quality over quantity but if that's what the outer worlds is doing I have to wonder where is that quality seriously what does this game actually do well the things I haven't really mentioned that combats the exploration the immersiveness the companions the writing the story they're all at best fine none of them stand out and there's nothing this game excels at it's just this amalgamation of pieces that are just sort of okay and I can't understand how that can receive so much praise maybe I wouldn't dislike the outer world so much if I felt like this game was actually original like I still wouldn't enjoy the game that much but I'd be able to respect it for doing its own thing you know taking risks being different but this game doesn't take any risks it plays things as safe as possible and it doesn't bring its own ideas to the table either it just copies what's already out there while trying desperately to get some of that easy fallout money and I do think easy fallout money is the reason behind a lot of this games design choices like why does the outer worlds use a retro futuristic style for its robots and technology fallout does this too and originally that was because the retro style provided a sense of nostalgia that contrasted with the tragic apocalyptic setting so it was a deliberate choice that had a purpose but what about the outer worlds is a futuristic corporate dystopia meant to be nostalgic well no instead the outer worlds chose its retro futuristic style because that's what fallout does and fallout makes money so better coffee yet there are signs of that approach all over this game what about the computer terminals fallout uses these computer terminals to show the player a part of the setting they otherwise don't experience which is what life's like before the bombs foul the computer terminals are glanced into an important part of this universe we don't usually get to see and that makes them interesting to read and allows them to serve a unique purpose the outer worlds also has computer terminals they tell you about how dumb corporations are which is the exact same thing as every NPC in this world there's nothing unique about these terminals then not interesting and they don't have any purpose but despite this they're still everywhere in the outer worlds because that's what fallout does but if the design choices behind the outer world show a complete lack of originality well maybe the writing could make up for it that's obsidian strength right the writing it is what they're known for and with this whole shorter game quality over quantity approach there must have been lots of opportunities to tell some really original stories just look at all these memorable side quests like the one where you the what about the one with the the cannibals I mean they seem like a normal family and then surprise cannibals who could afford two vats just forget the fact that fall out there that already as well as many other games and just forget that fall out did it's a lot better because cannibals everybody loves cannibals right or what about that side quest for you're sent to rescue someone and then you find out they don't want to be rescued the outer worlds loves this trope so much it does it twice yay Oh what about the quest where you need to ask an NPC out on a date for another NPC who's too nervous to ask them themselves I bet you've never done that before or what about that side quest where you need to go to the sewer and collect some rats that's that's a good one right rats in the sewer what a classic the quest with the fake early retirement program was was okay right I mean that one was also done before in Fallout but at least it was in New Vegas so it's it's more like self-plagiarism I know it's a bit much to expect every side quest in an RPG to be interesting and original but the outer world selection really does come across as a tired lazy regurgitation of mildly popular cliches seen in other RPGs and the main story doesn't make up for this either it's generally adequate although it's only really gets interesting towards the end and it offers a pretty weak selection of choices for an RPG if you look at the end slides something also copied from fallout you see that for all this text almost everything is based of a single choice whether to side with your generic mad-scientist friends or side with the halcyon holdings corporate boards the only other choice that matters are who you side with on Edgewater and who you sides with on monarch neither of which are very interesting choices themselves and that sense the thing is even the main choice of whether to side with your buddy Rick or the board seems weak because there's no actual reason why you'd want to side with the board they're shown to be both evil and incompetence so why would anyone choose them and the game seems to agree with this because if you do decide to side with the board parts of the ending don't make any sense at the very end of a game you go to a prison if you choose to oppose the board then the prison is a rescue mission to save your scientist friends where you fight through hordes of board goons and then save the day and the game but if you side with the board then you also go to the prison but instead fights prisoners who are apparently rioting and have to save a member of the boards and that's fine except I guess to make the players choices feel like they matter someone decided that during the final mission other factions that the player has interacted with should show up to lend the player a hand and it doesn't make any sense how these factions know to show up here to help you in the first place but that's a minor issue compared to how stupid it is that these factions who hate the board including the iconoclasts who are as diametrically opposed to the board as it is possible to be still turn up to help you help the board you're here to imprison and likely kill the majority of the human race present in this solar system just so the board can cling to power and groups like the independent ground breaker and the iconoclasts still turn up to die for your cause and why are the iconoclast even helping me I didn't help them I made fun of them every chance I had and then shot their leader in the head and told them to make peace with the nearby corporation and they're here to give their life for me but why so if you choose the board's the ending doesn't make any sense but I guess you're not really meant to choose the board anyway so fine whatever who cares so in conclusion the outer worlds is a game it's not a good game but maybe it's not a bad game maybe it's just average and I dislike it so much because it disappointed me I expected something better particularly considering the people involved and it could have been something better but instead it feels like the game barely tries it does the bare minimum possible and plays it as safe as possible and despite not being very original or memorable apparently it's still good enough but is it look I can just about accept that people have different opinions to me and I don't mind being a minority but there's one thing I can't help but notice whenever people praised this game and it's Bethesda it's as if large parts of the population are literally unable to mention the outer worlds without somehow making it about Bethesda I mean haven't you heard Bethesda are officially obsolete now the outer worlds should scare Bethesda the outer worlds ruins fallout in a good way the outer worlds makes professor look lazy and incompetent and I think you get the picture there is clearly a patent abyss when everyone talks about the outer worlds it's like all they really want to talk about is Bethesda because haven't you heard Bethesda are the worst and they made fallout 76 and fallout 76 is the worst and look at the latest Bethesda / fallout 76 controversy it's just the worst and I'm not that interested in defending Bethesda or fallout 76 but I really do think there is no easier way to generate likes or views or retweets in the video game world at the moment than to complain about Bethesda and fallout 76 there are entire YouTube channels that seem only able to maintain their relevance by desperately clean to this anti Bethesda narrative because it works and so when the outer worlds was released all anyone seems to care about was how this fits into the Bethesda bad narrative so people exaggerated the outer worlds good qualities in order to say dumb things like oh my god guys Bethesda are now officially obsolete Bethesda should be scared pull out these ruins all because of zillion released a mediocre game that copies fallout in some ways but why should we frowns all notions of standards just because Bethesda made something worse once the idea that we have to pretend that this game is great just because people like to hate on Bethesda is well I'm sorry but it's just pathetic a game should be judged by its own merit and by its own merits I really struggled to see how the outer worlds is anything but a bland soulless run-of-the-mill disappointment so if people like the outer worlds because they actually like the outer worlds then fine I mean I'm right and you're wrong but fine we can disagree it's it's okay you don't have to unsubscribe or leave a comment telling me you wish I was dead we can we can still be friends come on it's it's just my own game but if you are someone who only praised the outer worlds because that praise fits nicely into your professor dominated worldview then I just want you to know that the outer worlds is exactly the game you deserve [Music]
Channel: NeverKnowsBest
Views: 488,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the outer worlds, the outer worlds critique, the outer worlds review, the outer worlds bad, the outer worlds story, the outer worlds analysis, the outer worlds fallout, the outer worlds Bethesda, the outer worlds sucks
Id: hr3Y7rp1cSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 28sec (3088 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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