Fallout 76 THREE YEARS Later...

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hey i'm a bit bored do you guys want to like launch a nuke or something he's wearing a bus on his back they have the highest armor in the game well i made it to gopher lagoon oh power armor what i don't quite understand yet but i'm sure i'll find out very soon what in the world is that all right let's fight jim you guys want to know why i'm so angry wonder why you didn't get off my lawn diabolical well they did it they put a battle pass in fallout 76 april 8th 2007 you've got your you're done is that a dutch camp beverage that teleports you across the map to a random location to new players what do you see describe what you are seeing right now these guys say are you guys supposed to be dumped well that uh that worked pretty well [Music] the real question is was it worth it [Music] well here we are folks three years into fallout 76's life cycle it's been a rough journey just an absolute roller coaster we went from an impressively awful launch to an entire year of weird content updates to a battle royale and then to nearly seven months of delay for mpcs to arrive in the game to then actually a really solid game but after these three years you gotta wonder where is this game going alright so i've been on this train since the xbox exclusive beta where the tears of fallout fans float like the neverending and ambiguous mystery that is the downpour you know what niagara falls i don't have time to spend all day looking for youtuber impressive words on rhyme zone there is so much happening to this game so many updates so many content upgrades free dlcs the typical stuff that should be added to games like this but there's also been content removed never work done or added never worked on and then removed it's just another cycle the direction of this game is confusing to say the least and over time i've come to realize one very important thing about fallout 76 one thing that i know a heap of people will disagree with me about but i ask that they hear me out fallout 76 has an end there is a moment where you can say alright all done and i feel like the sooner you can appreciate and accept that conclusion the sooner you can actually enjoy the game for what it is not an mmo not some sort of survival game does this look like survival to you there's no end game dungeons no raids no real reason to get all those amazing gear pieces like what you got a god roll rifle good for you you can now kill randall for the 120th time today but 0.8 seconds faster now i have people trying to convince me that daily ops are like esor wow dungeons they're literally go here kill a bunch of mobs grab your cage light bulb plans for the millionth time and then leave it's just for fun and a chance at getting a rare plan which are now available sometimes at my nerva but come on i'm level 340 or something i didn't do much more for 280 of those levels then farm broken enemy spawns and kill the end game boss who instantly dies half the time anyways because those legacies and hacked weapons are still here and don't get me wrong i'm not trying to hate on this game i'm not cramping on the fun of it i'm just laying down a solid dose of perspective so that it's easier to nail the points i'm gonna try to make without confusion and its core 76 just isn't the game i'm constantly told by people it is what it is is a fun online open world sandbox based in the fallout universe keyword there fun so before we talk more about this year in particular let's cover more about what the actual state of the game is right now because it's good but it's quiet i've played a couple times over the past month and i'd say about a good 80 percent of the events including the usual big ones are completely ignored and the events that are popular get absolutely decimated and the reason for this is because most of the events in the game are actually just terrible so no one actually cares about them an example of this would be the fact that i sat on this roof for 10 minutes killing bugs with only about five bugs spawning per minute no one came and i sat there all by myself in terms of bugs and glitches they've actually fixed a lot of them i've had a couple of daily ops runs failed because the progress just like stopped going or the occasional enemies doing weird stuff but they've cleaned up the game nicely and hacked weapons they're finally getting dealt with slowly mind you but they are and you know i know i'm gonna say this and immediately the game's gonna get filled up with heck weapons again or something but i've been hanging on to a few i bought a couple i've gotten given a couple literally never knew they were hacked until well the scorch beast queen died instantly to them so i hung them up on my wall and they've been there just as a symbol of hope that one day they might just disappear or something well instead of that they ended up just taking off the broken effects so it's nice to see some progress on that for a change basically long story short the game isn't a very good place for new players to hop in it's still an absolute dead end stop for endgame players but i asked around in game just to see what people thought and the usual response was either i'm bored and i want content or will there ever be end game content which well sparked the controversial conversation that maybe the game wasn't intended to be played in that way which then ended up in a midlife crisis but in fallout 76 i don't see a whole lot of new players jumping in but when i do they seem to be having the best time because they are jumping into all of that content introduced over the past couple of years and man do i envy them because they are getting a pretty dang polished first experience of the game but let's talk about that year three because it was like looking for a big mac in the sahara at the two-year point i still believe that that was where fallout peaked wastelanders dropped adding a solid 10 to 20 hours worth of content to play through grind npcs to talk to so that you could fill that lonely void that somehow isn't fulfilled through the real players in the game strangely they brought in the balancing changes so now everything scales perfectly making all those a useless low-level areas useful to high-level players seasons were added a free battle pass so now there was a reason to all these previously pointless things they added in another nuke spawn boss the wendigo colossus guy and where we left off the brotherhood of steel questline was just on its way that's a solid year man especially considering it's all free content and then we have this year you hear that those are frauds or crickets or something i don't know i haven't edited the audio yet so i'm assuming that's what you're hearing right now it's been a very quiet year they put so much into year two just an insane build-up of potential of what they could do so much high praise but it's gone from that river to a stream and now at the end of this year it's like trying to make a waterfall with a cup of orange juice and i don't know what's with all these friggin waterfall comparisons today but just roll with it now there's been a lot of quality of life updates that's for sure but that's almost it the first massive update locked and loaded was literally just upgrades to what was already there it was good stuff like having changeable builds more camps daily ops got a facelift but like that was gonna tide us over until summer there was nothing new from january to july seven months without a drop of actual new playable content well after that steel rain the second part of the brotherhood of steel two part series came out now the first part back in december last year it was good more story but very short very limited you could tell the effort went more so into wastelanders with resources and such and that's fine this was definitely just more story content so that's good and all the second part here was also very short it was still fun still had a lot of choices and plot turns and it did feature the first moment where you could actually kill off a major story character which was cool but it was over in about four hours they also added in legendary crafting and finally after years of people asking legendary power armor thing is with the campaign being over in roughly four to five hours legendary crafting was to tide us over basically instead of farming legendary enemies now we were farming legendary cores to craft our own and let me tell ya after a while i just didn't care anymore you can only get so many legendaries before you realize one of two things one this is literally the supposed endgame content or two no matter how much i grind legacies will always be better than what i can get so here we arrive at the conundrum of dang what do i do now like we already established 76 isn't an mmo there aren't heaps of dungeons and raids to challenge the league of mindlessly powerful players there aren't hundreds of bosses to grind sets from so then what is supposed to happen next [Music] fallout worlds okay so basically they introduced for the big fall update a feature that is pretty much exclusive to fallout first members remember that fun little service the gist of this is that they gave players a decent but still very limited free reign on their own custom worlds where you could create little scenarios or whatever you really want but once again this isn't the modded servers like we're asking for there still isn't mod support so you're just left using what assets are already there and besides flicking enemies around at nuclear ragdoll power it gets old very fast it's like benjamin button but reversed times 100 speed now they did put in non-fallout first member created servers that have custom-made themes so everyone can try it out but once again it's just like nuclear winter not a whole lot of people care because it's just rehashing more of the same thing and speaking on nuclear winter see you later right into the trash alongside survival mode and that vault raid thing i did a video on nuclear winter a couple months back and it was dead i could barely get into a server with more than 20 people and half of the people i did play with were just standing still farming the xp for survival time because only a nuclear winter did surviving give you more xp than getting kills and even winning anyways the fallout battle royale is dead long live the tales from the stars update coming this winter wait no stop stop that no don't you [Music] this was the big alien themed season with four star legendaries finally coming to the game only a mere three years of waiting a new event new content pets and as we all stayed tuned in they just kind of put this right on there like pip boy colors loot sharing local looting i just this was 2021 for fallout 76 for me obviously i'm a youtuber critic guy but i'm also a fan of fallout i can't see any players wanting to jump into the game because of this year's content but last year's content there's not a whole lot going on in this game anymore there's massive pauses in between content and then it usually ends up being fun for about a week and a half and then you dip out or it gets delayed half a year at this point the only thing i'm looking forward to is the pit the big expedition happening next year i have no idea what that's gonna be yet but i'm crossing my fingers that the reason this year felt so limited is because next year's content is going to be amazing now with all that being said don't let my complaints of this year have you thinking the game is bad it's not in fact the game is at its best yet what quality wise that is so many bugs and glitches are patched there's heaps of content for new players to explore and all together the game just kind of feels well wrapped up for the west virginia side of things i'm not really engaged in the story this world has to tell anymore so that's why the pit is enticing to me after that i just want to see a new fallout game one that goes so far away from what this game was i want to see that fancy new rpg with all the new gameplay graphics mechanics and replayability you know what i want to see a fallout game taking weapon and combat mechanics from tarkov now that that'd be a crazy time imagine having a fat man jam on you there's the content the fact that myself alongside a ton of you still go back to new vegas and 4 pretty much once a month says a lot about how those games have really stood the test of time year 2 apollo 76 was good but this third year was an absolute drought of content what content did come out was very good don't get me wrong but just not enough there were too many small incremental changes that were made to be the main focal point of an update like look at this none of this is going to make me want to play for more than a day this is just more of what we already have for i don't know small patches aim assist a new battle pass i do look forward to seeing what the fourth year will bring and the pit looks promising but besides that fallout 76 is an online game is starting to feel quite stale for high level and endgame players well that about wraps it up for year 3 of fallout 76 it's been a shallow one the content release was fun and well made but just so little of it it feels like wastelanders definitely set a bar so high that they realize it would take a full year of development to create something to match it so hopefully that's what the pit's gonna be let me know what your thoughts are are you still playing 76 are you finding joy in any specific area of the game or are you kind of just waiting for the pit or star field or the eventual announcement of a new fallout title i want to know your thoughts but hold on there is one thing that fallout did this year that was absolutely amazing this hey i'm cooking here do you mind uh getting off of that make me all right [Music]
Channel: Kevduit
Views: 745,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kevduit, Fallout, Fallout 76, Fallout 76 Wastelanders, Fallout 76 Update, Fallout 4, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 76 DLC, Comedy, Funny, Gaming, Fallout 76 OP Weapons, Fallout 76 Steel Reign, Fallout 76 Minerva, Fallout 76 Legendary Crafting, Fallout Worlds, Fallout 76 Worlds, Fallout 76 Custom World, Fallout 76 update, Fallout Worlds update, Fallout 76 Custom Worlds, Fallout 76 Mods, Fallout 76 Review, Fallout 76 Three Years Later, Fallout 76 in 2021, Fallout 76 2021
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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