The Other Side of Darkness (2022) | Full Movie | Action Adventure Movie

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in the beginning there was darkness a world changed at the flip of a switch suddenly the darkness was gone the power had arrived the age of electricity had begun it moves us it delivers us it connects us we depend on it for food and medicine to make everything from the cars we drive to the world we live we are linked slaves tied to a leash made of copper our money our security our entertainment forever changed what then would we do if that power suddenly went out mmm [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] watch out oh geez tj are you trying to kill me or something sorry i'm just late for work like usual why are you gonna start enjoying your summer like a normal person two days hannah you know what happens in two days yeah rub it in oh all right i gotta go i gotta make that money see you later where's our adventure tj can't wait all summer [Music] [Music] [Music] you better have a good excuse miss bradcock greg's gonna have your head i got five oil changes and an alignment waiting and it ain't even noon it's like 902 get off me last i checked your shift began at 9 00 am how about instead of riding my ass you pulled a change in debate too and shut the hell up day three you watch your back your day's coming [Music] tj you almost done with that one [Music] tj what uh yeah yeah hurry up i got a hyundai out front and he's brought into bay too okay i'll get it now [Music] sir your car didn't go through you're gonna have to call your bank can you run it again sir i've tried it three times greg keys we do take cash aaron where is my chevy it's done i took care of it for you you're good what did you do just trying to help you out so [Music] you did the oil change on that chevy right yeah like an hour ago i see did you maybe forget something what are you talking about the oil tj you forgot the goddamn oil no that's impossible the customer just called her motor seized up on the side of the goddamn freeway what the hell am i supposed to do okay i can explain it was aaron he's the one it's just one thing after another with you and i'm sick of it you're fired greg get your [ __ ] and get out looks like you'll be needing this rotten house nice working with you what's wrong come on come on sit down just breathe just breathe deep and slow now tell me what's going on i got fired what you didn't even do it it was the car was it was look at me look at me look at me what's going on [Music] you can't live like this you don't have to put up with his [ __ ] who are you calling my dad hannah what is he gonna do if you're suggesting what i think i i can't do that hannah he'll know what to do what is it try your call [Music] disconnected or again no longer in service if you feel you have reached this recording in error please check the number and try your call again i mean my dad lives on his phone he never has it turned off where are your parents they're on a business trip in new york why [Music] started just after 3 30 this afternoon spreading across the northeast portland boston and new york remain without power a faulty transformer is said to be the cause of the blackout but details have yet to be released crews are working to resolve the issue but still no word on how long the power will be out in other news the u.s stock exchange was close to close due to the outage the market has not been closed since hurricane sandy struck new york and i made dinner 2012 swiss steak gas shortage slaved away all day on that one how is everyone's day i don't want to talk about it filling up they say the blackout is spreading hospitals are out of power cars out of gas blocking the freeways panic in the streets may be farther off than residents wonder if the russians are involved many grocery chains have established purchase limits on food items so you're really going to take his side aren't you he's been working for me for 12 years i've been your daughter for 14 doesn't that count for [ __ ] watch your mouth greg i need that money i almost have enough for a car you're not being fair you know maybe i overreacted maybe you can show me how sorry you are i may reconsider you remember that one thing you know stop you promised you wouldn't you think it's fair the agency stuck us with you for this long i raised you i fed you i put a goddamn roof over your head everything the law requires least you can do is show me some goddamn respect you're not even my real father well thank god for that i hate you what are you looking at what are you looking at [Music] maybe it's north korea definitely north korea so [Music] [Music] so after you left yesterday i did some research and it turns out you don't have to stay there anymore if you don't want to [Music] your page your phone how's that working hey tj how you doing god just go away i just want to use your phone what's wrong with yours can't get a signal try dialing your [ __ ] sorry about that it's okay what do you think i don't know hannah i don't think it's a great idea i mean just hear me out you turn 16 tomorrow which means you're legally old enough to apply yeah but emancipation where would i go i don't have a job anymore how would i pay rent i mean you can stay here we have a spare room i appreciate that i do but i don't think that's a great idea why because of patrick i can handle my brother and besides don't think about that right now just go home pack up a few things and tell gina you're gonna spend the weekend here look no one's forcing you to do anything you don't want to do just think about it okay [Music] gina noor [Music] you're useless [Music] robert [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] west virginia what are you doing all the way up here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you know we keep meeting like this i'm uh starting to think it's destiny yeah in your dreams are you okay [Music] you still up for an adventure how about a road trip [Music] [Music] [Music] going somewhere you had no right greg uh yeah i actually did have the right what am i supposed to do customers pissed motor shot somebody's got to pay for it i already told you it wasn't my fault i need this money maybe maybe we can work something out hey hey where do you think you're going staying at hanna's i don't remember you asking my permission well i wasn't asking for your permission [ __ ] you don't touch me you don't ever get to touch me you walk out that door you're not coming back nice knowing you've read [Music] are you sure you want to do this yeah absolutely [Music] jesus patrick get out this doesn't concern you mom and dad are so gonna kill you get out you ladies have no idea what you're getting yourselves into you don't even have a license someone's gotta watch out for you and if you don't want me telling mom and dad about your little adventure then i'm coming too damn patrick we don't need anyone watching out for us hannah it's fine he can come so where are we headed just don't talk for the rest of the trip okay that'll be great where'd you say you found this thing [Music] how did you really come what why did you come with us you could have had the whole house to yourself and throw in a huge party told you why expect me to believe you care about us i think a couple girls can't find for themselves something like that okay what is it you hope to find anyway i mean west virginia isn't exactly the center point of civilization i don't know answers i guess it's stupid when you think about it i don't know i mean i'd be curious too cautious i'm curious for all we know we could be headed into a cult or some serial killer's freezer or both charming where are we not far from the bridge are you sure you want to do this patrick this is not your party you joined us remember i'm just asking [Music] what is wrong tj i don't know okay okay patrick get her some water please yeah it's okay you know what that's it we're going home no no no no tj look at you you're a mess you don't have to do this what if they don't see me they don't want me tj that is not gonna happen and i'm here with you all the way [Music] i know it's not a cake but happy birthday [Music] you're gonna be okay [Music] so so so [Music] [Music] our robert you know there's a lot of things planned for today getting shot not one of them this can't be right i think we need to go back i know that name from somewhere trust me [Music] [Music] [Music] smile [Music] do we just knock hold on hold on don't you just one second dude do you know who this person is [Music] sorry do i know you no but i sure know you are you are rr robert i can't believe you come you look just like her you know a spitting image i'm sorry who are you the name's rr robert but people call me jack to you my dear you can call me grandpa [Music] how did she die cancer she was so young yes she was please sit [Music] so i reckon you're full of questions what was she like she loved music she's underway playing gigs from charleston to columbus if you believed it wasn't much money but lord she had the voice of an angel i'd go to see her ever chance god i wish i could have known her oh my dear after you were born everything changed you were the most important thing in her life the last one to put a smile on her face i lost two of my girls when she died they took you away from me without giving me a chance you were all i had left over i want you to know if there was any other way it would have been my honor to have raised you the jeep was hers wasn't it yeah i'd open money to pass it to you to continue her adventure to be free [Music] i never thought you'd come when i saw you standing in my door it was like miami had finally come home [Music] i would have loved to hear her play there's something i want to show you hey jack whatever happened to my father your mother's passing hit him hard he joined the military and i never did see that man again what is it open it tapes yeah tapes you know music i'm familiar with the device what are they your mother's music i want you to have them [Music] i don't know what to say happy birthday taylor joe [Music] we recording all right this is amy robert and this is track four from our new album brave ready one two three [Music] back in is eyes [Music] do [Music] can you chill with the white trash banjo playing for like one second thank you i literally can't get any signal i mean is this like a black hole or something those things never work out here you got to get up higher i can't even check the weather you want to check the weather then stick your head out the damn window thank you you know i couldn't help but notice how clean that jeep is too damn clean what say we get some mud on them tires yeah and maybe check the weather oh god who uses these roads this was logging country they came in here about 10 15 years ago and cleared out miles of these you can cross the entire state if you know where to go oh god what do you think i could get used to this left up here [Music] [Music] so [Music] amy you still have to come up here and watch the sunset she felt like she was on the top of the world what town is that that there is buckhannon population 5600 it don't look like much from here but it's home i've been here most of my life we best get moving you don't want to get caught up here in the rain saddle up [Music] tj [Music] i can feel her of course you can she's a part of you in here let's get moving great we just can't sit here i know a shortcut [Music] [Music] come on now little titan here watch your step [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] tj i can't i can't i can't patrick wait wait dj i can't do this patrick calm down i can't i can't okay okay oh my god oh my god okay okay okay hannah let's go patrick okay right here okay okay okay okay you're doing this [Music] [Music] my god [Music] don't worry we'll get her in the morning i don't know who's waiting for y'all at home but you're welcome to stay here as long as you like y'all don't know me i know that we'll get your jeep fixed get you home well let's not stand out here i'm hungry [Music] you know how to start a fire yeah sure don't be useless go get some wood wow that should be interesting uh tj you know i'm with you all the way but like i'm in enough trouble as it is if my parents find out about this they're gonna kill me hannah it's just one night it'll be okay i'll get you home okay i just really hope you know what you're doing so do i guys i'm hungry too what the hell are you doing not one goddamn can of soup no tomato chicken noodles anything are you drunk [ __ ] you are you have some nerve coming in here like this you want soup then drive into town and buy your own i'm out working my ass off all week and have to come home to this [ __ ] you wouldn't be working at all if it weren't for me hey hey this awful man jack jack are you all right um i'm sorry did i wake you you're sorry what just happened who was that that's just raymond he's a little rough around the edges but you get used to him and he lives with you for a time i'm his a.a sponsor guess i'm not really doing my job am i i'm okay going back to bed i can't sleep seriously i'll be fine what about him he's just had a bad week and comes home a little bit crocked he'll sleep it off it don't make him a bad person okay good night jack nice taylor joe [Music] [Music] okay [Music] thanks for waking me up guys hannah [Music] patrick [Music] hello [Music] jack here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] jack hello tj good morning is it it's damn near lunch you get that last car chopped yet working on it all right calm down old man well get to it they ain't going to chop themselves kill billy you chops millennials zoomers what nothing you ever fire a gun no awesome nothing wrong with knowing how to defend yourself it's a crazy world we live in hard to know who to trust take a look out there what do you see i see grass and trees and patrick making a fool of himself you know why he's doing that probably because you have a gun that ain't it i've seen the way he looks at you i've been around this time or two make sure you have no regrets you sound like an old man i am an old man our choices define us makes us who we are will you choose to be brave to be strong [Music] to love who will you choose to become [Music] it's 90 degrees out anyway who the hell needs a fire [Music] [Music] freaking kidding [Music] [Music] okay [Music] okay [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] so [Music] hey boy where's the wood [Music] she [Music] [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hannah [Music] i got you i got you [Music] [Music] i need to see your phone i love it we can't stay here okay we need to leave right now what has gotten into you i need to show you something okay okay what is it we never should have come here hannah [Music] i can handle her you two best get going no let me go talk to her late and you gotta hike ahead of ya don't worry about her she's had enough of the outdoors for one day i think [Music] [Music] what can i do i think it's the wiring car's been in storage a long time perhaps that does not look good can you fix it i could try can you hand me the electrical tape thanks so what do you think nothing's impossible no i mean about jack all of this [Music] you think we should leave too don't you [Music] thought crossed my mind [Music] it's amazing should hold for now she just needs a little love you think you can fix anything i'm willing to try [Music] oh it's been hours shouldn't they be here it's not just a stroll down the road give him time you seem worried should i be [Music] do you ever think about the past your past what got you here to this moment sometimes what's your first memory and not something from pictures like a real memory when i was about three or four i grabbed a bottle of baby powder shook it all over the room like smell it made such a mess [Music] and i'm pretty sure i hid under the basement steps for about a week i don't know why i remember that [Music] what about you what do you remember [Music] i remember uh playing hide and seek when i was a kid with my foster parents i would hide in the closet because i didn't think they'd ever find me there greg eventually caught on [Music] and he started a head in the closet with me and but is he put his hands jesus that's snad i don't know why i'm telling you this it's stupid hey tj when i look at you [Music] i see a girl who's not afraid of anything i just wish he was still here you have jack and you have hannah and me why did you come here when i was little when hannah was born [Music] the moment i saw her [Music] i knew that i was going to keep her safe and protect her i know that's embarrassing or whatever but [Music] i would do the same for you [Music] what the hell was that [Music] uh what did you do just forget it i'll deal with it later let's go where the hell have you been is everyone okay just a power outage probably the damn squirrels tune on the wires again no it wasn't the squirrels we saw it you saw what a bright blue explosion like a welding arc but bigger and then everything went black do a radio [Music] what's going [Music] on we don't think the blackouts are accidental we think we're under attack attack i'm sorry but were you there because we saw this with our own eyes i've been working for the power company for 10 years just a blown transformer that's what you saw jack i don't know what you've heard but [ __ ] like this has been happening for days it's called a cascading blackout combination of old equipment and too much strain on the system been keeping us busy for days jack are you sure this thing works because i can't get anything try am okay now you're really freaking me out listen what is not happened same situation new york boston 12 hours later pittsburgh cleveland detroit in a blackout whole sections of the grid go down in a matter of minutes not days this was orchestrated timed planned people are panicking how long is it going to take for you to realize oh hold on hold hold on i'm getting additional reports of new outages from virginia to tennessee it's spreading across several more states people if you are listening and you still have power i urge you stock up on food and water i will continue to stand so like this is the end isn't it [Music] [Music] so hi tj this is your mama not really sure how to go about this but um here it goes if you found this tape that means you're old enough to hear what i'm about to say i have stage four breast cancer it's very invasive the doctors say that i've only got a couple months i know you're you're going to grow into a strong beautiful woman and i'm sorry i won't be there for you honey so hold your hand one more time i can't imagine what you must be thinking i want to tell you everything [Music] i wrote a song i want to play for you i want you to know that well maybe i'll just i'll just let the song do the talking [Music] i wished on a start and here you are sent from above [Music] my little dove if i could have said hello a little sooner if i could have done i would [Music] oh baby believe me i would give anything for some more time with you in my word [Music] that was beautiful [Music] hey i'm sorry i didn't mean to intrude you want to be alone no still nothing we're gonna be all right what's happening patrick i feel like i'm falling [Music] [Music] so hey going on nothing it doesn't seem like nothing you wanted to tell me something what is it i was scared tj you left me i needed you and you left me here all alone you said that you wanted to go home i just went to get the jeep so i could get it fixed and get it running and did you fix it not yet but i'm how convenient you know uh [Music] you okay yeah i'm fine we have some band-aids here so what's your story miss there's a girl like you doing in a place like this huh looking for a little adventure can you please stop stop what ew i said stop you're gonna need these more than me whatever you think you are jack's granddaughter who the hell are you this was a mistake you shouldn't be here morning sweetheart hey i found two boxes of mres in the garage are we sure these are okay [Music] where's ray have you seen him where the hell you at raymond you know what's going on out there get your [ __ ] let's go calm down man i thought it was handled there's a situation up relax i got it under control get in the truck [Music] who's that that framed his boss from the power company he's pissed yeah [Music] uh tj can you come with me please yeah just send me a change [Music] [Music] hannah where are we going come on tj just follow me okay i'm coming it was it was here it was all here okay what was here hannah no okay this can sound crazy but there were guns and other things in your fault guns like hunting guns no i don't think so are you sure you weren't imagining it tj i find a metal box and a tunnel in the middle freaking nowhere and you think i'm crazy okay let me say you're crazy listen it's just trash here [Music] [Music] patrick where's jack oh he's inside why you need to come with us now we'll explain in a second but we need to ask jack something now jack i'm only going to ask this once so turn up your hearing aids what the blazes is this all about where do you keep your guns what what kind of guns do you have what's this all about answer the question jack i'm a 12 gauge and 9 mil any machine guns no would someone please tell me what the hell is going on show him [Music] where did you find this in the old culvert in a metal box with your name on it is it yours no any idea why it was stashed on your property then now [Music] that's raymond's room i know whose room it is and i don't give a [ __ ] what are you doing [Music] [Music] [Music] jack what is this stuff looks like electrical schematics [Music] substation maps so is him he did this someone's here raymond [ __ ] so come on man grab your [ __ ] let's go we ain't got all day i think we've got a problem is he gone so [Music] they're stealing us in hey what are you doing raymond you're an [ __ ] let us out raymond let us out of here it's no use it's a solid wood door this is mistake i i want to go home i want to go home we'll find a way out what is that i'm at home i'm in my bed and this is all just a dream sounds like water water [Music] yes what [Music] we're gonna die i'm sorry guys this is all my fault there's got to be another way out of here jack jack grandpa jack got to get out of here is there another way jack please what the map no no no we need another way out it's not the map we can do this but you've got to help us grandma we have to get out i need him to get up hannah go okay quick quick you gotta get out let's go come on dj you're kidding we have to go go you gotta stop it i don't give a [ __ ] about raymond you don't understand he's your father [Music] [Music] [Music] you lied to me and i trusted you i never meant to mislead you after amy died raymond started drinking hard he got into some trouble with the law and i thought one day he'd change it's over maybe i must be naive but i thought of all the people you'd be the one to bring him around i can't jack your whole life you won't know where you come from and now you know i wasn't trying to keep anything from you i just wasn't ready it wasn't your decision to make this wasn't what i wanted but now you know and he's out there i don't know what i'm supposed to do there comes a time in all our lives when we have to make tough choices do we sit back and watch the world go to hell or do we stand up and fight for the good that's left in it today is that day you have to try you can't do it alone and you're not alone we're here with you all the way [Music] there's just one problem [Music] try it now damn it what am i missing this piece of [ __ ] is never gonna get us out of here hannah come on have some faith did you check the distributor please battery plenty of power it just won't start are you sure you're not out of gas hannah seriously not helpful uh tj what have you ever heard of gas why because there's none in this car [Music] from what i figure this is where he's going what's fully mounting got to be a substation he's trying to take down the grid yeah parts of it anyway so what do we do to stop him it's less than 100 miles from here if we can intercept them before they get there we might have a chance [Music] you gonna make it old man [Music] i ain't dead yet [Music] this is crazy you know that right these logging roads run clear across these cars like webb but no one knows them like i do [Music] [Music] [Music] give me that what are you doing trying to send out a text get a signal no are we getting close we're just outside of newcastle it's not far now are you sure getting dark out i worked for the power company for 25 years trust me we didn't have any gps back then we still found our way yeah you navigate by the stars too it's a piece of paper it's called a map what do you got uh it's called google yeah how is that working for you faster faster [Music] [Music] are you guys okay jack i'm still here [Applause] i can get us out of this there's no time for that come here i believe in you i always have what will you choose [Music] uh what are you waiting on go after her you fool [Music] let's think this through okay say we get inside then what well i'm not letting him do this so i'm gonna go over this fence with her without you okay okay i'm here i'm with you but what is the plan exactly they're using blasting caps c4 is basically play-doh without it lasting cut you know what you're doing no not really confidence love wait look all we have to do is cut the caps off once i place the charges on it's simple simple yeah you got that big set yet i got three more of them what does it look like i'm doing i'm almost done can you change the frequency on the remote right not yet you know what happens if i'll make a call in twenty i got it first one set let's do this what can't you do yeah it's just more complex than i thought this is the boston cat antenna lead remote dj i'm thinking [Music] have you got any more 14 gauge in your truck no dick you hear me yeah i hear you incompetent piece of [ __ ] dick i'm checking dammit [Music] few he's coming up he's coming raymond i think we got company [Music] where are they where are the caps i don't know what you're talking about i'm gonna count to three one two seven two put the gun down i'm not playing here girl so where are the goddamn caps take them [Music] away oh did you guys see that [ __ ] jesus how did you get her out hey guys where's raymond [Music] yeah that's right i have the gun now it doesn't have to be like this turn around girl you are persistent must be genetic until the old man told you diddy well it doesn't change anything i'm not finished yet whatever you think this is it's over you don't get it this was the last one once the station is down this once great powerful country will be on its knees i think we'll stop then them who's them they're everywhere watching our every move just waiting for the right moment to strike you're insane maybe but i think that runs in our family too i am not you i will never be you [Music] just like your mother but you got me in there too whether you like it or not don't listen to this [ __ ] where's the goddamn bomb [Music] where is it it's over there yeah well show me where is it it's there go look i i don't see it i'm not playing it's underneath oh yeah okay i see it give me the knife things are looking up after all just not for you you bastard now give me the gun [Music] [Music] i think i'm gonna enjoy this little fireworks show you know we got a real small dick huh ah hey kid relax you're not gonna feel a thing we're all set you got the remote in the truck frequency i'm good well then nice meeting y'all dad dad please don't do this you're not just killing us but you're going to kill others too and i don't get what it's worth to you hey raymond why are you doing this you know you make a few mistakes in life and find yourself unable to get a decent job what's a man's worth then [Music] they promised a future and a [ __ ] ton of money you're better than that you're better than them you can make a choice and you can help us end this you don't know what they've done what they will do if we fail i'm as good as dead i've made my choice this is the way it has to be dad please please do not mom is dead i'm i'm still here though please don't abandon me again please i can get you help i'm afraid it's too late for that goodbye tj dad dad no please dad please dad no dad dad please please please [Music] [Music] please don't do this please [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] can three more men were arrested this evening in new jersey with ties to the terrorist organization behind the attack on the nation's power system this is the fourth group apprehended after an anonymous tip was sent in via text message just hours ago it really went through dad yes yes we're okay yes we're all safe how are you where are you [Music] okay i know i know but it's a really long story dad okay [Music] officials now estimate full power to be restored within a few days crews are already hard at work rectifying the damage this just ended god and restored power to residents of new york city only moments ago the mood in the city tonight is electric the cost of human suffering we never lost power around here you guys are lucky right you're caught in that mess of millions of dollars nothing exciting ever happens around here [Music] what oh no i just yeah i just thought i was going to throw up for a second i'm fine it's probably just something i ate nice try this is yours room four way over there wow okay we're all pretty tired what do you say we get some sleep [Music] i'll get you home in the morning i am home [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] country [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Indie Rights Movies For Free
Views: 2,513,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full movie, free movie, action, adventure, drama, Action movie, adventure movie, Drama movie
Id: ocI9dszxeMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 57sec (7077 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 07 2022
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