The Orton Effect Made Easy

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what's going on guys today we're going to be talking about how to create the Orton effect and how you can use it to make your photos look a little bit more dreamy here in Photoshop so let's get into it what's happening guys my name's Brendan from outbound media and you can find me on instagram at burn wells before I get started I just wanted to let anyone who's new here know that I make new Photoshop tutorials every single Wednesday so if that's something you'd be into make sure to hit that subscribe button so today we're going to be talking about the Orton effect and how you can use it to make your images look a lot more dreamy here in Photoshop essentially what the Orton effect is is it overlays a brighter version of your images a little bit blurred it sort of gives the areas that it's effecting a little bit of a glow and sort of this dreamy fairytale look but enough of me talking about it let's just learn how to do it so once you open your image in Photoshop you'll have a background layer here so the first thing that you want to do is you want to duplicate that layer by pressing command J so now you have a background copy so what I'm going to rename this to is Orton blur now this is the layer that we want to create our Orton effect on so what we have to do is we have to blur this layer and then we have to clip the curves adjustment layer on to a blur layer here and then we can blend it into our background layer now that sounds a little bit complicated but I promise you it is not so the first thing that we have to do is you have to add or blur to our ordinary lair so we're gonna go up here to filter down here to blur and then Gaussian blur now from there you don't want to go too crazy with your pixel radius because then you see that things start to look a little bit weird so what I like to do is I go all the way down to zero and then I just worked my way up until I find the blur that I'm happy with so the higher the blur radius the more of an effect this technique will have so in this case I don't want my effect to be super super aggressive so I'm just going to put it around 7.8 and click OK so now what I want to do is I want to boost the highlights and take down the shadows just a little bit in this image so like I said before is I'm just gonna go up here and grab my curves adjustment layer clip it to my Orton blur layer so now it's only affecting my Orton blur layer and I'm going to raise up my highlights just like that and I'm gonna bring down my shadows now I usually just go back down to pretty much normal but you can add a little bit more contrast to there if you'd like now from here I'm gonna click down on my Orden blur and what I want to do is I want to blend this into my background layer the one that is not blurred so what I'm gonna do to do that is I'm just going to go here to my layer blending mode and then I'm just gonna go down here to screen so now you see that just brighten everything up and it looks really bad but here's what we have to do so now we'll go here to our fill slider and I'm just gonna bring my fill all the way down to zero so then I can see what our original image looks like now I'm going to slowly bring up my fill slider and so it's adding just a little bit more of that Orton blur the more I slide up the slider so as you see the further up I bring the slider if I just zoom in you see this sort of dreamy glow that it has given us so if I turn off this orden blur here you can see the difference there it's very slight but it has a really nice sort of fairytale glow whatever you want to call it from here if you wanted to affect the entire image then you're pretty much done at this point and you just adjust your fill slider to where you want and then you're good so in this case I only want to affect the waterfall the river and her so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna add a layer mask to my Orton blur layer and I'm just gonna press command I to invert that layer mask so now everything is invisible there I'm gonna grab my brush tool and with a white brush I'm just going to paint in the areas that I want my Orton blur to be affecting so on the edges of the waterfall of course in the mist and then on my person here and just like that so now by doing that I've manually told Photoshop where I want this effect to be taking place so if I just turn this Orton blur layer on and off you can see the difference that it makes it sort of has add this dreamy glow to our image without being over-the-top and in-your-face it just sort of adds a nice sort of stylized look to your image now this is a technique that you can use for pretty much any style of photography you do whether it be landscapes portraits sports whatever you want to do it can really add a cool effect to your images anyways guys that is it that's how you create the Orton blur effect here in Photoshop if you're wondering where I took this image this is actually taken in Whistler BC at Brandywine Falls which is a super epic waterfall and if you ever get the chance to visit it I would highly recommend it if you want to see any more images from this waterfall then just visit my website at outbound media net or you can find me on instagram at Byrne once again my name is Brendon from FL media and I hope to see you back here next Wednesday for another new Photoshop tutorial see you [Music]
Channel: Brendan Williams
Views: 77,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: orton, orton effect, effect, how to, tutorial, easiest, fastest, simple, made easy, hacks, tricks, brendan williams, outbound media, brnwills, photoshop, adobe, photo, photography, photo editing, learn, educational, fairy tale, look, style, dreamy look, magical, landscape, beginner, newbie, lightroom, whistler, brandywine falls
Id: SXh8rBE0mYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 2sec (302 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2017
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