ORTON EFFECT TUTORIAL | Woodland Photography

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hey guys and welcome back to another video i hope you are all doing well uh just a quick video from me today about um an effect i use a lot of the time um for woodland images and you'd probably heard a lot of people talking about this effect before i've done a video on it before as well but i wanted to update the video that i have done and do another one for you because i've had quite a lot of questions recently on um how i do this effect so this effect is called the autumn effect so you can use it with woodland images you can use it with sunrise sunset images and it just helps give that nice mystical glow especially when you've got bright sunrises and and that sort of scene and also when you've got intimate woodland images with a lot going on and you've got foggy scenes you can add an awesome effect just drop off the background and really make it feel a lot more mystical and ethereal and it just gives a lot more of a professional looking image so this is an image i took the other day at wisman's wood this is a perfect example of where i'd like to add an awesome effect to just drop off the background and make it just drop off into just mystical mysteriousness if that makes any sense so we're in photoshop now i've done a basic edit in lightroom and um now i'm going to add a norton effect to help this image along and then i'll finish off my edit in photoshop so first things first you just need to create a new layer so just press command j on your keyboard or just go down here and add a new layer and this just copies the layer that we have so we can add the autumn effect to this layer here okay so first things first head on up to filter scroll down to blur and go across to gaussian blur this number here is the amount of pixels that you're wanting it to blur uh the radius of the amount of pixels you want to blur so this is this is a personal preference really and it kind of just comes with a bit of um guessing really and you can just move it around to see what looks nice obviously this is a 100 opacity and we're going to pull it all back in a minute so i would start off somewhere around about 20 to 30 25 that sort of area looks fine and just click ok and you'll notice the image has gone completely blurry the next step if you head on up to image go to adjustments and go to levels and now you're going to get a levels tab come up and you can see where the blacks start to come in here in the shadows and you can see where the highlights are here so if we just pull down the highlights to the point where they're just starting to clip and do the same with the blacks somewhere around about there and again this is just playing around until you find what looks right for you click ok and now this is where the magic happens if you head on down to opacity as long as you've got your layer clicked just down the bottom here if you head to opacity and just drop that down to zero you can see now that this layer's got zero opacity and it's just showing the layer underneath but the orton effect that we've just applied to this layer and that levels adjustment is on this layer and we can bring it back up with a touch of opacity now if you watch the image now you can try and find somewhere in there usually around about 20 to 30 percent just adds a little bit of that mystical look about woodland images you can go too far and it starts to look very odd so just be very careful with how much you you add i'm usually around about 20 to 30 somewhere around about there and you can see it's very very minimal it doesn't do a massive deal but it really really does come across in an image that when i toggle it you can see how much of a difference it makes so this is where i wouldn't necessarily want it to be on all of the image i don't really want it to be on these mossy rocks and boulders down here i don't want it to be on this tree i want this tree to be as sharp as it can be i just want it to drop off into the background just naturally and just add a little bit of a mystical feel back there so this is where i would add a layer mask to that image and just invert it so now it's completely invisible again and now take a brush so press b on your keyboard and i like to have full opacity and quite a low flow somewhere around about five six seven eight nine that sort of area a reasonably big brush make sure that your paint is selected to white over on the side here and we're going to paint in that autumn effect where we want it and it's quite easy to just take it out as well so i'm just going to start off with a really really big brush in the background right up at the top here and paint painting where i want it and how much i want as well and again you don't have to be really really picky with this i can bring up the flow even a bit more actually so we can make a bit more of an effect for video purposes um and you can just be really really quite rough with this really and just just go around until it looks right to your eye and just add in the autumn effect you probably can't see a great deal of this on the video it doesn't come across very well even to my eyes when i'm looking at it but when you toggle on and off you can really see there oh wrong one how much of a difference that makes just that little bit that i'm doing now but i'm not affecting the tree here i'm just affecting the background up here in the sky areas and just around the back here because i don't want to affect this bit here either so and if i do go over into the tree like i just did then i could just press x which inverts my brush back to the black paint and i can paint off that autumn effect if you like and get rid of it it's just like erasing it basically and then press x again and we've added it back to the brush and we can just paint back in that water affect where we want it and how much of it we want as well so i want a little bit here in the foreground just a little bit just to drop off but mainly in the background there to just add that mystical and it just makes the image look so nice and if you do it well it can really really look just as natural as it can be but the biggest part where people go wrong is that they don't erase bits where they want it and they don't paint in where they want it they just apply the autumn effect to the whole image and with this effect you need to have the freedom of being able to go into the image and painting where exactly you want this effect and how much of it as well because it can vary on image to image it's just all about playing going backwards and forwards and just really really taking your time with your edits and since owning a tablet and a pen i've and learning photoshop properly as well i've really taken my time with my my editing a lot more uh we take our time out in the field with our cameras and making sure that we get it right and it's only fair really that we give our images the chance uh to just to sit with us how we see them out in the field so i try and take as long when i'm editing um as i did when i'm out there in the field and just really comes across in your work when you take your time so i hope this has helped you guys out and uh if you haven't subscribed to my channel already please do consider clicking subscribe below give us a like tell us what you think down in the comments and i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Ben Kapur
Views: 8,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: landscape, photography, photographer, kase, filters, vlog, benro, outdoors, nature, tutorial, landscapephotographyvlog, bbc earth, springwatch, lumix, lumix S1H, Lumix S1R, Lumix S1, 24-105 f4, 70-200 f4, ambassador, pro, Orton effect, woodland, Orton
Id: hXRjhYG_V5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 18sec (438 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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