The Nick Page Effect - Otherwise known as the Orton effect

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there are a bunch of different ways to do the Orton effect and in today's video we're going to take a look at the way that I do it let's call it the maybe we can call it the Paige effect I don't know let's take a look one of the types of shots that benefits the most from the Orton effect are gonna be shots like this one here where it's a forest scene or there's just a lot of foliage in the shot the reason for that is because if we zoom in here you can see that we have just lots of small sharp fine details and sometimes it's nice to kind of give it a sense of atmosphere so the way we're gonna do the updated Orton effect is that first we're gonna create a merge visible layer by going ctrl shift alt e' or command option shift e that's gonna give us this layer here which is going to give us pixels to play with because we're gonna need to blur those pixels the next step is we're gonna go up to filter blur and then Gaussian blur and we're gonna blur this to taste typically I like to go around the same pixel radius as the number of megapixels in my camera I shot this on a sony a7r 4 so let's take this all the way up into the 50s we're just wanting to blur enough to where we're losing the small details but we're still maintaining the overall shapes of all the objects in the shot we're gonna hit OK and now we're going to decrease the opacity of this layer so I'm gonna decrease the opacity of this so we're seeing just a little bit of the effect but not the whole thing I'm just gonna lower this down to 12% the reason I choose 12% is because that's just where my fingers happen to fall on the keyboard anywhere in the 10 to 15 percent opacity range is fine now the next thing that we need to do is we need to restrict this to only go into the highlights of the shot we don't want our shadows to glow only highlights glow so we're gonna use a luminosity mask to restrict this effect this whole layer into the highlights of the shot so I'm gonna go up to lumens 'ya you could just as easily use TK actions or riot Pro or just go over into your channels tab but I'm gonna use lumens II in this case and I'm just gonna create a lights one that's going to give me this luminosity mask here and then I'm gonna select mask which is going to apply that luminosity mask to this layer so we now have that blurred layer with the opacity turned down and we've applied a luminosity mastery strict that blurred layer only into the shadows so we can start to crank up the opacity of this layer so we can get a feel for what it's doing I'm gonna go up to 25% for the sake of this video so you can actually tell what it's doing if I turn this off and on you can see that we're softening the details but one of the bad things that we're doing is we're blurring the shadows into the highlights that's kind of darkening the highlights and give it and just kind of it's losing its its brilliance it's losing its highlight edge so the next thing that I'm gonna do and this is actually different than I've shown in the past is that we're going to open this blurred layer up in Adobe Camera Raw so I'm just gonna go up to filter Camera Raw filter it's gonna open up that blurred layer here so the cool thing about opening this up in Adobe Camera Raw is that we have all the different things that Adobe Camera Raw can do available to us on this layer so if you think about this is only gonna go into our highlights and it's going to be used in a very subtle amount you know 20% opacity or whatever so the first thing that we want to do is we're gonna add some contrast and we're gonna bring up the exposure of this and knowing that this is only gonna go into our highlights we can also add a little bit of warmth with the temperature and tint slider and we could even add some vibrance into the shot this is going to not only make those highlights glow a little bit but it's gonna make them glow with a little bit of warmth we can go even more extreme in this case because remember we're only going to be using a little bit of this effect because of the lower opacity I'm gonna hit okay and now if I turn this Orton effect layer off and on before after before after this is a higher opacity level than I would normally even use this at but I want you guys to be able to get the feel of what this is doing so we go before you can see it's a cooler color temperature and then when I turn it on not earlier those highlights starting to glow a little bit but they're glowing with warmth and it's just a really nice kind of last effect that you can give a shot let's take a look at another shot so this shot here can definitely benefit from a little bit of that glowy feel we have this kind of bright light source that honestly I blew some of my highlights in this area so if we kind of add a little bit of glow around that area it's going to make it slightly less noticeable that you know Nick screwed up so let's do the same thing let's create a merge visible air control shift alt e' or command option shift e on a mac that gives us our merge visible layer here so we have pixels to play with and now we're gonna go up to filter blur Gaussian blur this is actually back in my Canon 5d Mark for days so let's decrease the pixel radius a bit let's try a pixel radius of about 30 and now I'm gonna decrease the opacity of this layer down to 12% now we're gonna put a luminosity mask on this layer to restrict it on to the only into the highlights so I'm gonna create a lights one hit mask let's increase the opacity of this layer up to 25% now let's open it up into Adobe Camera Raw we're gonna go filter Camera Raw filter and now we're going to add a bunch of contrast increase the exposure a bit add some saturation and vibrance and then warm it up so those highlights are you going to take on a bit of extra warmth and we'll hit OK and so now when I turn this off and on before after before after this is the kind of thing that you can dial in to taste so I know that there's gonna be a bunch of people to say well actually I wouldn't ever use this effect the organ effect is just an overused Instagram trick it just looks so overdone and so cartoony and to those people I say you don't have to use a whole bunch of this effect just use a little bit or maybe just mask it in just around the the background of the shot or around your light source it really helps kind of mellow out some of that height those high contrast sharp areas you're still maintaining sharpness but you're adding just a little bit of atmosphere and glow and it can be a nice kind of finishing touch to an image hopefully this helps if you guys like these post-processing videos please like and subscribe we'll see you guys in the next video take it easy everybody [Music]
Channel: Nick Page
Views: 43,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photography, landscape photography, nick page, travel, post processing, orton effect, glow, atmosphere, nick page effect, photoshop, luminosity masks, advanced
Id: -nVUvdkd4L8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 1sec (421 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2019
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