The Originals Humour (part 2)

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mary it is so nice to me you can turn off your old people's arm now the two of you are late we need to get started what is all that dreadful hillbilly ruckus in the background according to the dreadful signage it's big auggie's bayoubar and you dark suit on the left side of your closet or identical dark suit on the right i prefer the one in the middle thank you so much the wolves tell me you've been quite active robbing graves and violating corpses sounds like you where is she ben please join us my my you look peaky doesn't he look peaky he does look peaky you feeling all right don't make me ask again someone had to pay for that so i murdered gaspar's brute of a father and and one or two five five of his bloodthirsty brothers don't forget the mistress that was an accident all right enough well i think it's enough it should be enough i mean we're all friends here aren't we i'd have left a few things out of the old profile for example what's got two thumbs and drinks blood to survive oh right this guy bind those ingredients to a weapon well am i supposed to go to the toy store and get a slingshot [Music] use this you just wouldn't be you if you didn't have a knife would you mission accomplished and it only took you the better part of a day do you want the chains back on you'd be doing this all a marvelous favor perhaps you could fasten something to his mouth sweet it's a big box of dusty old junk we're saved you do realize that literally everyone here has supernatural hearing right ingenious and citizen well done save the compliments when it comes to kill us if flattery might give him pause vincent tells me you requested a private audience private yes and you brought these two fascinating neanderthals [Music] violence until she's finished writing the spell please honestly it's all temper and no timing with this one i assume i have the misfortune of addressing the uh what was your name the inept the vacant the hollow yes 46 bodies drained nonsense it was at least 60. ah they neglected to check the attic why do people always run for the attic i mean it makes no sense that is just not my chair neck it was much more delicate the only delicate thing about you sister is your ego one place beside the behemoth size of yours certainly could we dispense with this fascinating dispute for just a moment go would you please thank you elijah was just catching me up on how you have no clue which one of your long-lost buddies you can trust and which one is trying to kill you well clearly what the situation needs is more opinions i am so glad the lack of invitation didn't deter you from attending you think i should accept my mother's offer sacrifice my vampirism and then what become a florist has he got her to show us some rather dire visions of future doom it's grim stuff really not for the faint of heart whose doom are we talking about because if it's yours then i think we're all okay with that anything else that you would like to share better was this business with his mum you killed his mother wonderful he needed to be taught a lesson what are you doing i was going to take these to you i will find a nice comfy dungeon and throw you in it here's a question what was the name of donkey hodei's horse this is absurd damn idea how's hayley you two seemed close [Music] no one's blaming you i'm blaming you what happened was school okay i'm fine thank you for your concern i fought evil and i saved children i should be given a medal instead i've been infected by some depraved ghost where might i find him by the way well he's been detained funny he didn't come home last night either or perhaps he's simply avoiding you you should try not to be so clingy gloss after a while ago if you want to find him i can't help you only there was a magical device that people used to call people i don't know i'm out of ideas good luck you're a child huh yes i suppose it is difficult keeping up on current events whilst rotting inside a tomb it's a good thing one isn't judged by the competence of one's enemies i'd be rather insulted this family makes me want to murder people
Channel: neeeklaus
Views: 55,640
Rating: 4.9888072 out of 5
Keywords: The Originals, Klaus, humour, humor, funny, Mikaelson, Elijah, Kol, Finn, Freya, Rebekah, Davina, Marcel, Hayley
Id: Ref7Zye0374
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 6sec (306 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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