ORIGIN of the WUBBOX! (Cartoon Animation)

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Im pretty sure theyre gonna milk it LIKE A LOT

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/LAEMONLMAO 📅︎︎ Jun 01 2023 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/sILLYSILLYSILly77 📅︎︎ May 31 2023 🗫︎ replies

Game toons is a visit scratcher

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/spelunkyfanlover 📅︎︎ Jun 01 2023 🗫︎ replies

gametoons is too dangerous to be left alive also how the hell can you hear air wubbox in the end of the video

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/wifi2112 📅︎︎ Jun 01 2023 🗫︎ replies

I'm gonna create a New ending despite what may or may not happened in the video because I am not watching that $h1t

Galvana, Clearly angry, comes To Earth Wubbox


Earth Wubbox: Uhh, Nothing?


Earth Wubbox: Why- I would never do that! Such accusations!

Galvana: Then explain why when I asked him who told him that, He said it was You!

Earth Wubbox: Why, Well uhhh-


Galvana Drags him by his head pipe to Wubbox


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/EeveeFlareon_6788 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2023 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/markipilerfan2021 📅︎︎ May 31 2023 🗫︎ replies
I never thought I would end up in a situation like this after all I'm just your everyday beatboxing robot I wasn't cut out for this level of Adventure I was created in a lab by a very nice man a scientist but not just a normal scientist he was a musician not a very popular one or very good it was passionate but not very talented and he never really gained any traction I think I blew it it's okay honey I'm proud of you and so is he hopefully he grows up to be better than his old man huh and with a baby on the way he decided to change his career paths he studied science some kind of fancy engineering he wanted to build a robot that could make a music far better than he ever could maybe in a few minutes I just have to weld these parts honey can you play catch with him you know he's your son too you really ought to spend more time with them I will when I'm finished well it seems like you're never finished just let me keep working fine dinners at six I'll just eat in here he was really committed to his work one day he looked up from his desk and he realized his family was gone he becomes so obsessed with making this robot that he neglected the real people in his life you think that would teach him a lesson but instead he threw himself even further into this project I don't need them anyway just a distraction looks like it's just you and me and that's fine when I'm finished with this robot it'll be like they never even mattered I started off small but he wouldn't stop there he got better and better at building and started to make real progress yes everything is going according to plan at this rate my wabex will be complete within the year within a few months even but we're getting to a road bunk that same day huh what's going on his creation had a lot of potential but never a strong enough power source It could only run for a few seconds but never consistently all of this work for nothing I lost my family I lost my music I have to keep working I cannot fail it finally hit him he was alone in the world but he decided there was no problem that couldn't be solved with science it's okay it's okay I know exactly what to do he began to build something bigger more complex more human he had created me the final form of wool box in all my glory that's beautiful now let's see if it works right arm good myth leg excellent now for the real test making music sing my creation he set the generator to its highest power something dangerous for the both of us come on work work he electrocuted himself and he died of course I was just a robot I wanted to save him but I couldn't I simply had to stand there and watch it happen he'll never forget it the horror but then something miraculous happened [Music] in the end is death gave me life it seems that when he died the energy of his human soul transferred into me finally a source great enough to power me I was overjoyed I knew he would be happy that his death meant something in the end but now I was the one who was all alone so I decided all I could do was Venture off to find others like myself my journey was long and hard at times all I wanted to do was give up then at last I finally found a similar form of life musicians [Music] they made a beautiful sound but I knew exactly what it needed we made incredible music together but for some reason they stopped [Music] [Music] they seemed surprised maybe they just never heard anyone like me before that's fine I opened a whole new world for them or so I thought I guess I was wrong they weren't impressed by me they were mocking me turns out when I took the life of the scientist I also inherited his poor musical talent I was heartbroken I thought other musicians would be like me that they'd take me in you need all different sounds to make a song right after all my searching it felt like I didn't belong anywhere if I couldn't belong with them I had nowhere else to go I was a failure of a musician I failed the scientist while he was alive and now I don't even have him left to go back to I decided to head home and live out my days alone in the lab that I'd come to know so well but even that wasn't there for me anymore I didn't realize how long I've been gone time can be cool I had looked for a new family for years all for nothing all a waste sometimes and glimpses I could feel the old memories of the scientists inside me he lost his family and I could tell in his final moments it was his biggest regret I refused to let that happen to me I decided if I couldn't find my own family I would build my own family others like me and then I'd never be alone again we can make beautiful music and the scientists would not have died in vain [Music] I made myself a family but even with my Insider knowledge on the creation of a woo box I ran into the same problem as the scientist none of them had an energy source strong enough to bring them to life I got lucky as I was able to inherit the scientist's soul when he died but I wasn't about to kill three people just to make my same robots work that's a stretch I had to find something and I had a good idea of where to search on my journey to the island of singing monsters I passed through many other ecosystems and I'd come across these strange walls of light and energy perhaps the strength and energy of nature would work I found a few different varieties on my trip three elements for three more woo boxes I think I can make it happen I was amazed not only did it bring them to life they all transformed into different kinds of Wubbox this is happening this video is crazy and best of all we all make different beats we can come together in one big beautiful sound I know we had to show those other monsters we were talented and beautiful and we only needed each other now was our time to show them what we've got [Music] I was much better than before my fellow group boxes taught me how to stay in tune and on rhythm they were so impressed so we got even louder and louder we were really jamming hitting our stride when all of a sudden the island started to break in half and it was all our fault we had to do something the ice robots jumped in attempting to freeze the Island's fall the plan will rocks used its earth powers to shoot Vines and pull the fissure closed and then so it would stay the firewood box somehow welded the island back together the other monsters rejoiced and they apologized for how much they hurt our feelings earlier [Music] and finally invited us to make music with them just not as loud this time it seems At Last I had found not only a family but friends [Music]
Channel: GameToons
Views: 2,929,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oAibkmhAwrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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