The Origin: Monasteries Of The Desert, Wadi-Al-Natroun (Egypt) • Abbeys and Monasteries

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Le Robin honestok life has its origins in Egypt with the founding father the first monk was st. Anthony the great he was born in 251 AD and became a monk in 270 he reached an age of a hundred and five years and died in 356 by which time monasticism had taken root senator Tony Soto MC Kent Arowana as the heretic in the first centuries of Christianity a young Egyptian withdrew to the mountains around the Red Sea to devote himself henceforth to God st. Anthony to this day monks follow his example to the letter as well as that of other even greater Hermits that preceded the saint but thought I hate Lilian living the Old Testament mentions the prophet Elijah and John the Baptist and both of them are considered to be essential the prophet Elijah has spent most of his life in poverty and seclusion and John the Baptist also lived alone in the desert their lives were exactly like the lives of monks and on this basis Antony and ma Antonius join the church and he found a chapter of the gospel which said go and leave all your money behind and follow me Amba Antonius was very rich and had left yet he sold all his possessions and distributed the money among the poor and when to live in the desert live with God he buried the Helios maranatha Oh [Music] yackin messy hey al immersed in the first century AD Christianity came to Egypt through the writings of the Apostle Mark Christianity healed onto the pharaonic Egyptian culture I have pictures not Coptic art is sporadic art of some minor alteration you get them I love a player here after the Coptic language is the language of the Pharaohs the most guess is written with Latin characters and this way Coptic music has also been preserved our Coptic music is the oldest music in the world Coptic architecture Coptic buildings originated in pharaonic art and culture a lot of it L for only you for instance we still have some pharaonic customers like coring eggs at chemin Aseema the egg symbolizes the resurrection and even in the days of the Pharaohs the egg symbolized resurrection we celebrate sha Allah see him after the resurrection of the Lord but originally it was a fairy onic feast thus there are connections between Egyptian culture and the church then as now portraits that decorated mummies painted in the latter days of ancient Egypt when Christianity was gaining a foothold the days of Sant Antoni when early Christianity here both experienced the influence of an ancient civilization and directed itself towards the desert the birthplace of monotheism [Music] Anthony sought the detachment he needed to find God in a cave whether under Antonio's be difficuit Antony started thinking about the meaning of life it was born of a rich family and had a good education he was satiated with Finn's material when he saw his father lying on his deathbed and when his soul had left his body he thought about the meaning of life and said life is ending life is ending and what am I doing with my life I would rather live with God I'm as I hide behind isn't surrounding him was wide and he left to live in the desert after he met with a number of people who became close to him he achieved deeper understanding in the desert to live in perfect peace st. Anthony lived the life of solitude and he founded monasticism he founded the garb address the tweeny where it was given to him by an angel from heaven the the cowl or the hood as you can see we have the six crosses on either side and also one cross at the back this resembling the twelve disciples and our Lord Jesus Christ and then we have the sowing here this showing resembles the fight that st. Anthony or any monk has with Satan the devil we're in the desert as you know that it is said that the devil's live in the desert so we go out there not living in peace but actually fighting so he thought with the devil and the devil tore his hood so this resembles the fights and the challenge that we have with Satan the garment that we use is symbolizing the large heart that we should have and the patience that you should have with our monastic life we also wear under the belt also stressing the fact that we hold fast to the life of nasus ism and the color black resembling of course the death to the world after monasteries in Egypt had languished for centuries and the number of Christians dwindled monasticism here are like in Europe saw a modest revival these are the monasteries of Wadena Troon an elongated desert oasis at the edge of the nile delta every year cops still leave egypt in tens of thousands but at the same time a growing number of monks opted for a life following sant antoni partly living in a monastery partly learning from seclusion in the desert [Music] among ham almond milk his most important work was to embrace all children who wish to live with the Lord and he told them crafts such as twisting rope and reeved he told them monastic life the divine teaching of the monastic virtues how to live in solitude do everything alone eat alone drink alone to live a spiritual life in seclusion the desert offers peace to the spirit and soul and allows people to live with themselves and draw closer to God there is no noise no civilization no everyday waters of city dwellers as the holy monk said watching the desert makes you independent from your longings for the world in other words if you look at the desert you won't see any buses cars or pressures etc the soul is at rest and lives in peace with our Lord what was to give more of them the Oasis has four monasteries with almost 250 monks although numbers are growing the monastery is about a pale reflection of the rich monastic life of old the desert here is strewn with remains and ruins of former monasteries and that were cross Salib Salib Island the cross is a sign of the law of our Lord this spot is where the monks always used to eat and a refectory table here there was communal life a life of love had bound people to one another and to the Lord Christ gave them love and we pass it on and live according to this love when Adam Alba Dona OpenEdge be the little stones in the sand our pottery shards 14 or maybe 1500 years old whenever they are found in large numbers you will almost certainly find the remains of an old monastery underneath the sand only Michaela monasteries everywhere what can he get there were walls and many manes sure with the chance all over the place there can this was a wall of one of the old monastery honestly you're on this wall here is very big okay we get them from garden in the fourth century there were about 50 monasteries in about 5,000 monks it were dispersed over the entire area and this was one of the monasteries very many monks Egypt received a charge of new life with Christianity and the monks monastic life started in Egypt and spread across the whole world [Music] Europe and Christianity oh these monasteries a great deal in the centuries when the Roman Empire fell and Europe descended into the barbaric Dark Ages monks from Egypt brought Antony's insights to countries around the Mediterranean and inspired monasteries as far as Britain and Ireland [Music] the birthplace of Christian monasticism was in Egypt at the same time the desert monasteries themselves suffered under the devastating attacks of Bedouin tribes that were to herald centuries of oppression by the Ethel Hague my first attack by the Barbarian was started in 407 the monks had to flee first of all then they decided to build forts to protect themselves after which more forts rose up within the various monasteries santosha local person Fela diora but not post antenna where so a fort was built here just like any other monastery the meaning was that they lived here they spent all their lives here they did not attack the enemy or protect themselves from the Wellness well no dr. Amin couldn't be bothered moreover we could say that a handful of fathers had the opportunity to hide but they preferred to show themselves to the barbers and we made martyrs in order to reach heaven mr. Haddad a homage on a narrow in San MacNeil initiate an host Libya in the Citadel there are rooms or cells for living in and there's a well to drink wrong laws on the opening you notice here in the room reaches upwards so that our prayers rise up to heaven not to attack the enemy both of these in this room as you can also see there are various clay pots in which we keep our food so that if we had to stay a few weeks or months we can live from it thus the monasteries withstood anxious days and centuries of oppression through the monasteries monasticism based on Antony's example has survived to this day the monk doesn't show us his own accommodation but he does show us the abandoned cell of a monk who died in Lafayette Anna Dimas gone this cave was the home of a monk who lived here until he was 81 this is where he kept his books and possessions here we see the Mufasa the cell the place of Prayer there is of course an opening to letting air and sunlight this is the cell where he used to pray asara particular ahem the desert offers the monk great possibilities gives peace a pure soul for contemplation at concentrations problems and worldly worries that might distract a faraway shattered Figaro help at this you holy men say that focusing on the desert weathers no life makes the earthly temptations and desires die Hara cattle eylem jihad in this way man is taken up into heaven as into the desert and becomes very close to the Lord it allows him to climb very high up the ladder of spiritual life and so to become a holy monk yes I feel that I get and hetero hyah a letter I get alley you get them wherever for a hope in this mez edit ilaha illah the desert with its beauty o power still teaches people a secluded life gives them the opportunity to live a life of silence permits do not talk it allows them to pray longer than the fathers who live common to exalt his works his power and his glory we leave all earthly concerns behind us and open ourselves to the law to balance this time of life may give some people the impression that monks and Hermits do not love people or the world are selfish but that view is not correct Allah have oh and motto ahead messin and maybe Hobart nares or maybe habitual Ireland al-muhsinun Yanni on the contrary monks and Hermits have a very great love for people and the entire community and that's why they withdraw from them so to be able to help them better Harless father's linette's were little mocked a mccullough woman a glazier yep Tejada on whom Hashanah the recital mock they distance themselves a bit from people's problems the world's problems in order to devote their lives to the eylem I share Nikolas hair to me a glow you can aspire to Manhattan oh well be soon they fast and pray for the people for the world 1,700 years after Sant Antoni chose to live as a hermit his example continues to inspire the coptic church as strongly as ever [Music] respect for the devotion of the Hermit here is very deep legend has it that some monks reach such a state of detachment that they become rarefied and even invisible despite admonitions of church leaders monks sometimes say they can hear the footsteps of such invisible fathers in the desert old Bakula sulfur I'm a muddler in Hazzard I say with all sincerity before God that this phenomenon still exists a monk or ascetic that becomes a hermit is a human being he lives with his whole heart with God and fasts and prays a lot which makes his body very thin and his spirit very strong through prayer and fasting and his appearance becomes like that of an angel because he has the power to easily move from one place to another timelessly just as an angel can we often see and this is a well-known phenomena when we enter the church we find signs that morning prayer has been said the smell of incense candles lit all signs that a group of flying father's said the morning prayer and went away again Sandor the superb edrick work the hermit's often live in mântua beers dwellings nearby the monastery where they are cared for and often have tasks the old monk dude would rather have it differently but his health is not what it was and he's more dependent on the monastery than before I had to draft up here he ignores your life of seclusion holds many treasures the Hermit discovers them day after day and he's so happy to be blessed in such a way that one day he'll say I wish I'd started this solitary life much earlier answer me [Music] we live far from civilization when we enter the monastery in 1917 there were hardly any people some 30 or 40 years ago there were no visitors or cars or whatever the monastery was completely cut off from the world then about 20 years ago the people came to the monastery to visit the holy places mr. Gibbs or joyful American desert American deities in there huh this is where father died we would likes to be best in and around his cave which looks out over the desert the sea of sand Lenor missional toilet bishop unlike the monks who live communally he doesn't have to do large amounts of work after morning prayers he says the ich beer prayers the first 150 out loud he prefers to distribute these over the day a bit in the morning afternoon and evening he doesn't say them all in succession and then reading the gospel that's very important by reading it he embraces experiences the Gospels he not only learns the words by heart but they're impressed on his mind and he uses the words to enlighten his soul and who gather the success and the purity in alpha level what the whole not be thought 30 minute I chose to be a monk because I prefer a life with Christ a life of peace and silence and being with the Lord most of the time living with the Lord here in the monastery in the desert anyone can live with the Lord both in the world and in the monastery as the Lord says give your heart and open your eyes people go to the monastery to isolate withdraw from the world and go to the caves to withdraw and turn from the monastery enough with the possessions and that kind of thing had nothing to do with monastic life possessions and riches are not part of a monk's vocabulary the monastic life is humid the inner thought and the desire to live ever closer to the Lord closer and longer in a whole life in the service of the Lord regardless of whether you are rich or poor rich or poor has nothing to do with the honoring about no incense appear in certain event oneself a kid girl has dogged him over them in the Sun a mesh model burner he who lives with God lives with his heart that means that the Lord takes someone's heart you give your heart to the Lord and he knows everything and you live with the Lord for the rest of your life just like a child and his father the child always sticks to the father and goes everywhere with him and his father tells him what to do and when identity enough [Music] you [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Expoza Travel
Views: 47,711
Rating: 4.9300547 out of 5
Keywords: The, Origin, Monasteries, Of, Desert, Wadi-Al-Natroun, Egypt, Abbeys, Holy, Sergius, spiritual, inspirer, Russian, patriotic, iberation, movement, Travel, Video, HD, Destination, Vacation, Holiday, Summer, Fly, Journey, earth, beautiful, fascinating, place, documentary, trip, enjoy, beauty, world, Adventure, tourism, traveling, slightseeing, travel guide, guide, city, visit, culture, nature
Id: VIw3GwXwmjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 2sec (1502 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2017
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