Athos - Mount Athos Monk's Republic Documentary
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Channel: TOP BOX TV
Views: 1,621,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Syndicado, Films, TV, Documentary, athos, Monks, Monastery, mount athos, mt athos, athos documentary, mount athos documentary, athos feature documentary, documentary (tv genre), athos mountain, monte athos, athos greece, orthodox documentary, monastery documentary, orthodox monastery documentary, monte athos documentary, athos mountain greece, mont athos greece, holy mountain athos greece, mt athos monks, mount athos monks, monastery music, monks meditating, documentary crime
Id: U5pwfLRI-R8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 35sec (5735 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 15 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
This documentary touched my heart. Thanks a lot! It's impossible for me avoiding the comparison with the Catholic monastics. It's incredible how the Orthodox Church have been keeping the tradition and the faith like the Agios Oros monasteries.
During the last weeks I'm talking with a Greek monk. Pray for my faith and for my conversion.
Kyrie eleison+
Excellent, thank you for sharing!
"Prayer, attention, work." Beautiful.
My priest was just telling me about this doc last night! And here it is in my reddit feed
The skulls and bones being dug up. I see where they are coming from but even as a life long Orthodox still seems odd to me. Really cool documentary though, I look forward to seeing it all the way through.
Caught this on Amazon Prime a while back, so good. Some day I'll get there God willing.