Orthodox: Monasteries Of Sucevita,Voronet,Moldovita,Moldavia (Romania) • Abbeys and Monasteries

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[Music] [Music] the northern region of Moldavia which borders on the Ukraine is called Bukovina due to the charming character of the landscape and the rustic villages with many a wooden house the Romania is like to call the region Dulce Bukovina soft or sweet Bukovina this is where in the 15th and 16th centuries the famous painted convents were built which bear the mark of the legendary Prince Stephen the great [Music] [Music] the convent look like medieval fortified fortresses the founder had the coat of arms of Moldavia the Oryx clearly sculpted on the entrance gates [Music] you as is customary for romanian convents the church or catholic' on is in the center of the inner court [Music] the churches of northern Moldavia are a unique phenomena in 15th and 16th century European art these churches painted both inside and out have a unique place among Byzantine art as well they're only found in Moldavia are registered as protected monuments with UNESCO the paintings contain familiar themes from Byzantine iconography such as the church hierarchy the Judgment Day and the tree of Jesse the frescoes are amazingly well preserved except on the northern side where they're exposed to the ravages of the wind vegetable and mineral dyes were used for the paintings with a dominant color selected for each Church here people speak of the green of such a visa the frescoes were designed to be a biblical cartoon as it were in a time when old Slavonic the original liturgical language was no longer understood [Music] [Music] the most important holiday of the year is Easter there's not a single Romanian family religious or non-believer city dweller or country folk that escapes the Easter spirit and celebration Romanians hold their convents in honor as they are the keepers of the wealth of ancient customs the sisters of sous-chef itza decorate Easter eggs with folkloristic designs which are blessed in church on Easter Saturday the sale of these eggs some of which are veritable gems of folk art are a source of income for the convent [Music] for the promise h2o excellent [Music] [Applause] Internet which from what's not nice I met illegal actually working Alicia believes the Church of the Voronezh convent founded by Stephen the great is sometimes referred to as the Sistine Chapel of the east [Music] the most impressive fresco scene is the Last Judgement painted on the western wall the artwork cannot be viewed separately from the time of its creation because among the doomed sinners were many Turks who posed a persistent threat to Moldavia [Music] in the upper register of this gigantic Last Judgement God the Father sits on high on either side angels unfold the veil of time symbolized by the zodiac this scene represents the end of the world blue is the dominant color of the frescoes of Voronezh produced with lapis lazuli powder Voronezh blue is a household term in Romanian [Music] [Music] the church day is punctuated by the tintinnabulation of the church bells or hammer clangs on the trucker [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh you [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] yes pathologist Asha O'Brien anta al bathra al bastard everyone else you need rent money I just represent data general geometry Teresa's justice episode 1 : are chiotti ethical for a convent as famous as vara nets tourism is an important source of income Aussie dollar ala peplum lead or end or yester are here sir Oscar unj Rishi Serafini evidence' no from Seattle arrow tune - alone GT the sale of icons helps the convent community support itself consequently the art of icons is flourishing a new ad viral nets convent the nuns are faithful to the classic style of Byzantine iconography the icon is not an idol or portrait but a symbol of the presence of Christ Mary and the Holy Spirit [Music] the convent of Moldova was founded in the early 16th century with its embrasures watchtowers and encircling walls that are 1 meter 20 thick the convent resembles a fortified fortress it's located on the site of an older wooden convent probably a key surveillance post at the border between Transylvania and Moldavia [Music] I decided to enter the convent when I was 17 when I left home my parents had no idea what I was planning after one day away from home I thought what is God's will does he want me to go to a gap year autumn old Aviv sir an apt adapt to transport and God's will I was hitchhiking the first car that stopped was going to mold a bit sir so it was God's will that I should come to this convent I like the communal life we do everything together go to church together pray together eat together this secluded life is still to my liking the siege of Constantinople by Persians and of ours in 626 is illustrated in a lively exterior fresco tradition holds that the city was protected miraculously by the Holy Virgin this extremely elegant church is also decorated with frescoes from top to bottom on the outside and inside they depict biblical stories and important saints from Byzantine religious doctrine since the doesn't make optimal happy to piss off [Applause] the work is a lot harder in the summer because so many people come here so many tourists visit the convent we spend a lot less time together in the summer just the holidays and the afternoons at work the Newlands take turns doing everything they do the breviary every other week take turns in the kitchen take turns taking care of the animals and working in the fields in the winter we do more special activities I started a workshop where we make tapestries and the nuns are learning to paint eggs and they do beadwork and sewing they do it all so we have a bare minimum of what we need in the convent we sit together at the table just like a normal family everything's the same as a normal family we do everything together for instance we eat together and during the midday meal we study the lives of the saints and at the evening meal God's Word is is read aloud these days it's the vocation of the star Retzer to instruct young people in religious ways otherwise they wouldn't receive this instruction there are a lot of young people who want to enter the religious order we can't take all of them in but it is our calling to care for their religious life the spiritual life spiritual life is very special to us and we never stray from the dogma of the church the 32 of us at this convent and a priest who says mass [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] bringing single are useful for no stop en cellphone Minister don't want to make su and throw a party I saw people kill be a green choice your mother said in austere they for me [Music] the [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it was gruesome [Music] the previous residence of the prince is located behind the church it now houses a small Museum of intricately embroidered vestments books and ritual objects the delicately sculptured royal throne of the founder of the convent is also kept here some manuscripts are written in old Slavonic the original liturgical language here one can also see original icons from the church's restored iconostasis monasteries and convents are often the custodians of the national patrimony we do lead a difficult life that's true we have problems such as administrative difficulties which are more of a problem today we have concerns with stocking with running things properly farming with fields plowing or all matters that have to be handled properly for our welfare the firm does supply everything we need we have everything we need at the farm poultry cattle horse pigs everything and there's a sister economist who handles the administration problem but I have to see to it that each day everything we need is here then there are problems in the office and with the sisters I spend one or two hours almost every day solving these problems [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Expoza Travel
Views: 21,598
Rating: 4.9428573 out of 5
Keywords: Orthodox, Monasteries, Of, Sucevita, Voronet, Moldovita, Moldavia, Romania, Abbeys, 15th, 16th, century, Travel, Video, HD, Destination, Vacation, Holiday, Summer, Fly, Journey, earth, beautiful, fascinating, place, documentary, trip, enjoy, beauty, world, Adventure, tourism, traveling, slightseeing, travel guide, guide, city, visit, culture, nature
Id: a8EzorC8778
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 4sec (1564 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2017
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