The Order of Future of Events | Episode # 1042 | Perry Stone

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Captions is the premier online bible school developed by perry stone has dozens of courses hundreds of lessons and thousands of students all over the world sign up today welcome to manna-fest hosted by international evangelist teacher and author perry stone enjoy unique insight into prophetic and practical truth it's time to feast on freshman so get ready to be blessed and encouraged and now here is your host and teacher perry stone we welcome you to the manna-fest telecast directly behind me are 250 men and women some from outside the u.s most from the united states that came with us on a tour of the holy land at the time of this taping it's the conclusion of our tour and we've taped 41 manifest programs which will be aired throughout the year 2020 and thereafter we want to present a teaching to you from the hula steps uh here in jerusalem on a subject that i probably get more questions about this and it has to do with the order of future events now there are different beliefs as it relates to prophecy there are people that are preterist and these are individuals that basically believe there's not a tribulation coming there's not an antichrist coming that all of that was fulfilled between 66 to 70 a.d with the destruction of the temple by the roman 10th legions and of course i can take other scriptures and tie it into the prophetic verses and totally prove preterism completely wrong and the way you prove preterism wrong is by they admit this that if the book of revelation was written in after the destruction of the temple then it blows away preterism well i can tell you that three early fathers identify the dating of the book of revelation and it was after the death of emperor domitian which was about 95 a.d so so much for preterism then there's our millennials and they are individuals that believe there's not going to be a millennial reign of jesus christ although it's mentioned in revelation chapter 20 several times that you rule and reign with him for a thousand years and that's a millennium of course uh and so uh there are people that have different beliefs so what i'm going to share with you you have to understand there will be people who watch this that maybe have a different belief of a timing of an event so let's start out with this there is coming a time in which there is a seven year frame which is called daniel's 70th week in daniel 9 verse 27. now that word week does not mean seven days it actually means a period of seven years now this is called in the new testament great tribulation in matthew 24 it is also called that in the book of revelation when you come to the book of revelation which was written many many years after the teaching of jesus on the mount of olives it then tells you how to divide up those seven years it tells you there's 42 months in the first 42 months two witnesses will come to jerusalem and many many jewish men will follow them we believe we know one is elijah based on malachi 4 and 5. many believe the other one some believe that the other one is moses but i believe the other one is enoch who prophesied the lord was coming in the book of jude jude talks about that and he's also a man that has never died that would have to die since hebrews 9 27 says it's appointed unto men wants to die and after this the judgment now the second half of the tribulation begins when the antichrist invades jerusalem and he definitely divides the city according to zechariah the city is divided and it's really interesting because at one time this city was divided at one time everything in front of me including the mount of olives including the western wall of the temple mount was the country of jordan and israel or the jewish people had this side of the city and the jordanians had all of this side of the city but that changed in the 67 war now one day in the latter part of the tribulation revelation 11 says that uh it is it's also chapter 13 but in in 11 12 and 13 it's middle of the seven year tribulation and what happens is that this particular area is recaptured by those who are a part of the antichrist system now this is very important for you to understand this because it's it's it's very key that you grab what i'm about to say here to understand the seven year time frame and to understand how that seven year time frame fits in what you have to do is say to yourself is there a place in the bible where another seven years is mentioned that is a trigger to show you when the tribulation begins there happens to be and you'll read right over this if you're not careful there happens to be in ezekiel chapter 38 and 39 a very interesting verse ezekiel 38 and 39 is called the battle of gog of magog and what happens is there are nations mentioned in the battle persia which is iran is mentioned togarmah which probably is turkey and that part of southern russia is mentioned we have libya and ethiopia that are mentioned but what happens is there is a coalition and these would all be islamic nations that will come against israel in two locations one location in ezekiel is called the bashan and you all have been there now see now you know what i'm talking it's the golden heights near caesarea philippi and tel dan that's the area and they're going to come in through syria and lebanon and the persians now as you know are battling the we would call it radical islam is battling for that area now and then the other area is not just northern israel and the bashan where the battle is strong it says in the valley of the passengers on the east of the sea there's another area where armies will come in now that happens to be located when you're at jericho see these folks can see this now if they were at home they'd say well you can't imagine it you stand at jericho and you look over toward mount nebo where moses saw the promised land and what you will find is that entire valley is uh where elijah went up in a chariot of fire where moses is buried but there is a mountain range called the ivory mountains and that is where the ancient valley of the passengers is now what's interesting is today if you start at jericho and you go all the way up toward halfway toward the sea of galilee there was nothing on the jordanian side in it when i first started coming here now there's towns and villages and farms it's just it's buildings everywhere so these are the two areas where the battle will be the strongest now i want to get ahead because i don't want to get so caught on one thing that i felt to give you the details of what i want to share with you when that battle is over the prophet said that israel defeats all but one-sixth of all those armies that's an annihilation then it says here's the verse they will go forth and burn the weapons for seven years there's where the seven comes in so in other words in daniel 9 someone will come and he'll be he's he's an islamic leader you know probably from the air the territory of old ancient babylon which would include lebanon syria iraq that area and he will make a peace treaty with israel that's going to be seven years in length watch this to disarm the weapons the world is going to be so upset by this battle and there'll be so much pressure put on israel that they it'll probably come through the u.n and they'll say we are going to have to have you disarm we're going to keep the peace and this man will make a treaty and then in the middle of the treaty in the middle of the seven that's when he comes in with a new army and it says that he will have taken over this is the antichrist now egypt libya and ethiopia that's in daniel and then this is interesting the country that escapes out of his hand that he does not take over is edom moab and amman again in the book of daniel now you're not going to understand who edom moab and amman is till you come here or you study it it's the country of jordan the reason i believe that the antichrist will have no control over jordan is because of jordan's connection with this part of the land now you're with me they have a connection here the jordanians are actually the ones that oversee the mosque they're the ones that oversee the temple so there's no need for him to take over the territory that has helped control this area of the temple mount does that make sense to everybody are you getting it all right now what is interesting petra is also located in jordan and there's three verses in the bible that indicate that a remnant will flee in the middle of the tribulation to the mountains and it's believed to be by most scholars that's the area they're going to go to so see god has this all figured out so here's the order of events as i see it and again i stand to be corrected in the order because we're only going to be able to understand prophecy as it comes to past when you see it come to pass you say oh my goodness look at this that happened and it said there this would happen and over here that happened and it just happened that's you can tell it when it comes to pass now i believe that one of the big keys to the order of events is the battle of gog and magog in the seven year treaty now there is coming something called the gathering together it's called the general assembly of the church of the firstborn this is all in the new testament by the way it's called paul talked about the gathering together unto christ in the book of ephesians and we take the english word theological word rapture and the only reason i use it is because that's a word that most people are familiar with whether they believe it's going to happen or it's not going to happen but what what i want to show you is this that somewhere at the timing of that battle it's very possible that you have the catching away of the body of christ now let me let me explain why there has to be a catching away of the body of christ before the tribulation first of all the bible said god has not appointed us to wrath but to obtain salvation through his son the bible said the restraining power on earth is restraining the man of sin the antichrist until he be taken out of the way then the wicked one is revealed and there's something restraining the antichrist on the earth or the antichrist spirit and it i believe after all my research it is the church of really born-again believers who are filled with the holy spirit because we're the only ones left that's telling people that's wrong that's wrong killing babies is wrong you passed a law that's an abomination there's nobody else talking about this except people who and we're restraining in other words in america the extreme radical left would take over everything if it wasn't for some believers and you know that's the truth and so one one guy got one guy he's a little smarter he says i just can't wait i just wish y'all would disappear i said that's in the plan and then when we're gone it's gonna be so bad you wish we were here to restrain a little bit more all right now this is my personal belief and and i have friends very close friends who do not agree with me on the timing of the rapture but here's what i want to show you we are now at pentecost which is the church age the dispensation of the grace of god that's where we're at and we're stuck right here and i don't mean stuck in a negative way but we're we're this we are dispensing the grace of god we are dispensing the message of god's grace now the next feast is trumpets you all know that that's the next one that's the next one to be fulfilled prophetically well what do you think that is there's a trumpet that sounds at the coming of christ there's a trumpet that sounds when we are changed is the trumpet that sounds that that changes the uh the brings the dead back at the sound of the last trump paul said okay so there's all kinds of blasts that's happening when when jesus comes now the reason i believe that he comes before the seven begins based on the apocalypse here's the follow me here is because in the apocalypse there's two phrases used there's the phrase the wrath of the lamb that's used very early in the book and the second half it's called the wrath of god and here's what the bible said god has not appointed us to wrath romans 1 says the wrath is for the ungodly and the unbeliever and the reprobate he said that's what the wrath is for now someone said well can't he keep us in the time of red of course he can but follow me carefully the tribulation please listen to me in daniel in daniel is for this is in the book israel jerusalem and thy people daniel it's for israel jerusalem and the people of god that's what it's about it's it's an attempt of the enemy to annihilate israel and the jewish people before the messiah can come back and save them so if you understand this then you begin to understand something that in in revelation there are seven blessings for an overcomer and one of those blessings i'll keep you from the hour of testing which is coming upon the whole earth other words there's a blessing for you if you're willing to overcome the world of flesh and the devil if you make the effort to overcome in your life there's a special blessing placed upon you and that special blessing let me say it this way the rapture is the reward for faithfulness i hear people say well praise god if any anybody that believes in jesus is going you go to the parables man there's ten virgins and five of them didn't get in the wedding i'll be honest with you then you got then you got through a parable where you've got servants and this one hid the money and these two invested the money and the two that invested it got their reward and the one that didn't you're ready for this it's cast into outer darkness now i'm going to say something to you you go the parables and you've got to do something with them you can't just ignore those end time parables especially matthew 25. so if if you and i are faithful to the lord if our name in malachi this is malachi now is written in the book of remembrance and i've got this great and i don't mean this i'm not bragging on myself but it's the most phenomenal 3cd teaching on the book of remembrance that explains the rapture better than anything i've ever taught in my life but if your name is in the book of remembrance and you have been faithful to god and you have worked at being the overcomer then there is a promise for your faithfulness and that is i will keep you from the hour of testing which is which is coming up on all the earth and that's a blessing for the overcomer now i'm not anyway let's so let's let's go with this so somewhere there's this big war of gog and magog and you can see it building it hasn't happened yet you can see a building and then you we come to this uh after that we have the seven year time frame of treaties being signed burning weapons and i think that has to do with you know getting rid of weapons as much as anything here in israel and then in revelation we have seven years first 42 months two witnesses they're killed in the middle of the tribulation by the antichrist and by the way it looks like they're killed on the temple mount in the court area because in revelation 11 it says measure the temple of god they that worship therein but the corpus without leave out for it's given to the gentiles so all that's there now then you come into the last 42 months now what we will be doing in the order of events is we we appear in heaven we appear to be worshiping worshiping the lamb of god we then go into the time of revelation 11 the bema of the judgment seat of christ which could take years to do on earth's time we don't know with all the rewards being passed then we end the last seven years of the tribulation in heaven at the marriage supper of the lamb then at the end of the seven years we return with christ to rule and reign with him for the thousand years and he will actually set up his headquarters in the city of jerusalem one of the things that i'm very grateful for there's a gentleman that spent years and years and years and years going to the book of ezekiel and taken the temple from ezekiel 44 to 47. no one's ever done this and he he measured it out every chamber every room and this man gave us the access to this and the iso international school of the word is going to get an animation study on the entire temple in the millennial reign it's the most every chamber you'll go to every chamber you'll go to the priest chamber we don't have that ready yet but i'm saying this is where it's going in the millennial reign is a temple be being built here so let's go back over it again major war coming gog of magog in connection with that is the number seven daniel 9 27 the tribulation seven years in length revelation the apocalypse 42 months 42 months 1260 days for the first half 1260 days for the second half i believe that the saints before the wrath of god the wrath of the lamb actually is in revelation 6 but before this happens we're not appointed to it but to obtain salvation through the son of god romans 1 the wrath of god is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness so there's a catching away a resurrection of the dead in christ a catching away of the saints then well i wish i had time to get into all that about the the theory of lightning and and how jesus is coming is lightning and how darkness is covering the earth and i think the coming of the lord is like an emp effect and i think the electricity goes shutting down all over the world you can't make phone calls you can't make cell phone calls you get no cable on your tv and that's a whole nother teaching you'll take me a program teaching i call it the mystery of the of lightning in the rapture and it's a crazy teaching by the way but anyway then when that happens we come into the first half the tribulation second half tribulation antichrist coming with ten kings and then you come into what's called the judgments of god during that time frame you have seven uh you have actually six vowel judgments in the seventh one of transition six trumpet judgment the seventh one to transition and all of this is found in the apocalypse of the book of revelation we did a huge teaching on this just a while back now the the thing that you and i need first of all let's look at you and i the thing that you and i need to know is to follow the lord jesus christ and to do his will to reach as many people as we possibly can to do the right thing of helping people so that when we stand before him we will hear him say well done and we'll have a reward for our labor for those individuals who are watching me and you may be from another religious background of the faith another idea you may differ even on some of the timing of events that i've talked about here but when we get into this war of gog and magog we get into the coming of the lord we get into the time of the tribulation with the antichrist you get into the time of the tribulation of the mark of the beast and you get in the time of all these judgments happening on the earth and then the return of the lord you want to be one of those you want to be one of those who are with him as the armies of heaven return to set up his kingdom and rule for a thousand years anyone who's accepted the mark of the beast in the tribulation period anyone who has decided to try to follow the lord and reject the worship of the beast or they will be beheaded according to revelation chapter 20 and verse 4. however there is a group of people a massive number in heaven worshiping god in the book of revelation there's some waving palm branches in chapter seven there's the bema for the righteous in chapter 11. there's the marriage supper in heaven in chapter 19. so there we are in the heavenly realm we will be in heaven at that time for those of you who are not serving the lord and i want you to listen very carefully to me it is not about whether or not the lord comes next month next year seven years 10 years that's not what it's about here's what it's about you could drop dead right now i mean you could just at people have it all the time they just go hey how you doing and they're gone now if that were to happen to you right now how's your heart with god how's your spirit are you redeemed do you know that you're ready to go and i always tell people keep a repentant spirit always be willing to tell god you're sorry always be willing to tell people you're sorry don't get any bitterness don't get unforgiveness keep yourself right so that if you go people can go to that funeral home and say look here i know where they're at ain't no doubt about it that's one of the finest people that loved god that did as much as they prayed they sought god they helped people you don't want to ever go to a funeral the saddest thing in the world i've seen this happen is to go to a funeral of someone who was did not know the lord quick story when my daddy died we have a great funeral service in cleveland tennessee my daddy's lying up there and my mom looked at him said he looks so good if you jump up i'd marry him again and you know we can cut up because we know where he is i asked the man there he's a great friend of mine i said can i ask you a question in a funeral have you ever heard anybody warn the people you need to get right with god and they that you knew that the person didn't make it he said brother there's people that we've put in basket coffins here that their life was so bad what they did and how they died was so bad and they didn't have time to repent we know where they went to but he said every preacher that's ever preached i've heard him preach everybody into heaven and i said the bad thing about that is if that person lived a terrible life just totally filled with unrepentant sin and you preach them into heaven all those people sitting out there living like them think they're going to make it too so here's my point you have a soul body soul and spirit your spirit's eternal but your spirit man if you're listening to god will tell you when you're right and when you're wrong the word of god will tell you when you're writing when you're wrong follow the word turn to the lord jesus and serve him and follow him get a bible find a self a home group to study with or find a church where you can to study because you want to be able not just to go to heaven at the coming of the lord but you want to be able to go there if somehow your life should leave go prematurely so i hope this has kind of helped you to understand i know we've kind of gone to the left and the right and shot from the hip and i'm not one that ever follows an outline the way it's supposed to be followed but please turn your heart and life over to the lord now i have a great prophetic resource this is this is the best thing i think we've ever done and i want to make it available to you to learn more about the word of god i'll be back in just a moment as we are concluding our tour here from the city of jerusalem at the holy steps right below the temple mount in the city of jerusalem it don't get any better than this it don't get any better than this [Music] i want you to see and hear my most requested and my favorite teaching of all time the rapture revelation you can glean from 1400 hours of detailed research on the subject of the rapture this 5 dvd that's 10 hours of teaching unlocks this mystery digging deep into both testaments using hebrew and greek word studies mysterious prophetic patterns ancient jewish customs rabbinical insight and early church writings to present a detailed explanation of the coming of the lord for the church the first dvd is titled the rapture of revelation revealed to the apostle paul you will discover how this was revealed to paul on mount sinai in arabia you will learn eight different activities to occur at the rapture and i will explain eight different greek words used in the new testament that detail christ's return the second dvd is the prophetic timing of the rapture i will give you eight examples of the righteous escaping wrath and four clues pointing to a pre-tribulation return of christ learn how in the book of revelation the 24 elders the seven silk book and other imagery reveals a pre-tribulation return i will also answer numerous controversial questions about the timing of christ's return the third dvd covers the subject of the rapture israel's feast and harvest cycles you will discover how israel's seven festivals conceal amazing prophetic information about the rapture the mystery of the shofar how israel's yearly harvest cycles encode the pattern of the catching away discover nine events that you will experience the moment christ returns also dvd number four is so exciting the rapture and the mysterious book of remembrance i will show you from malachi 3 a key to going in the rapture is your name being in the book of remembrance you will see how being an overcomer is different from a non-overcomer as it relates to the return of christ for the church you will see how the feast of trumpets is linked with the book of remembrance and how the rapture is designed as a special blessing to the believer now not only that but i have included a fifth dvd the reenactment of the jewish wedding with a hundred cast members using props and costumes showing you not only the ancient jewish wedding but highlighting 14 keys of how the jewish wedding points to a pre-tribulation return of christ these five dvds in this beautiful album are for a donation of just 65 or more order by calling 1-888-21 bread that's 1-888-212-7323 and ask for offer ra-137 or order online at you may also order by mail by writing me at perry stone po box 3595 cleveland tennessee 37320 again that offer request is ra137 you will learn a lot so don't delay get your dvds now folks let me just say something to you this is so important this is the most significant detailed study on the rapture that i've done in the history of my ministry it's 10 hours and you need to get a group of people together and just show each of these one a week or whatever but get it while you can it is very very significant and it's loaded loaded with all kinds of information i want to also express my appreciation for the prayers that i know that you have put up to god for me there's been times that i really knew people were praying for me i may be sitting outside in the early hours of the morning before sunrise on my deck or i may be driving a vehicle i've been doing some research in about four or five states and i could actually at that moment since something lifting up my heart and lifting up my spirit and i knew that has to be people praying for uh for me and also for the family and for the ministry i also want to express my sincere deepest gratitude to those of you who have become partners of our ministry and we have had many individuals joined lately our partners strike force and so thank you i hope you're enjoying all the benefits that that brings and i also hope many of you are watching our youtube channel to get the updates that we do we do like a 15-minute bible study once a week on that channel and you can like that of course get those but we're going to use every method available i i'm not sure uh what the the future holds for the actual direction of what god wants me to do in what i call the fourth leg of my ministry it's something that we're slowly taking into consideration it's something that we're slowly praying about um i am um of course continuing to research the word preparing for messages for the israel tour taping the manifest program and some things of this nature and we have written a brand new prophecy book for example that's coming out in the fall so i'm still doing the writing which i believe is a part of what i'm supposed to do but the traveling that i did in the past we may not be doing near the amount of traveling that we did in the past which i'll be honest with you it physically just about took me out and long story we won't have time to go into that and for those of you that got our voice of evangelism magazine the several pages that i wrote inside there i hope explain to you what we have been dealing with and going through recently but i thank you for your prayers i thank you for your support of course and together let me say this together we're going to see that revival that joel prophesied about and we're going to make it through these things that's happening in the earth because the kingdom of god cannot be shaken no matter how hard the enemy tries see you next week on manna-fest perry stone invites you to join him for his 2020 israel tour the dates are november 23rd through december 2nd with an optional visit to petra in the country of jordan call 1-888-321-3629 or visit for more information and how to register seating is limited so call today expand your understanding of scripture advance your effectiveness in ministry earn certification for your knowledge of the bible international school of the word developed by perry stone and dr brian cutshall is the premier online bible school with dozens of courses hundreds of lessons and thousands of students all over the world sign up for one of our exciting affordable bible courses and begin your journey at today
Channel: Perry Stone
Views: 181,866
Rating: 4.9167066 out of 5
Id: iOBLz6HqNhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 15sec (1755 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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