What's ACTUALLY running in my Homelab?

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on this channel I play around with a lot of hardware and often test out how various devices might function as a media server storage server router Etc but it occurred to me that while I have talked a little bit about some of the things I run in my own home lab I've never really covered everything so today I thought it would be fun to talk about the hardware as well as all of the software that I'm running on it now fair warning some of this does get a bit messy especially on the software side but at least for me just running this here at my house everything works just fine that would be a story though if I were trying to run a business because well messy clunky software is the last thing you need fortunately there's the sponsor of today's video ODU now at this point there's a good chance you've heard me talk about ODU in some previous videos but it's an open- Source software suite for businesses with over 45 different applications whether you need CRM point of sale project management inventory management or heck even a website ODU has you covered with its modular yet seamless design you can start with just a few applications and then expand as your business needs grow this makes it perfect for small businesses all the way up to large organizations because it's open source you can self-host Odo or you can get the Enterprise Edition for some additional features and support add a Great Value Plus if you want to try or even use just a single application you can do that for Life for free there's also a vast amount of documentation out there as well as a large community of developers and users so you'll never struggle to find information or advice so if you're interested in trying out Odo yourself make sure and click the link down in the description below where where you can get a free 15-day trial with no credit card needed all right back to my home lab I think it makes the most sense to check out the hardware first and then check out the software after that so let's go take a look all right so apologies for the video and audio quality I'm just on my phone cuz it's a lot easier to film in here well on my phone so this is my humble little home lab it's in this closet here and we'll actually start down here at the bottom these are my two truez servers that I built in a recent video this machine on the right is actually just a rehousing essentially of my previous trun server in this new case and then this one on the left is a new server that I built in the fractal Define XL this will eventually be my main traz server but currently it's just operating as a local backup of this one because I haven't taken the time to switch everything over and get it all working but these both work they're also both hooked up with ipmi which we'll look at in a bit so I can remotely access them and they're both running off of a UPS down here which I believe will run for about 45 minutes but once this back battery gets low it should automatically kick both of these off now moving up here is the rack with most everything else uh there's also another UPS here for this that's much smaller but it doesn't need to be quite as big um starting with the networking stuff we have my router here essentially which is running proxmox with a virtualized um instance of PF sense as well as some other things so I have this port up here which is a 2 and 1 half gig port for proxmox and then the other three are for Wan Lan and then another report all for pfSense and then that's hooked up to two different switches uh this qap here which is for all of my 10 gig stuff and then I have this old cheap TP Link switch which the poe doesn't work and then the fans I swapped out for some noctua fans to make it not nearly as obnoxious there's also a patch Bay up top for all of the cable runs throughout my house and then another switch at the very top that actually handles Poe for my cameras and access points right here on the front I have the Axe effect temperature sensor from craft Computing which I reprinted in a somewhat translucent case which is pretty cool in my opinion and this is just doing very basic temperature monitoring that gets sent to home assistant and Prometheus which once again I'll talk about here in a bit then over here I have this little gecom mini uh it2 I think it's a 12g Intel chip that's running proxmox and this is basically where all of my containers and VMS and everything run and then I have that hooked up with this tiny pilot KVM so I have KVM access to this machine as well then over here I have my older sonology Nas which at this point is basically just used for running my security cameras and then below that there's this Mac Mini which is still running a few Services because I just haven't gotten around to finally moving them all over to other machines but I eventually will get this out of this closet the only other thing here is my pretty janky cooling solution which I kind of covered in a previous video and then made some tweaks I had an intake down at the bottom that I moved up to the top but this just helps Force some warm air out the top of the closet through this lver door here I do have some plans to potentially rework this whole setup now that I actually have a much bigger 3D printer with the bamboo lab X1 Carbon that they were awesome enough to send over which I'll definitely be using here in the future to print some cool cases and other fun stuff so I'm excited for that all right so that wraps up all the hardware let's move over to the software starting with traz now if I'm being honest this is a little bit boring I just have my main trow server here which still has four unassigned discs because like I said I haven't migrated everything how I plan to so this is the same setup I had before with just two mirrored vdevs in a single pool and then I have my backup Nas that has all eight drives in ridy 2 eventually this will become my main Nas and then this one will switch to being my backup but for now I've just been using the same serfer I've been using and using this as a backup until I finally have time to kind of switch everything over there's really nothing interesting on here I just have one application running for tail skill that way I can sync everything from this Nas to an off-site backup at my parents house which there's also an update available but I'll take care of that later but yeah that's that's pretty much it for true I just have the two systems running I don't run any apps or VMS really on these other than that true scale instance and then like I said I do have ipmi set up for both of these so if I ever need to make configuration changes to the BIOS or reinstall software I can do that without having to actually go pull it out and hook it up to a monitor monor and everything which is really helpful all right moving on to my pfSense box which is actually running proxmox it's running an older version of proxmox here 7.3 I I probably should upgrade it but at the same time it's been working and I just don't want to deal with the hassle of potentially messing something up with my router so it sort of just is what it is but it's obviously running AVM here for pfSense as well as an lxc container for wire guard and pie hole and I got a lot of criticism when I first set this up for virtualizing my router instead of just it bare metal and I do have a couple of reasons for why I still do that first of all it still works and I haven't had any issues so there's no reason to change it but second of all if I ever decide to try out a different router OS it's pretty easy to like if I wanted to try out open wrt or something all I'd have to do is spin up another virtual machine turn off this one and then pass through the hardware to the new one and I could just set it up pretty easily and then if I don't like that I can just spin up PF sense and I'm back to how I was before so it is kind of nice to be able to try out some different things without having to reinstall an operating system and such all right now let's move on to that gecom mini it12 which is also running proxmox and this is where I run the majority of my services and such and like I said I also have this hooked up to that tiny pilot KVM so I can hop over here if I ever need bare metal access to adjust settings in the Bios or whatever so that's very handy now the first container I'm running here is Casa OS and if we hop over there you can see it's just plain old Casa OS and here I run a few different contain containers none of which are like that mission critical or anything the first thing I'm running is this thing called innate in I don't know if that's exactly how you pronounce it but it's actually pretty cool I've just started messing around with that for a little bit to help me with some automations for notion now I briefly talked about this before and actually notion sponsored a video one time but I use notion for all of my scripts and project management for videos and everything so here I have this uh Hardware Haven Hub in notion this is kind of the landing page for all of my stuff so I can see the videos I'm working on and I can get access to the scripts and I have some other stuff but if I make a new video there's some automation you can do um in notion and so it'll generate some of these tasks that I have pre-made that will um create and just have the status set is not started but it's kind of limited in terms of what you can do with automation so inate in is pretty cool because I can just kind of make these workflows like for example I have this one here called create script and basically anytime I make one of these projects in notion it'll actually wait a few seconds for me to generate the new title and then it'll generate a new script and Link it to that project in the database notion is a little bit weird if you haven't messed with it before I can also change this from an idea status to an in progress status and then we have to wait a few minutes because this uh only pulls like every minute or so so it does take a little bit all right so it takes a few minutes because it's a little slow with the API and everything but one of the first things it did was it actually created this script here that I can open and then I can just click this to generate my normal script template that I have that'll actually link that script page to this project here under script and then also because I changed this status to in progress it automatically changes the status here of all of these tasks that are linked to this project to in progress which is helpful because then if I go to a page like this one here I have all of these tasks that are in progress and I can move stuff over to today and then move stuff to done and it kind of helps me just keep track of what I'm working on and see what I can work on so it's not anything crazy but it does save me quite a bit of time and quite a bit of clicking and I'm kind of interested in trying to see what all else I can do with it so in8 in is one of the first things I'm running I'm also running uptime Kuma which isn't doing a lot it's just monitoring up time for a few of the machines in that closet and then if there's ever a machine that goes down I get an alert in Discord I'm also running this myspeed which just does some speed tests every few hours I think right now uh it's a little weird depending on which server it's going to I'll get very bad results sometimes from this but then get to Just Fine Results if I go to like fast.com or something so uh it is nice because every now and then I'll have an issue where uh something happens like maybe I need to restart my PF sense box or something or my ISP starts having issues so it is nice to have this running so that if there is an issue I can sometimes catch it before I even notice it and this once again also gets reported to Discord net data is running but I'm not really using that for anything I am running crap crafty controller which is at this point really just running this one sky block server that I don't really have time to play much anymore it's kind of just sad and I haven't hopped on in quite some time but it is running that server as well as this like test server that's currently not running there are a few other containers in Kasa OS that are currently spun down like for example mesh Commander I I have this in case I ever need to test out I think it's Intel's AMT it's like their um outof band management so I can use this to kind of like the same thing as ipmi with my Tres boxes but with Intel's like vpro AMT I'm getting all the words wrong but I can use this to uh get remote access to those machines if they can and then vieron this is for some testing uh sync thing was for some testing so I have these here just in case I need to spin them back up but nothing really that serious so that's costos I also have an lxc container for tail scale which is really simply just running tail scale and it set up as a subnet router and an exit node so if I'm on my tailet on my phone or somewhere else if I ever want to use tail scale instead of wi guard I can I also have an lxc container for jelly Fin and you can see here I've passed through SL devd render d128 that way I have Hardware accelerated trans Coatings I'm running Jelly fin I don't have a ton on here cuz really I mostly just use this to watch the office I have a few other things from DVD rips I've done but for the most part I mostly just watch YouTube and my wife kind of just listens to audiobooks and podcasts so we don't watch a ton of TV I'd love to get my DV DD and Blu-ray ripping setup put back together in some form or another but yeah it's jelly F and it works and I mostly use it just to watch the office I also have another lxc container which is running Debian and painer for some other services and if I hop over here you can see I'm actually just running three stacks so this first one is just home assistant and it's just running home assistant but I like running in a stack because it's nice and tidy you guys have probably seen home assistant I use it a lot for various things so I'm not going to talk too much about that but yeah I'm running home assistant I also have this stack for image which I'm just now kind of getting into and trying out um currently we had been using like Google photos for backing up all of our photos but it's kind of messy partially because me and my wife are on two different accounts but regardless I'm I've been trying out image just a little bit over actually just the last few days and I plan to now that I have a lot more storage on my Nas I plan to move all of our photo backups and everything to this cuz it's worked pretty well so far even works really well with like videos and such I also have this gluten- R stack and and this is running a few services that end in r as well as delus which I'm I'm not going to get too deep into those just because of sometimes how YouTube can do strikes and stuff for Community guidelines so I'm not going to get into that I really don't torrent much uh this is more so just to kind of test things out and use it when I need to but it's a really cool stack I actually got the idea from Jim's Garage is a video that I'll link it's actually pretty cool within the stack you can run all of your like R st stack like Prowler and such as well as like Deluge for a client and then you Network all of those through this thing called gluten which you set up with a VPN which I'm using private internet access for that and then all of those containers automatically just get networked through that VPN connection so it's pretty cool it's a nice way if you're looking to have a torrent setup and you want to make sure that you're on a VPN and have it all nice and contained make sure to check out that video from Jim's Garage I basically just copied that with a few tweaks and that's everything that's running on painer next we have Prometheus and graffo which uh Prometheus itself is pretty boring um like I can go here and type in something like CPU temperature and hit execute and I'll get this response from uh actually my two truez boxes but it's not very useful on its own which is why people typically link this with I thing called gra which I'll get to in a second but Prometheus isn't actually the only service that's running on this LXE container you can actually see on that lxc container I'm running two services that I set up one for this graphite exporter do service and then one for SNMP exporter and this graphite exporter is really cool uh traz itself can't just directly export data to Prometheus it uses graphite instead so this is kind of a a middleman so trunz will export its reporting to this graphite exporter which is then scrapable by Prometheus and then the same thing down here with SNMP exporter which I talked about that a little bit in my Axe effect video recently that as well as a lot of other stuff exports as SNMP to this SNMP exporter and then that can be scrapable by Prometheus so both of those are running on this machine as well and then like I said I'm running grafana so if I hop over here to this quick look dashboard I have we can see a few things so first of all we can see this Axe effect temperature status up here which you can see it was pretty warm before I had the door open and then now that the door is still open for me filming it's cooled off quite a bit and then I also have temperatures for like my sonology up here I have CPU load and RAM for my proxmox server I have all of my drive temps for both traz boxes and then I have some various volumes here to see you know how much more capacity I have in various volumes across different servers I'm still working on a lot of this for example I don't have like my pfSense box hooked up with Prometheus yet which is something I'm kind of working on like I have this network closet dashboard where I can kind of see some more specifics about that ax effect temperature sensor but then I also have some other dashboards like this for my proxmox server so I can see a lot more details about that and then also my two traz scale boxes this is uh using that graphite exporter which I'll have this linked down in the description if you're interested but here I can actually select which server I want which hard drive Haven 2 is the new Nas and then hard drive Haven is the old one but here I can see the status of the pools I can also see memory usage CPU temperature um ZFS stats like Arc size L2 Arc size and so on then I also have a dashboard specifically for my sonology now that gives me a lot of information including the fact that I'm running an outdated version of DSM but no worries so it's not anything crazy but it is nice to have this one place that I can go to and just browse through a few different dashboards and get a quick idea of how all of my servers are doing and make sure nothing's wrong now you might have also noticed that this hard drive Haven 2 the the newer Naas uh wasn't on for a bit uh and that's actually because I currently because I'm just using it as a local backup I don't have it running 24/7 because all it does is occasionally receive data from a replication task from the other Naas and so if it's not doing that it's pretty much just sitting there Crea more heat so I currently just keep that Nas off unless I'm running a replication task which I do just every few days or so and eventually once I switch those two systems there's a good chance I might do the same with the old one and try to even set it up on a power schedule so it's you know maybe comes on like once a day just to run a quick replication task get synced up and then shut it back down just so it's not drawing more power and generating more heat for no real good reason now the last thing I have is this syy Naas which like I said at this point is pretty much just running my sec cameras so I can hop over into surveillance station and you know see this camera here for example which is my front door and I think that's pretty much it I do have some future plans for example getting rid of that Mac Mini I just have a few services that I still haven't migrated over part of the problem is there's actually like a couple of slack Bots that are still running for my old work that I need to get with them and find a way to migrate them over to like their servers so I've just been lazy and haven't gotten around to it and uh it doesn't matter I will eventually get rid of that Mac Mini and then I'm actually hoping to get rid of that sonology Nas I have some plans here soon to try out Blue Iris and see if that's a good alternative that will work for me as well as my wife and such and if it does that will probably mean the end for my good old sonology NZ I've also had the idea of instead of running prox MOX on that little mini PC running it on what would be my backup Nas that way that machine could handle all of those Services as well as my local backup and yeah traz would be virtualized which I know some people are definitely not a fan of but it would only be virtualized for my backup so not quite as big of a deal I think and that way basically all of my storage and services would be just down to two machines and then everything else would just be networking I'd also love to try out more software so if you guys have any ideas of things you'd like me to try out make sure and put it in the comments below who knows I may even make a video of just trying out ideas that you guys have I know this video wasn't a lot and I know I'm not running anything really crazy and really cool but it works for me and I thought it would be fun to share it with you guys like I said if you have any recommendations put them down in the comments below but otherwise I think that's about it for this one so as always thank you guys so much for watching stay curious and I really can't wait to see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Hardware Haven
Views: 78,753
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Id: SlImxtdCFSo
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Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2024
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