The "Oopsie" Predator Shows Up TWICE! (Gets Caught Both Times)

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know you look familiar to me that's right oh no oops hello everybody i'm semitos ken this is buff pro and welcome back to another episode of to catch a predator today we're checking out the used predator and why did you send pictures of your self like this to her boots oops oops it wasn't good enough to catch him one time he had to come back and do it again oh my gosh wow two the two times oh boy these i don't i just don't have words for these no no no there's not many all the ones i can think of are very uh bam yeah hey if this is your first video your fifth video and you haven't subscribed yet please subscribe leave a like on the video do that cool stuff it helps out a whole lot you can check out buff at buff pro on youtube and twitch and turn the notification on for us we're trying to get to 10 million subs here on the channel it all helps thank you very very very much [Laughter] house in long beach is busy 38 men are arrested over three days 38 38 dudes in three days two golly but eight months earlier during our previous investigation in riverside california this man 26 year old michael seibert walked into our house dude like jogged all the way there my man was in a hurry all right you know what's good what's going on yeah back then seibert had a sexually explicit online chat with someone who told him she was 13 and he sent a picture of his genitals hey sir come on over here for a minute please say hey what's up yeah i'm 13. click here you go what's up oh man look at that look at this dude like he's just so excited and then like says christine's like have a seat he was like okay stop right in the chair you know and why did you send pictures of your self like this to her boots oops oh no no that wasn't his real response no dude i see why it's called the oops predator oops why'd you send this oops oh god miss click thanks i don't even know who this is why am i here oops how do you know that's mine nothing like that just oops boots you know what they did wrong okay okay we know what happened again go ahead you can leave sorry about that oops i know what i did wrong i ain't gonna do it again bro bye-bye get him he takes the same stroll right out the door that was a close one cyber told the riverside police he gets treatment for seizures and that the scar on his head was caused by a fall when he was an infant okay okay so he's good he's got he's got seizures and you know got smacked on the head he's a kid and you know he holds a job but who cares so what yeah really like i feel bad for you bro but uh no you knew what you were doing you know what i did wrong boots oops oops so fast forward eight months from our house and riverside to our long beach investigation well we got him they put him in jail and we fast forward the end he's out he got out all right all right still using the same screen name and amazingly still chatting with someone who tells him she's 13 but he's also suspicious and asks are you a cop oh no you know this has happened to me before are you a cop yeah you wouldn't tell me right yeah well you got to tell me you're a police officer you got to tell me the truth right you wouldn't lie to me to get a confession right to which she replies no i'm not a cop then apparently referring to his meeting with dateline eight months earlier he writes i got caught before talking all about it like yeah i got caught before yeah really before b4 i got caught before he has to delay the long beach liaison for a day because he has to go to court a court date to face charges arising from our riverside investigation okay so he's still out it's been months and he's over there chatting it up again all right cool what's the worst that could happen oh my gosh oh are you a cop i've already been caught for this uh yo can we do this tomorrow though because court hearing about this same thing but the very next day hey come here here he is you do not let him get within six feet of you eight feet of you doing this job of like yeah hey i'm here come on in oh god man okay no you look familiar to me that's right oh no oops what's going on here oh yeah good to see you again oops watching that's wrong he's done it again michael oops oops oh my gosh is that first thing uh orange juice right there oh no right there dude oh i hope not that was gross and what happened in court on friday he said more time more time before the next court date yeah i'm sorry what it did my bad sorry oh is everything cool all right cool i'm gonna can't leave yeah i i didn't mean to do it again oops oops i didn't just like talk about how i had to get oh my god oh dude i can't man you know i'm all about giving somebody second chance right but like this guy hasn't even served his time for it and it's back again yeah dude insane after having a court date within 24 hours you show up at this house to meet another young girl what are you thinking about is these minds so blown right now yeah she said she wasn't a cobra [Applause] this dude ain't all there it but you can't you can't feel sorry for him you can't you can't you can't no he's aware that he got in trouble it was bad last time and he's like i'm sorry i feel like people have like let them off the hook so much because they know that you know right you're sorry i can't i'll be too harsh on you but yeah those dude that was due to weight yeah yeah dude like 18 months in prison didn't scare you then uh dude then you have no i haven't i haven't wet yet you know so it's not like i have no right or wrong button you know what i mean oops she told you she was 13. yeah and i told her go away but she keeps hiring me back you ask if she's got naked pictures of herself you asked if she performed ah not again he just can't he just cannot right now he just can't i can't either i mean i can't this is it if i wasn't trying to look pretty for the camera right now this is exactly what i would look like watching this oh yeah exactly absolutely and that you would never ever do it again and that turned out to be a lie didn't it michael i promise this time i'll never come back but if he appears to be a sad case you should oh my god oh yeah the first time i hit me a sad case do it let's do it help me man help me all right i want to torture him but i he's like i don't know he caught me i won't do it again i'll never come back here there's another side to cybert's story he served a year in jail for a dangerous assault he also assaulted somebody oh oh well yeah there we go like screw this dude oh well you have been given chances today all right guys you have been to jail you've attacked somebody assaulted someone you you're targeting these these kids screw this like i i was it was it was pulling at me a little bit like i don't want to like go too hard on a guy that's obviously you know you can tell but no whatever throw the key away throw it away i'm gonna tell you it's still better than what would happen if a dad found him all right that's all i'm saying what was the deadly weapon you used in the assault that and who did you go after with the bat some guy oh christopher watch out he's about to grab that very plastic right there gonna say you don't want tang in the eye that's not gross you can go right now you can walk right out that door any cops out there that's not up to me michael i'm not the police so why don't you go ahead he already knows he's like sitting at the door and he's like god dang i don't want to go out this [Applause] clearly doesn't want to leave having been through this before he knows the police are waiting outside yep they're coming for you dawg i [Music] i need to go to the bathroom okay yeah sure it's right there there's the window he's about that too while you're at it come out walk out walk out get on your knees his lawyer says seibert has severe mental issues it's not a defense he knows what he did he knew enough that when you confronted him his first words were oops he was lawyers like bro yeah i mean i got to be his lawyer because you know they appointed me to him but uh right exactly it's not right either way yeah don't don't get them off the hook at all you live with your mom yeah didn't kill me yeah yeah yeah says mom's going to kill him yeah well good good luck when you get locked up too you know what i mean seibert was convicted on the long beach charm he's always heating me up so much man oh i'm so disappointed michael he said he wouldn't do it again he did it's gonna be a while before i can trust him again oh my god your honor the clay would like to bleed whoopsie daisies [Laughter] it's like when you keep killing that one dude who sucks at the cave the screen name could have been chris hansen he'd still show up yeah yeah exactly are you a cop how could i be a cop i'm only 13. good point [Laughter] oops oops oopsies well i hope you guys enjoy wait we got something go ahead no i don't i have nothing left i'm stunned i'm exhausted i'm empty oh today's your birthday happy birthday oh man stay leave a like do all that cool stuff stay toasty my friends and i love you yeah more than the fact that we love he's locked up jeez
Channel: CinnamonToastKen
Views: 2,241,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cinnamontoastken, satire, funny, react
Id: cZg8lZCP6mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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