Repeat Predator Caught By Chris Hansen

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welcome back everybody it's time for More To Catch a Predator today we are checking out one titled molester bck H oh God what a fantastic title that is going to be Hooray oh boy let's get into it and see what kind of disgusting human being we have today come on I got to finish okay huh I got to finish getting changeed C well I'll watch it oh my gosh well I'll watch it I'll watch you I'll watch you you know slithers in the front door oh Kevin Wester backck here 47 this must be the Kevin they're always blaming for who who told him to come over to the house oh yeah AKA change for the better 2006 nice Kevin westerbeck walks in and he's very short and so I I lean over the bar to talk to him and I said why don't you have a seat hey how are you you do god dude hold up oh he is that's Alf tell me that one now don't do that to D yeah actually now that I look at it and all like the there's the door oh yeah wow maybe it was the door handle being so low like you got to like reach down to open that or something that's weird I don't know I swear to God he sits down and and Chris is like so why'd you do it he's like I'm so short man I can't get no ladies man they always they all want you got to be 6 foot oh what are you up to tonight much you ask me to come over and please have not much just uh just just just m sorry I'm a nervous eater she ask me to come over and please have a seat come on d d just had to climb Mount aest over here come on SE like God give me a hand who asked you to come over exactly hm who asked you to come over destiny destiny Destiny how did you meet Destiny on a computer she said hi and stuff she said hi and stuff they keep hting Chris huh huh what huh shakily put this I can't hear for all these these chips I'm just this man up what is the deal jeez he was to be in court 4 days later uh to go before a judge and to be sentenced for doing the very same thing he was doing on this night they got the repeat offender wow that's why he's so chill about it cuz he's like I'm already going to jail man whatever what are you going to do send me there twice he's got the greatest defense in the world is that he's already going in so oh God amazing Now Kevin you've had some contact with the law before that's correct tell me about that it's child uh was a child uh I forget what it is he don't want to say the word he's like this child uh wait no uh I forget what forget you forgot what it is yeah forgot what they yeah what they said it was they said I came out to meet some girl I guess so let me get this straight you were accused guys a very got that short-term memory like I guess you know I don't know so let me get this straight you were accused of doing the very same thing that you're out doing tonight I had no intention to this all right let's go back to the other case for a minute you pleaded guilty oh don't tase him tase him yeah he already hit him with a I didn't had no intention I was just going to watch your change you know what he literally walked in the house incriminating himself come on you pleaded guilty to solicitation of a minor for sex there a plea it was a plead you pleaded guilty correct I wasn't really guilty but I said I was guilty so they would cut me a break because I'm so adamant about my yeah I'm so innocent God that I plad guilty wow and you got sentenced for that plea correct that's correct 11 months correct in fact next week on Thursday you have to go to court correct well you with the cops how do you know all this this this is a this is a this a setup hang on a minute is she not real and then you're going to go to prison Cor why why why what then are you doing in this house wow dude what are you doing man for doing the very same thing stupidity because I didn't expect this to be any be like that so what to be like a sting ah dude it's just stupid because I didn't expect that it would be a setup Lord expect your dad to be here this guy so tell his reactions are so telling holy crap she says I like kissing you say would you get naked I just don't want to get was that him or you that was him it was not me indigestion kicking in he just ate all them chips his stomach's over there like God I mean he is making me a little sick to my stomach but I mean that wasn't I don't think we leaked out did we leak I don't know we good we're good tell me's gr I was hungry can you got more chips you say have SE sex now a moment ago you told me this wasn't a sexually oriented conversation that was a lie too wasn't it I was just talking talking the talk and you know little by little his story starts to fall apart you say then I'm big his story falls apart the bar dude barely has a story he's like I didn't know it was going to be a for that just right this this guy is's one of the most transparent we've seen and he's not admitting to anything right right yeah for real the other guy guys try to make it seem believable this guy's like it wouldn't I just talking like I talked when I came in the door when I was like hey I watch you oh man Chris Hansen what's up oh hey what's up man no I didn't do that yeah I did it just BS talk just BS talk to me it wasz okay so that BS talk got you sentenced to prison and less than a week before you're supposed to go to court and prison you are here in this house trying to meet a 13-year-old girl Home Alone he's like you are you've already been through this and you've already plad guilty to the charges for the same stuff man and now you're tell me that it ain't like that dude he doesn't even have like this sorry like empathy on what's happening on his face nothing dude he's just like mhm and it's like it's like he's already in the courtroom just like just straight facing through it or something it's yeah kind of creepy actually like Chris is mad like yes he is Chris is mad at this dude look how just angry he is right now usually Chris Hansen comes in there and he you know he hates all these guys anyway as he should right but he keeps it he keeps a straight face and he like is very stoic man's mad Man's having to hold himself back you it's human right now don't give Chris a taser I'm stupid I'm I'm weak I'm it's just this feel bad for me Chris feel bad pity we're going the pity route I have no intentions of having sex with her how can you say that with you said I have intentions of having sex with you in the chat log he's not even I would say he's not even trying but you know he's cuz he's not he's not trying to like he's not create an alibi or anything he's just like I didn't I'm just it was just talk and no didn't mean it no then he Swit when he when his his weak defense is not working already of like what who are you are you her dad are you cops oh you are okay you know everything all right you got the transcripts uh I'm just I'm stupid I don't know I'm weak let me go h what did you plan on doing I just going to plan on meeting her and say hi how you doing and that's it how you doing and that's it and that's it so less than a week before you're supposed to go to hi how you doing let me watch you change I'm out of here see you later right let me watch you change just I I I I do believe that some of the people that come on the show uh or you know get caught it is like their first time and they and they were just like made bad decisions right and it's still it's still a terrible decision they need to be held accountable for I'm not making any excuses for him but I'm just saying this guy is definitely the dude that needs to be locked up for for yeah ever like this guy is blatantly No Remorse I don't know dude next level a week before you got to go again like you got to go serve the time and and everything that oh he like well I'm going back in you might as well go get me one more before I go God it never fails uh during one of these investigations that two or or three guys show up at the same time they're whispering to me that you know there's another not potential Predator about to walk in I was just finishing with Kevin Wester uh Wester backck leaves through one door and the next guy comes in the other door they got him just back to back man they can't even finish the they came even finish roasting this dude they got come in like all right come on they they they come and tell me he's free to go is that what they said to him yeah you're free to go yeah I think so yeah go and get out of here man you're free to go wink yeah go the back quick quick quick quick go the back and the cops going to be like ah hurry up he R Reds yeah hopefully he doesn't scream as the guy is getting out of the car you know he gives out the the Predator call Co call they all like jump out of the bushes and run home not one for the road no you understand what I mean by that I know exactly yeah yeah no exactly not one for the road yeah one for the road yeah definitely not that no Take that flashlight smack him for real you drove about what an hour and a half to get here to meet a 13-year-old female in the middle of the night who you knew by looking at a chess her parents weren't home mhm is that correct that is correct okay when the like wow okay cool case closed yeah no kidding dude wasn't going to do nothing promise just everything all the evidence you have up to this point definitely contradicts everything that I say but you got to believe me I'm telling the truth yeah okay the judge in the first case hears that he's been arrested again you know for doing the same the judge is I am required in this hearing to make a determination as to whether or not I believe based upon the facts presented the defendant will commit future sex offenses I just I was looking at the judge's face while he was saying that and he just he just looks like he is just so Dy he's like does not like this guy no and his attorney over here is like y lock him up with that determination the court will make a finding that you are a sexual predator like look man you are going to keep on doing this there's no doubt because you literally did it again okay yeah all right he uh he pleaded guilty with sentence to nine months in state prison nine whopping months for trying to do it again I'm sure after that nine months everything will be just fine he won't ever he won't come out and try again so the reason he wouldn't he get he the judge gave him a few days to get his orders or get his Affairs in order that's why he was free at the time claimed he was 27 years old and was seeking a hookup okay God he he was worried about going to the house because he couldn't find the number the decoy had given him for the house and asked if she was a police officer and know that he was attempting to get her to explain if she specifically wanted to meet the because cops are not permitted to solicit for sex did he hit her with a are you a cop and then expector tell the okay man said he was 27 27 holy crap yeah this dude is worse all right trigger warning here here you go Kevin started serving his initial 11-month sentence in addition he was giving a 10-year prison term for his niece Jesus Christ and he was giving another nine months for the Daton thing wow after being released he was given the sexual predator designation by the state of Ohio which is the highest level of sex offender designation requiring him to register every 90 days for the rest of his life uh and shortly after leaving prison he moved back in with his mom surprised mom would take him back jeez motherly love and now he works at a Kroger okay well cool there you go okay that uh yeah that dude what a piece of trash that made me sick always 49 all right yeah almost five so close anyway all right that's the end of that video leave a comment do all that cool stuff let me know what you think about it hey if today's your birthday happy birthday all right say to to my friends I'll see you next time byebye why why why
Channel: CinnamonToastKen
Views: 617,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cinnamontoastken, satire, funny, react
Id: PFE5xnZ93gc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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