Clueless Predator Admits Everything To Chris Hansen

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[Applause] hello everybody i'm candace buff pro and today we're checking out to catch a predator you guys have been asking us to freaking react to this stuff forever we got the uh there's a link down below where you guys can request stuff that we react to there's been a lot of people filling out being like coach prater come on man do it chris hanson and i'm kind of kind of actually excited to do these a little bit because we can finally just rip into dudes like just no mercy no worry about feeling bad about anything nice heck yeah this is your first video watching if your five videos in hit the subscribe button we appreciate it leave a like on the video do all that cool stuff it helps a lot check out the toasty games channel if you wanna see gameplay for me check out buff pro buff pro on twitch and youtube and we love you road to 10 million couch game yeah let's get it we know before cody green even gets there that he could be trouble he's got a ah [Laughter] he tells me in our discussion that he got into trouble again for i guess leaving the scene of an accident and uh here he is about to get in trouble yet another time boy all right he's about to get in trouble again so this dude got in trouble dipped from the scene and then told him about it i guess like during the interview like this dude's controlling like 17 accounts right here you know what i'm saying he's great i just imagined his own little account he's not coming for the handcuffs he's coming for the other thing chris hanson cody green there they are they're just making fun of us he wants to make his hands you know he's in here oh man oh here he comes all dressed up in hawaii you know getting ready to have an interview sit down talk he don't even know what's coming no i don't know that looks like he just got back from eight mile got vomit on his foot already chris hanson spaghetti i thought it was like flowers at first but now i don't know yeah it's probably just a beer cody green 20 aka perfect buddy perfect buddy yeah i made some cheese on the table did you bring me my chocolate chocolate what what is in his hands here what does he go does he go straight in there behind her jesus wow cody calm down what is that i gotta enhance this what does he have what is this it's like a dr pepper never mind i got something in a bag too though hey oh why don't you just step right over there should i have a seat right in that chair [Laughter] don't worry come behind the curtain like hey yeah i made some tea you know you know hey i'm just gonna go you know put this away and he's just like beeline and straight after yeah he did a good thing chris hanson was there to be like yo take a seat bro what are you doing back let's see homie i hadn't got to reveal myself you kind of just like walked up on me i i need you to sit down and you can tell me all about it i promise please sir i really drove this far for no reason you drove this far for no reason oh my what an excuse to leave hey look man uh yeah i'm just trying to go you know i already drove so far you know for nothing now because you're here yikes what a way to open i drove i drove so far for no no reason and i swear to you i asked her this you asked you asked who i asked maddie to take your time i'm going to let you explain the whole thing he said calm down kid don't worry dude we got all the time in the world guys you ain't going nowhere bro that's true that's true oh you're leaving this house in a police cruiser tell me all about it on these cameras please i swear i will just be with you and i will not touch you anything like that is what i said and i could prove that to you i will show it to you okay okay he's got he's got proof here you got proof i can't i can barely see how this dude's mumbling out here you so yeah it's so shook oh god i mean i can prove it to you the dude in the back here in the background with the actual computer's like [Laughter] tell you what you said put them over last man that losing a crooked glass make me self-conscious right i'm a desperate person i need a girl in my life and um if she really wanted to be my friend that would be all i needed for a month now what did you bring with her oh oh god i think it's like lost brain cells listen to this do talk look at them i'm a desperate sorry sad sap chris is like so what you got in there what you got in your sack oh yeah he's done he's done so and white chocolate that yes sir that's what i told her i was bringing what about condoms yes sir i have them also but that was not my intention i swear to you sir yikes you know i just bought them for you know someone else it's like no dude i always have a mommy you know just in case but maybe i shouldn't have had him in this i don't know why why would he okay like so do you have i don't know do you get some drugs on me too yeah yeah but not not to give to her yeah no no only brought the sharing amount yeah sure the homies what were you gonna use the condoms for she told me to bring them also so you did everything just because she told you yes sir oh oh well it did so you're free to go sir oh for her you mean the big the large man in the back talking to you yeah ask you to send yourself new pictures i know so there's a big difference between sending a photograph of yourself and sending pictures of your genitals oh god these guys got some big eyes too and chris like so what about things he's like oh [ __ ] oh you know she asked for them too yeah i'll be honest she's a pretty horrible person chris i'm glad you're here to get her it's not like the decoys are asking to be sent these pictures i mean these guys offer it right up did you see you so they said yeah someone said the decoys he's not actually talking to nobody they probably got like 10 of these dudes at one time just chatting them up you know yeah yikes this video should have been real short you know he was like walking that back room and all of a sudden like shotgun blast from dad been done with it you are ready to have my thang in your mouth yes sir what do you mean by that are you ready to have my mouth oh my god oh my god [Music] just take him to jail just take him you want to do i mean he ain't gonna make it out of jail when they know once they know what he's there for no he's giving up on me i swear that's not why i'm here you know he's just like well what did you mean by it's like this is exactly what it said bro yeah at this point man i'm just doing what you ask me she says you don't mind i'm a virgin you say if you don't mind me taking it from you i actually would love it and never have been with a virgin i know it's not respectful but oh please now the cringe i ah this is a real person it's all about respect for him you know that's what i know it's disrespectful and all but you know does that make it i mean these are real people i got on i it hurts it does it does it does hurt i was telling her this i was like this is illegal and i was like you swear to me you're not going to get me in trouble and i so you're the victim here no sir i'm not yeah ask him and then this dude comes out with like the uh well look man i i pretty much asked her like hey you gonna tell them you gonna snitch you're gonna sniff what you said no bro i can't believe it she's in this man can't believe this that's the only reason i did it she said she won't go snitch god he's aware like it's not that he's like oh i didn't know yeah i mean court everybody knows but like even then it's just like hey girl i could get into a lot of trouble be there in five on my way chocolate gotcha no sir i'm not the victim i came here four years for reasons like that but nope i swear to you man do you want my beep in your mouth circle yes or no okay this is illegal on my way god but if she was open to the idea yes you would have had sex with a 13 year old girl yeah this is just something that you you probably never have again okay all right all right chris got him i'm glad chris got him i want to get him kenny i want to get him just wait for chris likes to bust out to get his blaster all right when jesus christ dude dude i'm an uncle you know your dad like dude oh my god it's been a long time he's going to jail maybe maybe he died there probably the cleanest best pleasure i would say the cleanest best pleasure is to have sex with a 13 year old girl you can't be any girls who are 20 years old i think that's my soul they just left my body yeah i see the light dane i see the light yeah i've died what can we say yeah i don't know i'm so speechless right now i don't even know what to say he's got a very punchable face is all i know girls look deeper for what they want in god yeah all the girls know you're a creep and they avoid you they know yeah you heard him ask he's like hey uh you can't get girls 20 years old you know and he's just like look at him no he can't what do you think chris well there's something you got to know anyway nice talking yes i better get on out of here you know nice to meet you man uh but i did drive this way all for nothing i'm chris hanson with dateline nbc we're doing stories on adults who try to meet teens on the internet all the cameras around me is like oh that one camera man that came out was so big dude just looked at my aw i can't run that way i'm so god right now you had that dude in that back room too jeez if there's anything else you want to tell us we'd like to hear it if not you're obviously free to walk out that door what is it i don't know someone's way up there yeah maybe we're talking junk too we're about to go and get my gat you know [Applause] taste him jesus chase him get him oh you mad bro screw you he's big man y'all he's a big man it looked like cody green was planning to spend the night and he had spare clothes condoms you know everything was there hey they got me like the dog dog they take him the pound yeah yeah you don't remember the nine cameras that was circling your face and we're gonna need you to take a shower shampoo and change out and put on one of the black and white uniforms there's no like put them to hold themselves dude straight in jail yeah all right shower already go in here and put your uniform on when you're done serious questions about your ability to be rehabilitated it's like the cameraman's just in there with him the whole time hey the cameraman's probably talking junk too yeah gotcha smile for us dog smile for us let's go in spite of the challenges we still had 24 guys show up in like four days some of these they had 24 dudes show up in four days they filmed this they they filmed like two seasons they filmed two seasons out this one house they probably got news lined up soon as they arrest one and send to jail like the next one shows up they got like yo do not show up before 10 30 okay that's what my dad leaves aka we're arrested this dude yeah well i want you to see the fbi haul him off dude they put them all in like the same jail cell and they're all just like looking at each other like bro you two i thought she loved me bro in august he was arrested in a neighborhood uh neighboring gun exposing himself to eight-year-old girl a swimming pool as a result he faced additional charges oh my god he also went out there and just weighing out for some kids at a swim pool oh but his attorney says that he suffers from traumatic brandy in a wreck when he was 16 has never been the same since well i mean i was making fun of how dumb this he was yeah i mean the dude may have brain damage i mean i think he would have to honestly i i think he's literally just trying to get out of it you think so you think yeah 100 percent of these low exactly axis lawyers like hey look he said well look has anything ever happened to you ever yeah i had a record on 16. good we'll put that on there yeah you're just really dumb from it oh [Laughter] eventually plead guilty you know after like they were like hey here's the show yeah and you kind of like admitted to everything all right so he looked like he looked punchable to somebody else yeah he kind of kind of grew into the look he was going [Laughter] when somebody gets to do the mirror yeah who keeps hooking him up like this that's the most crooked beard off to one side we'll call it the anchor yeah oh that is the anchor because he's always going down imprison you when i'm out yeah yeah that's the impression yeah that's that's that's us this whole video i guess that's the last picture that they had of him right there this dude looked punchable in every single phase every phase of his life he looked very punchable to me uh well i mean after watching this video you know i don't think he can look like anything else other than punchable yeah oh boy discount eminem out here when you order eminem from wish this show might be like are you ready to have my thing oh jesus christ well hey you like that video leave a like leave a comment tell us to think about it that's our reaction to ketchup redder there's unfortunately a ton of these they would co-react to catch them all okay i gotta catch them on pokemon yeah freaking catch em all if today's your birthday happy birthday stay toast my friends i love you i don't have anything smart to say after that yeah just believe in that yeah [Applause]
Channel: CinnamonToastKen
Views: 2,870,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cinnamontoastken, satire, funny, react
Id: vbNOBW8DB3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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