The Only Way (1970) | Full Movie

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[Laughter] [Music] [Music] PA [Music] a [Music] la in April 1940 the hopelessly outnumbered Danish armies surrendered to Nazi Germany and the long occupation started Hitler needed Denmark as a link to Norway and also to supply Germany with food coal and minerals for its factories the D are a tolerant people and they were prepared to tolerate even the German Invaders at a price part of this price was that all Jewish Danes should be left in peace and quiet to live their own lives in their own homes there was to be no program no persecution no molestation at all for 3 and a half years the Danes were lulled into a feeling of safety and peace but in October 1943 the Nazis set about changing all this they sent the forces of evil the SS the gapo to Denmark and planned to solve their Danish Jewish Problem in one night there were 4 million Danes of which only 8,000 were Jewish and for the first time in that evil War the majority rose up and fought to save a minority for once in history the whole population of a country turned to rescue one tiny group of its citizens from destruction this is the story of how the Ordinary People of Denmark risked their homes and their lives in order that a few people in danger should not lose theirs the following is a true story of what happened the next last lot is 37 this beautiful 19th century violand be of great interest for collectors and musicians anybody bidding anybody B 2,000 ask for 2,000 2,000 2,000 on the first row 2,000 2,100 2,200 and 23 and 24 25 third row 25 26 27 28 and 29 your bit and 3,000 would be yours 3,000 3,000 bit 3,100 3,200 3,400 3,4 3,400 3,500 3,400 3,600 36 3,600 it's an investment for anybody 36 3, 700 3,8 3,900 and 4,000 your bit sir 4,000 4,1 42 43 on the first row and 4,400 your bid on the third row 4,400 no more 4,400 on the third row your bid 4,400 no more 4,400 4,400 [Music] go Li Li lilam you promised to help me I'll be there in a moment no you are coming [Music] now ballet school in England certainly made you forget your housekeeping must be listen to that [Music] now lilan come [Music] on I don't understand where your father could be isn't he done in his Workshop no he's not both he and L have gone and the workshop is closed he never goes out without telling me Mr Stein your Silvers are for saleing now now we'll see if I can keep the violin I need more than I thought I would next L to be offered will be This Magnificent coffee and tea service you see on your right of pure silver fine workmanship what is offered 3,000 3,000 bit for this pure silver pleas 3,100 3,200 bit 3,200 and 50 what price must you get and 50 and you sir yes 3,300 at least 3,500 said 3,300 and 50 against you madam she's given up 3,300 This Magnificent coffee and tea service you see on the right of pure silver me trial 34 3,400 3,400 your bid 3,400 no more than 3,400 4,000 4,000 your bit sir 4,000 very well 4,000 4,000 against you 4,000 the bidding on my right no more than 4,000 4,000 first second bidding on the right 4,000 your bidding 4,000 1 second third 4 [Music] yours here we Qui okay one of these days someone might really drop a [Music] bum [Music] It's a grand violin yes indeed people prefer bigger instruments because they give a richer turn so the amates made them are you sure it's a Nicko of course it's a Nicolo how can you be so sure the shape of the belly tells us that no one but Nicolo could make vience like that it's priceless I hope Mrs Titan doesn't get too angry about this she won't I'm very pleased about the violin but I'm not at all pleased about my silver I'm sorry it's too late I've sold it I can't get it back my mother gave it to me to us to me her mother had given it to her I was keeping it for Lilian thanks very much we never used it and it made the tea taste honey you can't say that Daddy if we never used it it cluttered up the house how could you sell it without even asking me look at it it's a masterpiece it's worth a fortune you didn't even ask me my wedding present I didn't know you were going to get married don't change the subject Li I'm not getting married what are we arguing about all we can give her now is Old Violin an Old nitic Violin then I'll marry Nicolo [Music] remember to find your [Music] to that's good come along now go over there now we're going to ché CPE you remember come along you go over there come along batina go over there Come Along come on into line very good come along Tina [Music] that's right keep going more to the left come on and turn curtsy very good come with me lilan children go to the bar let's do the Ronda shamb exercise from the first [Music] position Lilia I've been told that the Germans are going to arrest all the Jewish families tomorrow not that again we've been hearing that rumor every week for 3 years now I know but tomorrow is your New Year you will all be home and that's when they are going to read but nothing's ever happened before every school has been told to send the Jewish pupils home at once are any of them Jewish Jenny linston there her father's Jewish I don't think any of the others are I've never really thought about it then call Jenny out of class and take her home at once lilan I'm sorry I had to tell you this we'll take care of your things until you come [Music] back why are you so sure it's a Nicolo see for yourself H well I'd have said it was later and You' be wrong if it is a nickol I have a customer for it it's not for sale you paid 4,000 grona 4,400 when did the last nickola come on the market in London 36 and Mum paid more than £4,000 which in Corona is U about 70,000 or more my customer wouldn't mind paying that in fact I'm almost tempted to break my rule and buy it for myself again it's not for sale you may never get this chance again it's not going to lose its value if anything it will increase Daddy can I talk to you please you are back from school early I have to tell you something yes you and mother go upstairs then I'll be there in a minute well if you change your mind you know where to find me if I do change my mind your father will know what to do daddy have you been sent home then are you in trouble all of us are in trouble all the Jewish students from all the schools have been sent home because they say the Germans are going to arrest us all tomorrow we hear that that rumor every day of the week they said they've been told officially what does that mean officially the only people that can tell us officially are the Germans and they're not likely to make an announcement H someone in the government it is possible it could happen I don't think it's going to we are not running away we would be safe in a neutral country we are not going anywhere we live here we shall not leave our home the fish has went last month listen they want us to run away they want us to get scared to run away is to help them it needs our cooperation to make it work I don't intend to help them I'm not going anywhere [Music] see [Music] B Leo there's someone downstairs at your Workshop I thought i' better tell you Mr Stein yes it's me I'm Dr Yensen doctor yes doctor my friend Mr Peterson hello can I come in please I have something I've got to tell you oh yes come in please is your family at home I'd rather explain to all of you together explain what please I oh yes come in this is Dr Yensen who wants to explain something something my wife my daughter I'm sorry to say this but I've come here to warn you that all the Jewish families in the city are going to be arrested tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow is our new year and we will all be at home you've heard already every week of the year this isn't a rumor we are organizing Escape Routes to Sweden I've been to Sweden I didn't like it much anyway I live here please for your own safety you've got to go and hide they can't possibly search in all the houses of the city we'll come for you sometime in the next few days that's what they want they want us around around Leo don't be stubborn Daddy all he's asking us to do is to stay in a safe place until we're ready to move you I'm not hiding anywhere of course you can use my apartment but I'm sure it won't be necessary I'm sorry I can't wait no longer do what you can to protect yourselves another rumor that's all it is I wish it were do you know why there's going to be no persecution young man because the Germans like it here it's quiet peaceful and easy life and they know as long as they behave there won't be any trouble but there will be trouble do you know what will happen then every Dane in the conso will turn against them [Music] it's [Music] a [Music] e where's Sam he went away went away mhm last night all of them why don't you know just went away any idea when they'll be back they won't they've gone [Music] he [Music] the I just had a telephone call hold don't be late tonight something's going on extra Germans are going on duty be on the house thank you they say all leans been sto too maybe the rumors are coming through [Music] a [Music] a [Music] where's your father he had to go to the hardware store and then he was going to get some groceries something is going on the two of you had better pack a few things and follow me to my apartment and stay my husband I'll go and find him come on please come on come on [Music] hurry has any of you seen Mr [Music] Stein [Music] Taxi [Music] is go [Music] back Leo Mr Stein over here come on please Leo why get in please quick no I have to get in this trouble look now don't be stubborn you're staying with me [Music] tonight no nothing there my wife and daughter they're in my apartment come on hurry it's me Peterson let us in Leo Where Have You Been I'm all right they're all over copen I've never seen so many before I don't know where they all came from you'll be safe here I have to go down to my shop [Music] PA [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] for [Music] for [Music] pap n [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is see Stein n housewise house for is for is [Music] there do do l [Music] l I'm I'm [Music] at this point as a distance between Sweden and Denmark is only a few miles this is where the greatest number will be taken across although there are other points along the coast where we can cross if we have to the more Diversified we are the better chance we have I think you all know Dr Yensen this isn't confirmed yet but they don't seem to have captured more than about 200 people over 2,000 homes were raided they expected at least 5,000 prisoners that means that at least 5,000 people are hidden yes and what's more they're all trying to get over to Sweden and the Germans know it you could send a couple of decoy boats out from the harbor if we can keep the Germans close to Elenor it'll give the rest of you more freedom all right now all over the coast we have fishing huts and smoke houses and there we can hide them and and there will be dozens of boats just to keep sending them across we know about most of the regular German patrols the others well we just have to keep our eyes open there are also people hiding in the provinces we can get them to the hospital but you'll take over from there this isn't a new problem it's just bigger yeah bigger yes but how are we going to move all those people don't think of it that way it's not so many people it's so many times sometimes only one person sometimes as many as 10 or 12 but again and again and again n no no hey go easy good sorry I was having a nightmare I'll say you were you almost frighten me to death good morning bathroom is out there you know lar you should be very proud of what you did yesterday but you must be careful they say they only caught a few people in the raids so now they are Furious I'll go out and see what I can do to get the Steins to Sweden I do I want to hire a boat I want to hire a boat a friend of mine Paul Anderson said I might get one here do you know anyone that can help me no I pay in case you haven't heard it's illegal to hire a vat I'll pay you anything you ask I wouldn't like you to get yourself into any trouble some friends of mine have to make a trip aboard rather urgently if you won't help me ad did you can tell me who can listen Mister I don't know who the hell you are but we have a living to earn you're not helping us by going around trying to make us get ourselves shot push off on and ey someone else go and ask one of them for a boat [Music] Maybe [Music] hire a boat Mr Peterson you will have yourself and somebody else sent to prison or worse but I have some friends who have to go to Sweden now and you were proposing to take them there in this boat well it's only a couple of miles I thought I could get a fisherman to F them over failing that I would take it myself Mr Peterson go to South Hower there's a shipyard next to Pier number six ask for Mr D come hear his helping people like your friends South Harbor peer number six Mr leson thank you I tried everyone that was home either they need money as much as you other they just don't have it then I have no choice isn't there anything else you could sell go get it but Sanders is too far from here it's too dangerous I can go no only I can deal with Sanders we'll go together then we should wait on later I think I waited too long already something wrong no last and I are going out you can't go out daddy don't be silly I'll be back as soon as I [Music] [Music] can [Music] this is a blind alley where are you going to see Mr leson you are Pastor Vincent sent me why can't we take the ferry you'll have to wait my name is Peterson you'll have to wait your turn we can't wait please the ferry the ferry I'm sorry it's not possible P's guarded don't you understand we've got to go of course I understand but not on the ferry that's all I'm trying to say we're arranging something else just be patient are you Mr leson no tell Mr Lesnar want to see him please I'm not sure if he's free Pastor Benson sent me come on Mr Len yeah oh thank God I found you at last isn't it a bit dangerous letting them all wait in there together they have nowhere to go they're safer in there what are you doing about them we're taking quite a few across already trouble is the rates were such a failure Germans are guarding all the harvers now I have three friends staying with me I wanted to Ren transport for when can you help them how old are they how old we're giving priority to old people and mothers were young children oh I get they in their 40s oh 60 I'm afraid but you can't discriminate what about all the others they'll have to wait how are you taking him if you can't use the hars German trains German trains empty German CAT trucks go to Sweden when do you think you'll be able to handle my friend for the moment I can't I've got too many to cope with already I'm sorry you will have to try to manage on your own I'll tell you what try Dr K the hospital at biso and if he can't help you then come back again in two or 3 days thank you I'll try the hospital but really I don't know what to do I'm not very good at this kind of thing who is this man Lon told me you were organizing something and could help these friends of mine I'm hiding them at the moment can you help them this is a hospital we use it only for the purpose of saving lives and curing diseases what about my friend lives I'm sorry we are very busy here's my name and address in case goodbye we can't afford to take any chances the Isaac's doctor two children a mother and a father and a grandmother age 72 renamed lasson how old are the children 10 and 12 both girls put them in contagious diseases very well doctor measles German Measles [Music] Mr Peterson what are you doing here oh thank God doctor can you still help them we're doing everything when can you pick them up in a day or two can't you take them today please well all right I'm leaving to pick up a group now I'll be there as soon as I can thank you what a pleasant surprise Mr stag I've decided to accept your offer after all what offer Stein you said you had a customer for the violin I said I might have years uh sit down please that's the same V I told you I was willing to try and saal the violin I'm still willing to try but there has been a distinct change in the market a cigar thank you but this was just the other day it has changed from a SES Market to a bias Market if you come back in a day or two I'll try and sell you I have to sell it now you know what happened last night I just can't wait around it's real Scotch no thank you all right I'll take 4000 but now I can't hand over thousands of Crona just because you've changed your mind all of a sudden you're not risking anything at that price I'm risking 4,000 Kona it's no risk you know the value no I must be sure I have a customer first come last we're wasting our time [Music] here [Music] B [Music] I don't understand him where could he be he knew he wasn't to go out if he went for money as Mr Peterson thinks he must have got to sell the violin to Sanders if he went there he should be back by now maybe Something's Happened you'll be here in a minute [Music] for [Music] good let's go quickly I can't leave my husband's not back yet could you please wait I'm sure he'll be back in a few minutes I'm sorry I can't I hadn't even planned to come here to pick you up anyway now come on please what if something's happened to him look lilan you go I'll wait Mr Stein I think no I'm not going without him and that's that Mrs Stein please trust us we will take care of him take lilan what about you I'll wait will you try and get them to the hospital of course ask for Dr care if you can't get there by curfew tonight and wait until tomorrow we will be leaving for the church at lahan first thing at dawn but just get them to the hospital thank you very much Mr Peterson see you [Music] later [Music] this ho think ridiculous I don't know why I [Music] came [Music] go and hide in Peterson's workshop I'll stay here [Music] is Alo where's there keep Le no no [Music] no who is here who is her Stein my [Music] need St [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] we better not even try to reach the hospital today the whole city is warming with naris tomorrow morning we'll get a tax to pick us up and take us straight till all right here you are thank [Music] you I just can't stop him leave it to us I send a nurse I think it would be too risky to let him cross tomorrow I'll see to it good I'd like to have a word with you try and get some rest tomorrow will be a difficult day you will have to go along with one of the first groups to sweeten tomorrow but that's impossible I've organized to pick up more than 100 people all over the city tomorrow leave that to somebody else if this is going to work we must have the Swedish side organized two boats were captured last night I have the instructions for you in my office very well could SP a moment doctor one of my patients is in a critical State my parents why are my parents not here hello Lilian are you all right yes I'm terribly worried about my parents don't worry they're in very good hands you'll see them tomorrow but why didn't they come here as they should have probably it wasn't safe they might have been caught if they had we'd know by now how we'd know can I telephone the Germans have cut all the lives in Copenhagen now try and get some sleep you're in the first group going to Sweden tomorrow so try to sleep I'll try Dr K wants you thank [Music] you [Music] [Music] I'll go and have a look I'll see what happened to the taxi come on the TX is here hurry hurry all right [Music] Dr Yensen we are nearly at the [Music] bridge get down get down all of you quick mind the windows [Music] we can't go up there why not you must take us up north I told you I couldn't hey you hey mister please we're in a hurry we have to get up there nothing I can do about it what's the trouble now not your business something wrong Germans we can't take the train where do want to go to Li well I can't take you all the way but H in [Music] it's not very far is it Sweden no but right now it seems far enough it looks so close you'd think you could swim some people have this is the first time I've ever felt anything except 100% Danish I've never thought of myself as different from any other girl until today you're not different how soon will we get to the church we should be there soon your mother or father will probably probably join us late this afternoon I hope [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] n that's [ __ ] [Music] up yeah I'm v ah ask him where he going he has been recalled to his unit is [Music] that they're using ELO station as a checkpoint thank [Music] you we have to leave the train at the next station [Music] n they're changing the number plates don't look strange an ambulance from Copenhagen so far [Music] north [Music] as soon as the train stops let's get off and get off no [Music] [Music] Panic I'll do same I'll same I'll be the [Music] same thank [Music] [Music] you [Music] hey [Music] hey could you tell me the time of the next bus to Gia there isn't one not for our two hours oh you don't know anyone we could maybe get a car from what's the problem my friends have to get to Gil as soon as possible they'll be there there for all hours if the wait for the bus that's too late how important is it it's very very important it's impossible to get a car wait a minute I've got an idea come along the bus you'll be here any minute I thought you said it wasn't you for 2 hours it isn't the bus to Gil isn't we're waiting for the bus from Gil from [Music] mhm [Music] where is Pastor Neil ah hello hello take the ambulance back to the hospital aren't you going back yourself no I'm going over [Music] tonight your group will be going out first yome good the sooner the better my wife is getting some food for them thank [Music] you now all of you are going across on the next boat and I want to explain what is going to happen they had to bring a Swedish troller right across Waters that are patrolled by the Germans silence is very very important silence and [Music] speed sorry I'm afraid there's been a slight change in the schedule the bus has to go back to Gil I can't go on to copen why we have some new passengers they have to get to G does anybody object I do I have a very important appointment in Copenhagen their appointment is more important you don't have to stay on the bus you know I insist you complete this run as scheduled get out then we will only be a couple of hours late I'm reporting you to the authorities authorities you don't mean the German authorities make him get off come on get out then [Music] I have to give your child an injection it's only a mild [Music] stive will you roll out the sleeve yeah when does the boat leave oh in about half an hour he should be as sleep by then how long for 3 or 4 hours you should all be safe in Sweden by the time he wakes again I hope so thank you are you all right yes I'm all right thank [Music] you [Music] G everybody out follow [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] over here yson your group can join M all right try and keep your group together tell them to be quiet you're safe here we'll come for you later okay send someone up to the [Music] [Music] church come on [Music] hurry [Music] [Music] [Music] he's asking for Dr Yensen I'll take [Music] him [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's move [Music] on hide in the huts okay wait here until you get the signal to board how soon will that be we're not sure yet before we leave it's important you know how grateful we are Dr Jensen's going across with us and then coming back but it's too dous going back and forth it has to be done there are still thousands here that need help it's difficult to express the way we feel about all this I I think the last few days have been a lesson to us [Music] all [Music] for [Music] my violin you left it back there I'll get it for you safe journey everybody come back soon my violin sorry can't wait [Music] I
Channel: TenaaTV
Views: 264,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tenaatv, drama, war, occupation, history, denmark, world war two, refugee, jewish refugee, Jane Seymour, Movie, Drama, Free Film, TV, Full Movies, Films for Free, movies, Full Film, Film, Pluto, Only Way, online, Films, Length, Helle Virkner, Ebbe Rode, War, Full Feature, Free Movie, Only, Full Movie, The Only Way, Full, Full Length, Free, Movie lovers, Way, watch, HD, Feature, german, German occupation
Id: hhBjthb7BtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 7sec (5227 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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