The Winds of War (Episode 1) The Winds Rise sa prevodom

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[Music] [Music] in January 1933 14 years after the defeat of Germany in the first world war Adolf Hitler came to power in violation of the versailes peace treaty Germany at once began rearming in March 1936 in violation of the treaty Germany reoccupied the Rin land in March 1938 in violation of the treaty Germany absorbed Austria in September 1938 with the Munich pact England and France yielded to Germany large areas of Czechoslovakia under Adolf Hitler's threat of war with this fact Germany guaranteed peace in Europe and the independence of the rest of Czechoslovakia in March 1939 Germany violated the PA and occupied the rest of Czechoslovakia Germany was also threatening Poland and now on March 31st 1939 the British government at last resolving to Halt Hitler's Germany gives Poland an unconditional guarantee of military assistance this guarantee will lead to the outbreak of the second World [Music] War Colonel General volter von brockage commanderin-chief of the German Army General France Haler Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Alfred udel operations chief of the okw Hitler Supreme headquarters command Colonel General William kitle chief of the okw Admiral Eric Raider commander-in-chief of the German Navy summoned by the furer these officers are here for an urgent meeting on the British military [Music] [Applause] guarantee you have heard re TRS news yes my you my will is fixed and unshakable you will proceed with the planning for case white andur the starting date September 1st the does the fu decision present problems for the military Yim rientro Hitler's foreign minister Vain and incompetent he has succeeded in earning the dislike of almost everyone in the German government we will be ready September 1st man if necessary even sooner Field Marshal hon Garing commander of the powerful German air force in the third R second only to the fer with all due respect to the field Marshall manur you give us only five months to prepare for General War it would require at least a year we do not have a year it is my believe that if the attack on Poland is started with sudden heavy blows that gain rapid success General war will be avoided but of England and France too much I'll cck them as Che they will choke on h [Music] Sor B it does exist what exists mlin all this Hitler business I mean I read about it in the papers but well it seems too ridiculous and crazy to be real it's real all right [Music] Commander Victor Henry United States Navy State Room 63 ad [Music] [Music] [Music] herab I can't believe it we're actually going M toer was in Berlin for the Olympics she keeps saying how wonderful it still is and how cheap she says we'll just love it oh here it is pug fries Warren oh hey cutie what the devil why aren't you in flight school just blew in are you kidding you think I would have missed this i h to write up from Pensacola in a PB oh bug isn't it a wonderful surprise Saturday night in New York watch out all you big city girls waren Henry's in town oh what do you say we get this party underway has Byron heard about the big move we haven't heard from your brother for months oh well the last letter we got he quit his studies in Florence and he's vagabonding around Europe somewhere got bored with the Fine Arts oh now pug don't carry on so Byron's a strange fish but there's a lot of brains underneath I know that's the problem well here's to the new Tour of Duty yes and good luck in Berlin [Music] [Applause] cheers [Applause] well I got a Navy car can I drive you someplace my date's now till 5:00 you can take me to the Rock Power Center the National Broadcasting Company of course I'm going to look for a job did Dad know about this are you crazy besides it's just for the summer [Music] bye they're good [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] kids [Applause] [Music] [Applause] when the C's away huh I've been smoking for [Applause] [Music] years [Music] well to whom um to the kids ah yes our abandon nestlings all right to the [Music] kids oh I really do feel adventurous pugs sailing on a Germans ship these days I wonder if there are any Nazis right here at this bar um let's go out on the deck and take a look at the Statue of Liberty no sir I want another drink I've seen the Statue of [Music] Liberty look as long as we're aboard this ship we have to assume that everything we say is being recorded that means at the bar at the table in our state room that ever occurred to you well yes sort of but in the state room too always you mean you don't mean day and night bug really if they didn't they'd be sloppy the Germans are not a sloppy people well then Mister keep your distance on this boat that's all I can say and I intend to spend the entire trip chasly brushing up my German it's going to be the same in Berlin honestly oh hell really doesn't make much difference anyway does it can I have my other drink [Music] now hi Byron Henry yeah Natalie gastro hop in this is Leslie Sloat [Music] on [Music] I don't need a driver anymore so it's all horses I don't have to hear about [Music] that [Music] here we [Music] are ay J AJ oh good you're back Aon this Byron Henry Columbia 38 is it yes sir welcome to Sienna well here's to Byron Henry notorious hater of the Italian remesal what did you hear this sir oh my old friend chano in Colombia he mentioned it in passing in a letter he wrote to me about you well I guess I have no choice but to drink what have you got against the Italian Renaissance Byron I suppose I just had too much of it started out fascinated and I ended up just snowed under and bored think it's the mixture of paganism and Christianity sort of sticks in my craw you ask what I had against the Italian Renaissance I told you now don't fold up on aspon other people have taken your position good name for it is uh protestantism Byron I understand your father is a naval officer yes sir he's in Washington in war plans War plans gracious is that as ominous as it sounds AJ every country draws up theoretical War plans in peace time tell me does your father think war is emminent he didn't mention it in his last letter Leslie is in the Foreign Service Barron which makes him an expert on these matters he thinks my uncle should go home we've had a running argument about that now for days of course he's going on to Warsaw well for what it's worth I think there's going to be a war you do I'd be interested to know why I just tour Germany everywhere you drive you pass army trucks full of troops and railroad cars loaded for Miles with artillery and tanks Byron with such displays Hitler won Austria in the sudent land and he never had to fire a shot Dr jastro when I was in Germany I saw signs on park benches and trolley cars about the Jews and I saw burnout synagogues yes well I'm surprised that you speak as calmly as you do about Hitler being Jewish I mean if Hitler wents out the Jews will simply fall back to the second class status they had for so long under the Kings and the popes and we survived 177 Centuries with that we have quite a store of wisdom and Doctrine for coping Aaron this Olympian attitude of yours completely exasperating me that you could rely on Adolf Hitler's Prudence for your safety and for Natalie's strikes me as grotesque I think Natalie's parents would agree with me Natalie can go home tomorrow if she wishes but I think perhaps she finds working here in Sienna as my secretary more more stimulating than Miami Beach oh I'm thinking of going home all right Leslie but not because of Hitler there a few things that bother me just a little bit more than Hitler at the moment look we are I dare say come on let's go upstairs here is where we do most of our work is quite a library oh a fair collection on early Christianity now Baron I understand you took a naval Reserve course and attained a commission is that where your interests lie no sir uh the commission was more to please my father I assumed that when Dr Milano suggested you visit he mentioned that I might have something for you yes he did my next work is called the arch of Constantine you do know who Constantine was the uh first Christian emperor of Rome I believe A+ bar I need some research on the emperor's Wars would uh $20 a week interest you well sir I've flunked more history courses I see you don't want the job uh no sir I didn't say that uh tell me would I be living and working here in the Villa certainly you be working right here in this room that is Natalie's desk there and yours would be here I think I'll try it sir oh you will although you say you have no aptitude why well uh for the money and and of course to be around you sir to be around me oh to be sure all right Baron why don't we give it a [Music] [Applause] [Music] try wait [Music] wa Oh Captain Bak alas well we tried to make the last night of the voyage a memorable one Mrs M and it is the Fury's birthday no Mr Toots there will be no war between England and Germany well we're all the same stock all North Europeans it would be a sad thing for brothers to fall out has a nice ring to it doesn't it per remind me to include it in my next program oh nobody wants War now anyways absolutely nobody it would be so silly nowadays does your wife speak for the United States Navy Commander she speaks for Piper heing 34 have just had the pleasure of lecturing at your naval war College Commander really what was your impression your Navy is the one you fighting force in the world today which can compare professionally with the German Army I would put in a word for the Royal Navy and the RAF I'm afraid sir it is already well known that the Royal Air Force have lost air parity to the roofer as for the Royal Navy that is the province of commodor go and his ubot not a bad Navy they have damn good uots you had ubert last time we did fine till America came in were you in the Atlantic then Destroyers I was below maybe this is not the first time we meet huh maybe poer My Dear Mrs HRI may I have the honor this first dance that is commanding with your commission by all means Captain than you tell me General will your fura attack to his whole Brilliance lies in his bloodless victories the Polish Corridor is an idiotic anomaly to Fe will find a solution no war over dancing no war none that is the Germany will [Music] start well I suppose you're on school vacation yes for quite some time I'm 28 oh I'm sorry I thought you were about my daughter's age she's 19 many people make that mistake Commander I suppose it's because I'm always with my father I help him with his work his eyes aren't very good that must be interesting depends on the subject matter nowadays it's somewhat of a broken record will the little go or won't [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] oh lovely Divine My Dear Mrs grumpy first energetic dancer your wife cover off come Eric gentlemen excuses please again Henry woman's tarish almost makes my wonder how they that grubka fellas held up as well as he has a great deal of seed you here no doubt well Friz he with jeny will you strictly in the line of duty he's invited me out to inspect the subbase at shond anyway I doubt that gr is a NY you do eh well as you both fellas are all right as b as much as any Germans are [Music] we have another dance later of course thank you oh I should get myself a white wig and a cane they look so shattered when I refuse and as for that hateful Conger the C as ball I've been covering that fellow Henry since the day he marched into Austria something bright out of plutar a zero of a man with no schooling of no own family a 20 a dropped out student a Drifter a failure I watched that Man March in Triumph through the streets of Vienna where he had sold postcards and gone hungry the so air to the combined Thrones of the hapsburgs and the ens alland the grest Trevor steals a central truth to her Ag and the only reason for this damn ball you created him you know I big no problem F you and the French your insane Treaty of Versa partitioned Germany made an economic and political mad house of Europe think that could last you generated a volcanic resentment in our people Hitler is the political eruption is the German army with him he has rearmed us he has given us back our self-esteem and Terror and concentration camps all forms of politics are dirty my friend democracy dictatorships variations on one seed pleased the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] M ladies and gentlemen I propose a toast a toast to Germany's great leader Adolf Hitler on his 50th birthday and to his life's aim [Applause] [Music] [Applause] peace [Music] for [Music] [Applause] atom after attention breakfast will be served in the main Lounge in 15 minutes thank you forward forward [Music] forward good morning good morning would you mind if I joined you oh yes thank you I feel so stupid preparing to smile at 40 fet doesn't your father believe him before breakfast walks toy he hates exercise of any kind besides right now he has a touch of gout it's his curse FY his middle name is tlut ever since school he's been talking to his friends guess why where's your wife Commander also not a walker oh she's busy packing not that she walked to the corner a drugstore she can catch a ride or hail a cab will you be coming back to the United States well if father gets thrown out of Berlin which seems inevitable I suppose we will why I have a son I should like you to meet um unlike his father he's quite handsome oh what does he do naval officer like his father a sailor never a girl in every port don't you have any other Sons Commander as a matter of fact I do but uh he'd be a bit young for you maybe not I never do seem to hit it quite right I see Commander just said a word with that Gro managed to Horn in on your little drip to chund I hope you're not put off not at all glad to have you along talky I thought you were packing we'll be in dock any minute now that's exactly why I'm here I've made a muck it you know I can't handle things of that kind well what are you standing there for you lazy creature say aoir to Commander Henry and go below and get my things together shall we see you in Berlin of course I should be pumping him for the latest military intelligence and learning nothing out the bound I'll fean Commander go on dudsbury I have Notions of matching your our daughter up with a son of mine oh have you I warn you Pam's a handful why how can you say that I've never met a gentler or pleasanter girl Still Waters I warn you see you in [Music] berin [Music] [Music] [Music] a is expecting you the chief of staff is with him you had a pleasant American journey you feel refreshed yes thank you good you will take full charge of operational planning for case white and report back Friday what assumptions have being made about the Soviet Union Stalin shot most of his first class General officers in The Purge I don't rise the Red Army very high it can field 300 divisions yes but will Stalin allow us to roll across Poland to his border unchecked I am not an optimist about that and what if their alliance with England goes through that is the real nightmare that is politics we have our orders and you have yours I will report back on Friday of course but I can give you my estimate now case white will be an allout twoof front war from the outset the fatal error of Kaiser Wilhelm the Kaiser was not a political genius this man is he will pull off another political Miracle good so we plan for a H we plan to smash Poland in two weeks and and hold in the west hold in the west with what we have that is the miracle we plan [Music] for all previous studies inadequate assumptions about Soviet Union in view of the proposed Anglo Soviet Alliance are highly hazardous we are going out on very thin [Music] ice come in Colonel far Ser the military an welcome Commander I'm Bill Forest pug Henry I'm right next door what's the drill here uniforms every day oh no no I just came from a review you suit up only for occasions here good such as this one you get to meet Hitler right off the bat just luck it's a big Crush for the Bulgarian Minister we'll just pass by and Shake Hands it ought to give Mrs Henry a thrill is this usual an a Tache at a head of state reception not very no and the queer thing is those cards came from verock headquarters compliments of a General von [Music] [Music] r well pug aren't you going to say anything about my new outfit I think it's just perfect you never look better well of course it isn't my choice but Sally Forest says Hitler's mad about pink and ni Washington seem D andame doesn't [Music] it [Music] fantastic looking isn't it peast Radio City Music H oh pug oh look you can see him [Music] now Max oh that prison haircut I declare he's such a simple looking man the rest are all so gy Henry we coming in D thank you for Henry [Music] [Music] [Music] Colonel William forest and fr Forest [Music] there's ribbon trop and geros would you like to meet him oh please come on General Henley J V run how nice to see you again excuse me well thank you for getting us here what do you think of the furer not much like the image in the New York newspapers all halls and the tail oh not at all I understand you're an excellent tennis player Commander oh was that included in my dossier very little was not included perhaps we could have a game I'd like that oh F it's perfect you'll never believe it I know it was Dreadful to drag you out on your lunch hour but I was afraid somebody would snap it up it even has a tennis court but you don't think Hitler had anything to do with this do you well I mean do you think he really remembered it's such a to do business with Americans my brother has a real estate business in Chicago that is where I learned someday perhaps I will go back and on top of everything else there are five bedrooms upstairs and three marble baths and W to see the garden look is this the most beautiful drawing room you've ever seen look at the panel here here is the garden and behind the house there are tennis courts which I'll show you in a moment here now this way down there is the uh the lake the lovely little Lake can see who owns this lud rosenal a well-known sugar Merchant very large firm what's the catch what catch what do you mean but why is the price so low well there's this new ruling what ruling I'm not very clear about it something about uh Jewish people owning real estate well uh does this man know that you're showing me this house at this price oh naturally when can I meet him I have taken the Liberty to ask him to come out he should be here at any moment excuse me $78 a month it's ridiculous well that's what I thought it's a lovely house here Rosenthal said even BDI thank you we are fond of it my wife and I we have spent a lot of time and money on it the truth is Mrs Henry and I are uh feel a bit awkward about leasing but why you are very desirable tenants if a lower rent would help of course I would know the rent is incredibly low do you actually get the money of course with the agents commission deducted in certain Municipal fees I will receive every penny told me that some new ruling compels you to rent it I I I assure you Commander Henry that won't affect you as a tenant but just what is this new ruling well it's an emergency decree you understand I I am sure eventually it will be rescinded meanwhile this property can be sold at any time without my consent however if there is a tenant in Residence with a diplomatic immunity that cannot be done hence the modest rent may I ask you a question roant why don't you just sell out and leave Germany my family has a business more than 100 years old my wife and I are born binus [Music] this is [Music] home I have lived through other bad times I was shot through a lung in Belgium in 1914 man goes through a lot in his lifetime well Mrs Henry loves the house but uh we just uh hate to take advantage of someone else's Misfortune you'll be doing just the opposite you know that [Music] now I wish we hadn't taken it you do truly never really struck me before never seemed to really be happening [Music] that fine man imagine running out this beautiful home for pittens in order to keep it from being sold over his head to some fat Nazi no doubt lying in weight to pick it up cheap well do you want me to call it off he really wants us in you know oh I know he does that's what's so [Music] scary never going to be happy in this house more in this country it's such a barn I'll need a troop of servants oh we'll get them no problem they're all get stop with spies you know every last one of them oh pug we should been ordered to a battleship so do I honey so do [Music] I [Music] [Music] out [Music] [Music] Byron have I grown another head was I staring at you only for two weeks now maybe you remind me of somebody I know possibly your mother you writing another letter to SLO Byron Aaron needs those notes this afternoon do you suppose you could fit them into your busy schedule [Music] you like your job it's a job why seem like you're kind of wasting away here really my what a tragic fate tell you bar and you do peculiar things when you're in love but while you're doing this I really don't know me I'm [Music] broke [Music] you forward is from Florence [Music] another letter from [Music] SLO H my folks are in Germany now my father's a naal atache in [Music] Berlin what's slod got to say this time I'm going to [Music] Warsaw Aaron [Music] e [Music] do you mean to tell me that you've been in Sienna 9 years and never been to the Paleo I have never attended the race that is incredible it's nothing but a relic of the medieval burlesque races and sometimes they raised donkeys and Buffalos in Rome they raised Jews more moreover my friend the Archbishop tells me the Crowds Are So unruly you risk being jled or even trampled well then why the sudden interest well because Life Magazine wants me to write an article about it for a very substantial sum of money AJ Leslie writes that he wants me to come to Warsaw but that's not very consistent of him is it urging us to go home and inviting you to Warsaw When The War talk gets worse every day sure the the one who said there was nothing to worry about Natalie is it ladylike to pursue lesli SL Is it wise tactics that is my business Leslie is a very coldblooded customer I'm going a Jewish wife is not suitable these days to a diplomat's career it's as simple as that besides you'll be in Greece it's the perfect time I postponed my trip to Greece this poo thing gets in the way look I have an idea I haven't time to research the Paro and attend that silly race why don't you do all that and then you R draft an article and we'll split the fee how's that how much you'd receive $1,000 $1,000 say I could buy a wacking good truso for that a truso is that still in the Wind yes can I use Byron for the research I don't see why not all right and then I'll go to Warsaw in August after the second poo agreed if the war news doesn't get worse yes fine [Music] so is it all set what warsa oh that's postponed at at least until the end of [Music] August what are you grinning about huh who me [Music] Grinny wonderful pag good shot guess what Byron finally wrote us a letter yeah okay lots of good news dear set point Roa tough luck General take a couple more no no it's set the time for another unhappily not I must be going well play now you can read your letter Aaron G room he's the fellow that wrote that book the Jews Jesus oh yes you said you liked it didn't you yeah I read it twice well if Byron Henry is working it's the biggest news about him since you had it a this seems to be bigger news looks like he's interested in a girl what kind of girl Italian no a New York girl it's that author's niece her name's Natalie Natalie jastra right there this thing is kind of far along I think maybe all right him what do you think you're going to say doesn't make any difference to me that she's Jewish although that might raise serious questions about the children's Faith children pug he doesn't say a word about marrying her it's the way he writes about her look if she's Aaron jro's niece she's probably top drawer and Brilliant the point is what Chan has a marriage like that got to work nowadays at least I want Byron to think that comes hard to [Music] Byron [Music] [Music] another letter from your folks in Berlin yeah what's so funny I guess you just have to know my father oh seems you got the wrong impression from my last letter you don't say about what nothing you'd be interested in well it's too bad there isn't a chance good news my friend the artificial was aranged seats for us behind the judges stand the second paleo well I thought you weren't going to attend yeah this makes it much more attractive so book my airplane tickets a week later Greece the August 23rd I think H wonderful that's when I'll fly to Warsaw what follows gets into prognostication so may be judged frivolous or journalistic however to this Observer all the evidence indicates that Adolf Hitler at this time is negotiating a military alliance with the Soviet Union Henry do you really intend to send this stuff to the Office of Naval intelligence that's the way I see it sir my job here is reporting on Germany's combat Readiness and political Trends Henry anti-communism is the life blood of Hitler's Politics the German people's fear of the Bolsheviks put him in power and keeps him there you know when grub took me to that submarine base I saw some very interesting things when I left there it was quiet as a graveyard no night shift I don't think Hitler's people are behind him for full mobilization and the way I see their industrial picture they can't get enter Poland without first nullifying the Soviet Union well all I can say is if I send in this report I'll be laughed out of the Foreign Service and I don't think it'll do your career much good either well I wouldn't want to look like a damn fool good I leave the global masterminding to The Men Who were paid for it now there's your report yes sir Unthinkable why isn't it militarily sound militarily militarily militarily a with the United States would be equally sour ah but Poland doesn't lie between Germany and the United States it would be a political Miracle well isn't that your fous specialty sheer fantasy Commander crude melodrama if you say so I'm afraid you do not understand European politics is Germany prepared to fight an allout War war on two fronts number one war is not inevitable number two two fronts are also not inevitable well Victor let's hope I'm better on a horse than on the tennis court [Applause] huh [Applause] [Music] with case white the invasion of Poland only 20 days away musolini sends his son-in-law count gallato chiano the Italian foreign minister to Hitler's Mountain Retreat charming and Urbane with the ability to speak fluent German chano has been charged with a mission of relaying to Hitler he DUI's decision not to enter into any armed conflict over Poland despite the vaed pack of Steel between their two countries [Music] H Hitler discloses the plans for case white Toano he must attack by September 1st because the Autumn rains start October 15 15 he needs 6 weeks two weeks to smash Poland two to four weeks for [Music] MAA Gio warns Hitler that Italy is unprepared for war he explains that The Pact of Steel was signed in anticipation of war in 1942 not 1939 he proposes another Munich style conference maybe the West will give in again without a fight and Mos m for Fore Unthinkable why your Char is exactly right read my captain I did you haven't rasped it he said himself somewhere that a fact with Russia would be the end of Germany I did a little ungentlemanly spying of Grub's Flagship I saw some operational figures he'd like me to think that he has 70 submarines operational I doubt that he has 50 well so it's just part of the general German unpreparedness I doubt that Hitler can go to bat if there's a risk that Stalin will come in against him just so and we've got an alliance with started practically owned up so Hitler's Sid so no war so why hasn't this Alliance been announced well what do you think Pamela I think if that report will jeopardize your career and make you unhappy then by all means tear it up that's hardly the point is it as far as I'm concerned it is picked up don't send that report if you do you'll make a complete ass of yourself [Applause] [Music] come in come here Commander when are you leaving I ready to seal the PCH now Commander I leave for temple Hoff 10 [Music] minutes hold the P open for me what you going to wait outside yes [Music] [Music] telephone orders from K at Supreme fur headquarters battleships and submarines proceed to war station dispatch telegrams to commence Army mobilization move Army Headquarters with sus transfer operations did General Thomas present the arm is warning memorandum to kitle read it to him and his response this response Brit to decadent France to degenerate America to uninterested to fight for Poland and the Soviet Union what is his opinion of the Soviet Union issues yours [Music] immediately [Music] for [Music] me wow the Archbishop is proud couldn't have better [Applause] [Music] [Applause] seats [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] to [Music] all [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] see [Applause] any [Applause] [Applause] round [Applause] [Applause] [Music] d need [Music] [Applause] the can a riderless horse win you're asking [Applause] me yes indeed just [Applause] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] by [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I think that horse was druged yes sir I think most of them are [Applause] what on Earth is going on there a double cross maybe a triple cross that guy probably sold out to another [Applause] Parish [Applause] of it natally this article will write itself now what these CES have evolved there a grotesque little parody of European nationalism the Paleo is war This Is War let's get out of here [Applause] now [Applause] [Music] [Music] no way [Applause] no [Applause] on this these are barely on the ground just keep walking hang on to him Byron hold on follow along with him we'll get out of here the next time we come to another side [Applause] street [Music] [Applause] oh what is [Music] [Applause] that where's Aaron [Music] [Applause] go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you okay sir glass is a bit shattered that was quite a commotion close call there wasn't it these people their minds a war spare civilians be insane in forra Penny in forra pound I find all this quite exhilarating so let's go better hang on to me a little more tightly byon a little deric there for a moment [Music] there are snags in the Nazi Soviet deal the Russians are getting tougher and are in no hurry to proceed valuable time passes telegrams fly back and forth ribbon Trope has offered to fly to Moscow with full powers to conclude a PCT Weighing on Hitler's mind is the knowledge that the British and French military envoys are in Russia still negotiating finally he comes to an unprecedented decision he will humble himself situ and write a personal letter of appeal to his great enemy Stalin something has to be done about it before it is too late the tension between Germany and Poland has become intolerable crisis may arise any day I therefore propose that you receive my foreign minister on Tuesday August 22nd but at the latest August 23rd I should be glad to receive your early answer firon have you ever been to Warsaw no why would you like to come there with me what would be the point thing is Aaron's getting Difficult about my trip am I going to make a difference yes don't you know what he calls you now my golden lad you can't get over what you did at the Poo oh you exaggerate that no you showed striking presence of mind I was very impressed and so was Aaron I mean that horse might very well have killed him what about your friend SLO don't you think he'd take a dim view of me showing up there with you I'll have a little slow all right what was Aaron away in Greece I couldn't imagine a more dismal place in this why not Natalie terrific we have a wonderful time I promise you Byron I cannot tell you what a load you have taken off my mind this headstrong girl doesn't realize how Wild wild and backward Poland is the political situation is deteriorating by the day talk as though I was some kind of idiot you are a girl you have quite a lot of trouble remembering that however my mind is much more at ease you're a very capable young man Baron let's have a bottle of champagne on it champagne Maria see so you and Natalie are up to Wars I hope you'll manage to see my cousin barl I haven't seen him since I left Poland almost 50 years ago barel gastro presence of Mind was his strong point too the time pressure continues to grow 24 hours have passed and still no reply from Moscow Adolf Hitler is in a state of near collapse from sleeplessness and tension sh up the reply I thank you for your letter I hope the German Soviet nonaggression pact marks a decided turn for the better in our relations the Soviet government agrees to have ribon trop's arrival in Moscow on August the 20 you [Music] [Music] said [Music] for [Music] hug you were right they were all wrong and you were right compliments on your prence Victor turn out to be right after all the question is what did he have to give [Music] Stalin [Music] looks like we could be walking right into the middle of a war look I realized for you this is no longer a gay Excursion so I'll just go on by myself Natalie I don't think you understand Hitler made this alliance with Stalin give him a free hands to can invade Poland Fon you heard what Aaron said Hitler hasn't used his army yet and he's not going to now I'd suggest you call SLO maybe he'll tell you not to come that's Insanity I'll never get a call through the Warsaw today [Applause] [Music] try [Applause] what are you we were cut off before I could finish I'm choking to death let's get some air so what did he say before you were cut off me Furious he said I was insane that the diplomats are burning papers hey will you take it easy what you respect so what else did he say he said I should get out of Italy as soon as possible and go straight back home with or without Aaron God it's hot findy me a lemonade or something let me see those plane tickets I'm sure we can get a refund you get the refund they burned papers before Munich too England and France will fold up just as they did then Natalie even if you're right that Embassy is going to be swamped you probably won't even have a chance to see him Byron I'm on my way now and I'm not turning [Music] back a ticket I go check us in you sure you want to go you needn't honestly I'm releasing you wait a minute I don't want you to come don't come tell Aaron I said that oh shut up Natalie just hand over the ticket my my listen to Byron Henry being masterful the thing is my darling if anything does go wrong I don't want to feel that it was I who dragged you into [Music] this finish your lemonade I'll get you [Music] [Music] ke5 [Music] [Music] there SLO so you got my wire you mad woman only you'd make a pleasure trip during a general mobilization hello Baron hi well give me a passport so I can move you through fast see these people know who they are those called sensible people they're getting out but the getting's good the Jews mostly [Music] I mean do you listen to the radio do you read the newspapers you pay any attention to what's going on what kind of a stupid question is that of course I do so the point is you glad to see me or not h by the way Leslie did you manage to locate Uncle Aaron's cousin oh you're barel jastro he's out of town it seems gone down to magit for his son's wedding oh that's too bad I wanted to meet [Music] him [Music] there's no war scare here Leslie on our way back to Rome I thought Byron and I might stop off at mait absolutely not forget it I will not Aaron told me to visit the family and that is exactly what I'm going to do Natalie there are half a million German soldiers in Czechoslovakia right this minute posted at chunca pass 40 m from adich you understand that what was this pusi p in the last 3 days the hotels have all emptied out and they're virtually giving these rooms away this is what I need all right gentlemen leave see you at dinner I'm going to have a great bath Byron listen this mait trip it's it's dangerous nonsense I'm going to get you air tickets out of here just as quickly as I can if it takes the both of us to put her bodily on that plane it has to be done okay yeah sure thank you see you dinner [Music] I I'm sorry to be late the embassy is just a mad house it's all those Jews they storming the gates we've all turned into Visa officers God knows I don't blame them if anyone can show a relative or a friend a letter anything from the States we process them right now New York telephone book at warsa where the hundreds alst uh Cano uh shall I just order for everybody um Chim these are local Specialists uh we like them um f steak is very good here [Music] interested [Music] fore [Music] fore [Music] n [Music] I don't care what what kind of trouble you went through to get those tickets I'm not going to roie I'm not ready to panic yet Hitler will do exactly what he wants to do and that'll be that natal for all we know Hitler has already given the order to March now down there in magit the next two weeks you have a 50/50 chance of being captured by German soldiers I think those odds are a bit risky don't you I'll be quiet [Music] slow who's there hey Bry are you dead just a minute second what are you doing here I'm off to mageta I'm not missing that wedding want to come along didn't we just go to sleep I never went to sleep I've been with Leslie all night arguing mostly what time is it halfast 6 the plane for krackow leaves at 9: krackow that's the closest airport get in here you told SLO last night that she were going to fly to Rome this afternoon I know I know I'll leave him a note listen if you go with me then we don't have to go back to war so we can go straight to Rome from KRA out you heard any kind of news we listened to BBC this morning at 6 Henderson is still conferring with Hitler and Chamberland has gone to his country house for the weekend SLO himself says that the British are just crawfishing and that the worst is over besides when am I ever going to have another chance to see where my parents come from and me meet my family I'm here now how you going to get from crack out of M jitti I wired Barrel jastro to meet me okay I'll go with you you will [Music] yeah as goofy as I am [Music] briy [Music] natal you will have big surprise when we come to miit all family very happy American Kink is coming for marriage this is very good luck for everybody you better brace yourself for a big reception and you no worry for going to Rome I have very good friends in Kaku and no problem for you to fly aerplane day after marriage no problem see what did I tell you nothing to worry [Music] about ASV Byron that's where my father and Aaron studied the Tal's boys only have had a different name then under Austria bar what was ashven called before under Austria before it was aitz yeah that's it asht [Music] huh [Music] Natalie this is our village nits [Music] [Applause] [Music] many many from this children is your cousins you know half more than half of this Village is Yos she serious yes yes he is and we're going to meet every single one of them [Music] yes natal yast in America the man Henry Byron there is an offer in [Music] theal the [Applause] r what in the world did he say to them he said you're my protector an American naval officer uncle [Music] Aaron [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] h [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Music] forious [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for [Music] [Music] speee [Music] [Applause] let [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] Lo [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello [Applause] [Music] [Music] play [Music] [Music] h fire [Music] fire [Music] [Music] by bym the Germans what about them they coming [Music] [Applause] hi hi we cross the check border about 50 mil from here the word is headed for krackow I'm going to ride this way what do we do now we get ourselves back to the American Embassy in Warsaw brilliant how I I buy you two tickets on train to go to warship how do you get there oh my family and me we we go in our automobile don't worry 300 miles in front of the German advance in that huh oh no problem good car look it you uh take those tickets and give them to your wife and daughter we'll go with you in the newly WS no no no no no I insist [Music] sorry I got you into this Bry forget it it' be interesting sides it's a great weddding [Music] I don't think Poland can hold that more than two three weeks you want know the truth hey talk how are you what are you doing here I come to interview your shop haven't all the other British correspondents left the Jes have given me until tonight would you care to hear the bad man explain all to the rice dog I can get you into the Press Box my last story from Berlin sure I'll go good paba will pick you up she's pecking like bad tedbury will England fight my God I hope she will if Chamberlin went Declare War I think he'll fall well see you in the r Ryan sir Callin oh the lines are jammed sir get [Music] through [Music] W get get get [Music] Bri [Music] go [Music] it's going to be a long ride to warsa isn't it well maybe it'll thin out as we go [Music] along [Music] they're magnificent aren't they yes they are very brave men Wonder are they'll do against [Music] tanks I think we have all in tired I [Music] [Music] think Bronto Aaron jastro Commander Henry I had no idea my my son was not in Italy with you no 7 days ago he and my niece went off to Warsaw Warsaw yes she had a friend there in the embassy uh second secretary Leslie SLO they expect to get married in fact but I've been trying and trying to get through to Warsaw I'll get on this right away well it was a hairbrain trip but and your son volunteered to go with her and that was a great relief to me he seems to be a very capable young man I'll wre you as soon as I find anything out you know this gives me a strange and terribly sad feeling I can't help remembering the last war not so long ago doctor well I hope to meet you one day I'd like to know Byron's father father he worships you you know if you hear anything will you please let me know I will I will goodbye [Music] do here the looks worse than that one oh don't worry I will fix it very quick oring quck byon byon the woman she asks if you want something to eat we cannot eat this you can no thanks get this tire [Music] fixed I'm glad you're amused get out of the car get out of the car move get in there [Music] door [Music] way [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Byron Byron [Music] Baron for God's [Music] [Applause] sake that was a close one mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama [Music] mama extra Read All About It war in Europe Hitler invades Poland Warsaw bomb England and France mobilizes Read All About It extra get your moaning papers here extra extra I just heard about it on the radio it's really happening it's sure is lady who's going to win the war honey well let's hope it isn't Hitler ain't he something see I've always said the man is crazy and this proves it well honey so long as we keep out of it who cares who wins exra Read All About It war in Europe Hitler remains Poland for our bomb [Music] [Music] [Music] now damn it Fred CBS News has gone and snatched my girl I work for CBS too look I know it's the war my whole show this morning is about the war look Fred I need some help down here what do you mean you can't send me anybody Fred there's scripts to be this is not a one-man operation Fred Mr Cleveland just a minute Fred yes the personnel office sent me you how old are you 20 what's your name mine Henry all right Fred well mine let's get started first I want some more coffee and a chicken sandwich and there's tomorrow's script that needs to be typed over Mr Cleveland yes well I have to tell you that I'm very temporary I have to go back to Washington in 3 weeks to go to school or my father will kill me three week oh Mr Cleveland please let me work for you till then I mean your show is brilliant and and I'll get the coffee and the sandwich and I I'll type the script how much experience have you had well none but look I've been trying to get into broadcasting for 4 months and this is the only chance I've had at a real job please give me a chance what does your father do is he in government well he's in Berlin he's the naval atache there your father is our Naval atache in Nazi Germany yeah Madeline would you by any chance know of an admiral by the name of um Preble Stuart Preble that's him is he some high Mucky Muk he's chief of Naval operations big job huh Mr Cleveland you don't get any higher in the Navy he's at the Warwick we keep tabs on all the large hotels um does he know your father as a matter of fact he does my father was his Aid when he was working in Washington his Aid huh look kid Admirals and Generals usually are lousy guests but there's a war on so they're hot take this to the warw and deliver it into preble's hand don't let them push you around you mean I got the job sure sure just get to prebble use the old charm make him say yes how's your charm not like yours move your tail oh uh Mr cev the sandwich and the coffee get going that's your car fair oh I I sir okay be but [Music] [Music] [Music] doie [Music] hi good afternoon the news is bad radio Warsaw claims they've been pushing them back with heavy losses rubbish my father's been on the phone to Stockholm the Polish Air Force doesn't exist anymore the Germans have broken through the whole front for these tank companies of theirs panzas they're called yeah the Germans are very good at spreading such stuff [Music] around well we can't sit here all [Music] [Music] day [Music] [Music] I'm going to miss your Fireball style of driving well where are you off to next London then Washington I should think don't you have a young man in London pamel or several who uh object to your jumping around so much not at the moment my father says he needs me [Applause] late as usual I drove as fast as I could come on Commander just in time I'll be waiting in the same place [Music] right is there [Music] [Music] for is worthy of great fre like m confr of territorium I can't believe they're buying this Tri they're eating it up you realize he's been talking for almost an hour we have it Dam [Music] foree for the Lord [Applause] see Hitler zek zek zek [Applause] well what did you think he's not big enough he's big that's the mistake we made over here far too long you and the French have him outnumbered and outgunned the French oh there's P Henry we're going to need help to stop this fell you tell them that in Washington don't you think I will you'll tell him as well happy Landing same to you command hello I'm Palmer Kirby from Denver oh yes if you're too busy throwing me out I'll come back not at all sit right down got your file right here red carpet treatment the Bureau of ordinances how'd you get here I had to dodge around through Bel in Norway some planes are flying some aren't well your uh meeting with the IG firan fellas seems all set good you're a scientist huh electrical engineer man manufacturer anything to do with uranium uranium you can tell me it's not of my business if you want the things you want all zero in on uranium the uh graphite figures the purchase of heavy water you know the Germans keep talking about this Ultra powerful bomb that they're building they're so loose mouthed about it I figure it's uh nothing to it just a propaganda plant h yeah Commander the Char wanted to see the moment you got back can you wait sure then around 700 and guess it'll be fine thank you bug so you went at the rag stag this afternoon yes sir how did he strike you re the man is punch drunk that's an odd reaction it's true he's had quite a week incredible stamina though he undoubtedly wrote every word of that herang quite effective I thought by the way you're wanted in Washington a state department German desk you're to proceed there by fastest available Transportation isn't that unusual well I gather that combat Readiness report of yours on Nazi Germany had something to do with it it didn't seem to have the effect on your career that I predicted at any rate the idea seems to be that you pack a toothbrush and leave right what's the latest word on England and France well Chamberlain is addressing Parliament tonight my guess is that the war will be on on by the time you get back maybe it'll be over in Poland perhaps oh lord for how long if the Clippers keep flying I'll be back by the 15th well when do you go I leave for Rotterdam at 8 what tonight you mean we don't even get to go to the opero dam and what about that galute that buard wished on us not your problem Bill Forest has got his file and Sally will entertain them and what if France and England do declare war wouldn't that just be peachy me stranded alone in Berlin in the middle of a World War hey I'll get back in any case through Lisbon or Copenhagen I'll get back R well at least you'll see meline and oh I guess Byron's safe enough in Sienna fidd he does stay out of it Baron will be all right oh I'm sorry oh I'm sorry I threw my little fit dear you know me [Music] two days have passed since the German Army attacked Poland England and France have not yet moved the British Ambassador has just delivered a message to ribbon Trump's official interpreter Paul Schmidt at the foreign Ministry Schmidt is rushing the secret paper to Hitler and his advisers at the chancellor [Music] well Rond top just the essentials this government's note of September 1st notified the German government that unless German troops were promptly withdrawn from Poland Great Britain intended to fulfill its obligations to Poland no reply has been received German attacks upon Poland have intensified unless not later than 11:00 a.m. today satisfactory assurances have reached his Majesty's government in London a state of War will exist between the two countries as from that [Music] hour what now I assume the French will hand in a similar ultimatum within the hour if we lose this war may God have mercy on [Music] us in 2 months Poland will be finished then we'll have a great peace conference with the Western Powers I shall now go to the [Music] [Applause] [Music] front [Music] out [Music] varshal for what is this there is bad poock there is good poock this time very bad he wants our automobile hold on here let me talk to this guy careful I'm an American naval officer I'm returning to the Embassy in Warsaw this American Girl is my fiance and these people are her family he says American officer sir never marry Jew he does not believe you passport don't go with him I'll be okay right back keep everybody [Music] quiet [Music] l [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh
Channel: Stalingrad Heritage
Views: 2,508,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -ZABDI_G1o4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 47sec (8927 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2015
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