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hey guys what is up aoki you're bringing you some more support coaching content if you guys have never seen this channel before you for some reason don't know who i am my name is aoki i am a multi-season uh high elo support player obviously i specialize in the support role play all champions of all types and uh today we're going to be coaching a gold karma player uh so we're looking at like relatively like mid-level gameplay but we're going to be you know coaching them up and making sure that they can take their game to the next level uh before we get into the video just want to make sure that you guys are subscribed to the channel so that you guys don't miss any more top level educational content like this but this is going to be a top to bottom uh holistic approach to how to improve your gameplay i don't know if you actually win or lose this game uh if you win i'm gonna be telling you things that you could have done better to win harder and if you lose of course i'm going to be uh pointing out the mistakes that you've made along the way and what you could be doing different and one of those things that you are actually doing quite well is i love to see my coaching clients leave the fountain at zero seconds the game starts at zero seconds not at you know two minutes so we're out here we're being proactive solo queue is all about proactivity i'd be a little careful walking up and getting this award because this is technically a relatively risky ward you know you got to be thinking about the absolute worst case scenario and the absolute worst case scenario is nico's in this bush routine her entire team's there right so because your team is doing some sort of like really lazy five-point where this guy is literally just not playing the game level one uh your big bad boys are top side and your mf is a little far i love to see the pro activity and i'd love to see you get this ward but they could be here they could be here and you don't really have a team to bail you out so just be mindful of it this is a good ward and i love to see you doing this love love love what i really would love to see is if you go back and buy a red trinket if you get your sweeper here oh my gosh this guy watches aoki doesn't he all right so proactivity looking good so far let's talk about matchups let's talk about runes now in a previous coaching session i may have recommended i i don't remember i may have recommended that you uh go guardian karma but as of right now it is a much more aggressive poke-oriented meta uh when it comes to karma so comet is a god tier rune if you really really want to double down on the utility side of karma you can go airy but i really really recommend you just go karma it is absolutely elaine bully it does so so well and especially in a matchup like this where i think this is probably going to be like a skill match-up and just whoever plays it better is going to kill it it's not like they've got like a blitz crank where if you get hooked one time you die so you're a little scared to go for that poke you can walk up and poke these guys in fact i would say that you have the advantage because nico is quite short range uh you guys have very easy access to poke so i would have liked to see you go comet but if you really really like the like i said utility side shielding side of karma you can go airy too but definitely definitely go into the uh the sore surgery and uh make sure you pick up gathering storm uh we've got ignite ignite against them is quite good actually i like the ignite uh so okay so let's talk about level one we have now realized that we are not leashing we see our jungler is top side we are 100 not leashing this game right so what you want to do as a karma mf into this lane is actually walk through lane sit in this bush and then matrique them as they come by because what that does is one you get free damage right two it lets them know you're here to freaking play but seriously it's about the damage uh it also puts your mantra queue on on a cooldown which means that you get to use it a second time sooner than you would otherwise um it also doesn't make you look for these like it can be kind of hard if you don't cheese like this to actually land the mantra queue you have to like kind of pivot around minions and you may not have a good uh a good look definitely don't stand back here i don't know if you're typing something but always want to be able to draw like a parallel line between your adc and you yeah don't bro you're playing like you've already lost the lane you are the lane bully in this scenario you do not want to ever be sitting in this back bush sitting in this bush is fine ideally like i said you sit in this bush with mf and you have a straight line to dismantle cue them as they walk into lane and that basically wins you the first trade all right do you see like how much more difficult it is to like get a mantra q in if you don't do the cheese bush um obviously you can only do that if you don't leash but it looks like we've got you know we we do have options for a mantra q here but luckily we land it but for sure be thinking about that as karma she's one of the absolute best level one cheesers this is the type of aggression i like to see there you go you've got sweeper bro she cannot walk up there you go baby there you go love to see the aggression and and look at this you've already got more hp to uh to trade with her with so honestly i would be down to like trade trade auto attacks here think about you you want to think about like everything that you have as a resource your potions are a resource your health bar is a resource your mana is a resource your your minions are a resource you for sure have the like you have the resource advantage right you you you have the kit that is able to sit in this bush and it's absolutely commandeer it right good stuff good stuff i want to see a little bit better um awareness that you're hitting level two you know be counting those minions know that the the third uh melee is going to give you level two you know that's just mechanical error that we missed that no big deal you knew you knew to go for it all right so a little bit of a pop quiz let's talk about what massive advantage you have over this bot lane right now go ahead and think about it guys take as long as you need pause the video if you want to i'll go ahead and spoil it for you though you have prio so we've got a fight what is 100 going to turn into a fight here so johnny sees a free kill right they absolutely cannot just disregard these three minions or else they fall behind a lot of xp they can't just walk walk up here this is a fight that i would say is 80 going to come into the river it possibly might go into our jungle most likely goes into their jungle but it's going to enter the river right you can enter the river first and even if you don't end up getting there first like the fact that you're threatening it makes sejuani like not be able to commit as hard as she could right so i want to see like it's just it's just a little bit of like a map reading thing so right here luckily you've got the better soul laner he gets a solo kill right right around now yeah i'd be 100 instantly said drawn i jumped on that but we're not responding at all even if you can't make it to one of these things you have to respond you have to respond in the case that you can right so let's see how it goes yeah it's entered the river now it's going into their jungle looks like we're probably just going to run the siddwani down nice so this wasn't a scenario that you needed to but we didn't even move as if it if it was a possibility like that's the advantage of having prio of pushing them in of playing aggressively of like pretty pretty much perma pushing is that you have access to the river where they absolutely did not so just be thinking about that luckily this is not a scenario that you needed it but i want to teach you these things because there's going to be a lot of games where you do need them there you go manchester face good stuff now like do you see how like much damage you're doing you'd literally have like pushed her out of lane or at least made her proper potion if you had comet you'd have done like 200 extra damage okay we're kind of eating ourselves to speed ourselves up only i would really like for you to be using that e to like extend and win trades right rather than just like using it purely for the movement speed like having your e right now would be so much more valuable than before um okay you do have your e or is that your guardian no that's your guardian remember swap out that guardian we don't want that maybe if you have like a jinx or something but even then the way i look out of it is that karma is such a well-rounded champion is that you kind of you you've got points in everything right you've got points in offense and defense utility poke shielding uh healing if you go into moonstone uh which i sure hope we do this game actually sherelios would be really really good this game but we'll get to itemization later um but yeah you'd really only want to like be doubling down on the utility aspect if you have like a hyper carry and mf is somewhat of a hyper carry but like on a scale of hyper carry adcs it's like jynx xeriophilios are 10 right now and mf is like a strong seven so i definitely want to be going guardian for mf uh nor would i really be e-boxing actually i i'd probably put like three points into q and then possibly e-max for this game but okay okay i like the aggression you you clearly know okay all right we blew her flash nice nice nice yeah i like that you know that you are in a dominant position in this game like we're seeing a couple of like mechanical misplays like we're missing cues and stuff like that but you that happens to literally everybody oh camera all right so just normal landing normal laning looks like we sent nico back farming up some spell thieves now they do have a little bit of an advantage here because even though we blow niko's flash and you still you are still like entirely completely healthy with uh pots she did get to buy so there is a world where they could actually win all ends so i want to be like actively seeking them out i would mostly just be playing reactively to seeing like if nico tries to force an all-in you know then you go from there but i wouldn't be like looking for like big aggressive plays right now okay our mantra is down what is this nico doing this this has to be a kill okay so let's let's let's look let's look at this um there's a world where she's baiting for sejuani but sejuani is already down and i imagine that she's top side yes she is top side so this is not bait it'd be really weird and like forced if sadrani was actually paffing bot side right now okay we got the root auto auto okay so okay so right here is a fundamental shows a fundamental lack of what is going on in the lane you need to be absolutely one pathing forward so let's watch this again it's good that you tether walk this way walk this way because this what this does you know this character is squishy down a pot and has no flash if you walk this way she the only way she could possibly break the tether is walking this way so you want to do everything in your power to like not let her get to the safety of her turret because people are always like you know subconsciously going to path in the click in the direction of like the safest um you know area and that's almost always going to be your turret right so why are you packing why are you walking backwards as if you don't have complete 100 confidence that you're going to get this kill like like look like it's not even close like if you path forward and you're tagging in autos this entire time mf wouldn't feel pressured to flash here so it's good that we reactively you know took advantage of the fact that nico just suicided right but could have played it much much better and you could have played it okay okay you need to help her push this way by the way you need to get this wave to crash you can't back here there you go there you go just yeah just manche cue the wave get it in as soon as possible good stuff good stuff yeah now once it's down to like three minions and like you hitting the minions at all would just mean that mf is not like has a harder time to last at him then you can get your uh then you can get your back off all right so what i want to see here is i want to see you pap mid it's like they're listening guys it's like they watch the stream all right excellent excellent so we are pathing mid and this is actually such a good freaking time to path mid too because one your wave is going to be completely fine and two uh this is i'm pretty sure she's going to get ganked i'm pretty sure this is like such a god tier timer for um a counter gank because orianna is for some reason hardcore hugging this wall in a really really unnatural manner which means that unless she's just like playing really poorly i'm pretty sure sejuani is in the area okay it's not cedroni it's nico but we're here for it oh okay okay we could have played this much better let's go let's go over this so first of all you use your e on yourself once again we're relying too much on the e to um [Music] as as pure movement speed like using it once back here is fine to like you know save yourself a second or two on the way to lane but now we don't look our shield's on cooldown oh you can't see that's my webcam our shield is on cooldown because we literally just used it right here um also giving her a big mantra e right here would do wonders in getting her out i think you actually might have saved her if we got an early mantra e path this way or even she could have passed this way straight to turret but we used our e to get there sooner kind of hurts and then we use mantra q which is kind of a weird decision considering we don't have any kill pressure at all and this character can't be slowed so you know manchester e a little bit of a mis decision making error there but but i want you to absolutely in my coaching sessions i always want to point out what you're doing right and the pathing mid there was so so good there's just a little bit of the execution here okay uh so we're walking up this is really risky by the way i guess it's not the riskiest thing in the world you've got your mantra up in 25 we're just kind of wasting your time this is not it's not bad there is for sure a world where you get cc chain there and die though you you so um when i was playing competitive uh on a team we had our coach teach us the idea of playing as if you were invincible and there as support there's a lot of times when you literally can just play as if you're invincible like for instance if you support face check uh the dragon and it's the the jungler is solo soloing the dragon right using all of his abilities everything he has to just keep hitting the dragon his health bar is going down and down and down at that point unless you're getting collapsed on by other members of the team you can literally just play as if you're invincible right they can't turn and kill you usually at the early stages of the game they can't stop using abilities on the dragon and they can't just run you can literally just walk up to them auto them use everything on them and they can't do anything about it but part of part of the concept of playing as if you're invincible is knowing when you can play as if you're invincible and you can't really do that right here maybe if you had hecarim like you know giving you body language that he was backing you up but hecarim clearly wants to reset so i would just be you know walk walk in the lane here not losing half my health bar for free all right we're hovering but uh you need to be bop right now we know cedron is on the bot side of the map and mf is having a hard time getting this wave to crash uh we've we've got vision in the river so i don't think that akali is necessarily at risk of dying especially if she has the mental capacity to remember that sejuani is on the boss side so i would for sure be bought and not mid right now it looks like we have to blow our flash we're pretty much just like inviting this 2v3 though right because like we knew all these characters were here so luckily it looks like it's going to be a okay once again bro you're using your e on yourself you've got that is the worst habit i've seen you have so far you've got to stop using e as if it's like a movement speed ability only okay so once again this is solo fiesta solo q fiesta luckily somehow mf was able to path into their jungle this is never going to happen it's a miracle that your adc came although that that is a that is a good you know visual representation of what i was talking about earlier as in prio but usually it's not the adcs that are rotating like this but yeah you should you should have just been bought making sure the wave crashes anyways you guys ended up winning this but i don't i don't want you to take from that that that was like a super super good like decision that you made there and then your adc gets soloed interesting oh johnny's just your rival isn't she okay really really bad ignite by the way we do not want to use our ignite like that now once again it paid off and it maybe even saved you but i promise you that this is not this is not a scenario where you just like ignite when she's at 90 of her health yeah that's just sejuani like miss playing but nice nice nice all right uh so instead of dropping a ward here when you when you with your own eyes can see the dragon uh i would for sure be dropping wards behind the pit like remember the level one where i was like yo it's really risky to put that word there it's not risky anymore like you've got a cauli here your cauli has prio uh your adc's working on getting it for sure getting more information about behind the pit is so much more valuable than this this was a wasted board okay hecarim is very more than capable of soloing so we're coming over to support your akali okay they're down orianna all this is actually like a really good moment to aggress for sure be rooting the uh orianna here though it's good that you're pulling off the dragon it's good that you know that your job is not is not to dps the dragon hecarim job is to dps the dragon your job is to make sure that that it is safe for him to dps the dragon and to assist your other allies and to zone and to fight in these bottlenecks this is really really good movement from you bro i see a lot of really good fundamentals coming from you if we can just smooth out some of those rough edges and make sure that you know when what you're doing is good why it's good uh we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna make you into a beast of a player but make sure we we w the orianna here see since we didn't other the orianna she gets away with like 10 hp whereas like tethering the the sejuani really does nothing here sejuani is literally exactly where she wants to be in this fight right she's front lining she's on top of them she's in melee range this route does nothing but if you just walk at the orianna if you play like you're invincible because you pretty much are in that scenario get a much higher priority target all right so we blew nico's flash again mf is having a rough time down here but we traded one for one all right also also also why do we need this why do we need this try warded bro look where you're at look where you're at these are so if you ever find yourself in a scenario where you can just freely ward their jungle this this is so much more valuable to know if they're on krugs or red or even get this deep board this this is the award that you get when you can't get any other award this is like the last this is the last uh uh worst case scenario award right like if you see someone on this ward it doesn't even always save you so for sure be uh wording deeper when you get the chance okay this is gonna be nitpicky and you probably on stream don't see me do this a lot but you should give the solo plate to hecarim here it's literally one tap away from getting it and i understand that you know you're playing spell thiefs you want to get your spell thieves but putting 160 gold on hecarim is more valuable than putting 80 gold on you i promise you that um but usually when i'm on stream i don't do that just because i'm playing a little more selfishly but when i'm playing on my high elo account and if i can give a solo play to a you know 1v9 jungler or an adc player for sure do it so step back let him get the solo plate then come forward and uh help him get the second one and get your spell thieves alright push in this way we should have taken the reset here but it's fine that we stay in lane make sure mf doesn't die anymore also here's another reason why like dropping the triword this is like literally the most common place for people to sweep or um put a control ward whereas like let's say sejuani's pathing this way and she knows that this is swept she might not have like the knowledge to sweep this so then it's like you can play safely and waste so much of her time because she doesn't realize she's she's like this is swept there's no way they know i'm here but little does she know you detected her way back here deep jungle wards are so god dear especially in a game that you're winning like this rule of thumb let me give you some rule of thumbs rules of thumb for karma is mantra q and lane 90 of the time and then mantra e outside of lane like when you're ganking or team fighting or stuff like that uh way better especially when you get to like 4v5 5v5 team fights i don't know if you'll ever be team fighting you have a tryndamere but 5v5 team fights mantra e is a million times the value and it's always so tempting to match your q because you're like oh i can slow them i can damage them here but giving people the speed up you know if you're building a sherelies or moonstone proc and that giving them a big juicy mantra shield so much more valuable but back to what i was talking about rule of thumb if you're in a game like this where you are six thousand six and a half thousand gold up at eleven and a half minutes uh warding the enemy jungle so if you're ahead you ward enemy jungle because you've had like three instances where you've been in here and we haven't dropped the ward uh if it's an even game you want to be contesting vision in the river because obviously like walking into here when it's a much closer game is pretty much impossible so you want to be like buying a lot of pinks and contesting these areas dragon this this sometimes uh and then if you're behind you're probably going to start losing your tier one turret so you want to be warding your own jungle and warning you know trying to protect the few resources you guys have left access to such as your camps so if you're a head ward enemy jungle if it's a close game ward river if you're behind you're going to be warding your own jungle yeah mancher q manchur q baby all about that imagine if you had comment all right so we're pretty much just to be tubing this is this is for sure winning for you the only way you lose this is if like nico gets like a double root into a double alt really good good spot here skirmishing top it's going well 4 to 16. good god you guys are slaughtering them okay so remember it was about a minute ago that i said we should have taken a reset it's fine that we're here it's not ideal it's not optimal optimally you are up here helping him uh take this rift herald sitting in a bush because remember it's not actually our job to uh you know dps the rift herald but anyways let's see how this goes down mr mancha q it happens looks like after this wave they go for an all-in oh my god that's just barely not hitting him i mean i don't know why they're all landing you guys are like actually so far ahead of them we've got cedroni down here we see her you did what you could for there i i i didn't see anything incorrect here we're staying for the wave okay she can't die this she can't dive us right mid has no prio very very unlikely that orianna's here yeah we just kill her nice good job recognizing that so much of solo queue is just capitalizing on other people's mistakes so all right we going deeps we going deeps so this rift arrow's going to crash okay okay okay so then scenarios like this your hecarim doesn't need help so your options are to get some boards like here here here deep wards maybe on krugs too or go down to the akali right so that's what we're doing deep board and we're going to akali yes sir hey baby it's a little bit of a support gap all right so we went for imperial mandate i would say that of the enchanter um mythics right now imperial mandate is the weakest especially it's weird that you're going pyromandate because it's like you already have guardian so i thought that you were like going emacs guardian karma but now we're going for like poke anyways uh here's rule of thumb for how i choose my mythic on karma uh if you've got a heavy front line that is not going to get one shot or can't get one shot moonstone is usually really really good um in this scenario i would have gone sherelia's for two reasons one mf scooting her along making her faster is always a good idea and two your jungler hecarim scales with with speed with his movement speed so by giving him more movement speed by popping sherelia's and you know using the passive you're literally like giving him more damage because you should be the lowest damage on this team so don't don't try to like bolster up your damage instead double down on a certain aspect which in this game probably should have been a utility mythic so i know it kind of feels like i'm giving um uh directly uh uh uh i can't i can't remember the word where it means like i'm telling you to go one way that i'm telling you to go another way uh i know i said earlier about like comet and and q maxing in lane but outside of lane our q is not nearly as important and our comment becomes less and less important as time goes on so as you get to this stage of the game you shouldn't be doubling down on your damage you should be doubling down on what makes karma such a god tier team fighter this is fine this me this means nothing i mean i mean nico nico's just running it bro i will say uh when you're sieging like this make sure that you get wards here we are sitting on five wards right now make sure you ward over the wall i think this was your award right yeah this is your ward good ward make sure you cover this entrance as well or at least like have these worded because there is a world where like you get collapsed on by cedroni and york and nico and orianna at the same time like you guys are really really far up so it's okay to be pushing your advantage like this just like you you have to set up for it now luckily you guys are just stat checking them you guys are just like so disgustingly far ahead that it doesn't really matter if you guys are positioning or setting up for things correctly and we go down now i mean there's a world where we like give a bunch of shutdowns so you know just be mindful of the fact that this game is very very comeback friendly especially in season 12 with all these objective shutdowns teams are getting thousands of gold for free you've got champions like zerry who you know you give him a thousand gold it's a huge freaking deal uh just just be mindful about it like once you take the turret it's okay to just leave i know that wasn't your call necessarily but i'm not i'm also not seeing any pings from you telling them like you know demonstrating that you're smarter than them that you're you know you know what i mean we'll edit that out don't worry i i like the emote you owned it you owned it okay uh literally walking with no wards at all i understand that you guys are ahead but you're not ahead you shouldn't never think about it as like oh i'm on the winning team so like as the support i'm super far ahead you're really just as squishy as this nico if not a little more so when you're walking into their side of the jungle so it i want you to award aggressively when you can but we have no vision of anybody except for yorick so once again get back to thinking about the worst case scenario always have that running in the back back of your mind what's the worst case scenario worst case scenario is that there's three people here you know cheese bushing right luckily there's only one and you should be able to make it out of this but you know if they had a if they had their burst in there if they had orianna in there from the gecko you would have died right look how much damage you did to you just there so you know get give your jungler time to clear his camp oh my god you guys actually lost it uh give your time your jungler time to do his camps before you you know kind of rope them into bad fights you can ward their jungle because they could they couldn't if hecarim was there from the get-go they can't win this fight right you guys are too far ahead but because you allowed yourself to get like chunked down and like make hecarim come into like a fight that was like already halfway over it's kind of rough right and this all stemmed from us face checking when we had no nobody to back us up yet we were far beyond the line of scrimmage the kind of the kind of line in in on the map that you can safely say this is our turf right because in a game like this when you guys are so far ahead there's a lot of areas that like the enemy can't pass right like they have no more tier tier one turrets they have no tier 2 turrets so it's really hard for them to really exist anywhere but got to make sure people are actually close enough to respond to us when we're going forwards hey we've dc'd i guess we back also i like the i like the kim tech putri fire really really good item uh mythic and the chemtech putri fire plus utility boots really really good on on enchanters this season okay once again mantra bro your mantra queueing too much you're mature queuing too much outside of lane it ain't about the mantra q it's about the mantra e it looks like we get baron for free see what we do with it tryndamere's got bop pushing we're gonna push mid we're gonna respond to this fight over here oh cauli actually lost that all right uh mf is making the same mistake that you are the difference is that you can make it so that this isn't really a mistake you could actually stay with this mf like yes she should be resetting but either ping her away this is so suicidal by the way uh either ping her away or like be there to assist her to like you know chaperone her out jesus she is so fed not a good play just a good result yeah i need to see way more pings from you the best way it's the only way to talk to your teammates alright so once again no mantra e where's our mantra e bro i know i know it's not as like immediately satisfying as hitting that mantra queue or manchester w but entry is just so much more valuable man okay you guys are kind of just goomba stomping them uh we're playing for oh whoopsies so i mean you like you know what you did wrong here though right like we're not we're not walking with our team you guys do own their jungle but like these players need to be with you when you do it so i mean like we're we're just we're just not thinking about the worst case scenario we should be walking with our empowered wave we should walk in with our hecarim now if we waited for hecarim to do this this then we can walk in all right so we're getting seoul here that's about a wrap so so has like an 80 or 90 win rate no matter what dragon you get so i'm not sure how much more of this uh game is actually going to be coachable where's catching top wave this is fine coming into a fight that's already started okay okay so unfortunately our our marks and drop i mean this is just going to be like solo queue fiesta until you guys uh like in the game right so this is pretty much uncoachable so we're just gonna kind of go over the uh fundamentals that we talked about definitely consider swapping out to um comet if you're going to be playing a lot of karma which i saw you playing a lot of karma on your opg uh for sure don't run this room same room page every single game right now i think you should be swapping between a airy comment page be thinking about that level one cheese there's so many match-ups that you can just win the match-up off of or make them blow their pots or make them lose uh you know the first couple trades really really good stuff um okay okay so turns out there is something that's coachable this is not your job this is not your job you don't have attack speed you don't have ad so yes it looks like you get the inhib but like your role as the support is supposed to be like conducive to letting other people do that kind of stuff right you're supposed to be empowering hecarim to be able to take dragons and you know empowering putting putting your lane states in in a way that empowers tryndamere to split you're never actually the one that should be taking that inhibitor uh looks like they threw the fact that they have the advantage but there's for sure games where like you're gonna go for that greedy play and then you're gonna lose baron and lose the game off of it that should really never ever be crossing your mind like oh i could i could get inhibitor here but looks like they throw even though they had numbers advantage that's going to be it we take bear and we run it down um we went over a lot of stuff i'm seeing a lot of fundamental good stuff here what what i think is most important with this particular coaching session is making sure that you know why what you're doing the good things you're doing like you know why they're good um but for sure i would not be building imperial mandate i don't think anybody's going that right now uh be for sure swap that out for moonstone or uh sherelia scherer's in this game in particular um and yeah just all the you know moment-to-moment fundamental stuff that we covered uh gqbd if you have any questions at all you know where to find me you could dm me on discord twitter twitch whatever uh to everybody else that watch this on youtube thank you guys so much for uh watching i hope you guys learned something if you have any questions about at all about the session put them down in the comments and uh we will get to them so gqpd pretty good game man you went 7 4 and 22 a lot of stuff that we can work on a lot of goofy mistakes but once we rough out those smooth edges i'm seeing a lot of really good stuff out of you so uh just it's just a matter of applying those fundamentals and doing it consistently right that's all that climbing the ladder is you clearly know what you're doing uh you're making a few silly mistakes here and there but it's good stuff man uh but yeah that's gonna conclude the coaching session hope you guys enjoyed take it easy boys
Channel: i0ki
Views: 88,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i0ki, ioki
Id: T_lLbVg1L24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 0sec (2280 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 25 2022
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