The ONLY Planet That Sidious Was Afraid Of -Star Wars Explained

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greetings friends and acolytes of the Galaxy and welcome back to the channel for a while now we have been covering the relationship that city has had with Mother Towson and how it has influenced how he ran his entire operation during the Clone War some time ago we detailed white darcidius was actually afraid of mother thousand and her power and how this fear developed into a paranoia as he began to systematically cutting off all ties to anything relating to dathomir the world as a whole first he ordered Dooku to eliminate Ventress then he allowed Grievous and the separatist Army to decimate the nice sister coven itself and finally he went to facetown Maul and savocho press on Mandalore it wouldn't be until the Canon son of dathomir comics that Sidious would finally slay mother tausin once and for all ending his biggest rival but even after his absolute Victory city is still never returned to dathomir and left it entirely alone during the reign of the Empire all of this evidence points to a possible question we would like to pose does Darth Sidious actually fear death Amir and if he does why this is a pretty hefty question to ask as it assumes the Darth Sidious would concede to being afraid of anything related to the dark side rather than embracing it outright however what we want to do today is simply bring to light some rather suspicious evidence and open a discussion with all of you as to whether or not he does so without further Ado the council is in session did Darth Sidious fear dathomir and if so why let's first retrace our steps and very briefly re-establish why Palpatine is weary of mother talzin as this could give us a deeper idea of dathomir itself originally they were actually friends and at one point exchanged secrets of the dark side as word of the nice sister coven was beginning to spread over the Galaxy Sidious himself made a trip to dathomir to meet formally with Mother Towson the two got along rather well and even traded knowledge with each other of various dark powers and ritual cities was originally going to appoint mother thousand to be his Sith Apprentice but then at the very last moment changed his mind and took Darth Maul instead thousand's own flesh and blood having sensed his innate power in the dark side Darth Sidious swiped the young boy in the dead of night and left dathomir without a trace since then mother thousand had sworn an oath of Vengeance against Sidious in all the Sith affiliated with him Palpatine was very well aware of thousand's power and went through extreme lengths to make sure that he was safe from her which resulted in a healthy portion of Suspicion and paranoia regarding any and all things concerning dathomir and the night sisters overall Towson was just as cunning and crafty as Darth Sidious was and her mysterious magical abilities transcended what most Jedi and Sith could do during this period of time and possess Secrets the even Darth Sidious did not know even though Sidious himself was quite well versed in sorcery at the time his magic was nowhere near of the level of that of mother tells it who specialized in Dark Side Magics keep in mind that these events happened long before the events of the The Phantom Menace which meant that Darth Plagueis was still alive and Palpatine was still very much his apprentice and not the Sith Master this would almost be 20 years before he would betray his master and become the dark lord of the Sith so he indeed had a reasonable amount of fear and respect for mother Towson every Sith assassin and Apprentice that came from dathomir was remarkably strong in the dark side Savage Maul Ventress all showcased this perfectly as even though Maul was cut in half and thus reduced his midichlorians and therefore his Force potential he was still an absolute force to be reckoned with one who could contend with Sidious at the lightsaber at least for a good amount of time despite Ventress herself being a former Jedi she still grew too strong for Palpatine's Comfort levels and decided to make a preemptive strike by ordering her demise at the hands of Dooku unbeknownst to him however this action would play right into mother thousand's hands as Ventress survived her attempted assassination and returned to her Roots by rejoining with the Knights giving mother Towson another valuable asset this would come back to be a thorn insidious's side as Ventress again began seeking retribution on Dooku by infiltrating his ranks with savagio press word of this would of course reach the ears of Sidious directly who would have to go and deal with both Maul and savagio press personally cities would not meet thousand again for some time and although he had substantially grown in power since then he knew better than to not assume the exact same thing about her Sidious very much respected the nice sister's magic and the sorcery of dathomir itself as a dark side Nexus Darth Sidious held a great respect for it as he knew that the night sisters appeared to draw their magic directly from the world around them however this was a magic that Darth Sidious did not understand and was not ingrained in Sith lore Darth Sidious did have a major critique of the night sisters though as he found them to be too conservative and thought them lacking ambition Sidious even remarks in the book of the Sith that if the nice sister so wanted they could easily take over the Galaxy but simply by lack of confidence and motivation to do so they did not in towson's chapter in the book of the Sith she detailed a section devoted to talismans and totems of their creation Sidious would go on to note that despite what the dathomiri preach which is that they don't inherently believe in the dark or light side of the force at all that these talismans aren't too far removed from Sith amulets he then wonders why none of the Sith Alchemists ever attempted to duplicate the night sisters methods in creating these talismans later Sidious would go on to say that when he builds his Empire he plans to blockade and make gothamir a prison keeping what night sisters remain hidden in captivity it is clear To Us by this indication that he respects their magical ways perhaps not to the level of outright fear but definitely a healthy concern even for the world of dathomir itself the witches are his Dark Side Rivals after all and cities eradicates all of his Rivals after he builds the Empire however he merely plans to prison the night sisters but why is this why not destroy them all mother thousand gives a lot of explanation as to how their magic works and how they draw Upon A substance known as icker which runs through the very veins of dathomir as a planet this is why their force abilities and Magic results in this green tint unlike many of the machinations and power of the dark side Sidious doesn't comment on any of this which is unfortunate as we don't know his true thoughts about this icker or night sister Magics however we theorize that perhaps Sidious doesn't want to mess with dathomir because he is mystified and confused by it yet he still respects it as a part of the dark side just not Sith in origin but a part of him that he simply doesn't understand because he can't understand this aspect of the force he rejects it and nurtures a generous amount of caution around it so to answer the question outright does Darth Sidious fear dathomir we believe here at the channel to somewhat he actually does but even more than this he respects this version and iteration of the dark side that he is unfamiliar with and seems to be exclusive with the Knight sisters as well as dathomir as a planet which is the exact reason why he does not desire to destroy it but now we turn it over to you what do you think my friends and we would like to invite all of you to discuss your thoughts on the comments Down Below based on the information we have provided in this video and see what conclusion you ultimately come to as always my friends thank you so much for watching the channel May the force be with you and I hope that you have a great day
Channel: The Stupendous Wave
Views: 32,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palpatine, Star Wars, Star Wars Theory, Jedi, Sith
Id: 2ONhJBhloBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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