The ONLY MACRO GUIDE You'll EVER NEED - League of Legends Season 11

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welcome to our fifth of this year's collaborations with riot games for latin america if you want to catch these guides in spanish then be sure to check out their channel here are you tired of your games being decided over coin flip team fights around dragon the usual takeaway low elo players have from these losses are if my teammates played better than we would have won or i shouldn't have gotten caught and died what most players don't consider is they shouldn't have been in a position to take a 50 50 team fight in the first place and that one to two minutes of poor macro probably led up to these risky team fights today we're going to teach you how mastering your macro is the best and most reliable way to control the game in solo queue and leave the outcome of the game in your hands regardless of what role you play to understand macro there is one very simple concept that you need to understand there's three zones on the map that you'll want to learn they are the collection neutral and pressure zones minion waves are the most consistent way of acquiring gold in the game what you'll want to do is scout at all times in which zone the minion wave is in their names are pretty self-explanatory when waves are in your collection zone you'll want to move toward there to farm the wave to make sure that you're not missing out on the gold and xp afterwards you'll ideally want to push the minion wave through the neutral zone all the way up to your opponent's pressure zone so what happens then well that question is easily answered if you just flip the zones around and view it from your opponent's perspective the pressure zone that you push the wave into is now in your opponent's collection zone by pushing it there you're forcing them to respond to the wave and go farm it unless they want to miss valuable gold and experience when both parties understand this concept you'll begin to see a bit of a macro rhythm in your games for example a side laner pushes a wave into the pressure zone having fulfilled her duties camille is now free to group up with her team on the other side the enemy irelia is now pressured into going down bottom to farm the minions place in her collection zone irelia farming gives camille and her team a momentary numbers advantage to potentially pressure something on the map but as irelia pushes the way back into camille's collection zone she'll need to return back to bottom irelia's team is now the one with the numbers advantage the cycle should then repeat over and over again until eventually one team makes better use out of the numbers advantage and scores a significant leap of course that pattern isn't at all what happens in your game is it well that's for a couple of reasons first in lower elo brackets players actually aren't doing proper risk assessments on whether they should be in a side lane or not think about how often you've had this thought if i go to catch that wave my team may die in mid because i left them alone i have to stay here and make sure they don't throw if you feel that way often in your games that's a mentality you need to fix immediately consider it this way imagine you're playing adc you're afraid your mid laner will feed so you go lane with them at level 1 to make sure that they can't possibly die that's completely troll right you would probably be reported and rightfully so since you'd just be sharing farm and experience in mid while the enemy adc farmed bottom for free well that idea doesn't change all that much even as the game goes on yes the value of waves relatively goes down as you level up but that doesn't mean that waves are any less important during the mid stages of the game instead of viewing it as a risk to leave your teammates alone you should adopt a new mentality the risk isn't that your teammates may die while you farm a sidewave but rather that by grouping with your team you risk falling behind by not farming efficiently that tends to be the reason in low elo why you don't see this smooth back and forth of collecting and pressuring with waves that we discussed in higher elo brackets though the reason it's not seen as often is actually because players are actively trying to disturb the flow and gain edges over their opponents by exploiting the predictable patterns based on this concept let's show you an example of what we mean in this clip we have silas pushing the top lane wave into the pressure zone before taking his recall as he bases we can see that the enemy fiora has quite a bit of pressure on the bot lane tower so silas will opt into teleporting down there to defend it as quickly as possible he then looks for fiora a bit before conceding the chase and going back to finish pushing his wave into the enemy's collection zone this is exactly what the enemy fiora is expecting switching over to her pov for a moment we can see how she intends to punish the silas after pushing he's likely to rotate toward mid to group with his team for a numbers advantage so she sets up in the river brush and pings her nocturne to come over as well unfortunately for nocturne and fiora their play was good but irelia was ready for it soon after the fighting commenced she immediately teleported over from top lane to join the fray and turn the gank around it ended up being close but she and silas came out ahead and extended their lead by taking the botlane tower as a reward let's make something clear this was a challenger example of how to play around the three zones fiora knew that most people who clear waves take the greedy route toward mid so she could set up a pick with nocturne on the other hand irelia knew that the enemy may be trying something and was ready with her teleport to counter the enemy's regression like we said though this is a high elo example where everyone is constantly playing around side lane pushing how can you apply this without your teammates that follow up or defend you like this instantly well there's still a lot that you can do based on the three zones so let's start with the basics the first thing to understand is proper lane allocations try to figure out what the next objective you'll be fighting over is going to be you'll want the player on your team with teleport usually the top laner to go to the lane furthest away from that objective so as an example let's say dragon is spawning in three minutes ideally you'll want nasus to go top since he can teleport down when the fighting begins then you generally want your mid laner in the lane opposite of that so in this case we'd have our orianna take over bottom lastly the adc and support should almost always be the ones to settle in mid that's because adc is the most vulnerable of all the carries and mid tends to be the safest place for them to be not only that this way the support is able to stay in mid lane which will grant them access to the whole map through mid they can get vision anywhere it's needed rotate to whatever fight breaks out whatever but we all know what you're thinking yeah that's not happening in solo queue and you're absolutely right setting up the correct lane assignments especially in low elo is a wishful thought at best most of the time that being said knowing what is correct will be good for you in the long run but let's focus on what you can do to make the best out of a bad situation anyway take a look at this ezreal game at the start both him and nico are mid lane sharing farm it's fine for now but around this exact moment ezreal just got pivotal information about what his next best move is based on the information at hand what do you think you should do as ezreal in this situation so at around this moment it should be clear to ezreal that nico doesn't understand it's her duty to go and collect the bot lane wave about to crash at their tower it looks like she's paddling up with the rest of the team in solo queue it's on you to pick up on your teammates slack when it comes to their poor macro ezreal's best move would be to head down toward bottom to catch the wave for multiple reasons first there's no objective to fight over at the moment dragon is down and the enemy team can't force baron at 20 minutes even with a numbers advantage not only that but as adc a genuine concern when it comes to farming sideways is the fact that they're so fragile and easily killed thankfully though ezreal's team already has some vision established which would allow him to walk down there safely claim the waves and then walk back to mid without having to worry about any ganks coming his way instead ezreal just continues sitting in mid not doing a whole lot the wave goes to complete waste down there and that's a huge chunk of gold and experience lost for no reason yes it wasn't ezreal's fault initially that nico was just sitting in mid but it is his fault for not making up for her mistake and going down there himself on the topic of who can and can't pick up sidelanes there's something important that we've yet to cover in detail the pressure zone pushing into your opponent's side of the map can net you a great deal of advantages but not every champion can push so aggressively thankfully though for every role there are certain types of champions that can push the side lane on their own camille jacks hecarim master yi fizz echo fein kaiser are all great examples of champions who can push very aggressively to pressure the side lane all these champions either have great mobility or powerful dueling capabilities which is perfect for the skirmishes you'll find by pushing alone if you're playing something with low mobility and poor dueling abilities however you won't be looking to push too far into that pressure zone generally at most what you'll want to do is collect waves and then push them past the neutral zone it doesn't pressure your opponents that hard to do this since you're not crashing waves into their tower but it is unrealistic to expect these types of champions to push any further than that but don't treat that as an enforced rule most of the things we're covering in this guide are just general guidelines there is nothing stating that a control mage can't push deep into enemy territory on their own it just depends on the game's circumstances in this case victor sees all of the enemy team on the top side of the map therefore he knows he's able to put pressure in this lane without much worry since it's impossible for anyone on the enemy team to be down here another example would be the zoe zoe usually has no business split pushing against a kiana most of the time but since she's so far ahead in terms of gold and items she's actually able to reliably duel her and put pressure in a side lane just keep that in mind to really improve your macro you have to adapt to the specific games that you're playing league has so many variables that it's impossible to tell you exactly what you should be doing at all times alright now on to the final topic that we want to cover which is vision here's a general guideline on the type of trinket that you'll want based on what you plan to be doing in the game we'll explain why in a bit if you're playing something likely to be pressuring side lanes with then we recommend taking the warding trinket if you're playing a champion who can't sideline well with low mobility and dueling potential then you'll want a far sight wart lastly jungles and supports will typically default to sweepers let's get into why we recommend all of these choices first let's run through another game featuring a fiora fiora is a champion notorious for wanting to sideline the problem is she went sweeper instead of the warding trinket that we recommend generally if you want to sidelane and clear vision we'd suggest just buying control wards to do so rather than committing to a sweeper and we're about to see why fiore manages to score a kill onto the overextended ezreal but now faces a problem without awarding trinket she's completely blind despite getting a kill she's at risk if she continues to try and pressure the side lane nevertheless she does so and surprise surprise she's collapsed on by maokai and annie the first point we'll make is that if she had a warding trinket and placed some vision before pushing she would have been alerted to the collapse on her much earlier and could have easily backed off before they arrived not only that but the vision would have helped her tremendously while they chased her she is running away from them completely blind not knowing how they planned to corner her had she established vision it would be much easier to navigate the enemy jungle and juke the enemy team indefinitely biora would have known not to commit her teleport here but rather to keep juking instead without proper information fiora dies a rather pointless death basically if you're planning to push aggressively more often than not it'll be better to have a warning trinket being able to appropriately react to people collapsing on you is a huge deal as a side laner and clearing vision is something that can be done by just buying control awards anyway and this brings us to an important point about junglers and supports remember how we said that they should generally buy a sweeper well that's because denying your opponent's vision while they push is a massive pain for them we just went into detail about why vision is so important for side laning well denying it from your opponents will relieve a ton of side lane pressure as they won't be able to split push effectively without those warts but the game isn't quite that simple the enemy team has an option against this say that you're the jungler on the split pushers team and you know the enemy's support has been denying your jax's vision well you can use your sweeper to sneak into the enemy jungle and set up a trap as they try to clear wards do you see where we're going with this your macro decisions are almost always going to be based on the collection and pressure zones what comes next is figuring out how your opponent wants to counter what you do and then you may want to consider figuring out how to counter their counter lastly for immobile champions who suck at dueling we recommend the blue farsight ward the reason why is simple as we said for immobile and weak duelists they'll generally at least want to catch waves in their collection zone and then push them past the neutral zone that way even though you're not hyper pressuring your opponents you'll still force them into their own collection zone well you need to consider that pushing like that is very predictable and easy for your opponents to punish which is where the blue trinket comes in syndra this game noticed that the enemy akali was in the area since she killed her control ward in the tri-brush syndra wants to keep pushing a bit more but will easily get soloed by akali if she's here and that's why you want a blue trinket on vulnerable carries you can scout for yourself whether you can keep pushing or whether you should just walk away and leave the wave as is we just want to reiterate that we're just offering the tools that you need to make proper macro decisions in your own games the rest is on you to figure out what to do in each unique game you find yourself in that's what makes league of legends so fun and so replayable there's so many variables that figuring out the correct choice can be a real head scratcher at pretty much any time that being said as long as you understand the three zones where the minion waves can be then you'll always be one step ahead of your opponents by the way you should know where these videos come from our hyper improvement platform skill cap is by far the best place to be if you want to actually improve at league of legends you can input your rank before signing up to see where we think you'll climb to if you don't reach that rank while actively using skill cap you can claim a full refund that's like a gym membership guaranteeing that you'll get ripped we offer this because our service really does work and if it doesn't then you shouldn't pay for it so be sure to check us out after this anyway hopefully you enjoyed and we'll catch you next time
Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 463,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: league of legends, league of legends guide, lol macro guide, lol guide, skill capped, league of legends season 11, league of legends macro, lol tips, macro, mid lane macro, adc macro guide, mid macro guide, adc macro, jungle macro, top lane macro, league macro, mid lane macro guide, support macro, macro mid, support macro guide, how to macro lol, league macro guide, macro guide league of legends, top macro guide, lol macro, jungle macro guide, mid game macro lol
Id: H9OB_aXv3ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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