The Only Images Tutorial You'll Need: Tips & Tricks for Leonardo AI

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I shared with you if you have any questions or comments from my experience this is how much each image costs let's break it down you want to generate at least four images at a time for two reasons it is cheaper by the unit and you'll be generating multiple times either way before you get the result you expect so that's 8 coins then you want to have alchemy on cause you want great images if you feel the normal mode is enough good for you you just save 12 coin and let's suppose you want to upscale one image so that's 25 coins for each image tuned models you can play with and it will destroy your productivity in this guide I'll be showing you how to easily start creating mind blowing images on Leonardo AI if you do not know Leonardo it's got to be the best image generator out there as far as my research goes with some amazing features these images can be used in videos I've been using Leonardo for my other YouTube channels and it's been providing me some amazing images for my shorts this will be a straightforward guide and will contain the most important toolbox starting by the basics knowing the different engines or fine tuned models and what you can get from them how to use prompts properly how you can upscale images and remove backgrounds how to create series of similar images very useful when creating an Avatar for example how you can animate images and finally free version or paid subscription let's get into it so the app is rather intuitive, the prompt or description of the desired image goes in here over here you have the different engines they call them fine we'll get back to them in a second here it tells you how much it will cost to generate and over here on the left the settings for your image number of images for each prompt I usually go for 4 images at a time and sometimes more the more you choose the more it will cost in coins then you have the Photo real mode button also extra cost if you activate it then you have the Alchemy mode button which comes at an extra cost as you'll see this mode is very important for quality images and down here you have the scale and resolution of the image the bigger resolution the more it will cost so to show you the engines I'm gonna take the same prompt and show you the result for better neutrality I inspire my prompt from the Leonardo persona so full portrait of a mystical and mysterious ancient grown man with a white beard posing very colorful serious expression bold lines Willy Wonka attire and generate I'm gonna make it simple you have three categories of generations first the photo realistic you can see the results I mean it's crazy you can hardly tell the difference with a real professional photo oh and do you remember the alchemy mode we talked about those were with alchemy on and here it is with alchemy off um good but not as good then you have the cartoon or anime style engine it's called 3D Animation Style it's actually one of my favorites here is the generation without alchemy doesn't look good right I tell you it's really worth the extra coin so the two I just mentioned are the special ones in the sense they have their specialty all the other ones Vision Kino and so on are how to put it very similar they do have their own style but it will take some time to note the nuances after 3 months of using them I can say my favourite among them is the albedo base a very polyvalent engine it can create realistic photos as well as cartoon like images all it takes is the right wording in the prompt and that takes us to our second point how to master the prompt to get the image you imagine a simple way to understand it is to look at the prompts of those insane images that are public for example I can take this image over here and reuse the prompt but instead of a cat I'll ask for a cute little dog: a Labrador and here are the results amazing isn't it what's interesting to note is this take a look at the prompts of these professional artists you'll notice that most of them describe the ambience and style of the image rather than the objects or elements in it and I guess that is the best tip for prompts always limit yourself to art direction in the prompts not details of the image and let the AI be creative otherwise you might find yourself with unwanted results to illustrate this with an example I was once looking for a classroom with a green board in an anime style but the word green made the AI only give me green images although I had only asked for a green board so remember art direction not image details moving on to our next tip upscale and remove backgrounds so when you create an image it will have an okay resolution if you want a better resolution for display you can go down here and hit the smooth alchemy upscale it will cost some 5 extra coins totally worth it the difference is noticeable Also you can remove the background with this little net button note that the result can vary depending on the image it can miss some complex images but generally it works pretty good if you plan on using them on CapCut there is a nice feature to remove the background only on human characters which also works pretty well there are other alternatives that are also free like Adobe Firefly moving on to how to create series of images so very often you may want to make an Avatar in different positions or environments if you simply regenerate you will often obtain different results and different characters and that's where the image guidance feature comes in handy to illustrate this let's say I want this same character but holding a glass all you need to do is turn on image guidance choose the image you want to use as reference for your character and adapt your prompt you also have the guidance strength cursor to tell how close you want it to be to your reference image and here is the result the same character holding a glass as I asked next up how to animate images not animate like this that's on another app what Leonardo allows you to do is more a camera movement type of animation to do that scroll down to your generation history and click on image to motion it also has a movement strength cursor you may have to try it out multiple times before you get what you want most times it will give you camera movement which can be really cool depending on the image but when there is a full body the AI will try to give you a real animation more or less glitchy most of the times I must say some look better than others but I still prefer the camera movement has other apps allow for better real animations and now the good stuff free version or subscription well first let's do the math back to the different plans we can quickly see that it comes down to three things number of coins available speed of generation and private models training the free plan gives you 150 coins per day and limits you in speed and model training the 12 dollar monthly plan gives you 8,500 coins per month and gives you speed and model training the other plans give you more coins more speed and more model training from my experience if you plan on using Leonardo on a regular basis for videos presentations or books the free version will not be enough especially considering the great consumption of coins you'll be facing in real life for example making this video took over 5,000 coins and if you produce content don't think you'll work your way out with the free version despite the low generation speed I have a paid subscription and some sets of images take up to 60 seconds to generate that's a lot in the AI world my advice is to go for the 12 dollar plan and see from there you can upgrade and downgrade the plan anytime so no rush there so with this set of tips you'll be all good to start creating insane images feel free to share them down below and as always until next time cheers don't forget to subscribe for more content
Channel: Incyte Feedbacks
Views: 3,854
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Keywords: create images with ai, leonardo ai guide, ai images ultimate guide, create cartoon images, animate images, camera movement images, how to use leonardo ai, leonardo ai tutorial, ai images tutorial, how to generate images, how to remove background, how to upscale images, how to create avatar, how to create character, how to create ai avatar, how to animate avatar, create anime style images, photorealistic photos, photorealistic images, capcut guide, images for capcut
Id: Aa8KhrzdcnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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