The ONLY Deadlock Guide You'll EVER Need! - Valorant Agent Guide

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you've seen deadlock in action and you have witnessed her disruptive abilities you've probably even experimented with her unique play style yet as the agent roster and valorant grows so too does the sea of guides tips and tutorials and you might be asking what makes this guide any different the answer is simple while other creators are focusing on teaching you the niche jump boost spots and how to block off the spike with Deadlock's barrier mesh our mission is a little different we're not just here to teach you the basics or show you some cool tricks that you're never going to use in game we're going to show you how to win rounds and games against High skilled players in this guide we will delve into the unique play style that deadlock players should adopt we'll be pulling apart what sets her apart from the other Sentinels and why playing her differently will lead to your Victory we're all about providing substantial actionable advice that stands the test of time this guide is not just about deadlock today or deadlock tomorrow it's about understanding her role potential and gameplay depth that will stay relevant whether you are watching this now or months from down the line so are you ready to master deadlock and dominate the game in ways that you never thought possible let's dive in let's start with Deadlock's most iconic ability barrier mesh this unique ability is handed to deadlock for free each round and it's a real game changer this isn't just a barrier it is a wall that takes a significant number of bullets to break imagine a determined player trying to break it down during a pistol round it's going to take a bit even with rifles it's going to take quite a few bullets to take it down so you can definitely make your opponent's life a bit inconvenient with this one however at first glance you might think that barrier mesh is similar to Sage's barrier orb which is true it can be used to block off entrances but it's important to note the unique properties that sets it apart this mesh lets you shoot bullets through it which means it is an amazing tool for blocking off common routes that enemies might take on site and setting up kills say for example you use barrier mesh to block off a choke point it's similar to if you wall mid on Sage and the enemies shoot it down right away if you use this ability to stop or Rush they're just going to burst it down and they'll run straight through and on top of that they they can even shoot back at you if they can see you so it's not really as good for stopping pushes on the surface this is what most players are going to use it for but there is actually so much more value that you can get out of it if you're strategic keep in mind the unique property of barrier mesh is that you can shoot through it this makes it so it's not really great for hiding behind the same way that you might use a sage wall because of this you might want to be selective of when you choose to wall and what you choose to wall for example using barrier mesh to wall off Tree on a scent might not be the best idea considering enemies could still see through it and spam you if you're walking in it can be great to Halt a swing out of tree if you need to but other less valuable utility can accomplish the same task such as a Molly or even a gravnet instead you might favor using it to wall off heaven when it's more difficult for them to get a good sight line onto site or on Pearl using barrier mesh to block off art when pushing a probably isn't the best but this is a location that Sage players are likely to wall not to say that it's never usable in this position but you'll probably only want to if you're really worried about players swinging through this smoke basically A good rule of thumb is to use barrier mesh to block Pathways that you don't want players to push through but they also can't really see you through for example take a look of how great this barrier mesh fits into connector on Art players can't really swing out to help all that much so they can't flank from here and they can't get a good angle from here so it makes this position virtually useless so if you're deadlock and you're looking to split a this might be something to add to your arsenal when it comes to setting up traps though barrier mesh pairs wonderfully with other abilities especially considering projectiles can travel through it freely imagine this Deadlock's barrier mesh coupled with a paint shells and maybe one of your trip wires what do you get an absolute blender that will give your enemies nightmares even Beyond those death traps barrier mesh can provide you the security to rotate by blocking off choke points effectively especially considering Deadlock's tripwires require sound to activate and enemies might just sneak right past them it's a pretty great idea to make use of barrier mesh to block off choke points when needed similar to how you would use a Sage wall if you want to rotate and is later in the round you might be worried about Alert in this case probably best not to rely on these faulty trips and just throw it on your barrier mesh to cover the entrance as you rotate the same thing can be done to hold down a potential split on site you can use barrier mesh to block off one side while you fight the other but we will dive more into our tripwires a bit later for now remember that barrier mesh is not just a tool it's a weapon in itself the ability however that probably piqued your interest in deadlock is her devastating ultimate Annihilation it's a real game changer and one of the few ultimates of Valor that can straight up eliminate opponents with Annihilation if an enemy is caught and not freed by their teammates within the time limit it will well uh annihilate the target it will kill them sure teammates can shoot the Cocoon to liberate the entrapped player but it's not as straightforward as it seems opening fire on the Cocoon exposes them making them very vulnerable to fire themselves which makes Annihilation a potent tool for clutch situations the player will be forced between freeing their teammate or taking a 1v1 with you which in a 2V1 isn't really a great option anyway however it's crucial to remember that Annihilation can only grab one enemy so it loses some of its luster when facing multiple opponents that's why the timing of this ultimate is critical to maximize annihilation's value try to use it when the enemy team is thin on numbers a couple of players will have a harder time dealing with this than a full Squad if it's just one player trying to free their teammate it's going to be pretty deadly when you swing to get the trade however if it's a full team not only are they going to break their teammate out real fast if you swing into four people all looking at you you're probably going to die anyway because of this generally you'd want to use the ultimate later in the round similar to a cipher or Viper's ultimate but don't let that limit you if you know the enemy's early round patterns you can snag some surprising kills we're going to go more in depth on how to use Annihilation at the end of the video but for now just know that you can and should be bouncing this ability off of walls whenever possible directly facing an enemy when deploying your ultimate is a risk that you want to avoid just take a look at this round where deadlock nearly pays a heavy price for not following this advice however if you must Peak the enemy with your ultimate out we recommend using it with a jump Peak just to make it a little bit more safe the other thing to keep in mind is that even if the Enemies free their teammate it's not like the ultimate did nothing if it drags them far enough they'll oftentimes be in such a bad position that is irrecoverable anyway if you drag somebody out into the open in front of your entire team they're pretty much done for it there's no doubt that Deadlock's Annihilation is a unique and potent tool but like every weapon it's all about how and when you choose to use it speaking of annihilation by the way over at skill cap we crafted up some of the best lineups that you can find for how to use this ultimate right out the gate to get free kills if you're maybe not as Savvy and don't exactly know where you should be using it we will help you figure that out real fast and get you ahead of the competition in no time we've already gone through all of the maps and found all the best setups for deadlock so that you don't need to worry about it if you don't have a ton of time to play valorant don't spend your time struggling with a new agent when you could just get to the part where you're destroying people immediately and that's kind of what we do here at skill capped we get players caught up faster than the speed of light by teaching them everything that we've learned in the past three years of playing Valor collectively we have tens of thousands of hours on our team ready to teach you everything that there is to know about climbing a ballerin on top of that our entire site is backed by rank up insurance so if you don't improve you don't pay looking to master deadlock today and impress your friends with all the free kills you're going to get check out skillcap using the link below and we will see you there now let's move on to one of Deadlock's more intriguing abilities Sonic sensor this ability is akin to a tripwire much like ciphers trips or killjoy's alarm bot but there's a significant difference Sonic sensor only triggers when enemies make Noise Within its range this means that Sonic sensor does not make an effective flank guard it is really easy for enemies to take advantage of the sound requirement by just walking while they flank so there's not really any room to rely on it in a high yellow setting the key to understanding deadlock is realizing that her play style is different from that of a cipher killjoy or even Sage rather than spreading your Sonic sensors across the map your goal on defense is to set them up in high traffic areas where enemies are likely to make noise then you or your teammates should stay nearby to capitalize on the Sonic sensors detections because remember leaving the area may not provide the necessary Intel typically this means placing Sonic Center on sites where players will make noise as they execute but you can also set them up in common choke points such as Tree on Ascent or Street on Pearl once again to reiterate there should be a player in the area who is capable of playing off of these tripwires to get maximum value because you cannot rely on their information with deadlock however the defensive strategy might feel familiar to most Sentinel players although you can't distribute her utility widely for info as well you can still devise some ingenious sight holds similar to a cipher or killjoy blender setup on offense Deadlock's role closely mirrors Sage the plan is simple get onto site and make it incredibly difficult for the Defenders to retake setting up Sonic sensors on site using barrier mesh to hold back any pushes and applying her stunning ability that we will discuss next deadlock can turn any sight into a fortress Cipher may be the king of watching flanks but deadlock she is all about turning sights into nightmares for your enemies to retake or push into some key things to note about Sonic sensor enemies can hear this ability within 10 meters of it so if you're walking by then they will likely be aware of it because of this it's not best to place this in entrances but rather right outside of the entrance where enemies will likely start running the other thing is it takes a moment for these abilities to go off so the enemy is fast such as jet dashing or neon sprinting they can run right by it from our tests if enemies are bunny hopping they will be able to run right by it however if they are just running they will get caught every time assuming that they weren't walking initially into it finally keep in mind that this ability can stun both yourself as well as allies so if you're placing a trap try not to place it directly next to yourself because of these limitations we like to play Sonic sensors on sites where we think that Jets might Dash into to give us a very likely chance of messing up their push you could also place these along the common paths that you think enemies will walk when entering sight to make it really easy to set up kills if you're not sure about the common pathing on a particular site we recommend loading into a custom game and just trying to think about how you would enter the site what feels safest and what feels most comfortable chances are your intuition will be pretty accurate to what most players feel comfortable this is how you're going to find the most value with Deadlock's abilities we have finally arrived at Deadlock's last ability though gravnet for this you might think of abilities like fade C's or sages slower when you first see it gravnet locks players into a crouching animation and the only way that they can break free is by holding F the same way that you would remove a cipher camera tag I guess not the only way the alternative way is that they wait a very long time so because of this you can see how if it was paired with abilities like paint shells or mollies it could get maximum damage gravnet is a formidable tool in Deadlock's Arsenal it's incredibly annoying for your opponents and will significantly limit their movement and remember just like Sonic sensor it can affect you and your allies so be cautious when using it but don't underestimate gravnet's power enemies hit by gravenet will be stuck in place making them very easy targets tree crab net as you want a sages slow orb on defense it can be used to Halt a push or to disrupt a sight take gravnet coupled with Annihilation are two of Deadlock's most potent retake tools on offense gravnet can provide a lot of control toss it into a smoke to prevent enemies from swinging out of it this is what we mentioned using in play place a barrier mesh to stop enemies from swinging through smokes grab Net's whole purpose is to stop players from doing things like this whereas barrier mesh has a lot of other uses that can be more valuable you may even want to learn some lineups to hit key locations on site if that's your type of thing something that's helpful to know is that gravnet has the same trajectory as a Viper's smoke orb so you can learn a lineup on viper using the minimap indicator and customs and then switch to deadlock to test it out after also another Pro tip for you on offense if you still have grab not available wait for enemies to use utility during a retake and then toss it enemies will normally use some form of utility before running out for retake so you can often use this as a trigger for when you should counter with your own abilities this will disrupt their retake as soon as it starts spoiling their utility and oftentimes separating players from each other in the right hands gravnet is an incredibly strong tool and although it may feel underwhelming to use at times your enemies will definitely be frustrated when hit by it finally though let's break down a few rounds of Deadlock being played effectively on offense because for most players that's going going to be their biggest question when playing The Sentinel role generally you're going to be expected to hold flank but if deadlock isn't great at watching flanks how exactly are you supposed to play her in this round we're going to be taking a look at Derek and how he expertly was able to use Deadlock's utility to fill his team's needs dude she's holy Ace [Music] 3v1 but you're yeah to start out the round you'll notice his team is full committing onto a site and they do not plan to rotate out in the past this game his team was having issues holding flank so Derek is actually going to use his barrier mesh to block off flank this isn't something that we recommend doing you'll probably get yelled at if you do this in your lobbies and your pushes are far less likely to work than Derricks are because the players that he's playing with are going to be a lot better at committing to sites however in this case it does fill the role of tripwires for his team I'm basically only mentioning this to Showcase that barrier mesh can fill the place of a tripwire when needed this will be much better showcased on defense to block off a choke point while you rotate to another site but it can still be shown here where Derek uses it to block flank generally we recommend not boxing yourself in but when desperate this is always an option as soon as Derek's team starts to scale up long though they get into a fight and he's quick to pop Annihilation to snag his team their first kill we mentioned earlier that Annihilation is best used when numbers are dwindled down but in this case it's so early in the round that the Defenders are likely pretty spread out right right now if Derek were able to grab one of the players here on site he will essentially instantly set his team up with a kill and he has a specific idea of where he is going to Old so this is a great opportunity for him to get a kill sure enough he lands a tag onto the enemy Sova instantly pulling him out of position this is what we were talking about earlier just because sova's teammates broke him out doesn't necessarily mean that he's suddenly saved he is now in a position that is completely irrecoverable and is essentially dead along with this since his teammates were trying to save him they were also caught out in the open and traded out as well because of this ultimate Derek's team picks up three kills at the very start of the round which essentially means that this round is over as long as there are no heroics from the remaining Defenders finally as Derek is running into sight to prepare for the Post plant he loves grab net into the spawn smoke to stop any retaking Defenders coming in to help and then he places a Sonic sensor just in case anyone swings while attempting to plant though his jet comes that the omen had walked out so Derek double Swings with his jet to trade out the kill and then they win the round notice how Derek's playstyle is very aggressive with deadlock he's not just sitting back and waiting for enemies to come to him he is playing relatively aggressively despite playing a sentinel with a fairly passive kit remember if your goal is to set up on site you have to get onto site first and Derek does an excellent job of assisting his team with that in this clip but let's go back to this barrier mesh usage because I think it's important to talk about for all of you lower ELO players we don't recommend doing this because more than likely what is going to happen in your games is that you're all going to run up through short get smoked or Molly and not really know how to get into sight if you can't get into sight and you've blocked off your only Escape things are going to get pretty bad pretty fast instead what you might favor is having a player on your team lurk mid to try and cut off any flankers and give your team more options although you can easily break one of the corners of the barrier mess with your team to rotate out it's such a powerful ability that you would really like to use it on site if you can rather than using it to block off your own rotations here's another good round from Derek on offense to Showcase what Deadlock's utility may look like when used well inside okay let's go make noise good question yeah as well that's four whoa whoa they're done notice how Derek starts out the round by throwing grab net towards the B main tunnel entrance for Defenders if anyone is peaking this they should be hit by grab net and stuck in place this is a common tactic that high level players will use to punish early swings generally if you want to take control of an area you want to use some form of utility to make it safe to scale up and this does a great job of clearing out that entrance so that they can't be swung as they walk forward after some Shenanigans amid his team decides that they are ready to execute into B and they use astral divide to separate the walkout for them Derek then throws his barrier mesh on the close walk-in by new box so that nobody can swing out close to them similar to how you might use a sage wall and then he places two Sonic sensors one on either side of the pillar to give them some sort of protection as he goes for the plant he's aware that enemies might look to fight while he's planting but these trips give him just a little bit of Security even if they are to get shot before activating this gives him just enough time to get the plant off and reposition Derek then holds the aster wall picking up a kill for himself and then swings the wall at the same time as his Reina to kill the remaining player who he knows as Rafters due to the calms from his mid lurk although this isn't the craziest round it does a good job of showcasing how you can use Deadlock's utility throughout the round he used grab net to stop a swing as he scaled up he used barrier mess to protect his team from their sides and then he used Sonic sensors to protect him from each choke alright though there is one last tactic I want to show you guys from deadlock on offense that I think is super important this round isn't going to end in a win but it showcases something that is important for all players to see he there's you guys go make noise on me with the classic C player don't let the Living Air 's already very much so who am I having I have flashlights okay okay coming out right now no no no no no notice how in this round Derek's team starts out by pushing towards a site similar to the first one that we looked at his team takes some good space long but gets smoked off and just as we said earlier this is generally the reason you don't want to wall off your own fling Derek's team can either push through the smoke which normally isn't a great idea or they can rotate out and try to make noise elsewhere in this case Derek wants his team to go elsewhere and make noise so that he can look for an opening in a to find a pick deadlock is a great agent for lurking like this because she's not especially good on execute although she has a great post plan and you can use her grab net and bury her mesh to stop swings deadlock doesn't really provide a ton of utility that is fundamental to an execute she doesn't play smokes she doesn't give information and she doesn't have a flash she is pretty much only great at post plan so it's actually not horrible for her to be lurking since her team doesn't exactly need her remember as well that lurking isn't something that is a solo task lurks are only as good as the pressure provided by their team that's why you'll see Derek is waiting for his teammates to make noise in mid before he tries to make anything happen and on a this is why you'll see Derek wait specifically for his team to land their first kill in mid and start making noise before he starts walking up on a this noise that his team created in mid ended up pulling players away from a giving him the opportunity to walk in and look for a pick take notice how Derek is expecting at least one player to be here he doesn't think that they just forgot about a site it's just that they can't ignore what's going on in Mid this is how lurks like this work his team pulls players away from a so that Derek can take a 1v1 on site giving his team an opening sure enough Derek gets a pick with this lurk and immediately moves to lock down the site for his team he throws his barrier mesh towards spawn and sets up a sonar sensor to play off of when the Defenders go for their retake to stall even a bit longer after they break his barrier mess Derek uses grab net to delay while his teammates rotate over then he communicates with his Omen to use paranoia off of his tripwire take note of how powerful this is his tripwire gives info for the exact moment that Omen should be using as blind reducing the room for error there is no question of what should happen Derek has given a trigger which is this tripwire and a response which is the blind Pro players simplify the game like this all of the time another example that we gave earlier is using your gravnet off of the enemy's utility on the retake so if you see Arena blind that will be your trigger and your response will be to use your grab net super easy you can see this combo in action as Derek picks up a free kill and spawn opening the door to make a really massive play in this round unfortunately Derek ends up getting traded out right here and his team will end up losing a close round but this was some really awesome stuff that happened in this round and you can definitely apply a lot of these same things in your rounds every single game I hope this was helpful to Showcase some of the insight into the playstyle of a deadlock player on offense next we're going to get into some really fun stuff though deadlock on defense this is her playground and where many of you may feel most comfortable Deadlock's defense has a way of being both very familiar but also providing some new twists to really spice up the game taking note of how this devlox set to Persona sensors on site in locations where if enemies were to run into sight they'd instantly be put into a blender this is only the beginning of her setup though deadlock combo was these tripwires with a barrier mesh by blocking off the attacker's entrance into Halls basically resulting in a slaughterhouse on site deadlock doesn't pick up any kills in this clip but just by looking at the setup where are the enemies supposed to go they are absolutely slaughtered by her teammates as they scale in after being completely trapped into a corner take note of the tripwire's locations being placed a bit deeper into sight and spots where the enemies are likely to be running when they enter the site deadlock is playing a pretty passive setup right now because her whole team is very far away from her and not really in a position to help her if she gets pushed you'll notice she's jiggling the smoke just for info and as soon as the enemies start running in she throws her barrier mesh on site and then dips into spawn to play off of her trips this barrier mesh makes it so that any enemies who are passing towards back sight will not be able to swing her giving the deadlock an ice blade a gunfight on the enemy Arena as the Trap gets triggered this allows deadlock to pick up a free kill and then quickly dip back into spawn waiting for her teammates for retake this barrier match stalls so long in fact that as breach rotates over everyone is clogged up backsight for a massive Rolling Thunder after dipping in and out of a few on fights deadlock throws out Annihilation as well grabbing the sage out of the smoke and forcing her into such a bad position that breach is able to get the kill even after she gets broken out once again this is a round that doesn't showcase too many kills but really highlights just how frustrating deadlock can be to push into a good deadlock is able to funnel her enemies into positions that are so advantageous that they couldn't possibly lose the round even if they tried it's because you can do these trap setups though doesn't mean that you can't play aggressively on defense as well because gravnet is really good at punishing pushes you can combo it really well at the start of rounds to help your teammates fight different areas of the map if you so choose notice how in this round deadlock combos grab net with her Phoenix's Molly to help them fight mid because of this util it completely separates the Harbor from the rest of his team allowing for a very early kill normally you don't really want to risk losing a sentinel early on in the round with aggressive plays like this but in Deadlock's case her tripwires aren't the best information in the game anyway so it's actually not completely horrible to do something more aggressive like this after the fight plays out at Mid though her team decides to fall back and prepare for an a retake so she quickly throws out barrier mess to protect as they run away and then they flood the a site before the Viper ultimate gets time to form deadlock picks up a trade onto sight and puts her team in a great position to win the round off the back of a pretty aggressive play at Mid deadlock is not like Cipher and you're not going to be able to just sit back and shoot enemies off of your tripwires despite having some awesome utility for creating traps eventually you're going to have to shoot your gun so if you're playing deadlock don't be afraid to fight before we leave you though let's take a closer look at Annihilation and how to get the most value out of it in your rounds we've already showcased a few rounds where Annihilation made a difference but it is a rather difficult ultimate to use so here are some quick tips to keep in mind Annihilation is best used on players who are stuck in locations with no great way to get out it basically secures a kill really easily without you needing to worry about taking a fight with them or weeding them out with another form of utility take a look at this clip how deadlock uses Annihilation to grab a player who she knows is stuck on the left side this causes the enemy team to panic and attempt to break the Phoenix out which only results in more kills for her team when players are stuck in Corners it basically is a guaranteed hit and you should definitely take advantage of it don't try to agree and wait for the perfect opportunity if you see an easy hit you should normally take it here's another similar clip where a player who is planting Spike has made for an easy hit at the end of the day a free kill is a free kill so if you can take it you probably should this isn't the only way that you can use this ultimate though another way that it provides a ton of Promise is using the ultimate to punish enemies for earlier round patterns for example here's a round where deadlock had caught on that the enemy killjoy liked to use her turret and window every round because of this she knew exactly where killjoy would be at the start of the round so she pops Annihilation right away and fires it straight into window pulling the killjoy away from her attackers as they are spread out at the start of the round you can see this exact same thing happening during this Pearl match after deadlock realized Harbor would often jump Peak long at the start of the round they fire off Annihilation off the back wall using the smoke to provide them cover and then hook and early pick onto the harbor while nobody is in position to help him the better part deadlock only had a bulldog in this round so she was able to upgrade her rifle and this grabbed Cipher a body that he was immediately able to hold for info so yeah that is definitely pretty cool and it opens up the idea that you can use a 9 violation on eco routes to grab your team a rifle if you find somebody out on their own finally we want to really emphasize the idea that you can bait the body of the player that you grab with the ultimate to grab more kills notice how in this round deadlock has a bit of a close call but is able to land a hook onto the enemy race if you didn't know this is how it looks when you are hooked by deadlock you can't see anything so you'll see that devlock uses this opportunity to reposition to the other side of the room as the enemy Omen comes to free his teammate Omen swings out absolutely clueless to the Deadlock's reposition making for a super free kill players will often tunnel on freeing their teammates during Annihilation so take advantage of this finally if you're really looking to master using Annihilation we highly recommend checking out skill cap where we've posted a full deadlock course that not only goes in more in depth on the mechanics that we've talked about today but we also talk about specific lineups that you can use to get picks with Annihilation during the first few seconds of your rounds it's actually quite embarrassing to miss this ultimate and if you don't know how to use it it can feel really underwhelming so if you're serious about learning deadlock be sure to head on over using that link below to get started on your road to radiant once you've rushed up on their courses we recommend also heading on over to our Discord where our coaches are offering free VOD reviews for all site subscribers this has been helping countless players climb through the ranks every single day our whole service is backed by rank Insurance guaranteeing that you will improve and if you don't improve you don't pay this is a massive opportunity for any player to instantly start climbing a valorant and you don't want to miss out on this opportunity to get ahead of the curve mastering a new agent before everyone else gets used to playing against them can quite literally be free wins early on in the act so start climbing today using that link in the description below and we will see you there
Channel: SkillCapped Valorant Tips Tricks and Guides
Views: 96,022
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Keywords: Valorant, Valorant Guide, Valorant Tips and Tricks, Valorant tips, Skillcapped valorant, Valorant Skillcapped, Skillcapped, Skill Capped, Gameleap Valorant, Pro Guides Valorant, Proguides, Proguides Valorant, Valorant Ascended, Dragonmar, Sero, Deadlock, Valorant Deadlock, Deadlock Guide, Valorant Deadlock Guide, Valorant Deadlock Tips, Deadlock Setups, Valorant Deadlock Setups, Valorant Deadlock Buffs, Valorant Deadlock nerfs, Deadlock Valorant
Id: iPpXh_ZqVIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 3sec (1683 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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