The only correct Halo Tier List on the internet

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hey guys welcome back today i wanted to do something quite different i felt like recording a halo video i had no topics in mind and i was like you know what let's do something quite impromptu something quite off the cuff and record a tier list video which is something that i've not done yet somehow but this isn't any old halo tearless video this is as you can see from the title from the title this is the only correct halo tier list on the internet which obviously is a joke it's an ironic comedic title please do not take that as a fact this is a joke title this is a video that is just based entirely upon my own opinion you might agree you might disagree be civil down in the comments and let's get this bad boy on the road oh and uh the video is also sponsored by squarespace go to hidden experia to start your free trial today and use code hidden exterior for 10 off at checkout more info later on in the video okay so here we have the tier list and we're going to get the kind of easy ones out of the way first starting off with on evolved down here this bad boy i mean there really there really is only one spot for this s tier i mean combat evolved is responsible for pretty much the entirety of modern console first person shooters it innovated the control systems it innovated storytelling in first person shooters it innovated casual and also competitive multiplayer uh it started one of the biggest franchises that will probably ever exist in the gaming industry um 30 seconds of fun became a core part of not just halo but so many different games at first person shooters and probably other games as well i feel like it would be kind of illegal to put ce anything below asked here even if you personally don't like combat evolved because obviously it's aged quite a bit um i feel like even if you don't like combat evolve you've still got to acknowledge how important of a title this was for not just the halo franchise but for xbox i mean xbox sure as hell would not be where it is right now if it weren't for combat evolved and also the gaming industry as a whole ce was my first halo game it was what got me into the series um that obviously makes it hold a special place in my heart but there are reasons outside of that that i think it deserves the s tier um and it just it just does halo ce is an sta game and that's fine next up we have halo 2 now guess where i'm gonna put this one yep predictable i know um halo 2 is my favorite video game of all time not just my favorite halo game halo 2 means so much to me as a video game even though i started the combat evolved halo 2 is the one game more so than any that i i love just adore from literally every single perspective as well halo 2 story the campaign the characters the dialogue the music the multiplayer the casual multiplayer the competitive multiplayer the maps everything in halo 2 to me even the ui in the menu is perfect it is what i envision when i think of halo halo 2 is immediately what comes up it's got a fantastic deep rich but also quite accessible story that is very good for all types of fans from deep hardcore lore fans like myself to more casual halo fans who just like cool action games the multiplayer was fantastic for both not only casual but also for competitive i mean mlg would not be where it is today if it weren't for halo 2. esports on consoles in general would not be where they are today if it weren't for halo 2 and more so online multiplayer as a whole would not be where it is today if it weren't for halo 2. bungie really innovated online matchmaking and social features with halo 2 for the first time ever on a console and again just like combat evolved the ripples of halo 2 are still being felt today this game is nothing short of a masterpiece um it sucks that bungie went through such a horrific development for it but in my opinion the final product was at least in part makes up for the just horror stories of that development halo 2 is again nothing short of a masterpiece my favorite video game of all time and absolutely an s tier video game and then halo 3 also goes into west here i will say halo 3 as much as i absolutely just adore this game more than most things in life it is my least favorite just of all of bungie's trilogy games um i love halo 3 i love the story and the campaign although the story wasn't as good as halo 2's to me um i love it but there are definitely areas where it could have been better there could have been more fleshing out the first act of the game on earth as much as i love it uh it's not filler i disagree with people that say that it's filler but at the same time i feel like there could have been more to it um the guardian sentinel stuff that that hurts i still really wish that was in the game and the multiplayer dude halo 3 multiplayer innovated with the social and community features and yet again the ripples of those features are still being felt today features like file share like ease of access joining friends and partying up after games like ranking systems like social and community playlist like getting the community in on changing the way that multiplayer works by adding things like community made maps to matchmaking and stuff like that with customization as well like progression and unlocks as well i mean halo 3 really innovated mostly in the multiplayer department much like halo 2. um again games nowadays would not have the social features that they do if it weren't for halo 3 uh and at the same time whilst it was also a very casual game halo 3 had arguably the best competitive scene out of any halo game ever which really goes to show that you don't have to design a game entirely for esports for it to be a successful esport i think that's something that a lot of games nowadays falter with they focus too much on on esports and not making a game fun uh and halo 3 really nailed it down it really is i think generally speaking the perfect multiplayer game for halo i don't think anything is top tip since as much as i love halo 2. i think halo 3 was the perfect balance of social of competitive of casual gameplay and competitive gameplay and moulding together and again it's it's still a masterpiece dude s t a masterpiece right now we have halo wars which is gonna be interesting so halo wars for me has the coolest announcement trailer ever in the early to mid 2000s i was a massive rts fan i played like a rise of nations i think it was called uh empire rise and fall as well but mostly i played a [ __ ] and a battle for middle earth and so when i heard that halo was getting an rts and i saw the trailer like god how old was i at the time i must have been 11 i think 10 or 11 i was going crazy i had those pictures of my desktop wallpaper for years and then the game finally came out and i liked it a lot but i will say comparing it to the rts games that i was used to and that i loved like battle for middle earth it was a bit of a letdown and that i think primarily is because it was a console exclusive it was limited very much by the hardware of the console and also by the input like the controller i mean rts and controller is very different to keyboard and mouse it's got to be a lot simpler so i'm gonna give halo wars one a b-tier rating um i love the game i love the story and the music uh it was the first time that halo ever really dipped its toes into something different and i think it was absolutely successful i just think that it could have been a lot better had it been on pc as well as console and had it not been so limited because it was locked to console right so before we continue down our rankings a quick word from today's sponsor squarespace squarespace is a super easy to use yet beautiful website building tool that i use to build my first ever hidden xperia website i used a template feature to get this puppy up and running in less than an hour allowing me to easily modify existing website templates to my own needs and ensuring that i somebody with 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comfiest halo game of all halo 3 only st for me is a very clear 8 here i love odst story and campaign so much so so much not quite as replayable as the original trilogy um and obviously the story was also very different but the campaign in general to me is so so fantastic it's living proof that halo games don't need to be focused on the master chief to be successful they don't need to focus on spartan super soldiers they can be more grounded and more character driven as opposed to like a space opera bombastic story to be successful um and then of course the level of free roam that mixed in with the music and the aesthetic of new mombasa at night just created this just beautiful like i said really comfy game um the reason it's not here for me is because i'm personally not a massive fan of firefight i've said this in videos before firefight doesn't do much for me um i don't dislike it by any means and odst firefight is absolutely the best iteration of standard firefight however back in the day when odst came out there were quite a lot of games that were offering fantastic horde modes and when it came down to it would i rather play odst firefight or world of war zombies or gears 2 horde or left 4 dead survival not really i was always more drawn to gears horde and zombies for example so if firefight was better and also i always kind of wanted to see some degree of like odst multiplayer or something like a more grounded version of halo 3's multiplayer where you played his own dsts i always was kind of hoping that that would happen um but obviously it didn't so yeah the reasons that i just mentioned are why it's not quite s tier the campaign alone is s tier but the overall product is eight here for me right brace yourselves you're probably not gonna like this reach to me is um a very interesting game i'm gonna put a reach in a seat here now hold your horses don't hit that dislike button just yet right reach is a very interesting title for me because it is the most polarizing title i would say as a whole for the halo community and for me it is the game with the most ups but also the most downs like for example i absolutely adore reach's story and narrative and characters um even though yes i like the fall of reach book i also love reach as a game sorry i just do um i know law fans aren't typically a fan of that but i personally love reach's story uh yes i love a meal and meal is on my favorite halo characters and i am proud to admit it sorry i just haven't um what else did i love customization customization in reach was fantastic um bungie absolutely nailed it and forge was a great expansion as well um i was never really into custom games that much with reach so i can't really judge that but honestly story art style and customization and forge are really where the positives end for me also invasion invasion was beautiful chef's kiss but that is really where it ends um reach's standard vanilla multiplayer was the first time i've ever felt myself disliking a halo multiplayer which was at the time was a very weird feeling for me i can't stand bloom i couldn't stand armor abilities i didn't think the maps were that great overall the map variety was pretty poor um invasion for me was really where reaches multiplayer shined i still to this day can't play casual reach multiplayer because the combination of bloom the poor weapon sandbox that i don't think is very interesting and they're just not particularly good maps just don't go together well for me and then in terms of the campaign again as well um i find reach's campaign to lack any degree of replayability although i love the story and the characters i think the enemy design and like encounter design and map design again isn't great um at least to me i never feel compelled to replay reaches campaign i mean so much so that when i replay reaches campaign for video footage i exclusively do so with vengeful for down this fantastic reach evolved mod that makes the sandbox more interesting um i feel like i have to i just can't enjoy the campaign and then firefight as well i mean odst firefight didn't do too much for me and reach honestly did even less um not a fan but in terms of narrative art style customization invasion and also ui as well reaches ui was again chef's kiss uh reach excelled in those areas but i i can't i can't put put it any higher than a seat here i just i can't right combat evolved anniversary um this one is going firmly into detail it was nice to get a remaster of halo ce uh and it is definitely interesting to see cce with uh basically reach art style which in a way is technically more faithful because of course it occurs directly after reach it was definitely interesting to see that interpretation of combat evolved but didn't do anything for me personally i think it ruined a lot of the atmosphere of combat evolved levels like the library like 343 guilty spark like truth and reconciliation uh the more they're just far too bright and i just feel like the original aesthetic that bungie managed to craft so beautifully with combat evolves was really damaged with ce's art style and aesthetic and then just the lack of multiplayer i mean the reach maps were all right don't get me wrong and so is that reach playlist but you can't you can't remake combat evolved and not remake the multiplayer that's illegal right this one's gonna be interesting as well halo 4 now i have toyed with where i'm gonna put this one so much and i'm gonna give it seat here same as reach right halo 4 to me i much like reach in a way adore the narrative adore the characters chief and cortana's story arc in halo 4 and how it intertwined but lasky and the librarian and the died act i personally loved i do understand why people don't like halo 4 story but personally i love it i think it's fantastic though like reach i feel like the campaign is not particularly replayable i don't find the promotion is fun to fight i don't find the level design to be that great or that interesting so i'm never really compelled to replay healer force campaign uh but then the multiplayer was just like everything i hated about reach besides bloom just dialed up to 11 with even more worse stuff put in like custom classes kill streets and perks and stuff like that um halo 4 ha it's multiplayer for me over time has actually has actually kind of aged decently i think because i've come to realize that it is an incredibly hyper casual game and when i treat it as such i do find myself enjoying it quite honestly um i do find myself quite enjoying infinity slayer when i just turn my brain off and just afk slay people but as somebody who in the kind of reach in halo 4 era was massively into competitive halo watching reach in halo 4 in particular just kill the competitive scene i i honestly i'll never forget that um it was really really sad it was going from like the absolute peak of esports in halo 3 to literally with halo 4 it got to the point where we were having to do events in comic book store basements with cables dangling from the roof it was oh that was a depressing era for competitive halo and as somebody who is very into competitive halo especially at that time i mean back in that day when i was like 14 i wanted to be a halo pro when i got older i wanted to become a professional halo player and uh halo reach and halo 4 kind of destroyed that dream a little bit um but yeah it is what it is halo 4 again is quite polarizing i love i love the narrative and the story but and also actually another very underrated thing about halo 4 is the way that you unlock armor and like other stuff was there anything else to unlock weapon skins the way that you unlocked armor and weapon skins in halo 4 was extremely underrated actually in my opinion the best unlock system i think that halo's ever seen um it was like a really good blend of halo 3 and halo reach everything both those games did right uh and honestly i'm kind of shocked we've not seen it returned before but yeah besides the unlock system um and the narrative halo 4 just doesn't do it for me right so we're going to do two here we're going to cheat a little bit spartan assault and spartan strike now these games i find it almost unfair to compare them to like halo reach or halo 4 or halo ce because they are very different games they have very different intentions and i don't feel like they can be really compared fairly however for the sake of the video i'm gonna do it i'm gonna put both of them into detail and that is by no means saying they're bad um in fact i actually kind of enjoy them as like a top-down twinistic shooter but they aren't particularly compelling they're not really meant to be like anything crazy uh they were just mobile games to play like for example i played them when i was on holiday once just because because i wanted to play something halo um great soundtracks uh spot and strike had a cool flip mode um yeah absolutely not bad by any means but just nothing compelling really right halo 2 anniversary now as you can see i have not put mcc in this list because kind of hard to judge that on its own considering it is just an amalgamation of various titles what i figured i'd do instead is just pull out the two notable ones the two remasters uh and here we have halo 2 anniversary now again this is one that i've toyed with quite a lot i'm gonna go beat here and that is only just beat here because halo's anniversary campaign for me i would say is about a 95 love um a few of the assets that we're taking from halo 4 i'm not a fan of but overall i mean the environments are gorgeous the blur cutscenes the audio the remastered soundtrack all of it was just fantastic exactly what i would expect from a halo campaign remaster it did it basically corrected all the things that i didn't like about combat evolved um and put them in the game and and gave it to halo 2 and i mean i i must have replayed h2a now well over 100 times if not more than that i adore h2a so you're probably asking given the fact that i love the campaign why is it not eighteen or s tier rather well um yet again another hillary master came with bad multiplayer in my opinion halo 2 university's multiplayer is honestly the multiplayer that i enjoy the least even more so than halo 5 it's just halo 4 without sprint and loadouts um it does a very very poor job at emulating halo 2's very intricate and unique style of multiplayer there are no button combos the maps are changed and in my opinion for the worst like those stalactites on lockout completely break the flow of the map like they're located in positions that you're meant to hold as power positions that are meant to be hard to break you're not meant to be able to just shoot an object on the roof and have that power position be broken it destroys the flow of the map um i will say the art style on some of them the warlock we make in particular it's really cool with that map to me just looks like minis morgal from lord of the rings which is really cool but overall i really don't enjoy a hoa multiplayer um the br and the weapons in general as well just don't feel nice to fire like the br just feels really unresponsive to me i just i really don't enjoy it the map selection was poor as well um really poor there should have been a midship remake there should have been a waterworks remake there should have been a coagulation remake there were so many maps i mean h2e now honestly still needs more content i still would love to see more content get added to that game uh but yeah that's that's why h2a is not an sta game for me it is very much a bta game uh multiplayer just isn't for me right then uh we then have halo 5 now this is a game that again is quite polarizing i know a lot of people that love halo 5 personally not a fan eater i'm sorry it's i appreciate what they were going for um i appreciate the kind of style of gameplay that we're trying to give halo uh but it just doesn't do it for me i can't stand healer five gameplay um to me it's not what healer should feel like uh it's far too fast and far too just manic almost like when i play hilo 5 or rather when i played halo 5 i felt like i was getting mentally drained trying to play just like the most casual of game modes um and that really leads to the next thing as well with halo 5. it isn't a casual game there is no way to just kind of sit back and chill and play halo 5 or at least it wasn't for me um what i always loved about halo was that there were playlists there if i wanted to go and try hard and try and increase my rank and there were playlists there if i wanted to just go and chill and just afk slay people and halo 5 didn't have that everything felt hyper ranked in that game even warzone did to me uh then of course there's the rep system which was absolutely awful the way they ruined halo's customization and progression system for it just ah no no thank you um campaign no no no no no the only good thing about halo 5 to me uh two good things right forging customs objectively great even if you're not a fan of the game halo 5's forging customs were fantastic and hcs although i didn't enjoy playing helo 5 i enjoyed watching it and it was great to see uh kind of in tandem with h2a as well 343 put a re-emphasis on esports and try and resurrect halo esports and halo 5 definitely went a long way to do that it's definitely not managed it but it's gone a long way down that road to reviving the scene and i'm hopeful that halo infinite can really just bring it back to halo 3 levels but overall halo 5 to me is personally not what i look for in a halo game it is for the most part the antithesis of what i enjoy in a halo game uh the story that we were pitched with all the marketing and trailers had me so excited i loved the idea of lock being this like only agent that was really mysterious and was sent to hunt down chief and you never really knew his intentions but the lock we got in the game was just uninteresting uh i yeah i could talk for a long time about why i personally don't like halo 5 but i'm going to leave it there because you've probably heard it all before halo 5 to me is an easier game i'm sorry just my thoughts but it really is right this is going to be an interesting one healer wars 2. now halo wars 2 to me i'm going to stick and beat here um i i go through this constant kind of flux of preferring one halo wars game over the other uh i go through periods of preferring healer wars two over halo wars one and then periods of preferring healer was one of the healer was too i think halo wars 2 definitely felt more like a pcrts like battle for middle earth like ones that i i personally love but at the same time it still felt like it was kind of tied down by console it still felt like it could have been bigger uh the post-launch support for halo wars 2 was fantastic uh it's a shame that it's been shut off now but the new leaders we got were amazing i love the units i love having like modern halo area units like the mantis make its way into halo wars i thought that was really cool uh it's a game that i really enjoy had a fantastic firefight mode uh awakened the nightmare was really good uh even if some of the law stuff was kind of uh not particularly good um it was still really enjoyable so a spear breaker uh halo wars 2 is a game that i have very fond memories of biggest thing for me honestly or the two biggest things number one introducing atriox in the banished which was one of the most interesting additions to halo probably ever honestly in my opinion and also the art style jeremy cook and the team that worked on the art style for halo wars 2 they absolutely nailed it i remember seeing this piece of art for the first time when it got it got leaked i think and i remember just freaking out at like the br 55 seeing jerome in his actual classic mark iv and not changed for to be like gen 2 or something it felt like a like it really fit in the halo that i that i love and that just helped me love it even more honestly um i love halo wars 2 sometimes more than halo wars sometimes less they're a bad equal but an absolutely solid bta game in my opinion and i really hope that at some point in the future halo wars 3 becomes a reality and finally we have quite a weird game that i'm sure most of you actually haven't played fire team raven now again this is kind of like spot and strike in spartan assault and that i can't directly compare it to every other halo game because it's very different however this is gonna shock you eater fighting raven is going in 8 here uh i played this for the first time a few years ago and i was actually quite shocked i really liked it i always used to enjoy arcade games as a kid uh and fire team raven was a halo arcade game but i mean that's that's great for me a fan of arcade games but even more so i loved the way that it intertwined perfectly with ce and also the flood the scenes in fire team raven where chiefs show up are so badass like i'm not even kidding like spine chilling badass it's that cool seeing him like jump over a rock and just blast the flood form or something it's so sick um when covert blows over and the world is safe again i highly suggest going to somewhere where you can try fire team raven i think you'll really like it um the team behind it did a great job and yeah eta definitely not eight here for the same reasons as odst uh and definitely not a better game in like a direct comparison sense compared to like halo wars or halo 2 anniversary or anything but i i feel like i would be remiss to not give that an eight here and so that is my tier list uh let me know what you guys think down below in the comments that is pretty much my comprehensive ranking for all of the main halo games uh the primary like aaa games and main releases uh i don't see this changing it's gonna be very interesting to see where halo infinite ranks on this uh honestly right now based on what little we know i genuinely couldn't even give like a rough estimate to where i think it could rank honestly it could end up being like an a or maybe i'm dreaming but even st game but then i could also see it end up being like a dta game i honestly we're gonna have to wait and find out um but i'm excited to find out so let me know your thoughts down below in the comments what your rankings are what you think of my rankings uh if you change anything or if you agree with it let me hear it down below in the comments and so with that said i want to give a massive thank you to all of my amazing patrons as per usual for the support over there and i'm gonna bring this video to a clues click this video on screen youtube has recommended it just for you so you know you're gonna love it and i'll catch you all in the next one you
Channel: HiddenXperia
Views: 170,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: halo, tier list, halo 3, halo 2, halo reach, halo infinite, halo pc, halo campaigns, halo multiplayer, hiddenxperia, 343 industries, bungie, xbox, halo infinite news, halo mcc pc, halo 2 anniversary, halo music, destiny 2, halo infinite pc, halo infinite campaign, halo infinite multiplayer, halo infinite update, halo infinite update reaction, gaming, trailer, halo infinite trailer, halo tier list, halo game rankings, best halo game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 9sec (1689 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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