The Only 3 Reasons to Get a Divorce

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hey my friends this is Daniel Ali and today I want to talk about the only three reasons to ever get a divorce now this is not a type of video that I always talk about but I believe it's incredibly important to understand exactly who your spouse is and whether or not you need to divorce them now I also want you to know that every single marriage was meant to stay together forever because whenever you go to the altar and you say I do that means that you are meant to be with this person forever but if you felt like you've made a mistake or the person that you've married isn't the person that they were when they said they do then you have to watch this entire video because it can change your life so listen up the first reason why you should get divorced is because a severe abuse now there's all forms of abuse that can happen in your life there's mental abuse there's physical abuse this verbal abuse there's financial abuse and worst of all there's sexual abuse my friends if you feel that you've been manipulated over the years from your spouse then it is time to get a divorce my friends I'm gonna tell you very simply if your spouse is abusing you every single day in every single way and you cannot tolerate it anymore then you need to walk away from that relationship you don't have the time to be with a person who doesn't appreciate who you are now I'm not going to talk about every single type of abuse but you know whether or not that person is pushing you past your limits because every single person in this world has a threshold that cannot be penetrated within their relationship and if your husband or your wife crosses that line multiple times and you feel highly offended by their behaviors then you need to understand that you are not meant to be with that person anymore now I'm gonna tell you that the number one reason why most marriages end in divorce is because of some form of abuse and if you understand how abusive your relationship is then you need to seek counseling first I'm going to tell you straight up that a lot of times whenever you decide to seek counseling your husband or wife your spouse will deny that request because they don't believe that they have a problem in fact many times they'll be in so much denial that they won't even be able to address the problem so what you need to do is to find someone that can help you it doesn't have to be a professional what it needs to be is someone who cares about you someone that loves you someone that wants to help you to restore your relationship once you decide to try everything you can and actually go about doing it but you've come to the conclusion that you can try no longer that now it's time to seek a divorce now it's time to give up on that relationship and start brand new because in order to be yourself you have to free yourself in order to free yourself you have to be yourself and you can never become yourself if you're tied up in a relationship that's holding you back from becoming the person that you know you were meant to be the second major reason you should seek a divorce is if you've experienced tremendous amounts of betrayal now what I'm saying is that if you found that your partner has consistently betrayed you over the years and this could be so many different ways they could have lied to you multiple times they could have cheated on you they could have done so many different things that just broke your heart so many times you cannot tolerate it anymore then now is the time to consider a divorce now my wife and I have been together for over a decade and I can tell you when we talk to different couples we see that once they experience a small level of betrayal they think is tremendous they think is the biggest thing that ever happened they believe is completely unforgivable but what I'm saying to you is this just because someone has wronged you once or even twice or a couple times doesn't mean you need to seek a divorce it doesn't mean you need to give up on their relationship just because they hit some key Meishan or they've done something that they know they shouldn't have done it doesn't mean that you need to give up on the whole entire relationship what you need to do is reconcile what you need to do is seek understanding and make sure you work things out within your relationship now I'm gonna tell you straight up it might not even be your spouse at all that's doing the betrayal it might be who your spouse is connected with your in-laws that's doing the most harm if you feel like this is a situation forgive your spouse and forgive their family because your spouse isn't in control of how their family thinks and what their family says and how their family acts when you come around but what you need to do is control your reactions what you need to do is make sure you forgive them what you need to do is to take control of your emotions and take control of your mindset and how you interact with these people now if you've been in a relationship for a while now you might be saying oh Daniels that's easier said than done what do you know about my relationship well here's what I know I know that every single relationship has a test a test of your character a test of your integrity a test of your honesty and if you don't pass that test through dealing with that person or their in-laws then you're never going to be able to promote through society you're never gonna reach your highest potential you're never going to become exactly who you were meant to be now I'm gonna tell you that I've dealt with so many situations that seem impossible in fact I'm dealing with some of them right now but I'm also gonna remind you that if you remain patient and if you understand the wisdom within your circumstance that you will break through you will see the light at the end of the tunnel and you will experience new joys new blessings new wisdom new love that you never even would have expected before so my question for you is this on a level of one to ten ten being the highest how much has your spouse actually betrayed you have they cheated on you have they displayed the highest form of hate they acted in a way that is so evil so despicable that you cannot forgive them if they have then you need to seek a divorce if they haven't then you need to work it out and if it's about their family and it's a ten then you don't need to worry about it because your spouse is the one you truly love and their family has nothing to do with the kind of person that you're about to become and the third and final reason for getting a divorce is the most important one and that reason is because of purpose if you feel in your heart in your soul that God is directing you out of that relationship because that person is holding you back and keeping you from becoming exactly who you need to be then you need to get rid of that person in your life now there's been a lot of people over time they just left their spouse just because they felt a calling from God but my friends I want you to be absolutely positively sure 100 percent sure that this is exactly what you're experiencing in your soul now if you feel that the Almighty God is calling you out of your marriage you really need to check your heart before you start you really need to talk to your spouse and see how they think see how they feel see how they'll react now if you know for sure with all certainty that this is the right thing to do then you need to make sure that you set yourself up for that success but you also need to make sure that you've set your family up for that success you have to make sure that you prepare every single person involved because like I said there are many consequences but if you know that your faith is correct and you know that you're leading into the right direction then everything will work itself out all the consequences will be accepted and understood with every single member involved in your decision so there you go my friends I just shared with you the only three reasons to ever get a divorce if you have other people in your life that are telling you that you need to get out of your relationship just because they have an agenda they need to be aware of who they are don't let that noise infiltrate your mind or your relationship with your spouse because a lot of times people try to generate noise they try to make divorce seem like a cool thing but remember what God has joined together no man can ever separate and if you know that your relationship was meant to be then you're gonna do whatever it takes to heal it you're gonna do whatever it takes to reconcile to communicate to make things right because you were meant to be together forever like salt and pepper my friends this is Daniel Ali if you like this video make sure to come in yes in a comment section below and share this video hopefully with your spouse so you can make radical changes in your life my friends this is Daniel Ali you have so much more I want to share with you I'll see you guys on the next video take care
Channel: Daniel Ally
Views: 249,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daniel Ally, Personal Development, Self-Help, How-to, Entrepreneurship, Business, Success, Mentality, Mindset, Personal Growth, divorce, marriage, relationship, legal process, wedding, soulmates, matrimony, fiance, wedding ring, engagement, newlyweds, love, honeymoon, sex, argument, husband, wife, spouse, children
Id: ebLA6H455DI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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