The One Thing Only 1% of People Do | Jim Kwik

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Watching videos that tell me not to do something

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/NickGnalty 📅︎︎ Feb 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

How is this video 10 minutes long yet still managed to say nothing?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Altereddstate 📅︎︎ Feb 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] the amount information that's been created from the dawn of humanity since human beings walked this planet to the year 2003 which is only what a decade and a half ago that amount information how long does it take to create that nowadays two days the amount information is doubling at dizzying speeds but how we learn it how we absorb it focus retain and apply it is pretty much flat line and that growing gap creates something called anxiety they call it information fatigue syndrome because everything's a syndrome right higher blood pressure compression of leisure time more sleeplessness we live in an age where you know electric cars and spaceships that are going to Mars but our vehicle choice when it comes to learning and education is like a horse and buggy you know like the education system has not we all grew up with the 20th century education that prepared us for 20th century world which at the turn of the 20th century was working in farms and factories and and that's what the education was it was assembly line cookie cutter one size fits all but now we live in a world where the world's changing so much someone graduating school today is gonna have 8 to 14 different careers can you imagine that not jobs but different careers because we don't know where the world is gonna be so your ability to out learn how to think out perform mean that's your greatest advantage if there's one skill to master in the 21st century it's your ability to learn rapidly you need to be able to keep up so it digital overload digital this the second digital supervillain today that I think is a health threat to everyone listening whether you're an entrepreneur your parent you're a high achiever is this thing called digital distraction think about all the social media alerts the app updates I mean our minds are being fried because we're getting these dopamine fixes all the time do you know how often the average person opens up Instagram it's now a hundred and fifty time and then if you guys are opening up a less that means somebody is opening up a whole lot more but that's by design right because every like share comment you get this dopamine flood and it drives our you know our habits and our addiction if you will and we talked a lot about routines and now we're going to talk about how to jumpstart your brain morning routine evening routines because I mean really the success that everyone is desiring it's hidden in our daily habits right first you create your habits and then your habits create you but one of the things that a bad habit the most successful people they have their to-do list and we all have our to-do list but I've also noticed that some of the highest achievers they have a not to do list you know what I mean they have a list of non-negotiable things they will not indulge in because you know we've all read the book good to great you say no to good so you could say yes to great right and a lot of times when you get more and more successful you suffer from this opportunity stress right you get more and more offers more and more opportunity and you can't say yes to everything and that's a big challenge because then you have so many windows open on your computer and even if they're minimized they still take up energy and they take so take up space and memory and you wonder why you're fatigued all the time you wonder why you don't have the mental energy to do the things that you need to be able to do so digital distraction and on the top of your not to-do list should be not checking your phone in the first thing in the morning and I know everyone's listening to me and and automatically there's so many people are just like oh my god you know like I hate you know I hate this guy but the first hour a day the reason why you don't want to pick up your phone is because and we're all guilty of this is because it rewires your brain for two things number one it rewires your brain for distraction when you wake up first thing in the morning you're in this relaxed and alpha creatives it's a very suggestible state right you just woke up and so you have to be very careful and protect to stand guard to your mind from outside influences because number one if the first thing you see on your phone you're right these cat videos and you know everything's going on social media you're getting these dopamine flood which is building your distraction muscles because when it comes to focus focuses it's like there's a focus Fitness if you will and you have focus muscles but you also have distraction muscles at a lot of people they're distraction muscles are way over developed because of picking the phone up the first thing in the morning but the second reason for neurological reason why you don't want to pick up your phone in the first hour of the day is it because we also rewires your brain for reaction it's training your brain to be reactive and so you know as you know you go to your phone you wake up in the morning you pick up your phone you get one text one voicemail message one you know email and all the sudden your days shot like it puts you in a bad mood and you carry that movie throughout your entire day and that's a big challenge because you know if you're just fighting fires then you're just on the defense if you're just trying to fulfill everyone else's needs without going through like what's gonna help me to win this day to hone this you know this day to be able to make it the best then um then you're you're reacting and I have a friend Brendon Burchard he says your inbox is nothing but a convenient organizational system for other people's agenda for your life it's your training your brain to react and you can never have an incredible day if you're just reacting to things right so for me I wake up in the morning and what I just start journaling and I write down three things I want to accomplish personally that day and three things I want to accomplish professionally and it's different every single day but I always begin with the end in mind one of my favorite books of all time is this book called seven Habits of Highly Effective People and we've read this book some people like I have that book and is sitting on my shelf and it becomes shelf filled not self-help right because nobody's actually like reading that book if so many people buy books and I have to like to encourage people to read at least one book a week because the average person reads about two maybe three books a year but what I love about reading number one is the best exercise you know for your mind and you know it's it's like reading is to your mind what exercise is to your body it's an incredible workout and most people they don't take the time to read but the other reason I like to read is if somebody has decades of experience in leadership negotiation entrepreneurship fitness and they put it into a book and you can sit down in a couple of days and read that book you could download decades of experience in two days and that's a huge advantage right because leaders leaders are readers when I'm writing what I need to accomplish I'm writing put first things first put first things first meaning I believe that the most important thing is to keep the most important thing the most important thing the most important thing is to keep the most important thing the most important thing because a lot of people have a fear of a failure or fear of success you know my my my fear has always been I don't want to succeed at things that don't matter it wasn't so much about failing is about getting really good at something that didn't make a difference and Stephen Covey talks about it like you're really good at climbing the ladder of success only to get to the top and realize that it's leaning on the wrong wall and so if you begin with the end in mind so I'm thinking about my friend clay bear has this phrase about champagne moments you know in sports it's very clear when you're popping that champagne what has to happen your criteria and for me I think about if I'm coming back you know at night and somebody how asked me how my day was and I was like I crushed it today you know what had to happen working backwards in order for that to happen and I think about three things professionally three things personally and so I write that down first thing in the morning and then I don't check my phone until I get one of those checks done just at least one thing you know and then I'll get some positive momentum for example but that's the reason you don't want to check your phone is training you to be distracted and it's rewiring your brain to be reactive and you can't be successful and fulfilled if you're just giving up the sovereignty your power to some something outside of yourself [Music] the third digital like supervillain if you will when we're talking about you know digital challenges is so you have digital overload digital distraction is digital dementia have you heard this term yet no you're gonna hear this a lot in healthcare it's basically where we're outsourcing our our brains our minds to our smart devices oh this is why I can't remember anybody's phone number exactly I mean how many phone numbers did you know growing up has they yes all of them all of them literally all of them just we had to write and how many phone numbers do you know right now to but the old ones that don't exactly so you know like one or two there could be somebody you're texting or calling every single day and if your phone was dead or if you didn't have it with you you wouldn't honestly know what that number is and here's the thing I don't want to memorize 500 phone numbers nobody wants to do that but we've lost the ability to remember one phone number we've lost the ability to remember a conversation somebody's birthday I mean I feel like absent-mindedness I mean how many people feel like senior moments are coming too early like you walk into a room and you just forget why you're there or you open up the refrigerator you go to the store to buy one thing and you come back with like two bags full of things except for that one thing you went to you know get there get there or you can't remember if you you're doing the shower we can't remember who shampoo you hair your hair and I believe two of the most costly words in life and in business are I forgot you know I forgot to do it I forgot to bring it I've read that conversation I forgot that meaning I forgot what I needed to say I forgot that name I mean I think number one business etiquette networking skill there is is remembering people's name we don't realize how much time we're spending on these devices right when you go and you actually look at the numbers when you look at your phone and you look at like just somebody saying like 24 hours a week you know odds on social media or whatever it is I mean that's people always say oh I have no time to read or I have no time to work out it has nothing to do with with time management it's all priority management
Channel: Motivation Madness
Views: 368,373
Rating: 4.9329782 out of 5
Keywords: motivational video, motivation, motivational speech, speech, motivational, success, inspirational video, motivational speeches, be inspired, motivation madness, 2020 motivational video, goal setting 2020, motivation 2020, The One Thing Only 1% of People Do, jim kwik, jim kwik motivation, jim kwik memory, jim kwik interview, best motivational speech, 2020 motivation, memory motivation, study motivation, 99% of people
Id: hz4NpIl0kYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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