"The ONE THING I should've known sooner when learning guitar"

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um I wish I would have learned bass sooner B bass I don't think there's any shortcuts to learn the guitar but there's these little things that if you just knew them a little bit sooner oh it would have been so much better so what's a better place to ask a bunch of great guitarists that all put in the work what they wish they knew or did sooner when learning guitar that a good one yeah what do you think was it good that was a good one mine was better well you decide which's ADV yes leave your comments down below and now let's kick off with Samy G I spent a lot of time learning solos note for note what I didn't do was then take that information and try to make it my own like take the licks and try to work them into different ways and think about them differently so like they get to the point where they're like you know in your musical subconscious had I done that would have been 10 times a guitar player you wouldn't have been here would have been here the only people that care how good you are are other guitar players so like the general public doesn't care how good you are you know the people that are going to buy your music they don't care how good you are they want to hear you sing they want to hear you play your guitar I look at like Bob Dylan I look at Kurt Cobain all these guys weren't the best at their instrument people love them so don't worry if you're not the fastest don't worry if you can play the cleanest just worry if you're making music that people care about thank you I wish I learned that earlier I should have learned this is a big one I should have learned to stand still when playing while standing stand grounded and play it really focuses all of your body into what you're doing stand grounded massively improve your Rhythm massively improve your playing music is the art of listening so working on our ears and being able to listen to what's happening with people is what's [Music] up pain is gain your fingers hurt keep playing feels better more pain you have thank [Music] you spend more time learning chords and arpeggios and less time just trying to be a noodling soloist uh Joe par in his guitar style book somewhere in there says why do guitar players spent 90% of their life learning to solo when they actually spend 90% of their life playing Rhythm so I think I should have spent more time on cords and arpeggios at first then got into soloing right thank you I think that's probably probably that out well I think you know I wish I knew more about you know playing with Dynamics uh sometimes we focus too much about playing the right notes and I think it's more about tone uh Dynamics and feel keep recording yourself listen to yourself playing over and over again and eventually you know you realize all the mistakes you make and fix them I wish someone had said to me listen to the music listen to like you could not learn the scales and work out the key listen to the music and I thinkone that to me for me it's have patience patience just it'll it'll it'll come when it's ready you know why am I not doing that gig up there why is that why's he playing that gig I can play that gig I think I've learned from from Pete the best solo listens to the song or emotion or whatever bestos guys we're not On's channel it's my channel so it has to be 30 seconds I'm so sorry okay listen that's it listen pay attention two word answer coming next I love that I love that so much hey man this is my challenge oh the one thing I wish to learn sooner was to try to be myself and have the goal to to learn how to play like myself as opposed to copying other people cuz you can copy people at the start but then have the goal be you you go I realized that if you want to play faster you got to practice at a much higher speed kind of like short bursts and I didn't know that my speed like shot up and I feel like if I started that when I first started I feel like that would have been way better but like the age I'm at right now oh this is a beautiful view oh yeah this is this is nice play with a metronome which I am always yelling about on YouTube and the reason for that is because when I just started and I was trying to play faster lines I could never do it and I could never figure out why and then I realized it was because I didn't actually understand the subdivisions of Rhythm correctly and that's why I always yell about it so much so play with the metronome wow so what's the one thing when learning guitar no to imagine a drum kit in my head uh when thinking about time when I do that when I think like kick snare kick kick snare my time's way better but when I think it's bad [Music] yeah excuse me do you think I could take a picture with you of course Jump Right In no way it's good to sleep on stuff when you practice it so like don't try to learn something all in one day like when you sleep it helps you memorize it better sure size I love it standard tuning made no sense to me I should have gone to another tuning much much sooner cuz I never managed to go around the music theory thing because of the E standard and the second I went to open tunings it just made a whole lot more sense to me I actually agree with [Music] that I wish that I learned to play songs by ear a lot earlier because I learned classical guitar car first so everything was written out it was Sheep music and I didn't really have to figure out how things sounded and once I started to try to learn the songs that I just listen to then I learned so much in such a short time it's such a great way to learn all right thank you I instantly became a better guitar player when I started playing bass like immediately because it taught me how to listen to the the drummer more than I was when I was just playing guitar and it taught me that being a guitar player you are part of the Rhythm Section you're not playing on top of the Rhythm Section or that it doesn't matter what other people think it's all about the love of playing music and enjoying writing and creating and it's therapeutic for your heart your soul for your spirit that's the most important thing don't worry about what other people think that you don't need to know theory in order to start writing like oh I need to know scales and I need to know what note goes with what note don't deny yourself the joy of the instrument just because you think you're supposed to be learning something a certain way I love do you selfie yeah course that gear doesn't really matter it's your [Music] creativity really that's it honestly thank you [Music] man the notes on the fretboard yeah start slow and uh do little bits at a time don't try to eat the whole elephant one of the things that I wish I had learn sooner about the guitar with just a little more music theory and a little little more you know reading notes just learning more about Harmony and things like that [Music] yeah the more the game the better it is is not really necessarily A Thing soon as I started going back with the game with the over drive A Whole New World open up that you got to practice very slow and I at least for me like cuz I learned very fast when I started very cuz I wanted to play songs I was like I didn't really work on you know like oh am I muting the strings right like is every is every string like pushing perfectly so I can play guitar I can play very hard songs very poorly uh and I wish it was the opposite I wish I could play easy songs well does that Mak sense yeah that's perfect yeah oh my God I'm the best guitarist ever thanks man thanks man thanks yeah influencer lighting oh yeah baby I wish I'd learned my scales I never did and I'm not sure I still have but I wish I had so one skill in particular you pentatonic so if after all these great tips by these lovely people you feel inspired and want to learn but you're missing some guidance I've got to right the thing for you in electric elevation we talk about using the ear in play by feel but there is a deep focus at the rhythm guitar too embellishing chords voice leadings conversion Triads and so much more we really learned to combine the many elements that all the great guitarists just know and put it all together check it out at electric elevation.com I really hope to see you inside cheers
Channel: Paul Davids
Views: 203,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one thing I should have known sooner, sooner, I wish, relearning guitar, learning guitar, namm, paul davids, rhett shull, adam neely, joey landreth, samurai guitarist, guitar tips, tips, guitar, pro guitarists, NAMM2024, video, davids, relearning, best way to learn guitar
Id: ekBfGdm51gU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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