Blindfolded Guitar Test - Can I Guess the Price?

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Okay so this is much more difficult than I thought it was gonna be I have to say. Hey everyone, my name is Brandon Acker and I'm here with expert Luthier Marshall Brune. We're here in his beautiful shop   and today the plan is to test out guitars and find  out if we can tell which one is more expensive but blindfolded! Right yeah because last time you were  here we did the $200, $2000, $20,000, and $200,000 video. We were both looking at the comments and talking about  this saying "hey you know what I think that for   once the comment section is right!" We listened to  you guys! It was always the thought that we have   the supposition that they know what the price  is so they're going to say it's a better guitar. Exactly so we decided to take that bias away and  in this video, I have a handy dandy blindfold here   which I'm going to be wearing in part one. This video will be in three parts. Part one   I'm gonna wear a blindfold try out two guitars  at a time, mystery guitars that Marshall has   prepared I don't know what they are yet and  I'm gonna see if based on feel and listening to see if I can determine which one is more expensive. In part two, Marshalls going to wear the blindfold   and we're going to see if an expert luthier can  hear the difference between the two instruments.   In part three you're going to do the test! We're  going to hear two guitars A and B and without   seeing them let's see if you can pick which  one is the more expensive guitar. Let's dive In! Pretty good right? Yeah as far as I can see ... Although I can't see without my glasses so... I should probably yeah there we go probably  put these it's almost like this mask wasn't   designed to have glasses on it super that's weird  yeah right but it looks good okay I feel good all   right you ready for the first guitar I'm ready  all right I'm gonna see two guitars right and then   I'm gonna play each and I'm gonna try to figure  out which one is more expensive. Yeah! All right. Got it? I think I got it. So I have a mystery guitar. I like the  sound. Super resonant, warm, very round whoa I love the tone color let me give it a feel here   so I feel like I'm guitars for the first time. This  is crazy. No golpeador. No, no plug or anything like that. The action's good. It seems a bit higher action than I usually like but  I mean it seems like a nice guitar. I would say  this feels like it could be... a good concert instrument from what I can  tell. I'm really impressed by the response of   the strings I had a super fast response  and a super warm round sound when I play It's really beautiful! Let me  try a little Chopin because that sounds like it would be beautiful on this guitar. If I get this next part I'll be so surprised... oh my God I got it! Ooph tuning I'm really impressed by the instrument. okay I  think I've taken a lot of information from this   guitar can I try another one? Yeah absolutely. Let's get the next one . You ready? I'm ready. So this is number two. All right. I don't feel  any goldpeador. I feel a normal bridge. Less sound. It seems like instantly not as good of a guitar. The resonance is much less. Also is it smaller maybe? It feels like almost has  a smaller scale than the previous guitar.   The resonance is not as booming. There's no life to the sound in comparison to that one. Let me see. I'll try the same piece Easier to play because I  think it has a smaller scale I should pick pieces without so many crazy  shifts! Oh you seem to be doing all right   For the most part. Let's try that Chopin whoa! Actually the more I play this one the more I  like the sound but I think if I play that one   again I have the same impression. This one feels, it  feels quiet and super mellow. I would think that, guitar number one, is the more expensive guitar. And you are actually correct. Yes! You compared a Daniel Friedrich concert model to a New World 7/8ths series.   The fact that it was smaller was  so evident right away.   The shapes were so easy and then of course I lost volume and I lost this feeling that I   was playing something really well made. The sound is just like a, well a piano almost. As far as Freidrich's go, this is really spectacular. Yeah, can I play that one again?  Absolutely! Now that I know what it is. I believe that guitar is as old as us! So how does it feel to see? You know it's just totally amazing  when I can see, I'm taking in all all this extra sensory data and it adds to the sound. I can't divorce it from the sound but when you're blind you're just totally studying it and I'm thinking about the Timbre in a way that is certainly more nuanced. I can't believe I've actually never tried this. That clarity of the top strings! and the scale feels huge now. This thing is powerful! It is. It's a lot of  guitar. Yeah these are probably close to my  favorite guitars out there just because it's like this freight train of sound and there's   just layers of depth and and no matter how much you lean into it there's always something else to give and it's just deeper and bigger and more. Yeah it's true. I feel like it's doing a lot of the work for me. Any good instrument should just be invisible in the sense that it's a medium through which you can  just express and not in an inhibited way but   the best instruments do that and then they give you a little help you know and a guitar like this   is actually a really nice place to be if you're starting out and you don't have a ton of budget   Just because it's a lot more than well  actually most stuff at this price range.  So what are the prices? So this one is about $50,000. Sorry Marshall, out of my price range! This one uh about $900. Wow yeah okay so I have  two things about that instrument. One, I've talked   to a lot of students who are interested in something potentially smaller. I'm a huge fan   of smaller guitars like 19th century guitars  and so it's more comfortable you don't need   to put out a lot of sound. People think you need to make this massive amount of sound you don't need to. If you like that it's okay but it's taste and it plays well. So this could be a great place to be if you were a beginner  intermediate classical guitarist. Absolutely, I know a lot of professional guitarists who play  on something like this as their secondary gig guitar so if they're out playing an outdoor  wedding or something like that they play on one of these instead of bringing out their really  nice guitars just because they don't want to have   to worry about it yet these are good enough . I mean I'm not going to call them great but at this price point they are good enough to be a  professional quality guitar yeah in that setting   But I'm glad to say that even blindfolded  and knowing nothing about these guitars a $50,000 guitar and about a thousand dollar's  night and day. I mean there was no contest. This was   a different beast . A different tool doing  different things. The size is noticeable, the sound   was was obvious, the lacking of resonance and  volume. Okay I got one right let's keep going! All right here's the first one. Let's see if I could not break one of your  guitars. I'll do a bit of tuning here. So what is your initial impression before  you've even played it? So while I'm tuning I'm   already hearing things and I'm  already paying attention here. The first   thing I felt is the shape of it very thin  neck uh wide fretboard very kind of thin   wide body I have the sense already that this  is not your average Spanish classical guitar. Let me try a little little song this  is the famous Recuerdos de la Alhambra (Tarrega) Wow so I just want to point out that he literally  cannot see anything and he plays better than I'd  say half the people that come into my shop  blindfolded and they can see! It's really hard  for me to judge the level yet I think I need to  hear the second guitar okay and then maybe then   I can tell you more about about this one yeah  let's bring in that second guitar. oh I just  noticed before you give me the second guitar I  just noticed this one has a golpeador!. It does   have a golpeador. okay there's a golpeador and then  it's kind of buzzy. Is this a flamenco guitar ? It could be. Okay because they usually they have lower actions and   that kind of buzz is kind of a good thing  for Flamenco? And then you have a golpeador A kind of a tapping plate. You sure hope that  you got onto that tapping plate! Yeah is this it ?! or am I just putting a holes in your instrument? Yeah okay that's very interesting. Okay can    I hold this out and you grab it? and here is it.  okay number two perfect. Well that guitar is in tune...   and this guitar is a little out of tune. It feels completely different. The touch is different, the neck is thicker uh the whole instrument feels like it has a slightly different shape to it and different tone color. Let's try Recuerdos again to get the same feeling. I feel that the the guitar is hard to play and I keep tuning it and I seem to not be able to get   it all the way in tune. The fact that the  guitar is fighting me a little bit... I feel like   it's harder to play maybe it's just the strings are a bit stiffer. I'm not sure but I have the   feeling that this one is not as good quality as  the previous one although this one doesn't have   a golpeador. This one might just be a normal classical guitar. Can I hear the first one again? Absolutely. Man, the blindfolded  handoff. That's intimidating! Scariest thing done in the shop  this week. Okay let's try this again. This one is so much easier to play. So as we talked about in the last video playability is   my very first thing that I look for because if you can't play with ease then what are we doing? It's very challenging . So  this one is much easier to play and I have the feeling that, especially up here, it has better intonation. Okay so this is much more   difficult than I thought it was gonna be. If I have to choose, so this   is number one and that was number two? That's correct. I would say based on playability   that this one is the more expensive guitar. Am I right? Nope. I'm wrong?! No that is a $300 Yamaha but   I have set this thing up to within an inch of its life and this is a working man's guitar. So it has   been played in like nobody's business. Okay because I was gonna say I like the sound of that one more   and it has more resonance but it's hard to play that it ruined the experience. Right, so this guitar   is an Ignacio Rozas. Made in Spain. It's un-setup the way that this, I'm pointing to the Yamaha for our visually impaired friends here. At least I'm wearing my glasses! That's true. This one is set  up the way that Ignacio Rozas set it up. The saddle is unchanged and this  guitar was owned by a collector who played it   occasionally not somebody who played it every day. Let me see these cool instruments. So this is the Ignacio Rozas. It's absolutely gorgeous, totally beautiful looking, top of the line guitar and it does have a really nice richness of tone but   yes, I agree it's it's a bit more difficult to play but that's because this thing is set up that way. This Yamaha on the other hand $300  I think these things are $400 new. Look at that   well okay this is a testament to how important playability is. You give me a really expensive   guitar that's fighting me because the  action and I mean actions come down to taste, right? Not every person has the exact  same feeling but for me the action was so high   that I couldn't do what I needed to do.  So if I had to give a concert, I would prefer this one. Of course I think that sound is objectively nicer. It's more resonant and it's a better made.   It looks more beautiful, now that I can  see but man, playability goes a long way. It really does! Okay well this is already going much differently than I expected. Should we try another one? Absolutely. Today's video is brought  to you by Classical Guitar Pro. That's my brand  new online classical guitar course which is six hours, 53 videos. It's a whole curriculum designed   to teach you what you would normally learn in the first six months to a year of classical guitar lessons. So if you want to learn classical  guitar but are stuck struggling to read music   or struggling to learn the techniques check out to learn more Maybe I should play blindfolded more often Marshall I feel like my other  senses are heightened. Yeah oh yeah.  How's the smell? That's the other thing, I was gonna mention it, sometimes guitars have an amazing smell. I wonder   if that is a factor. I'm gonna smell this next pair. Let's see if it helps me. Round three. Uh...what? I can fit the entire  guitar in my hand so this is uh   oh I feel uh a pickup this is something's off. What? Okay so it could be plugged in. Yeah  this is some type of acoustic/electric maybe or   just electric I can't tell. I certainly wouldn't play this thing acoustically. I wouldn't either. I don't recommend it. It could be one of those acoustic/electric things but because it has   actually more sound than an electric guitar so probably it probably is but it doesn't sound great Okay, this is the Ashoken Farewell. It was used in the soundtrack   to a Ken Burns documentary on  the Civil War. It's super beautiful. The neck is super wide. It's a cut away, okay. All of  a sudden I can play super high.   I wanted to go to the 14th fret but I'm like oh... tons of wood and then nothing and then okay I'm holding some type of acoustic/electric. Something with a cutaway.  These usually aren't super expensive. The best ones I've seen are like 1500 bucks and   they can be as little as like 500 bucks. So I imagine this is somewhere between that price range. 500 and a thousand maybe? Should we try number two? Yeah let's try number two. Are my glasses on straight? No but it adds to the ambience. At least it's   funny. Yeah that's better. Ah there we  go. Now I can see. Yeah now you can see. they should really make glasses for people who wear blindfolds. Come on, man. Okay well, the pegs are on the wrong side. This is one of those headstocks. It's like a Fender guitar or something. Do we have a 19th century guitar? This headstoc, these tiny little tuners.  These little metal tuners remind me of  a Stauffer guitar. Stauffer made these great Romantic style guitars in the early 19th century and I love them. They have all the   pegs on one side just like that and so maybe this is something in that style? Yeah.... in that style... I said I played these guitars. I didn't say anything about tuning them well with the blindfold. I think I'm holding a 19th century guitar  and it feels glorious after that funny   acoustic/electric or whatever that was. Let's try the same Civil War tune. That is a gorgeous guitar. So if I guess it right, I get to keep it right? That was what we agreed? Oh yeah. Money, of course. You know I think this one is cake. This is the more expensive one.  This is some type of of 19th century style guitar. It's even got the floating neck and   usually there's a key. Aha! There's a keyhole here that you can turn and then change the action.   It's got a raised fingerboard, the Stauffer style headstock. This is a 19th century guitar.  The other one's acoustic/electric. This costs way more. Absolutely! Like eight grand ? Ten.  Okay yeah that is a 1860 Scherzer. Okay going up against a handmade, made in Canada   Godin. Oh a Godin, okay. So those are one of the better of the acoustic/electric. oh yeah yeah I think this thing is like 17  1800 and it wasn't too far off 1500 being   the top look at that this is a good round  yeah yeah you're not doing too bad hey all right you know you play so well like this I   actually forget that you are  blindfolded here is a guitar nice nice first string I like the  sound is aren't preaching to the   factory Marshall what's going on look I  guarantee everything except the tuning this is a fantastic guitar I love the sound  of the first string it's a super it's like a   bell it's like that uh Friedrich guitar  has that same type of bells round sound   very warm very loud uh resonance but it  doesn't strike me as like bam it's more   of like a blossom wow yeah there's a lot of  room for that sound to evolve and grow yeah foreign I love the thinness of the neck the size  of it is perfect the action is perfect   the tone is super sweet thank you it's a super rewarding uh super rewarding sound I love it this is definitely  uh certainly in the thousands uh this one could be   maybe like an eight thousand dollar guitar don't  tell me yet but that's how it feels to me it feels   that the quality is that good it's got a lot  of the things I look for uh in an instrument   okay good so should we try the next one I want  to try the next one yeah oh this guitar is hairy   can't put a price on Marshall though an insurance  agent begs to differ okay guitar number two whoa   we have something funny Happening Here  we have some type of sound Port uh don't   put too many fingers is there something  going to bite my fingers in the inside different Timbre this feels like a  completely different animal than the last one   good or bad I can't tell you let's try that  uh that same Chopin and let's see what happens you know I can't get my bearings on this  instrument something strange about the okay I'll   give you a little hint on this one it's not 12  Frets to the body it's 14 Frets to the body I feel   that there's 14 and then the scoop right makes  it even if it makes it feel like almost a cutaway   because I'm used to going until I hit the wood  right and so yes that's that's clear yep but here   yeah you're passing a little bit so it's  here yeah so what are you picking up on   the sound of this one something's different  about the sound it's a it's not the same HEPA   resonance what if I told you to move your  hand up towards the sound hole a little bit and then go back towards the bridge to establish   where you are let me try this piece  and see if I can get used to it more foreign okay there's some interesting things about this  one that I can't quite put my finger on but uh   the previous one in terms of what I know about  classical guitars feels like the more uh valuable   instrument it's at least I can say it's one that  I would prefer to play to play myself all right   let's take a look so that is one of my hybrid  guitars this one was requested to be built with   14 Frets to the body and with that by the way so  this was a customer request and I don't have many   of my guitars around if ever you know what's so  strange is this is not now that I can see it it's   mostly the same right but it feels big because the  14th Frets of the body right and then this sloping   thing and the proportions right which is different  what was I think throwing you off in terms of the   sound because your hand was essentially closer  to the bridge you were more ponticello than you   expected to be in the ticket very beautiful as  I went this way yeah I think what I'm realizing   is like the physicality of it like the the feeling  that it was on was unusual for me was contributing   to the to the sound in a negative way for me right  because I was saying something's different I'm   not controlling this as well as a controlling one  that I was you know the standard proportions right   right absolutely and by the way you were comparing  to one my father's 25th anniversary models which   there were 25 of these things built this one is  I believe oh number 25 of 25 so he kind of had   his hand in at this point in time and this one  was built with the most Ultra Premium wood wow   it's got some of the nicest Spruce I've ever seen  for the tops it's got some of the most gorgeous   Brazilian rosewood for the sides in the back  it's got the 999 sterling silver Rogers tuning   machines and it's got this gorgeous carved head  that it was hand carved and the label was hand   scribed so you know this was the Ultra Premium  Ultra Luxury uh only 25 of these were made so I   guess that one's more expensive yes so at least  I got that one and rightfully so I think this   is one of the most magnificent guitars that we've  heard today it is spectacular can I play that one   again what I'd like to do now is go back and forth  again now knowing what they are and feeling that   again that first string is really spectacular oh  yeah yeah there's there's a lot going on there wow   it's like Crystal Clear that's  what I I think I love about it   the clarity of the the clarity of the sound  the clarity of all the Harmony on the inside it's a it's a totally gorgeous sound now that I   know what's going on here let  me hear this one again yeah okay now that I'm actually seeing  it now that I actually control for   the Timbre in a better way I get it also  much darker sound yes much more Rich the   sound Port adds a new dimension to it  to it uh of course the playability is   completely different because I can go right  right go way up and of course things like much easier I hope that all this wood in the way  it's a totally beautiful instrument both of these   are fantastic uh guitars so congrats  to the brene family thank you foreign it's some type of lab harp   is there other buttons on it sometimes  there are like uh Auto heart buttons   oh this is not an old harp it's like an actual  lap harp okay so we have some type of lab harp   which has not been tuned no who's got that time no  what that's for sure I can't say I've ever walked   up to any of these and they actually aren't  no I mean most of them are decorations this   one is probably the nicest decoration piece  you can have I believe it when I can see it   shall we compared to uh a nice Auto harp yeah  I look forward to seeing this one but let's   uh let's go to the next one all right next  one you know so that was actually a zither   all right yeah which was used as  training for a lot of German boys uh   in lieu of getting piano lessons so if you could  show proficiency and aptitude on the zither then   you were granted the ability to take piano and  how that instrument translates into a piano   I have no idea but it makes sense to the Germans  so here is something number two oh whoa uh uh okay lots and lots of strings  we have a body which is guitar like   what's gonna happen over here so do we have like a okay we have a beautiful open tuning  so it's kind of like another harp   but but we can fret it yeah it almost  feels like a theorbo for a minute   because on the fiorbo you have the short  neck where you play Then you have a scale so actually it feels like  almost like a baroque loose well thank you it feels like a mini thermostat what is this thing  I have no idea what this is can I fret these yeah   what I don't know what this is I can't say  I've ever played anything like this before   but it's fun isn't it it is very fun it's tuned  FDA FDA and then diatonic going down yeah which   is the same as a baroque loot yeah it's like a  little burrow glutes hold on let me think here you go major exactly the same tune what am I playing this is  a tension guitar that one of my clients wanted   to play like a baroque loot but he didn't want to  buy a baroque loot so with all the guitars in the   shop I actually find myself grabbing this one a  little bit more than the rest just because it's   so different and so much fun well but you can't  play you can play the music here oh here it is foreign go I forget how it goes I love  the fact that you are actually looking up where is it the last thing I expected was  to have a baroque loot tuning but I kept   doing little things like wait a minute  that's exactly how Brooklyn it feels I have to see this is a 10 string japanese-made guitar and I  believe that there was only about four or   five of these 10 string matsuokas actually made  so this is actually a very rare guitar the open   D minor tuning of the Baroque glute is so nice  to just immediately feel like you're you're in   this beautiful key with this great low bass notes  um the funny thing about it for me is that you   have Frets going all the way across because you  never you never use them right right right right   it only use the top ones one could argue that  this is actually more functional than a loot or   theorbo and first of all when you put this onto  the table it's not going to roll off that would   help you I have broke one instrument that way  I know yes so which one is more expensive hmm   I guess I should have guessed when I had my  blindfold done but yeah this one by far well   actually that's a real coin toss really why  is that because of zither was actually made   by Hermann Hauser nowhere the first okay so it not  see this is the problem with the Blindfolded thing   you add in like the historical value a famous  blue shirt uh and suddenly that you that's not   something you could perceive with uh without  knowing it right well conditionally speaking   that thing more or less belongs in an antique  shop and it's a curiosity you know if you've   got your v e style Hauser if you've got your Yobe  style Hauser but you don't have a Hauser zither   well okay I would say this has been a pretty  interesting test I've learned a couple things   about myself listening I think I'm gonna try to  listen without uh you know looking at things more   often it's a kind of revealing exercise actually  it is it's amazing how much your eyes influence   the sound you know the the the notion that the  flamenco guitar is such an incredibly brilliant   and Brash instrument uh you actually said that my  flamenco guitar sounded quite nice yeah and which   is a a surprise because it's just a 300 instrument  it's a perfectly average guitar but it's undergone   a lot of work to get it to play that way one of my  main takeaways here is certainly a reinforcement   of the idea that playability is King there's  kind of like separate you know Fields there's   like historical value and there's something to  say about you know that's a meaningful object   because of its hystericity and then there's sound  pure sound and then there's playability and for me   still playability first what do I actually want to  play and then sound and then if there's historical   value fantastic that's really really cool  but I can't believe I actually chose the   the cheap guitar over the the expensive one in  this case but it just reinforces the point if you   can't play something easily and well then what are  we doing right exactly and music is hard enough   you shouldn't have to fight the instrument to be  able to play the music yeah and I've directed many   a person to a lesser expensive guitar because  it fit their hand better they may have wanted   to spend more but if you've got an even an okay  guitar that plays really really well just play   it and enjoy it you know I'd rather you play on a  cheap guitar or an inexpensive guitar that feels   good yeah then something that's expensive that  doesn't totally agree thus concludes part one   I think it's time to turn the tables I want to see  if Marshall brene here can listen to two different   instruments and pick out the more expensive one  I failed one let's turn the tables sounds good foreign
Channel: Brandon Acker
Views: 876,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brandon acker, marshall brune, acker guitar, guitar, acker brandon, luthier, blindfold guitar, guitarra, fingerstyle, classical guitar, expensive guitar, cheap guitar, guitar price, guitar tip, guitar lesson, guitar performance, branden guitar, brendan guitar, siccas, tonebase, julian bream, 200k guitar, million dollar guitar, lute, theorbo, tarrega, recuerdos de la alhambra, chopin, chopin guitar, old guitar, acoustic electric guitar, 10 string guitar, spanish guitar, chitarra
Id: PMHqiyvDy0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 28sec (2248 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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