8 MISTAKES guitarists make every day | Fix these BAD HABITS

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learning guitar is a delicate balance of doing the right things and at the same time avoiding doing the wrong things it's either bad habits false beliefs focusing on the wrong things there's a lot that can go wrong hi my name is Paul Davis and to celebrate the opening of my intermediate guitar course next level playing I'm making this video 8 mistakes I see guitarists make day-in day-out mistakes you don't have to make and mistakes you can avoid so you can become the best guitar player you can be so let's jump in the first one is one I'm guilty of myself too but I'm learning so please forgive me and it is noodling instead of practicing endless noodling playing the same stuff over and over till it makes you sick again that pentatonic lick again that same pattern can't I play something else lots of time when people play or practice they just noodle away no timing no vision no concepts so what should you do practice means challenging yourself exploring and going beyond boundaries repeating and improving try to never play without having even an idea of timing and the key so stomp your food or your body or turn on the metronome even whatever works for you and play like the air is a picnic tract turn on a set of chords accompanying you and try to follow the changes as you play anyway to me this is very important so I go way deeper into this concept in my guitar course if you want to know more but for this little video it's time to move on number two the number one giveaway for sounding like beginner is twofold and it's a big reason so many folks struggle with having a great tone part one is not listening to the guitar and the biggest culprit is not muting the strings properly sometimes what you don't hear is more important than what you do here and I saw this all the time with my students hearing lots of excessive noise or just wrong strings and playing guitar especially on the electric hearing strings ring out that shouldn't be there really clogs up the sound [Music] there's a lot of ways to fix this easily my two tips for this is just lay your hands on the bridge when playing higher strings or no and using my fretting hand to make sure it's always blocking or muting strings I don't want to hear [Music] easy fix right I also asked my followers on Instagram at Bo Davis guitar farming area if you don't already and what mistakes they made when they were young and the mistakes they wish they hadn't made so the best one our shared below and here's mistake number three which is the second part of not listening and it's about the tone and your tone is half as important as what you play it's all in the tone and although some say the tone is in the fingers having the setting somewhat right really helps and it ranges from the pickup position to the EQ on your amp through the amount of gain reverb or delays and it's really not that hard as long as you think about it always know what pickup you're playing at the time know its strengths know its weaknesses for example use the bridge pickup if you want to have a tight and present sound and switch to the neck if you want a more mellow and warm sound [Music] so always know what the settings are when you play so you are aware of how it affects your tone because stun is really important so here's number four number four is artistic expressions yes the number two dead giveaway were sounding like the beginner is a lack of human starts to the notes the guitar is the perfect instrument to add your own little signature to everything hey that's real paul davids vibrato or slide or live [Music] it's great a sort of a sound if that is your own and you can only create it by exploring and developing it there's many players that you can easily identify by just hearing their vibrato stare bends their slides our phrasing their dynamics when playing be aware of all the things you can do and start developing for example here's two times the same lick you [Music] okay let's move on number five and this is a bit of a mental one because the brain is pretty important and it's all about caring too much what other people think when you're playing and it still do this myself too and I hate it but I recognize it in others to last year organized a giveaway and the super nice little fellow who won a guitar came to pick it up and I just encouraged him to play something on his new guitar but he was so nervous that he almost couldn't play at home but I just wanted to see him enjoy the guitar a little bit and I was in no way judging or criticizing whatever he was doing I never do that unless I wear my guitar teacher hat and if you're a musician you should never do that anyway it's just not cool just enjoy what other people play don't don't church all the time it's not fun just listen to the music and also close you related is that you compare your own playing too much to other folks there's always someone better faster or more fluently or whatever but it really doesn't matter you got to find your strong suits is it your tone your creative workflow when you play with other musicians getting write nice melodies can you write nice chord progressions or maybe you're just a great person to work with there are so many ingredients to being a musician and your technical ability is just it's just one of them really so here's another classic one number six that is thinking that buying at one piece of gear will help you get better spoiler it won't really it's all nonsense so let me tell you that the entire music industry tries to convince you that you you need different gear new gear other stuff the next generation never seen before the most powerful on the planet blah blah blah and with so many youtube gear channels jumping on that same hype train which I totally understand making videos is a lot of fun they're triggering your gas full-stop and it's hard to steer clear of binging videos thinking you need it all and you go for it but after high of one week you fall down there art of Sam gear again and let me tell you you probably have everything you need to start and sound awesome practice Trump's gear always well wait that I had two times that buying something actually made me a better guitarist my first electric and my first acoustic guitar that's it maybe I had a decent am to this but all the rest is a bonus and won't make you sound that much better the tone is in the hands and in the settings so it's it's all in the fingers and knowing the gear you already own really trust me on this one so buying stuff won't help me get better but Paul and here's number seven I fit that infamous plateau I am stuck help me this happens to everyone and it's very common and it's a natural thing and I found it's pretty easy to come out of it actually remember point five seeing folks that are better than you at everything Oh more tasteful faster melodies have mesmerized you artistic expressions you've never heard before listen to those exact people why not to make you feel down or batting or paracin no but to learn something from them it's they're playing that amazes you it's probably something you want to be able to play but you can't watch interviews of your idols and let them talk about their idols there's always a clear path that was paid before they became the guitar hero they are right now and we all walk this path and make it our own often these techniques are within hand reach if you just practice okay so sometimes I hear something that just blows my mind I don't learn music by others I want to sound like myself but I couldn't disagree more if that's your thing go for it sure but I would always advise you to learn as much from others as possible you don't have to reinvent the wheel just use the wheel to get to new locations where you want to go if does that make sense if that's checking out my course which of course I highly recommend or just watch videos listening to CDs seeing your favorite players that's all good learn from those that you admire really is easiest way to reach it's okay up to number eight I've seen it so much especially in a comment section and it is seeing music theory as a rule for example one of the first things you will learn is that the notes new key of c-major are c d e f g a b c so therefore if you play in a key of c you should stick through these notes right it is the rules if you don't you're playing the wrong notes no that's not what it means at all you can play any note you like always music theory never says don't play a b-flat it should be a B no it says these are the notes that make up the scale of C major so if you want to stick to purely diatonic notes notes from within that scale these are the ones to pick from and as a beginner it'll probably be a bit easier to make these notes as good in the context of C but notes from outside skill or the key the spicy notes you can say can sound awesome too you and [Music] [Music] don't think that you should follow the rules because well actually there aren't any well there are a few things we as musicians agreed upon as means to make communicating easier but as far as playing the only rule is that if it sounds good it is good and the good thing about music theory is that often when something sounds good you can easily give it a label and understand why it sounds good and that's my music theory is so handy and awesome but because it tells you the things you should do but because we can label things we love and we can use it as a language to communicate more easily and to to give it a place in your head well anyway as I said this is a list of the things I see go wrong very often but I also know how a lot of things should be done the right way and that's why after launching my first guitar course learn practice play which is for beginners I also made a course for intermediate players it's called next level playing it's basically a carefully designed road map to help people reach the next level of playing I guess all the things I advise people to learn and how to do it bundled in a seven level course going through the manifests of what the Attar means to me all the things I've seen in the real world and combined into a fun and easy to follow a step-by-step guide check it out at next level playing a calm and thank you everyone for watching and giving me the opportunity to do this making videos inspiring guitarists all our rules is it's awesome and I can't thank you enough for checking it out week after week please do not forget to hit that like button gently carefully click it and subscribe if you aren't already of course comment below and of course share your mistakes if you're watching this video what did you do wrong I don't know Cheers [Music]
Channel: Paul Davids
Views: 1,972,677
Rating: 4.9634175 out of 5
Keywords: paul davids, next level playing, guitar course, 8 mistakes, bad habits, mistakes, learn guitar, lesson, tutorial, video lesson, course, electric guitar, stratocaster, fender, noob, stop sounding like a newb, newby, sound like a pro, professional, guitar player, guitarist, tabs, instagram, habits
Id: kAGIeuLm5Ag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2020
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