DON'T use Windows On the Deep Web!

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2015 🗫︎ replies

What are some good, but SFW, darkweb sites?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/happinessmachine 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2015 🗫︎ replies

I browse with the history books in mind.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/lawoffour 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2015 🗫︎ replies
hello guys and gals me muta Hara and welcome to a special video now last time we basically had a little talk about the Deep Web I talked about red rooms and I don't really like doing a whole lot of these vloggy style things but today I figured I could teach you something and well I definitely do it to a friend of mine that I used to work with to tell you this little tip now we've done quite a fair bit of Deep Web episodes and inside it it is such a interesting topic in a way to actually talk about you know you're going onto this Internet that's anonymous you know you're seeing the internet for not you know for what it really is entirely you're going to slice that are not normally indexed and there is a danger to it and a lot of people like to scare individuals and say well you know what don't access the Deep Web it's scary no I'm a person that likes it when people go on to things that they really should be going into I like it when people experience something new and tries I don't want to [ __ ] scare people now I was speaking to you know my friend and he said that manaro you made quite a fair bit of videos but you never really told anyone not to really use windows now there's a reason why you shouldn't and why I'm telling you to switch now the reason why you should not use windows is because windows is the most popular operating system out on the market a lot of people who use their PCs use windows you're probably watching this on a Windows computer some of you I know may be watching it on a MacBook y'all you all are pretty much safe for the most part and I'll tell why later on and if you're watching this on Linux you're probably safe some of you are watching this on a tablet like an iPad if it's an iPad you're definitely safe you know if it's an Android tablet you're safe you know you're good Windows is the only one that I'm really putting into this mix over here the reason why is again it is the most popular you know more than 90% of the market I'm pretty you know I don't know what the exact specs are but uh I think it's like 85 90 % of the market actually uses Windows and that is why hackers specifically code for Windows because that is the primary target that they're going for it's not to say that Microsoft Windows is bad no Microsoft Windows is actually very very good case in point is it has a lot of stuff built into its kernel it's not you know a kiddie operating system Microsoft knows what they're doing they add security all the time but if you have a good amount of hackers onto it they're gonna crack the security no matter what any security can be you know case in point you see a lot with video game developers they try creating new arbitrary forms of you know DRM but it gets cracked almost instantly upon release you know there are some exceptions obviously to the rule but that's how it goes you know generally and that's what goes with anything computer related you know you have experts on both sides want you know experts doing good experts doing bad Windows is by no means bad it's just targeted the most OS X Linux are UNIX based kernels they're different OS architectures and inherently by their design they're a little more secure and less prone to major loopholes you see on a Windows system that's about the layman terms I can get ok I'm not gonna go to tech savvy into it so why should you use what why should you use Linux again you know it's inherently by design I would say it is more secure and Windows is more susceptible for you to be tracked for you to have an exploit you know through it and if you're using Linux you know especially this version tales you're quite you're you're pretty much in the safest ballpark you can be ok so don't worry about what people may scare you with serial killers will track you down hit and then we'll find out where you live don't worry I'm alive and I've seen some you know pretty depraved ships oh don't worry I'm alive ok that's all I can say but you know that being said let's go into this right now so number one you're gonna want to have a flash drive this is a 16 gig flash drive I picked up for about 25 bucks you can probably get them cheaper alright you don't need a 16 gig by the way you can get an 8 gig a four gig 4 gig at least and you're gonna want to have one of these alright you need one of these this is like oh this is like a hip street thing I don't even know what it is yeah it's hip street I know what it is but it's just it's not you know not know fancy USB ok so you're gonna want to go to the site and I'll leave all the site subscription glows so step number one go over here and get tails now tails is not you know from Sonic the Hedgehog this is not that tails [ __ ] that tails ok this is an operating system based off of the Debian Linux kernel and over here this is built exclusively for tour access I to pee all that stuff you're gonna go over here and hit download and in download you're going to go get details one point six ISO image if you're watching this video maybe a year from now it's probably updated to like version two or three get that one okay this video will change with the times what I would recommend is you get the torrent download of it and the reason I would say you get the torrent download of it because it actually does verify the is the ISO image while you're downloading it why do I say that because if you just download anything off the Internet you could be prone to what we would call an MI M attack or man in middle that means even if you're on a site that is legit you could have an active connection tampering with you right feeding you a file that may look the same but not necessarily the same it may have code built into it that may be malicious dangerous to your computer viruses so be very careful that's what I recommend you use BitTorrent to get it because it'll because you can actually set it to verify that ISO image while you're downloading it and don't be an [ __ ] seed back once you're done basic tips right there after you're done doing that you're gonna go to the site called unetbootin github uh-oh I'll leave this in the description below this is what you're gonna use to make a what we call a live USB what that is is basically taking that ISO image burning it onto a flash drive so you can boot into this right because remember this is a different operating system it's not a program you're downloading it's a whole system you're gonna load it off the USB browse your Depot but after you're done you're gonna shut down the computer pull the stick out and you're done you're gonna go over here and download for whatever system you have I'm gonna get it for Windows if you have Linux get it for Linux if you're using a Mac get it for a Mac simple as that so once you have the Windows version downloaded you're gonna start it up it just give you one second here on you net Booton and it is going to do as little installs and not an insult starting up right here now in unetbootin if I could just keep it right there you're gonna go and hit disk image right and you're gonna make sure this is set to ISO not floppy because we're not installing a floppy okay if anybody remembers what a floppy is by now you know you know why we're not installing it to it this is not a 3 megabyte file we're gonna hit ISO we're gonna hit these little ellipses you know the stuff you see in JRPG you know when Sephiroth goes really anxious sometimes you'll see two back-to-back you're gonna hit those you're gonna go to downloads or whatever your downloaded - got to blur the screen because there's some pictures over here that do not want anyone to see once you've done that you're basically gonna go to type USB Drive and you're gonna find the USB that you plugged into your computer before you actually started the program you're gonna select that and you're gonna hit OK alright and at that point this is gonna take a little while most likely about half an hour maybe but after that's done you basically have a live USB see it's that easy now once that is done it's time to get this started on your computer so now you're gonna shut down the computer and let me tell you how this is gonna work now when you start up your computer the best way to describe this is if you have a pre if you have a store-bought computer like a Dell or an HP you know when you start the computer and you see that Dell logo show up initially or the HP logo or whatever other brand you may have Lenovo I don't know and if you've built your own computer you might see a manufacturer like screen come up like an asus screen right or whatever other manufacturer board you get I don't know I'm sorry if you have a Mac I really have no idea how to get that working cuz I have a Mac I have two of them I've never ran any OS aside for Mac OS X on them I used them for primarily work and nothing else I don't bother with that so whilst while you're doing that for first of all that's called a BIOS basic input/output system you're gonna find a key now typically it's f8 on your keyboard f9 or delete or sometimes it's like f11 and 12 your BIOS will tell you you know it shows a first split second so pay attention for where they say a boot menu or what they call that and you're gonna make sure you spam that key right like when you're playing a video game and you're spamming buttons you're gonna spam that key like crazy and then a list should come up and at this point you have to have your USB plugged in before you even do that you have to make sure this is plugged in when you're powering on your computer once that menu comes up you have to find what your USB is and hit enter and if all else goes well if you've done everything right up to this point then you should see this screen now obvious jump cut is very obvious I am here to show you what tails looks like now of course I'm using a virtual machine to record this for you to actually show it on YouTube don't actually use a virtual machine otherwise you may just defeat the purpose of doing this entirely um I'm gonna load up the whole adjusted continue booting oh not really typing in you'll see this screen which is boot tales now in this screen you have what we call a live and a live failsafe if the live don't work the failsafe will now one thing I actually do over here is if you want to use I to pee for whatever reason you're actually just going to type an eye to pee basically you're gonna enable this like I did just follow the instructions at the bottom just type I to pee at the end and you're gonna hit start if you don't want to use I to pee just hit live I'm just gonna do it you know as a be-all-end-all sort of thing and at that point you're gonna go running through all this gibberish over here just sit back relax this is Linux of booting up in its own natural habitat you're gonna see this little blue bar streak across the screen over here and it's basically just loading up its entire system and you just you know give it the time it needs give it whatever you know get it a coffee if it needs it I don't know that point you have finally entered tails and you are safe you are not using Windows anymore you are on Linux now if you ever want to go back to Windows if you're using your computer necessarily just shut this in fact you know you're just going to shut it down like you would a regular computer pull the USB out put it somewhere else and you're safe as far as I know this is not ever deal with you know your hard drives and whatnot on your main computer but then again I don't use this on my main computer at all I have a separate computer just for you know using Deep Web stuff but now once it starts up you'll notice that you'll see this screen over here it says welcome to tales would you like more options or know most people would pick no but you know I'll show you the more options regardless well it forward and it's gonna ask you a bunch of stuff do you want to have an administrative password if you want to perform sudo tasks don't deal with it you're not gonna be using you know Administrative Tools it has Windows camouflage so you know if you're out and about and you don't want people to know you're using tales you can use this to camouflage your computer we're not going to deal with that menders MAC address spoofing it basically hides the your actual network card by changing or m.a.c addresses keep that on that's gonna be necessary and just hit login now at that point you're gonna notice another blue screen you're gonna wait for a little bit and here it is and we're gonna get rid of these alerts by the way god they're giving me some massive diversity and it's gonna take a little bit of time it's gonna say virtual machine detected of course I'm using a virtual machine to show you all what I'm doing but you're not probably not gonna use it at that point once it starts is gonna synchronize the system clock because tor does need a synched system clock to do with you're gonna wait for a little while okay because it's gonna go through all of its startup drama so just wait give it time don't pester it don't do anything and you'll be set at this point you are using a new system this is not Windows you can't run exe s on it you can download those Deep Web videos those Deep Web documents open them up on their PDF bieber's over here and you're not infecting any other system so far I'm as far as I know this is not access your actual drives but then again just be totally careful so now once it starts you'll notice that the system is ready to go you can go to applications and you're gonna notice some accessories that have some you know standard text editors some graphic editors here we go and you're gonna go to the internet tab now as you can see it has claws mail electrum Bitcoin wallet even has a Bitcoin wallet for it I really wouldn't used a Bitcoin wallet on here actually you know would recommend something else you have the I to P browser and then you have tor you're gonna open up tor browser and it's gonna say tor is not ready start tor browser anyways we're gonna wait a little bit of course being I'm jumping a little - ahead of myself and that's about it that's all you really need to worry about in fact anyone else one of these like touch keyboards or whatever yeah we're not gonna deal with that and you should be good I'm just gonna do an obvious jump cut to one the tails browser will let me start up tour so at this point once you have tour started and at that point we actually had a notification there's a lot of jump cuts in the video for sure cuz it's having a bit of issues I'm just getting stuff started it's a little slow I'll be sound a VM my actual IP here you go you got the i2p is ready notification meaning you can actually use the ITP nodes but over here you have opened up the tor browser you can actually use it to browse for anything so let's go look for cookie it's real quick and as you can see it works entirely there's actually uh whoo is there something oh it's just people asking about you know computer cookies but anyway as you can tell we are actually we are actually on the deep web using Linux and this is a far safer way to actually use it so I hope this video has been informative um I I personally as a little disclaimer I don't actually use tails myself for the other people are wondering what I use I'm actually gonna show to you real quick I actually use truth be told is Kali Linux and this is an entirely different piece of Linux this is what you know pen testers use this is this contains all the premiere hacking utilities that any script Kitty could want or I'm just joking it's it's actually good it's people use this you know you know to test you know computer security settings and test network security and all that kind of stuff I use this but I don't want to get into the whole three attrex of zeroing out hard drives you know partitioning and all that kind of stuff so this tails is the easiest way to operate it and I highly recommend it if you want to access a deep web use use tails okay it is the best way to do it runs off a flash drive or a CD DVD and that's all you need to worry about it not a big issue that's all you really want to quit that's all you really want to use on it now that being said this is this has been a informative video on why you shouldn't use Windows on the Deep Web I hope it has been informative if there's any other question you need just PM me shoot me an email and I'll try to respond in a very timely manner you know there's the influx of them so I try to respond as fast as I can and that's all you need to worry about so that's been a little informative thing some people have asked me on the topic and I've tried to explain it the best way I've can I'm not gonna keep you here too long I'm looking at the raw timecode on the video it's pretty freakin long already and I hope that you have learned something today and I hope I have been good at telling you this kind of stuff but anyways halo 5 is that I gotta play it more of that and that being said this has been a deep web video a little help on this a little you know information given proper information a little you know tip to help you stay safe you know I do always want to watch out for people doing I don't want anybody to get into you know big trouble because of this or you know god forbid if somebody tracks them down you know get off I don't know it's not gonna happen um that being said LSD is coming up a short while after this video I don't know how long the renders are gonna take and that being said this is me muta har and if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe you know I blanked out there this is me muta Hara and I am out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 2,098,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SomeOrdinaryGamers, sog, some, ordinary, gamers, deep, web, deep web, dark, dank, creepy, informative, windows, don't, use, pc, Series
Id: VNajzdvcZWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2015
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