The NO NONSENSE Gaming PC Build 2024! 😲 RX 7900 XTX, Ryzen 7950X

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ladies and gentlemen welcome to the noons gaming PC that's right in this video we're taking no crap in fact we're actually going to do the opposite and build ourselves a Powerhouse gaming PC but one that doesn't rely any of these new features or any software tricks no we're talking raw gaming performance and it is going to be glorious as always we're going to be walking you through all the components that we're going to be using we're going to show you exactly why they're in the rig and what they're good at we're going to show you how to put everything together in the easiest possible way and of course show you those all important gameplay Benchmark numbers so you can see exactly how well this thing performs all I have to say is an absolute massive thank you to deep Co for proudly sponsoring this video let's get started so yes this is definitely going to be a pretty exciting build I mean we've got the ryzen that's a ryzen CPU we've got a radon 7900 XTX which is obviously the best AMD GPU you can get paired with a ryzen 9 CPU 16 in cores we'll talk about all of this stuff as we progress but the first thing I want to talk about is actually this and it's the chassis and it's not only pretty new it's been out a couple of months now but it's brand new to me cuz I had heard of this until a week ago and I'm really glad that this did quite literally cross my desk because this is called the Morpheus obviously this is by Deep Coe and not only do you have a chassis that I think is incredibly wellb built obviously is larger size so you can pretty much do anything really that you'd want to do with a mainstream PC case whether that's like something air Cod like full Hardline all of the usual stuff really but the thing for me that makes this truly unique is the fact that you can actually turn this into a dual chamber case with the bits that come in the box so we've seen loads of different cases that have modularity and it seems that loads of different manufacturers are sort of competing to have like the edge with like their particular feature but I really like the fact that you can change it to a jeel chamber design because how many times are we either torn between the two or maybe like we like to swap our PC case every couple of years you won't need to do that you can have like a whole new look with the bits that come included in the box that is pretty darn cool I don't think there's a certain order to this I mean to be fair let's actually show you the front first I've already taken this bit off and we've got like a full mesh design dust filter as well really useful if you have like one of those long-haired cats and obviously like all the hair gets into your PC need to clean it out more regularly than if you don't have cats pets whatever fish probably doesn't really matter but what does matter is actually the front of this and I love the fact that this actually has rails because this means you can pretty much fit any size fans in this that you want and I know you're thinking 120s 40s that's pretty standard but actually you can fit up to 200s in this and all you have to do is just take this rail out and then move it to the different slots and it is quite carefully and helpfully labeled at the top here so 120s is d and e whereas 200 is B and G helpful let's see if we can get the top off I think it just requires a bit of force actually yes there we are it will loosen up over time don't worry again same sort of like Square mesh design and you do actually get a few different different colored like inserts that you can use so if you want to like make a shape or have like a design you can actually etch that if you like into your mesh panel obviously that will block and limit some of your air flows so don't block the whole thing but it's nice to have the option same sort of rail at the top there as well so again if you want to fit larger size fans no issue at all you can actually fit more 200s at the top told you this thing was big but how does the glass come out usually you just pull it off but I'm not convinced that that is the case here oh yes that's why this is why you don't want to just pull things when it comes to a chassis if it doesn't look like it wants to come off cuz chances are there's probably a screw holding this in place for safety then the whole thing will indeed just come off and that is a very thick piece of glass and then once that's removed that will reveal the inside of your chassis and you can get this in white by the way if you want to go for like a completely different look but there's a lot to talk about here so the most obvious that you've probably already seen is this little readout and it's it's nice that deep Co include this even on their cheaper chassis as well anything that has digital I think in their name actually comes with this obviously check all of the details but this plugs in over USB and then you can get temperatures or utilization from your CPU and your GPU on here without having to buy like a fancy cooler that we'll be using a little bit later I mean this is actually what you get inside the Box liet this is your accessory kit for doing your conversion completely different back piece if you want to go for the versical GPU Mount you can see you've got the different bits and Bobs there and I think your like take this off here if you want to open it up completely and use that to convert it to dual Channel mode as well so nice to have the different options available and they actually come in the box they're not optional extras you know who I'm talking about but of course what about the other side well obviously this is mesh on both sides cuz if you are going to use this as a dual chamber design then you do need to have holes to support like all of the ventilation properly that's a nice thck panel which is good then here well again more rails if you want to customize I don't think no you can't fit 200s here caps out at 140s but you can fit three down the side which is quite nice and then Cable Management obviously you've got this chamber down here but the party would really get started for cable management if you were going to go down that dual chamber design cuz obviously you would have a bit more room but there's still plenty of clearance here actually so as long as you're not going too crazy I think most builds would find this perfectly sufficient but if you are running into issues maybe try in Jew chamber and then you can be way more messy and no one would ever know oh that's interesting I did wonder what this was I was thinking maybe it's for hard drivers or something no actually this is for your power supply cuz if you're going to go for a dual chamber mode then this does live here and then this shroud removes and then goes vertically here so this would then be at the top and then all of your cables are obviously going to be hidden because that bar will like cover the root of your power supply and then you'll root everything through the back so quite a nice neat way of reusing the parts actually so yeah deep call Fair Play for doing something different so okay yes that's the morus but we do have a gaming PC to start building and we're going for AMD today and actually we've gone for an x670 e plus and I know people in the comments like oh why you going for that why don't you go for b650 and yes if you did want to save yourself around about 3040 I would probably look at getting the STX B 650e version uh that is slightly cheaper but for the sake of 3040s in my eyes if you're spending this sort of money it's not a bad idea to give yourself extra benefits of x670 which essentially just gives you a little bit more bandwidth a few extra ports a bit more support for PCI Gen 5 to start building just grab your motherboard and place it on top of the box then you're going to want to grab your CPU obviously AMD motherboard needs an AMD ryzen chip this is a ryzen 97 950x which a lot of you will be thinking is way overkill for a rig like this but it depends what you're going to use it for like when it comes to installing games like doing your preloading shaders and things like that then this actually will speed things up which is pretty cool but I think fundamentally most people I would agree should go for the 7800 x3d as it is the best gaming CPU right now but it depends what you want to use your rig for if you want something that's a bit more general purpose that is more powerful this is a better chip but the 7800 x3d is designed for gaming and it's excellent for gaming and it's a little bit cheaper too but indeed today we're going big so just open up our little slot grab your chip out of its container now being super careful cuz if you drop anything your probably going to break something and both of these together cost about was it 600 or so so that would be sad if you want to check that it's seated properly you can give it a slight wobble but no Force whatsoever I'm not pushing down I'm just making sure that it is properly lined up then grab the socket by the metal and just use this lever to secure it down in place and this does require a fair bit of force don't worry about that that is entirely normal and then you can move on to either your SSD or your RAM we're going to go for the ram first this is from G skill this is from Trident Z5 RGB this is actually an Intel kit so it's not like perfect I'd recommend people go for an expo kit instead but this actually has a really low latency of cl30 and obviously faster speeds are great but you want the combination of a fast speed and low latency and typically 6,000 MHz with a low latency is going to be best for ryzen but if you do have any issues then updating the Motherboard BIOS should actually help you a little bit as they often add support for more memory profiles a little bit later on you'd be surprised how many boards I've used that haven't worked with the XMP or the XO profiles and then you update the BIOS and then it works absolutely fine but to seat this down all I'm doing is lining up this groove with this like metal bit in the middle and then giving it a good push home so on this rig the GS skill writing is legible from this side that's probably the least helpful PC advice I've ever given I'm sorry once you've installed your ddr5 memory you you can then press on to the SSD uh this is Samsung's 990 Pro but fundamentally these go on sale all of the time so if you can get one of these for a good price go for it but if it's not on sale and it's a little bit more expensive then feel free to drop down to something that's a little bit more affordable but at this level I wouldn't want to go under 5,000 Meg on the read or the right I'm just opening up this top slot that does actually support P Gen 5 but as we've spoken about on the channel before it doesn't make sense for gaming at the moment you can find that full video in the top rank on of your screen goes through PCI storage speeds then just grab your SSD line it up with this slot and then use this quick release to hold it into position and then if you haven't already remove the protective film that comes on this heat in cover then just plop it down and screw it into position before we actually put this inside our case I do want to quickly have a look at our cooler just to see how it mounts to this because if we're going to remove like the default am5 mounting hardware it's easier to do this now now the cooler that we're using here I've got to say is pretty nifty because this is one of these fancy new coolers that just amount just amount just as much about Aesthetics as it is cooling performance so this is going to be perfect for this CPU it's going to keep it really nice cool and hopefully quiet too but fundamentally it does so by having this LED or LCD screen uh that you can actually have read out some things but obviously as we already have this here instead I want to put like a gif or something just to make our rig like a bit more unique a bit more personal but it's nice that you can have like even graphs and things on this if you want to like track temperature over time really quite cool but my favorite thing about it is the price because at the time of filming this is around about £60 £170 which is still a lot of money I mean it's very similar to the case itself but when you compare it to the competition and you're quite easily paying well over £200 for an LCD cooler clearly this has got that beat oh and the fans are helpfully pre fitted that's nice and they actually daisy chain together as well so should just be one cable to plug in to the top then obviously pump head is here it's a nice size actually it's nothing crazy but I'm hoping this would be cool and quiet too let's have a look what we have well this is the Intel mounting hardware that obviously we're not using today but that would just go on the back of the motherboard and then you'd hook onto it through the other side but what we're actually looking for now is something that says am4 or am5 on it yes here look AMD am5 am4 and that does indeed mean that we will need to remove these little brackets underneath and above the CPU then we can get these screws and just plop them on all four corners with these little posts facing up cool so that should be our motherboard combination complete and that is now ready to go inside our chassis and obviously if this was ITX this might now be a little bit more complicated but in something like this it really is just the case of laying your whole case down flat picking up your motherboard ensuring that if you do have an IO Shield that isn't preattached you insert this now in this little hole at the back just lower this into position and then you kind of waiting to have this screw hole here catch the motherboard like that and then ins insides your box of screws which is pre- sorted for you which is nice you can then secure this into position and then notice that you've bent one of your fan pins last time you built a PC good as new once you have screwed everything in obviously it should start to look something like this I am going to remove this PSU shroud because I don't think we need that in our single chamber mode this is where having a glamorous assistant would definitely come in handy so ask your mother Cable Management fans are going to love this it's just the one cable look to plug in to CPU fan at the top left of the board but of course the radiator is only half the solution we need to get our pump actually fitted to our CPU and I'm going to assume that we use these little AMD brackets and just like the other deep cool callers we will need to secure this down onto the pump with some screws then we grab the thick screws and just fit these on top Loosely by hand and then once the first one's on you can then use the screwdriver to get them all down safe and secure and quite cleverly because this deep cool cooler actually has a gyro in it it knows which way you're mounting it so in theory it should display the right way up right I think that is our cooler secure and I also like the fact that you do get these little straps here just to neaten up a little bit you don't have to use them if you don't like the look but personally I do and that is our coer installed and actually I I won't go as far to say I love radiators but I would say in this instance I admire radiators it's a channel joke deep call if you're watching this and you're thinking why doesn't he love radiators just watch the entire PC Centric back catalog and you understand let's get the rest of the cables hooked up though we've got our three pin fan to actually get the pump to function this goes in the middle next to our CPU fan then you're going to want to unbundle the rest of the cables in which you have this sat connection to actually get the screen to do anything we also have that looks like USB again to get the screen to do something and then we have our RGB connections as well so we're going to want to feed these through behind the motherboard to the back but while we're here we're also going to plug in this addressable RGB to this little white connection at the top right of the board then you're going to want to give your PC a spin round to the other side and you can start to grab the cables that we need to connect onto the board so there's the USB 2 for that little LED readout on the other side and oh why do I always make these mistakes this is a chassis that actually has four us USB 3 ports on the top which is awesome but you are going to need to have a motherboard that has two usb3 headers on it and even though this is high-end x670 it doesn't have it so two of the ports will need an adapter and that only be like smaller speed unless you buy a PCI card or something that's really sad our one and lowly USB 3 then does connect just by the RAM on the right hand side and then above that we've actually got our USBC which is easy enough to plug in our two USB 2s plug in down the bottom of the board just over here analog audio bottom right and then our HD LED on our power switch is this little block at the bottom right hand side as always for ease always check your motherboard manual as it shows you the exact pinouts so you don't make a mistake right okay I was going to put 120s on the front here but I think that is going to look so ridiculous that actually having no fans there is going to look better because don't forget you've got the absolutely ginormous one 14s all along the side I think desper a change let's not put any on the front at all I know that's going to be Blas for me you can swap this out we obviously have a look later we talk about it we discuss but if it's unnecessary why should we do it but let's be honest fans aren't particularly exciting so instead let's move on to the most exciting part of any gaming PC build the graphics card and you'll remember this is called the noons gaming PC builds and the reason being I get so many comments all the time saying they're not interested in DSS FSR frame gen anything like that no software hacks tweaks R tracing they just want pure restoration performance so you know what today's build is for you because this is the 7900 XTX this is the tough version it cost just under £1,000 at the time of filming here in the UK even with the release of the 480 super I mean the value of this is better if you're looking to build like a super capable like 4K maybe even like 4K 240 HZ in certain titles this is definitely one of the cars you should have on your radar I mean if you do want to build like the ultimate quiet rig while still having loads and loads of horsepower then clearly this is the sort of caller for you I mean just look at the thickness of that this is not going to fit in a small chassis whereas when you put it inside here perfect fitler and I hadn't even realized we've done tough on tough I would say that was planned but it wasn't don't forget by the way as well that of course you could go down the vertical GPU Mount way and then it would look something like that pretty stunning right but let us remove our GPU slot covers I think it's only two on this actually despite its massive size and then in theory this should just plop into our motherboard as if they were designed for each other joke being of course that they were and yeah there you are just the power supply to go but already I'm really liking this don't forget of course as well that this is a deep cool case so you get a simple but effective GPU support anti- sag bracket that can catch heavy cards as well you just need to sort of raise it into position and then screw it in from the other side but now that that is installed that leaves us with just one final component and actually these are more exciting than they used to be power supplies this one again tries to be sort of priced performance 850 wats is the right amount for this you could go for a th000 if you wanted a little bit more Headroom you're going PL an I9 you want to overclock as well but 850 should be absolutely fine this is a pretty new one actually from Deep Co the PN 850 m m standing for modular 80 plus gold and I also like the fact that this is a revised power supply that does come with with a PCI Gen 5 connector so if you do decide to go for an like I was going to say AMD card if you go for an Nvidia card or maybe a future AMD card that uses PCI Gen 5 you don't need an adapter to make it work oh I didn't know that I didn't know that we've also got the kind of like semi braided style of cables as well that are individually sleeves that's really nice I did not know that they came like that and I am admittedly very impressed usually I'd say we're in the home stretch now but I realized this is slightly different because of its nature I think in order to actually install the power supply we just need to take this back panel off with the four screws then we can lay this plate on top of our PSU then we can screw it down and then finally grabbing your Scroll of cables if that makes any sense at all feed these through into the chamber and back out again and then the whole thing should just slide into position before screwing back into place then you want to plug in your sat connections of which there are two one for the LCD screen and one for the case fans you got two CPU connections at the top left ATX is by the RAM and then last but certainly not least we have our three p connections that go into the graphics card and then I think with that that is actually our rig pretty much complete just the side panels and things to go back on there's not really too much to complain about I mean Cable Management as well I haven't done any so this is just to sort of illustrate what it will look like without obviously if you are going to add loads and loads of like RGB fans and stuff like that it might get a little bit more complicated with hubs and things but these three are pre-done for you and I've actually like Daisy chained everything together so in theory it should all work just with the case to control everything but the only way of knowing is to turn it on and see if it works we will of course need a keyboard and mouse but also the PC Centric mouse mat grab yours today with the link down below and then I think it's time for the Moment of Truth well we've definitely got some power deep Co screen has come on don't forget as well that the first time you boot up any ryzen board or at least ryzen 7000 does a series of memory training so it's quite normal to wait around about a minute for something to come on screen typically if you're worried have a look at the aor lights but if something goes green or white you know you're normally in good hands cuz indeed tough gaming logo has appeared new CPU installed which means all we need to do is go into the BIOS we should then see this screen which should display everything so we've got our Ram here SSD is detected we want to turn this thing called docp on which is asus's way of translating XMP to AMD Expo we enable that and then we will also want to tune our fans with Q fan tuning you can do this automatically or manually and then last but certainly not least find this little setting called resize bar make sure this is turned on and then save and reset and then as if by Magic but it's actually just the power of a good night's sleep here we are all set up and ready to go and first things first the chassis itself the way it looks the build I really like it I love a more minimal look to my PC and while I will say that this is not exactly the most unique thing out there in terms of the way it looks again once you throw in that customizability I love that and even with these front fans missing I really like how seamless everything integrates together actually I I think if you want the best Aesthetics and the best performance then obviously put more fans here it doesn't really make sense to be blowing from the side rather than the front I think You' get better thermals if you did put them at the front but obviously you don't want a big hole there so if you going to add one extra fan this works and I'm sure as we'll see later thermals will be absolutely fine I do also want to show you the software to get everything to work and sponsored video or not I'll be honest this is not the absolute best thing I've used I think this is pretty much like a work in progress cuz the core functions are there it's just there's a few like extra things I would like so the most obvious example is that it actually shows you your mystique and the morphus digital in one which is good but when you go into morphus digital there's not actually anything you can really do maybe it's because you've got to install the software separately for this and then obviously both will work and maybe you'll be able to control it but either way it'd be nice to have just one download rather than two to do that uh but when it comes to the Mystique I really love this graph view this is fantastic so you can show your CPU frequency and your temperature on a graph on the pump itself this is amazing because obviously you can track in real time what's going on with your PC which especially if you're trying to do testing in games or something like that you can actually enjoy your game and then glance at this to make sure everything's working properly rather to like have to look at readouts and all of these things which is nice but I would like there to be more options here like it'd be good if we could also control like GPU frequency or fan speed and things but it looks as if at the moment the only things we can display are CPU frequency and CPU temperature which is a little bit annoying you can also have the default monitoring mode uh so you have like a gif of fans and then you can see like the usual stuff that's a bit more normal nice loads of people will like that but I think the graphing mode is a little bit more cool or you can and go into medium mode and then you can show pictures or gifts which again is great I don't really have any issues here uh other than the fact that you have to restart the software the first time after you've installed it to get anything to work so now I've got a little bit of a bug maybe have to uninstall it reinstall it uh where if I click on a gif it actually plays the one next to it so if I click on Alan Wake here it will show the Apex one instead which is a little bit weird so yeah a few software quirks but fundamentally you can still get it to work so it's not something that b me it's certainly nothing unique in the industry but I would like to say that deep cool I think could improve this a little bit further before we press onto the games though let's do ourselves a quick peel that actually works really well very satisfying let's jump into some Starfield and in terms of settings we're going to run this at Ultra without any FSR at all no nonsense as you guys have been telling me and indeed then here we are a very good looking game and as you can see without any assistance whatsoever we're still getting around about 99 to 100 frames a second which on paper sounds absolutely fantastic until we go outside because as soon as the game has to render a lot more you can see the game will start to tank I mean this still isn't bad I mean this is 60 frames a second more or less especially if you're using free sink it's essentially going to feel the same and obviously you've got this fully maxed out but the question is if you have all of these tools at your disposal is it really worth ignoring them completely I think the reason that you do hear a lot of people say that they don't want to use dlss or FSR or something like that is because it depends entirely on the resolution that you're playing at and if you're playing at 1080p then yes DSS FSR they can work but especially FSR it really doesn't work well enough to actually waren using I mean I don't use FSR at 1080P and even dlss quality I'm not a fan of so despite the fact that I promised I would show you what it's like without FSR I mean what's our Baseline 67 frames of second what happens if we do use one of the tools FSR 3 frame generation off but we set our render scale to 85% which even if you didn't have FSR most people especially on a screen size like this probably wouldn't notice a huge difference but you can see we've got what's that 72 frames a second now so my math isn't great that's what like 8% more performance something like that and I assure you I can't really notice any difference whatsoever and obviously this is quite literally now 3 FPS obviously if you wanted to go even higher you could turn the resolution scale down but yes that is when you would start to notice differences and especially when it comes to like Fast movements and things like this seems absolutely fine but once you start turning it down and relying on the algorithm to do the upscaling yes you can start to see shimmering and things like that but even if you're sort of very anti- it if you are investing this much in a gaming PC and you have a high resolution monitor please at least try it because not like refusing to use it it's only yourself that won't be benefiting I'm definitely not a marketing arm for NVIDIA or AMD but I assure you these Technologies when they work properly and this is pretty much at 4K or maybe high resolution ultrawide this is when they perform at their best when they work properly they're great so give it a go but as promised I wanted you to see the before and the after I mean actually hater going to hate let's turn on frame generation which in my experience especially on the AMD side hasn't been the absolute best I mean Nvidia can work I don't need to say anything do I as we move on to our next title by the way this is exactly what I'm talking about when I say having more CES does actually help in gaming but not necessarily in terms of the game itself but then in the compilation you can see all of our 16 cores are pretty much working flat out at the moment flat out flat out at the moment uh to compile these shaders so this should actually be a fair bit quicker than on something like a 8 core 7800x 3D but usually you only need to do this once but it's still a benefit worth mentioning but once your shaders have loaded in you'll be greeted with this an aloy because of course this is Horizon forbidden West is a new title on PC but been out for a while on PlayStation 4 and PS5 interestingly enough running at 4K Max settings we are still getting around about 60 frames a second so actually about the same as what we saw in Starfield if not slightly higher and again same things apply if you use free sync this is going to be a fantastic experience but of course as with Starfield if you did want to increase the frame rate then you can actually do this by using some Dynamic scaling like we saw on the PlayStation 4 and 5 or you can actually use FSR or xss to get I guess a very similar level of image quality but with a slightly higher frame rate so I'm going to do this now we go over to the settings hit display and we change this from xss native to xss quality hit apply and is there a massive difference to the image quality not that is immediately obvious but in terms of the frame rate we've actually gone up by around about 20 frames a second now to about 80 90 frames a second but before we shout the screen I know you guys are going to want to see what happens if you play at 1440p without any of those AIDS and this is what you're seeing here so a proper native 1440p and now we're getting around about 90 frames a second so to be fair I wouldn't say that you do need to use any of these algorithms here as you're definitely getting a nice smooth experience regardless of whether you're using a controller or a mouse and keyboard and you're still getting a super slick and super smooth FPS with loads of visual quality moving on to our third and final single player title multiplayer next don't worry this is some Hogwarts Legacy and this is also running at 4K Max settings as you'd expect no assists and we're currently getting around about 70 frames a second it's going to vary depending on where and when you are in the game I was just walking through Hogs me and obviously we're getting slightly less but this pretty much I don't know I wouldn't say proves but it certainly shows you that in the vast majority of like AAA titles 4K 60 FPS is definitely achievable without using those Technologies but again is pretty much a case of if you have access to them I would certainly consider using them I mean Hogwarts Legacy is actually one of those games where you've not got the latest version of the upscales I mean for some reason actually still include fsr1 which is a bit random but then you have FSR 2 but it was the slightly later versions that are better so I would actually use Intel Xs here we set this to ultra quality and once again is this going to make any real difference yeah pretty much the same story as before we're getting what's that about 10 extra FPS so nothing crazy but bear in mind you can't notice huge differences I mean I'd say this is probably slightly more obvious actually than in some of the other games but from this distance essentially it looks exactly the same so do have a play around with it but yes 4K 60 FPS definitely achievable on this GPU oh and actually whilst we got this running flat out I do also want to touch on temperatures thermals Acoustics uh we're currently getting about 67 68 on the GPU that is running 100% then all of the cores are actually about 20 to 30% so for gaming this is pretty intense actually and we're running at 72 or 73° that's in Celsius of course and then here is your noise test basically nothing there is actually a ever so slight amount of coil wine from the GPU but it seems to only be in Hogwarts leg I noticed that as soon as I've turned it up which is a little bit odd very very quiet system I would ensure that you do tune it properly though if you're buying any cooler pretty much with a ryzen CPU you will need to be a little bit more cautious when it comes to tuning because by default these CPUs like to run quite hot so if you don't do the tuning yourself you'll tend to find that the motherboard almost overcompensates and has the fans really loud when it doesn't need to be because this is by Design so it almost like shift the curve over a little bit to maybe run like 100% fan at maybe like 86° something like that but let's now move on to our non nonsense multiplayer title with some Halo infinite and this is running at 4K resolution at the max settings without any rate tracing and no screen like scaling or anything like that and actually I'm pretty happy with the frame rate because this is a very demanding title and out of all the multiplayer games I play this usually tends to be the one with the lowest frame rate and we're actually getting around about 122 frames a second which is not too shabby my gameplay is unfortunately and obviously we would love to have 4K 240 FPS in every single game but realistically that's not going to happen on any GP at the moment even the RTX 490 so you're typically looking at maybe the next gen if you do want to sort of get that under your hood but realistically who needs that really because I would still advise turning this down to 1440p for a higher frame rate but if you have like a high refresh rate 4k monitor like we have here this one's 4K 144 HZ this is pretty much the perfect pairing and this is pretty much what I was like aiming for really really uh when I started this build the whole non nonsense thing because whil there are definitely loads of games that will support things like rate racing I mean Halo actually does as well um and dlss and all of these like frame generation features but let's quickly turn this resolution down to 1440p and as you'd expect the frame rate now goes up quite a lot this is around about 200 FPS there that's that's not too shabby and fundamentally as well it is a nice smooth experience we're not really getting any like frame rate drops or anything like that so yes if you going to play a more normal resolution then obviously you are going to get a higher levels of frames per second and yes the game absolutely still looks great and actually I think that's a fantastic time to wrap this up I on the whole think this is a great PC I mean as I say I would definitely advise putting some fans at the front just to balance it out but I think we've done a nice job actually of having something that's highend but not spending like crazy money on components that we just don't necessarily need and aren't going to make like a drastic difference to your gameplay experience I mean obviously that cooler is a nice to have but you can see it definitely does work in keeping the temperatures down but if you wanted to save a little bit of money there you could look at something like uh the ls cooler from Deep cool that's my personal favorite that's actually in my own rig obviously this particular GPU looks fantastic but again I'd probably recommend looking at one that's maybe like 80 to70 cheaper just to save yourself a little bit of money there and if you don't want to go for this particular CPU go for the 7800 x3d maybe go for the b650 E STS motherboard and this one actually bring the price down by what like £200 or so is give or take so yes if you do want to make it cheaper you can do but I think what we've got here is fantastic I would love to hear your thoughts on this though what do you make of our rig our case GPU FSR all of this stuff are you a fan of these Technologies or do you think that no you're never going to use all of them even at 4K because reasons I'd love to hear your thoughts on this so let us know down in the comment section below smash the like button if you've enjoyed this get yourself subscribed and if you do want to check out current pricing on anything that was featured in this video as always you can find it linked down below with our affiliate links thank you so much for watching this video we'll catch you in the next one [Music]
Channel: PC Centric
Views: 51,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pccentric, gaming, pc gaming, gaming computer, pc centric, pc build, gaming pc, 7900 xtx, 4k gaming pc, 7900xtx, amd, amd radeon, rtx 4080, rtx 4080 super, rtx 4090, ryzen, nvidia, all amd, all amd build, b650e, deepcool, deepcool morpheus, deepcool mystique, pc build 2024, pc build guide, gaming pc build
Id: qshlX-L2LeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 16sec (2056 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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