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I never even planned on being a business owner isn't that wild no dude I never I was never like I hear all these guys talk about I want to be the boss and I want to be uh myself my own guy yeah freedom I never had the dream that I would be the boss wild I wish I never had the inclination to be the boss never had the idea that I would be the god the guy I was you know I was a Salesman I was a leading salesman I was a leader and and it didn't I didn't need to be in management I'm like I don't want that I don't want anything to do with management yeah the responsibility it's weird because yeah yeah I didn't I'm like I don't want other people and you know you're I just want to be the leading guys like I want to be LeBron yeah I just want to produce yeah you know and I was fired I don't know if you know this but I got I lost my job the last kind of job I had where I was on a team I lost that job and I wasn't thinking about quitting or becoming a car dealer I don't know why I wasn't thinking about it I just what I just think I just want to crank out my thing I was making really good money yeah I was in Lake Charles making I don't know 90 000 100 Grand a year this was 35 years ago that was a lot of money that's like 300 Grand yeah and uh and I was in a small town so I wasn't thinking big enough yeah every once in a while I'd get a glimpse I'm like wow how's that guy that guy but I really wasn't thinking about it dude I was kind of unconscious to it do you think it's because you just didn't have access to it I didn't think enough of myself yeah I didn't think I could own a business I don't I don't know do you think that's different because it is now like do you think more people now are like yeah yeah because I need to own my own business yeah yeah because they're sitting there on social yeah there was no social back then right but here was a guy in front of me he was Terry Collins was probably just a little older than me he was a car dealer's son he was running it he's going on fishing trips every weekend he's fishing I'm working on the the dealership floor on the weekends and I never put the two together like bro you need to be the owner yeah and then when I left that job I went and worked for a guy named Tom stuker I was traveling all over the country I was so fascinated with that job learning how to you know speak in front of people calling people I was so happy with the job yeah and I never thought okay I'm gonna go out on my own and then didn't your dad own his own business yeah he owned a yeah he owned a store he owned a life insurance company so that's weird so he yeah I know I never thought wasn't it crazy bro I never thought about it because great money there's a lot of people out there that are making great money they're like I don't want to leave my great because I don't want to leave my great pay yeah see I think with no risk yeah for me working for myself so I end up losing that job and I had this I got in business for myself because here we go only because I couldn't do anything else yeah and I would lose money for the first three years because I started from scratch yeah what do you think what do you think what do you think that three years if you would have had the right information well first of all I would you know you gotta you got to know it's probably why most people don't ever make money in a business yeah new club I had no clue what I was doing I didn't know what to do first I didn't know what to do second I went and spent money on an office a lease printers computers like all these things you thought you needed an LLC like I should have done any of that stuff I was spending I spent days figuring out what my name was going to be rather than going and getting customers I I you know now if I was to do it again today I wouldn't do any of that I would go find in a section uh uh businesses or sector that I'm excited and passionate about and then I'd go I would go select try to buy those businesses for with no money like for me like there was a moment where I'm like okay where's my path because I think for a lot of people that work for somebody else they end up going like okay where's this going and and and they don't even think about having a conversation where they're at about how they can provide more impact create more value and ultimately multiply their income in the existing role that they're in yeah and that's when you and I ended up having this conversation about hey let this is what the next role looks like yeah dude why weren't you stepping up because you did the same thing I did well because you know exactly now I realize I never stepped up yeah I never said hey I could go do this why because I didn't know what to ask for and that wouldn't even ask for no because because I didn't know that like like I just assumed like I'm like okay well I'm just gonna be an employee when the truth is you didn't want just an employee uh you wanted somebody who you could be like this is a partner of mine and I'm gonna like we're gonna ride this thing out yeah yeah and and I didn't even know to ask for that but it was the thing you wanted more than anything with somebody to step up that you could be like hey you're gonna give you're gonna be responsible for this and in exchange for that I'm gonna give you a piece of business that's that million dollar employee and that's where the mindset shift happens and it's like there's so many business owners that are willing to have that conversation and have that type of relationship with the top with the top producer yeah but the top of this rather than the top producer going out and doing something and having to try to start their own thing yeah you see you know if stuker would have done that with yeah the reason I left snooker was because there's no place for me to go yeah I was burning bro like I was doing 300 Days on the Road and I was making unbelievable money but I'm like there's no yeah there's no life here like he could in fact you now that you've said that me two three four I'm thinking about four other guys that left yeah all of them went and started their own businesses and they didn't need to all of them were this guy had an ability to track super talented yeah super super producers right I was one of them yeah and I would go on and build the biggest business of all these guys sure so but he could have he could have kept all you guys he could be in real estate right now he could be in healthcare he could have funded all those other offshoot businesses uh rather than he still has one business so that's the same one he had 40 years ago yeah when I look at people today because on social media there's so much like you have to own your own business it's very it's a very enchanting yeah pitch yeah Be Your Own Boss yeah you know who do you work with the business owner I work for myself yeah you know business owners are the ones that that have all of the ability to make more money but yeah not really like if you look at the people that make the most money in the world you look at uh uh uh like Kevin Turner yeah was making 40 million dollars a year yeah wow he was the highest paid Co in the country wow when he was CEO uh uh Walmart let's go sit right here let me give you a different view of the blind okay sit back here with the champ do we need to close these windows no so I didn't know he was making 40 million working for somebody working for somebody else look at all that look at all the um the bankers you know making 10 15 20 million dollars a year on Wall Street you know like working for somebody else working for somebody else you know you look at you look at um it I remember Qualcomm because I grew up in San Diego like when Qualcomm went uh went public like people cleaning the bathrooms became millionaires yeah yeah and it's like I think people overlook this idea of how much you can do as an employee if you understand the right questions to ask yeah and you understand what the right opportunity looks like becoming a really high producer million dollar employee anybody could do that by the way the guy the guy shooting the camera could do that if he chose to he'd have to put the camera down yeah at some point uh Annie Annie cut it but she'd have to figure out okay how do I go from being an assistant yeah to like getting closer to the revenue yep Kevin Turner for him to make 40 million dollars a year he had to be connected to to the Top Line of the company not not not the the middle yeah expense line right yeah so there's that becoming a high producer of a company you already work for the other is if you left right now like if you left Cardone Enterprises right now what would you do would you go to start something on your own you'd be tempted to well just because your experience well because I'm experienced and that's the other thing yeah is people underestimate how much value it is learning how the business works on somebody else's dime like they're like I'm gonna go start my own business like dude go work for somebody for 10 years yeah figure everything out about Marketing sales fulfillment customer service running a p l like expenses overhead like all of these things lawsuits uh HR like all of these things that you get to experience working for somebody else by the way with no risk you learn all these things working for somebody else and then it's like hey look like and look my financial situation is different like if I left right now because because I've been making money as an employee yeah well that would stop well yeah zero but because I've been making money as an employee yeah and I've been investing with the millionaire employee mindset that's right that's right like now I don't now instead of leaving with no income now I leave you at that residual pass 20 grand a month plus right you know uh 15 or 18 million dollars of equity and now the real estate yeah so now that would you though would you put that at risk to start something brand new now and that's the that's the caveat because it's like okay well you know you're gonna make two and a half or three million bucks this year like do you walk away from that yeah it's hard man it's well and I'll tell you why because there continues to be more opportunity and I'm in a position of creation of opportunity now right right right so when I continue to see the ability to create more opportunity right like like you know you're really when you're really in control of your income without having the risk of the of the whole business and and because of the way I'm structured now if we go out and we sell this thing for a billion dollars like think about that like we go sell the company for a billion dollars that's a lot of money yeah like uh uh that that that that money passes through I'm like how do I go create that on my own yeah what we've created is so big and that's what people need to look for they need to look for well this is what you know people say hey man what's what's the hardest money to make this is the first money that's the hardest about yeah once you get rolling and that's what happened to me when I started that first business I took three years I went for making a hundred grand a year working for somebody else maybe 125 145 to zero yeah you know the thing is is that it goes back to that thing you always say like it's better to own a small percentage of a big thing yeah then a hundred percent is something that's small that you struggle with that you can't ever get to grow and and so for people that are employees right now I think the things that you need to look at is number one are you a top producer are you a high contributor to the point where you have the you've earned from your production the opportunity to have the conversation because that's if you if you haven't done that then the conversation goes nowhere number two is is the company that you're with and the person that you work for the one you want to have that conversation with like is there opportunity like when I saw you I'm like oh man this guy's this guy's going yeah like I know like I'm Gonna Roll with this guy and he's gonna keep pushing which means I continue to get more opportunity because if if you if you don't have that then you have to acknowledge that you now when you take this role on that you become that person and then the third thing is is you have to be willing to structure a deal where you're married all the way through yeah and and you get to continue the momentum that you have because the two or three or four years that it takes you to get things rolling there's so many risks it could not work the economy could change think about people that tried to go are trying to go start a real estate business and they left everything and they quit a year ago to go start a real estate business yeah and now in this market right now they're trying to get started in an almost impossible Market as an employee I made so many mistakes I was never number one I was not thinking about being a millionaire yeah I was thinking about paying my bills did you ever have like that I'm just getting this guy rich you know all you're doing is making their dreams come true yeah I never had that because I was making a look 100 Grand a year I was like man I'm good I'm doing good I'm the king here yeah but I was just learning too I was only five years really five years becoming serious 25 I I committed to my career and so 29 I was like okay I'm starting to get good at this yeah I'm starting to get I'm starting to build my career I added a secretary I was starting to think like that but I wasn't thinking oh I'm gonna be Mega rich I wasn't thinking about I'm gonna be on my own jet one day yeah I'm gonna be famous you know I I didn't none of that yeah and then the jaw blew up on me you know well like a lot of people I think a lot of people just lose their job and now I had to go do something else I just took what I got I was offered a manager job I didn't want to be a manager and I was offered uh more of an entrepreneurial Consulting kind of situation with this this stuker guy and I took that because I thought it was a good challenge now I got another two or three years of this new thing still not thinking about running mobile that blew up it's like I was forced to go work for myself not because I wanted to yeah but none of the time was I thinking about I'm Gonna Be A Millionaire now when I started working for myself I was like I got to make this work I got to get back to where I was making 100 rounds yeah I think this is the first thing everybody does the big mistake is okay I can work for myself and make the same money and do less of it and not have to put up with a with this guy it was not easier to make that much money more hours more responsibility the more things to worry about but I was scared dude yeah the first thing was I was scared it was none of that stuff which is obvious stuff it was like I don't have his name to pitch yeah I gotta pitch me I I I can't hide behind a company in an organization and a bunch of successes I don't have any yeah I gotta create my own like I got to admit my first deal dude and then when you get one deal then you gotta like I gotta go get another deal and it was just like you know it was so hard to get started because I was scared it would have been so much easier to ride with somebody else and I mean we got guys today that work for us that make more money than I ever made in the first probably five years of working for myself yeah and they do it year one and it's locked in and they start showing up every year yeah and then the other mistake that I made was I just picked a business that was bad yeah I picked something I was passionate about I should have done some research like Jeff visas yeah hey we're eyeballs going I would have never picked the business I'm in yeah ever and if I had picked it I wouldn't have picked the little piece that I picked yeah I just didn't do any research so today if I was doing it today and I'm 30 years old I'm gonna go sit down I'm gonna do some research where's the money where's the eyeballs where's the opportunity uh who owns these businesses are they tired could I just step into their shoes I wouldn't start from scratch I'd start you know I'd start on the 40-yard line [Music]
Channel: Grant Cardone
Views: 90,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grantcardone, grant cardone, 10x, money, finance, business, sales, motivation, yt:cc=on, WeAre10X, 10XNation, 10XStrong, 10XLife, 10XEverything, wealth, money advice, business tips, how to get rich at a job, how to make more money at work, work, success, motivational, inspired
Id: 4reL9D-dDao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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