The Ninth Hour by Cody Marks

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[Music] [Music] [Music] let's lift our hands and love the Lord together again thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus [Music] we simply believe in in Bible based praise and worship and and please please don't think I am being maybe selfish when I say this even just about our church but I'm talking about the Church of the book of Acts apostolic and doctrine Pentecostal and experience I'm talking about the church when you read the book of Acts you will find how passionate their praise was how emotional they was all through scripture even Old Testament David was one that talks so much about crying aloud unto God let the high praises of God be in their mouth and the reason why our our culture has became so religious without relationship because they won't vent their emotions in church they won't vent their emotions to God when it comes to that it becomes a library or a funeral home if you will and and what happens is we lose something we lose that communion with God that Spirit of God there's a mixture of word and spirit bread and wine we must have both they both go hand in hand and we give room for the Holy Ghost to move in our midst that's what we're here for could gutkas God can do so much in our lives in just a few moments time amen we believe in the power of the Spirit of God to do the supernatural that's what this is about it's beyond us it's beyond us the reason why the gang violence the reason why all the sin in the world young people Jason everything you could imagine all the anger they're not venting their emotions in the right place they need to be venting them to God God can take care of the anger God can take care of the addiction God can take care of the pain can I get a witness but you have to give him your heart right and your hearts more than a confession it's your emotion that is building a relationship with him I believe it's time for the word of the Lord and what great praise and worship that's here and as you make your way back to your seats we thank God for his spirit that's already helping moving in our midst but we want the Word of God to come forth I believe there's I believe when the Word of God has preached super natural things happen when the Word of God is being preached super natural things happen can I get an amen somebody somebody say I believe and things are broken chains are broken the Word of God packs a punch and it can it can dig out things in our hearts that we did not even know was there do you love the preaching of the word of the Lord [Music] lighthouse I'm going to ask you that again do you really love the preaching of the word of the Lord don't say something else right now I'm not taking up any of the preaches time but I appreciate our young people for their passionate worship not all the young people in this world are living in sin and I'm telling you there's a lot of young people that have a hunger for God that's what you see going on up right here right now is father and son families connecting in the Holy Ghost fight hey we're in a battle we're not gonna fight it in the flesh we gotta fight it in the spirit did you hear me I said we have to fight it in the spirit and I'm for readin and I'm for education and I'm a reader myself but this thing is not gonna be fixed by reading the book if we're gonna save our families we must pray in the spirit I want you to pray right now I want you to plead the blood over your family god I plead the blood over my family I plead the blood over my house I plead the blood over my marriage I plead the blood over my children I'm praying for your mercy and your grace to be continually bestowed upon my household Satan you will not get my children you cannot have them the blood of Jesus is against you [Music] thanks be to God who giveth the victory to the Lord Jesus Christ in Jesus name amen amen brother Marx preaches with apostolic authority and he has evangelized a long long long long long time he's a seasoned minister among us open your heart to the spirit and open your heart to the word and just say God whatever you want from me just speak to me is that Alright amen brother Marx we're glad that you're with us again today let's give him a lighthouse welcome as he comes to preach the word of the Lord Curry's such a special touch of the holy ghost here now they'll Ouya aren't you thankful you came to church today so thankful for swift our hands one more time entertain the presence of the Lord this year hallelujah [Music] [Applause] there's [Applause] [Music] I do I do feel like I do feel like the Lord has given me something to give to you today as anyone who is our main goal is to have a move it's very difficult in these situations because as you can feel and sense would be easy just to found this and if if I'm gonna here I usually air in the direction of dis Fanning this but I do really feel like that the Lord has has given me something to give to you today and we're going to do that and just gonna keep moving in this vein let's go to Luke 23 Luke chapter 23 Luke chapter 23 [Music] Luke chapter 23 and verse number 44 and it was about the sixth hour and there was a darkness over all of the earth until someone say until the ninth hour and the Sun was darkened and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst and it was about the sixth hour and there was darkness over all the earth until someone say until until the ninth hour until the ninth hour until until the ninth hour and at the ninth hour scripture records at the veil of the temple was rent in the midst I don't know how revelatory the preaching will be today in the sense of while I've never seen that before but I do feel like that God intends for the preaching to be prophetic here today I want to preach something into the spirit into the spirit of this church into the spirit of every person I believe that the Lord has assured me that if I will obey Him today that he will confirm this word with many signs following I want to talk to this great gathering here today for just a few minutes on that thought until the ninth hour until the ninth hour if you would one more time would you stretch your hands towards the heavens would you lift your voice one more time and ask God to help us we need a word from you we need a word from the Lord come on ask the Lord for a word today [Music] alleluiah now I want you to give a lord a hand clap of anticipation come on a hand clap of expectation come on us does anybody expect for Lord come on is anybody does anybody have an anticipation come on it's an order go ahead come on I feel an anticipation in the atmosphere come on I feel an anticipation in the atmosphere you can be seated I want us to know the choice of the wording here in our text I will be moving in and out of a couple of different recordings of this particular incident so just bear with me the Bible says that there was darkness about the sixth hour this translation there was comes from a Greek word which describes an event that slowly crept in on them before they knew what was happening suddenly and unexpectedly the clouds started rolling over the land becoming darker and dark until finally an ominous dark gloom filled the entire sky and loomed over the landscape even even the word that is translated dark here speaks something to the tax because the word the Greek word that is used here not speaking of just any darkness but it's speaking of of an utter darkness I want to make this statement before we go any further you have to understand something about darkness it is pervasive you cannot compartmentalize darkness the darkness that I specifically want to address tonight is the darkness of your personal dilemma the darkness the circumstances the situation that many of you have faced some for years some for months the darkness of these dilemmas cannot be contained to just one area of your life eventually what will happen if it is undealt with is its darkness and so it will eventually creep in slowly creep in to every part every aspect every crook corner and cranny of your life I'm talking about that situation I'm not I'm not here today to address the occasional thunderstorm that pops up and does its thing and moves on I come to preach to you about that thing that has come and seemingly it has come to stay it is that situation it is that circumstance it looms large it is defiant in its darkness it is it is suffocating in fact I feel compelled in the spirit to preach to some people today that have given up any hope that that is ever going to change the darkness of that dilemma in its in its defiant in its defiant way has slipped into so many areas of your life if you are not careful that situation that circumstance you know what it is plug it in there whether it's with your family whether it's spirits in this city whether it's with your finances it's that thing that is unceasing unrelenting I'm going preach to you here today it is it is perpetual it is that it is that unbroken thing in your life that you have just thrown your hands in the air and given up on that there is ever any expiration though you have sought it with tears many times you have run come on now you have run your hands around this situation God is there some kind of expiration date will this ever terminate I'm preaching to some people that have lived with this for so long you've given up any hope that it will ever be any different slowly it has infiltrated into every area of your life your vision it's become the spectacles that situation in which you see the rest of the world through you cannot you cannot see anything any different just by seeing things through that situation it's looming it's very dark there seems to be no end it seems to be permanent undying unending changeless constant I'm preaching to you right now but God sent you a preacher here today to tell you that this thing does have an end this situation does have an expiration date well that's about fifteen of you that's fine if it's only fifteen of you I'll preach to the fifteen with the situation come on you can't stay in the sixth hour I've come the prophesied of this church there's a ninth hour revival there is a night power revival lurking in the shadows hallelujah that situation that seemingly is changeless it's unbearable I'm very it's enduring it's lasting it's persistent come on you're just looking for it to close out you've given up any hope of any conclusion get your head up baby and square your shoulders because there's plumbing a knife power in which God it's gonna turn it the way that this came to me came in a very dark time in my life as you are I had done many times I had felt that situation that circumstance looking for some kind of crease looking for some kind of opening will it ever conclude will it ever go away will this thing every time will I bury this once and for all looking for an opening staring come out glaring down the dark tunnel looking for the slightest light at the end to give hope I had just about given up that it was something that would never come to a conclusion I remember where I was praying when the Lord brought this text to me listen to me now and this is what the Spirit the Lord spoke to me he said if even my trials as sure as it had a beginning if even my trial had a beginning and it had an end who is the devil to try to convince you that this is never ending and will never come to a cook hallelujah I'm preaching to the Lighthouse Church I'm preaching the preachers on this platform I'm preaching the faithful Saints come on out preaching I'm preaching to a preacher's wife you're fumbling through the darkness and the uncertainty of the eighth power but God wants you to know there's some closure coming I hear a tearing I hear a ripping I hear a breaking forth if you believe that you ought to clap your hands and give God a shout a miraculous break hello magnificent praise for a miraculous God hallelujah I've come to proclaim to you that if Jesus if his trial if the darkness of his business had a beginning and it had an end the darkness of this business that you're facing I'm preaching to somebody right now I don't care if it's 15 years old I don't care if it's 15 months old it's taking its toll on you and I'm preaching a word to you at the ninth hour everything began to turn around at the ninth hour everything began to change well I don't feel that haven't felt that in fact there's not a synonym and not vocabulary but matches up to any of that in fact I feel that I'm further from that than ever oh good news because usually when you feel that you're further away from it than ever really in reality you're closer to it than ever somebody didn't you think even Jesus in this predicament I believe personifies simplifies he is our example even Jesus in this situation the overbearing suffocating darkness from this situation even even even Jesus even Jesus said God in the flesh said he felt because he was God but he was man and he did have feelings even Jesus felt like this I'm talking about moments before a veil was rent I thought are you hearing me now I'm talking about a moment just moments before everything began to change listen listen to what Jesus cried from the cross father father why hast thou forsaken me oh yeah let me preach this somebody in this building come home as stumbling and you're fumbling through the fog of this uncertainty in your life and you came to this house today and you feel forsaken you feel for not in fact the devil has tried to use those feelings that are so real in your life to tell you see there because you feel that way you are disqualified from anything ever changing come on who are you where you at today oh you're here and you're faithful but you feel forgotten you prayed the prayers you put the work here you push the plate away but it just seems like that nothing has come together for you let me tell you something when you are feeling forsaken when you are feeling forgotten you're closer to a veil being ripped than you ever imagined you you hallelujah listen to me light hell Church whatever these spirits are whatever it is that has been oppressing your family whatever it is that's come against your marriage and it's left you it's like in the spirit I see a man with his hands laid open like God where you had do you know where I'm at have you forgotten me you feel forsaken but I've come to preach to you you're gonna feel like that until the ninth hour feelings feelings are forsaken this the feelings of God God's forgotten they're the real feelings the real feelings brother Daniels they're real feelings but you need to identify where these feelings are these are the feelings of the eighth hour you know how many revivals I've seen die in the eighth power you know how many churches I've seen on the verge of exploding and Dublin and it just fall off the cliff in the eighth power come on there's that liminal time of uncertainty I preach it to some of you right now you don't have the answers come on you're just you're just trying to feel your way through this there is no certainty the ground underneath you when there is ground is shifting ground you don't know what tomorrow holds about God do you know where I'm at did you not see what I did did you not hear what I preached did you not see did you not see the sacrifice did you not see the time did you not see the faithfulness those are feelings of the $8 but I've seen so many ninth hour tearing turnarounds I guess we'll find out if I'm a false prophet or not I have battled this because I am nobody but I felt like I felt like that God sent me here because this church is at an intersection in time and I believe that 2017 is going to tell the story better come on I believe it's going to reveal what I'm telling you right now I believe that there's some tape ooh yeah I don't want to embarrass him because brother Lance is one of those guys's just comes off as having it all together but he told me right before I came up here he said I have confidence in you I asked God I said you got this beautiful bill and you got all these people here wonderful worship and two or three altar calls before the preacher ever could get here but brother Lance it's like I've seen something laid on your shoulders I don't know what that's a type of but it's like a heavy pressure that just presses on your mind and presses on your shoulders and I'm like god there's no way there's too many things in order but it is what it is I've come to tell you God's fixin to remove that pressure God's about to remove that weight Lighthouse Church hear what I'm tellin ya I need me under alley behind me come o God's about to break some things financially in this local assembly I don't see how I'm not a pastor I don't understand you're just look at everything and it looks so nice and you're nice I'm like God why in the world would you be talking to me about the way to finances and just trying to make this you're robbing Peter to pay Paul and you're just trying to keep everything covered I'm telling you there's fixing to be a financial break in this church where it's not just enough but God's gonna give you more than enough nah [Applause] buddy Carol this has an end it's not gonna be like this the rest of your life let's hope those feelings are indicative the feelings of forsaken us and forgotten us are indicative that you're living in the dark hours of the eighth hour it's indicative there's a ninth hour break still around the corner but listen there's so many there's so many ninth hour ripping of the veils that never happened because somehow we don't survive the uncertainty brother Daniel of the eighth our brother riches I'm so humbled you're here today I don't I don't even need this microphone to have an elder here like this my prayers here just help us push this through I'm so glad you and your wife are here but at 36 years old I don't know much but I figured this out my business is not to try to figure out and manage how all this stuff's going to happen my business is learning to manage me until all this stuff happens you know why Joseph could manage an empire you know why because Joseph knew how to manage Joseph it wasn't Joseph's first family and so I think the key or I believe very strongly the key to a ninth our veil ripping and ripping I believe that it hinges on how well we manage those real normal feelings if Jesus had those feelings it's normal for me to have those feelings that doesn't make me less of a preacher that doesn't make you a less of a saint here goddamn Oh pull over and park here for a minute that doesn't make you a less of a person because you're going through a season in your life and you wonder where in the world is god that doesn't mean you're not cut out for this that doesn't mean you quit I'm preaching to some of you that devil showing you your feelings about this whole situation and trying to talk you out of your investment God have mercy help me to get somebody by the net with a neck and get your attention today don't give up on your investment dear God there's the night our common piece so it's the management of those real normal feelings of the eighth hour that determines whether or not we have that ninth hour revival and Jesus gives us an example of this father into your spirit into your hands I commend my spirit I've learned in the uncertainty of the eighth hour when you feel like it's never going to end that you're never going to turn the corner but the prayer is never going to be answered you're never going to have that revival I've learned that my responsibility is to make sure that regardless of how real the feelings are regardless of what they said regardless of what they did to you I preached it uh some people to make that have some legitimate hurts some legitimate baggage that a lot of people would have never survived it's a miracle you're still even here today it's a miracle you still even have confidence in a preacher somebody in the pulpit are you hearing me right now the key to managing the darkness the uncertainty the fog come on that never-ending unrelenting darkness that just hangs over your life it's no matter how many days you have to do it in the eighth hour you got to keep taking what they say it and putting it into the hands of God you got to keep taking the injustice you got to keep taking the unforgiveness you got to keep taking the bitterness we're putting on the production of Joseph I don't know I was with other preachers I guess God just had it for me because no one else seemed to catch it I was sobbing I've saw many times since replated it's all coming to a head Joseph's closer to his ninth hour than he's ever been he's a nerd all of the mess he's sitting there on the throw and he looks up he sees these boys and they look familiar to him I don't know who the director was but it was ingenious absolutely ingenious because it showed the humanity of a hero of ours a scriptural hero of ours in the production Joseph becomes overwhelmed yes with love but also at the same time he was overwhelmed with anger read living and remembering everything they had put him through and he rose off of the throne and the stage blacks out Oh God whoever did this in genius the next thing you know the light comes on stage right and Josephson his bed chambers and he's wrestling he's rashly and his wife walks over to him says Joseph remember in the dreams your chief Aaron Curtis your she was right because dreams tonight our bails ripping on me keeping myself maintaining maintaining my innocence II not in an argumentative way of who is right and who is wrong I'm talking about innocency purity of spirit you Church you hear what I'm telling you I don't mean it any other way but umbly this church is on the verge of one of the greatest revivals that this part of the country has ever seen please keep your spirit right please stay undefiled by the world and undefiled by disappointment and undefiled by Petrie all and undefiled please please there's a miracle on the way please don't get bitter there's an answer on the way please don't please don't get bitter please don't get hard please don't harbor unforgiveness please don't become indifferent please don't become jaded worry about how dark it is now I worry that I worry about know regardless of how dark it is that I don't let the darkness get in my soul the earth can be filled with darkness but it doesn't matter [Laughter] yeah you ever had your greatest revelations you haven't seen the ninth hour is the ending of one thing but don't let the number-9 fool you it not only signifies the closing of one thing but the number nine signet signifies the beginning of something else Lighthouse Church brother Marks has come to preach to you that God's not only bringing an end to this chunk but God's bringing a beginning of something else a beginning but the miraculous McGary of healings coming what if I told you I fell in the spirit that God would say to you and he's going to make the ninth hour miracle in your life so great that it causes you to forget any of the painful memories over six the seventh in the 8th hour this light affliction this affliction this right affliction in fact the wording there and we got this walking strong concordance here but just a little little nugget that little lighter flicks him there give you a word picture it's the buoyancy up underneath something that helps it fly come on a man had a revelation its affliction he wasn't meaning it was little affliction as far as in quantity he was speaking of the quality of his affliction it's much affliction that koala quality-wise its affliction that's gonna make me fly its affliction that's gonna pull me it's affliction what is the darkness what is the purpose of the six three thousand the Lord had him if this church is not ready you need to be getting it ready for daily reminder I'm talking about daily baptisms I'm not sure hey I don't know if it's here Ivan worse yet I'm still looking for he's probably heard me say this cuz I've been saying it for probably six months now I still believe and I believe this very well could be the year that I'm gonna I'm gonna be a part of revivals that starts just to steamroll I don't mean this personally it's somewhere I'm not saying it's here I'm just saying somewhere I have been preaching this for six months or a year that I believe there are revivals and I believe 2017 be a good year for where it starts to steamroll and we have Church 28 21 28 30 30 nights in a row oh yeah five or six rites keep dealing with the minutia of your a to a thousand I'm talking about a ninth hour with a veil winds and everything you say well we got this going on and this going on this going on this gonna but but the glory cloud is so thick it's not do we have church but how do we not have church Trump's everything it it Trump's organization it Trump's and I'm about organization it Trump's schedules and schedules are necessary but you don't schedule a real revival do it because you know what happens at the ninth hour at the ninth hour God sends angelic beings to the hungry corneas at the ninth hour Rico sama I believe the elder I believe the elder Richardson probably could testify what I'm telling you he's seen these ninth hour revivals where God releases angels come on and one goes the Cornelius's house and the other one goes to the rooftop of Simon Peter and it's not just personal evangelism anymore and it's not just door door knocking campaigns are putting door hangers come on and all those things are important but it's when a panel isn't turned supernatural it's when evangelism turns that Masonic and angels are released into the harvest field and God starts connecting as a whole the Apostolic movement has worked and labored extremely hard with very little yield are you hearing me right now and we blamed it on a lot of things but the Lord said that the harvest was great do you have a problem with me believing that there is a shift in the spirit and we're going to keep working hard like God's gonna in the night power God it's gonna give us a whole lot more yield for the labor that we're investing it's gonna happen with you and through you let's go eat here what made you want to go eat there we had been there long time let's just go here and you walk in there's an angel that was an angel it was the same angel that God sent two corneas it was the same angel that went to the rooftop of simon peter's house it's the angels that create spiritual Nexus and people are put together there here suit of suicidal single mothers are here in this city but God in the night there were sent angels so I'm not against knocking a thousand doors but in the night there of God can send an angel and say no come right over here and you walk in and as soon as you walk in it's the greeter and you go oh are you set down are you set down on the lady starts waiting on you and you notice she's looking at you kind of strangely and then before the meals over she leans over and your wife's here and says excuse me we have lived in the frustration frustrating fog of feeling like failures praying all all the while how many times had Peter and John passed the man at the gate beautiful all the while appraising the feeling like failures but at the night it's a night tell that guy's a lady at the gate daily all the times that day the night miracles begin to happen and frustrated places where we only dreamed of them happy things just maybe you have objection maybe there's a jex in here today - walking up the doors and no longer having to beat them down pry them open or solve some great puzzle as far as how to open them maybe you're opposed maybe you're an objection to walking in the ninth hour anointing when you walk up to the door and it just it's not much it's come easy I'm saying there's some things I'm not tell you that all the enemies they're gonna go away I'm not tell you them your challenges are gonna change the devil's you've been fighting they're gonna change you occasioning this and that deal with human spirits and rebellion this but you're not you're not this is this is not something now or you're dealing with human spirits and you're trying to gather people and there's a shifting happening in this church there's a shifty we're not fighting we're not fighting I'm talking about overall the big picture when I'm fighting human wills and human ideologies and paradigms no this church is really fixing the faith just remember just remember oh yeah there's great had this series but it's that great door it's that great ineffectual door which I believe God is opening up to this church yeah I'm telling you you don't know me I believe God is forming a relationship so maybe it's too early to get this personal but I have to be obedient right now with my face in the floor early this morning I began to pray and sometimes we pray and we're not even paying attention to what we're praying and I stopped long enough to listen what I was praying and I heard myself praying this God would you give the Apostolic Church the light house in Jackson Tennessee would you give them stand up or Lance would you give them the spirit of Jonathan's armor bear are you talking about brother marx Jonathan told his armor-bearer this is what I think we can do for 11 years guts and a man and a lady here and for 11 years this man carefully prayerfully has been preaching to this church preparing you for what he believes in envisions that God can do but I think now it's time and turned for Jonathan's armor bearer to look back and say all that is in that heart do it I am with thee listen listen because here's the deal the spirit said to your pastor before I walked up here one word aggressive breath I believe we're fixing to get more aggressive than we've ever been about apostolic revival in this church and in this city listen listen listen listen this great Church you wonderful people that have done just you're unbelievably you have followed this man the wonderful things that have happened in this church no complaints this man's never cook but we don't have those kind of conversations not here being down on this church God's just looking right now right now at this moment at this intersection at this ninth hour moment where all kinds of things are fixing to shift and change the whole landscapes about to be different God is looking for this church to have the spirit of Jonathan's armored error that says brother and sister Lance if it's in your heart are there any meaning that feel a witness to what I'm saying right now would you get on your feet of any man I'm looking for men first then here's here's one right here it's got my back all that's in your heart every bit of it we want it man help me we don't care how big it is we don't care how impossible it may see we don't care how outlandish at times the enemy wants you to think oh yeah that's a vision for somebody out on the west coast or in New York City we don't care right in the middle of the belt buckle of the Bible Belt if God said to you we can do it I'm looking for you if God said we can do it let's go I don't care if it's a rock and a hard place we're with you we don't care about being we don't care how extreme we don't care how extravagant come on man I need some man to rally around me right if it's in your heart let's go let's do it let's double let's build that next building let's come on me and we're yet let's let's break a thousand another week I don't care what they say can't be done if it's in your heart if it's in your heart this is just my personal opinion this church has been blessed to have these people as your leaders for the last 11 years listen and they've done a fantastic job okay listen I'll tell you what I know and at times you see glimpses of it you haven't even yet tasted his wife knows you haven't even yet tasted and really reaped from the part of that man that hands-down made him the most successful evangelist in his time and it was that tenacity I'm not saying he hasn't passed you with that but there's a part of him just a fearless every time he'd hit the poop I see his mother lying on their head every time maybe they hit the pool field it reminded me of a lion not not in a destructive way unless it was Devils we winded our way through this all this business and now there's a solid foundation and there's a core here they got saying okay now now buddy yeah hey there's some things in that man right there you just trust what I'm telling you because I know that I know the hands I know the men that play parts I know I know the fingerprints I know you think the last 11 years have been a ride baby the ninth hour a trippy whatever is going on right now leave the morning of this new day is going to bring light to the death all of it man is that what you want we want it all you go home when you read it that's what he said all that's in your heart you do it let's take this city let's take this city let's start those satellite the things in your heart for young ministers the thing oh god here we go here we his churches let me tell you something and I okay this church needs to understand you're healthy enough now it's time for some of that stuff that's supported us I don't believe that God has put all these giftings in this church for us to just benefit us and some of this stuff that kept you alive and you needed it to keep you alive now you're breathing on your own I believe again all of it's in your heart I believe there's gonna be things borne out of here come on that's gonna have an impact on the Apostolic movement come on here we'll hold it come on lighthouse this is not just about us at the ninth hour we're going to start making a world impact like do you believe that do you believe that do you believe that an impact on other preachers and impacto preachers kids an impact on other churches are we being presumptuous now it's the miracle [Applause] [Music] [Music] well so I close with this I ran across this a daily do a a word study I'm not long ago and this is what I leave you with I ran across this and Paul's writings to the Church of Philippi he says in Chapter number one according to my earnest expectation and my hope that in nothing I shall be ashamed but that with abolish the word that I'd like to draw to your attention it's a Greek word that was translated into an English phrase earnest expectation was a word brother Lancet it looks as if though Paul just morphed the word for himself was never used before and it was never used after it's translated earnest expectation I'll humor you the word is opa cairo doe kia you ready for the translation here's what it means OPA Appa is a prefix that means to turn away with concentration ignoring other interest cairo is the head and okiya is to stretch forward earnest expectation Paul said [Music] with my head I have turned away from everything else with all boldness I have taken my eyes brother Daniel I have taken my head I've turned it away with constant concentration ignoring other distractions and with my head I am stretching forward you're missing it eager expectation I'm telling the Lighthouse Church come on this this is my assignment it is your mandate from this day forward it's time to turn your head from all distractions of the eighth hour it's time to stretch you ready it's time to stretch your face into the future what does God have what is God going to do what [Applause] stretch it's time to stretch stretch your head you're breathing the Holy Ghost is about to hit this place I want you to stand you think it was in here earlier if your breathing unless you're physically incapacitated you can stay where you're at physically if you're not able elders if you would like I would like you to come forward and if you can't stand just set on the front rows but if you're physically able where you're wherever you're at in the picture of this church peripheral perimeters fence the core wherever you're at and all that if you're breathing if you're breathing I believe the Lord's fixing do miracles if you're here you don't have the Holy Ghost I believe God I believe God if you want the Holy Ghost in the next few moments when this thing sweeps through here I believe God can feel you it if you're breathing I want you to get it from your puny right now and I want you to make your way to the front and I want you to stand man I'm asking you press in close if you're breathing would you move where you're at young people men women visitors they're coming that's it come on that's it come on that's it come on nobody nobody's gonna make you do anything you don't want to do just I'm asking you in reverence and honor to the moving of the Holy Ghost to the Word of God I'm asking you to respond right now that's it they're coming if you're here if you're a visitor here and you need a miracle in your body you need you need a miracle in your marriage I'm asking you you ought to ought to come right now don't stay where you're at don't stay where you're at don't stay where you're at Alleluia we're gonna do something once you get down here and get ready come on now listen do you believe that Jericho walls still fall I believe it was brother stone King and what a what a revelation we've done it for years but he just put words to it Satan is the Prince the power of the air know if you've heard him talk about that but when you shout you're you're shredding shredding shredding the air you're shredding Satan there's something that happens when the people of God lift their voice do you want this revival no no I'm talking about with with perpetuity with continuity something that just I'm talking about this everyday business I'm talking about the operation of an Apostolic Church I'm talking about I'm talking about Saturday nights where it's nothing necessarily that's called or organized but Saturday nights where this place becomes a place where folks gather and there's such an expectation for the Sunday service that there's there's breakouts and prayer meetings that happened right here in this auditorium on Saturday Saturday nights before Sunday ever huh I'm talking about that kind of revival do you want to see God do you want to see God moving your families I'm talking about epic unprecedented come on set the kind of revival you're looking for how how bad do you want that do you how bad do you want here's what we're gonna do here's what we're gonna do I'm gonna count to three when I get to three if you want that revival just a little bit I'm telling you it's fixing to blow in here right now the Holy Ghost you walked in here with pain when this happens in a few minutes the pain is gonna leave you here what I'm telling you right now the pains believe you came in here bound you came in here with things just just that have tackled your mind and twisted him I'm telling you when this shout goes forth it's going to the pain and your backs don't leave your gonna begin to speak with tongues with an authority you hear what I'm telling you here's what we're gonna do when I get to three if you want this revival just some you you identify it by the volume of your voice if you want it just a little bit you just just let out a little bitty cry I'm telling you some of you fixin to feel something you never felt before in your life the Holy Ghost the God of heaven is gonna confirm his word put signs and wonders are you ready but if you wanted a whole lot I mean from your toes there's a man I'm not looking I've seen it I know where it's at I'm just trying to build faith there's a man and lady here it's on the rocks it's touch and go I'm telling you your helps coming in the midst of this shout the Holy Ghost is going to move up in that situation he's going to strengthen he's going to strengthen that relationship he's going to give you the capacity to forgive are you ready you want it bad you're gonna have to I'm talking about from your toes we're gonna shake hey they're gonna do it here a little bit 80,000 in a football stadium no no we're gonna shake this place so you're ready one get ready here we go come on get your heads up your head up one two three go go [Applause] [Music] ow [Music] come on do it again do it again do it again do it again do it again do it again do it again no no no go now go be healed be delivered me feel get hold of somebody dance with them shout with him lift your voices go go go all the way the back wall from Center to circumference from left to right go go go go go go hello guys hello me and about elders come on yeah Reba I curse the cancer don't go reach over pray with somebody hello shout shout you are a ship that's it that's it go go that's it go go go go that's it [Music] foundation all right the only solid ground as nations rise one strong now forever [Music] [Music] [Music]
Views: 9,962
Rating: 4.8881121 out of 5
Id: 9S-IVzyO__I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 49sec (4489 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 14 2018
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