The Night Stalker | Full Movie | Lifetime

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( rattling ) ( dramatic music plays ) ( grunting ) ( music continues ) ( thudding ) MAN:<i> Hey, kid, this is Jed.</i> <i>Listen, we just got the go-ahead</i> <i>for you to go over to San Quentin today.</i> <i>Now, the warden says you've got five minutes for your first visit,</i> <i>so get in there and make an impression.</i> <i>I mean, you're the expert on this guy,</i> <i>and if anybody can pull this off, it's you.</i> <i>This is our Hail Mary. Make it count.</i> <i>Keep me posted.</i> ( buzzer sounds ) ( voices echoing ) WOMAN:<i> Most of the women have been raped.</i> MAN:<i> Terrorizing Los Angeles and Orange Counties,</i> <i>and the city of San Francisco.</i> WOMAN:<i> You know, the nature of these attacks, with seemingly no motive.</i> MAN:<i> The so-called Night Stalker. He's the sadistic killer</i> <i>wanted for a series of murders...</i> WOMAN:<i> The killer entered through an unlocked window</i> <i>in the predawn hours, and attacked the couple as they slept.</i> MAN:<i> 25-year-old Richard Ramirez</i> <i>is now in custody in Central Jail.</i> RAMIREZ:<i> We are all evil in some form or another,</i> <i>are we not?</i> ( buzzer sounds ) ( buzzer sounds ) ( locks click ) Hello, Richard. I'm Kit. That for Katherine? Yeah. Mind if I record this? It depends what we talk about. I used to live in Glassell Park. Oh, yeah? What street? Verdugo. Off Eagle Rock. Good memory. No new memories in here to replace the old. ( coughing ) ( coughing ) Are you sick? Always. ( clears throat ) You're a lawyer, right? How old are you? Forty-three. I like your legs. Maybe lift your skirt up so I can get a better look? That's not why I'm here. Oh, yeah? Then why are you here dressed like that? I'm interested in you. "Interested" like I'm a zoo animal you want to study, or like a zoo animal you want to get bent over a table by? "Interested" like... I want to understand you. You see those other women out there waiting, waiting to see me? They want to understand me. They don't. You won't either. At least they give me something I can use. So those women that come here to visit you are attracted to you? Is that so hard to believe? Yes, actually. You gonna insult me now? I mean, given your history with women. Alleged history. ( sighs ) Some women like that-- my alleged history. So, what are you gonna give me? What do you need? To talk without this. I've been here 23 years. Solitary for 10. The only people I ever get to smell are the guards, and they don't smell so good, you know? I never get to touch anyone. You're not gonna get to touch me either, Richard. We'll see about that. GUARD: Time's up. You come back here, don't wear that. Gold is the metal of Christianity. It's not permitted in my presence. See you later, Katherine! ( locks click ) Maybe we can shake hands next time. ( buzzer sounds ) ( locks click ) ( over phone )<i> Jed here. </i> KIT:<i> Well, I met him.</i> <i>And?</i> <i>And it's gonna be a process.</i> I need to gain his trust, build a relationship. Everybody's got something that makes them open up. Just got to find what. It's just gonna take time. <i> Well, you've got four days to come up with that confession</i> <i>if we have any chance at a stay.</i> I mean, you know, we're up against it here. How's Johnson holding up? He is questioning me nonstop about your progress. Yeah, no pressure. All I'm saying is that the Johnson family doesn't have money for a wild-goose chase. The firm doesn't either. Now, you came to us with this theory on Ramirez. You convinced us, we flew you out there to get a confession that you assured us you could get. <i>This is gonna come down to you.</i> I mean, we got an innocent man about to die here in Texas. ( chattering ) You there? Yeah. I gotta go. ( sighs ) ( Spanish ) ♪♪ ( cell phone vibrates ) Hey, Mom. Yeah, I can't find the Rosaries. You don't have a Rosary. There's not a Rosary in the house. No, I know we had one. ( sighs ) How are you, Mom? MAN ON TV:<i> ...information leading to the capture</i> <i> of the so-called Night Stalker.</i> <i> He's the sadistic killer wanted</i> <i> for a series of murders and rapes.</i> WOMAN ON TV:<i> Has struck again, leaving two more people...</i> MAN: Hey, Kit. Mom didn't say you were coming tonight. Well, guess what-- I am. How can you be wearing a jacket? Well, you gotta look cool when it's this hot. <i> ...her throat cut.</i> <i> This is expected to be connected to a wide-ranging series of brutal attacks...</i> What a sicko. Nobody needs to see that. No, leave it. <i> ...continue to search for any clues</i> <i> that will lead to the capture of this man</i> <i> who some call evil incarnate.</i> <i> More on this story as it develops.</i> You up for a movie? No. Tired. All right, then. ( dog barking ) MAN: Where is it? It's... It's in the... It's in the dresser, in the top drawer. ( rummaging ) ( whimpering ) You'd better not be lying to me. ( exclaims ) Swear on Satan. Swear on Satan! ( screams ) I swear on Satan! You know who I am, right? You read about me? ( crying ) Huh? It's okay. ( wailing ) Find it! ( crying ) How much is in there? Four hundred. ( screams, wailing ) No! WOMAN ON RADIO:<i> Referred to as the Valley Intruder</i> <i> and the Walk-in Killer.</i> <i> Police have found evidence linking him</i> <i> to several murders, rapes and assaults,</i> <i> dating back over a year.</i> <i> He is said to be a tall, thin,</i> <i> Mexican-American man</i> <i>wearing all-black clothing, white sneakers...</i> <i>( continues, indistinct )</i> Morning. Good morning. You hungry? Did you hear about that guy that's been raping and killing people? It's all they're talking about on the news. Not over breakfast, Kit. The Night Stalker. I thought they were calling him the Valley Intruder. You talking about that creeper? Hi, baby. Look, I'm about to go to sleep, so let's not talk about murder, okay? No problem. ( kisses ) Hi. Get your fingers out of there. Use a fork, piggy. Oh, it was so hot. Couldn't sleep at all last night. Really? Are you tired? Mm-hmm. ( kisses ) I missed you. MAN: I missed you, too. ( both laughing ) You're not hungry? No. ( door shuts ) The prisoner will arrive soon. Don't worry, ma'am. He's basically harmless nowadays. The cancer makes him pretty weak. Cancer? Yeah. My wife's sister had the same thing: lymphoma. It just does what it wants to do with you, and then one day, that's it. Anyway, I'll be right behind you the whole time. Just do what you need to do. ( sniffing ) You smell like hotel soap. ( door shuts ) I saw your admirers as I was leaving yesterday. Guards call them my groupies. One of them was your wife, Doreen, right? How did you meet? ( clears throat ) She'd come to my trial. She wrote for the papers, and she'd write articles about how messed up the whole thing was, how I'd never get a fair shake because my picture was on every channel saying I did it. Hmm. She always believed I was innocent. Were you? I don't believe in innocence. I think Satan was always inside me. Tell me what you were like as a child. Satan is a stabilizing force in my life. Satanists need to have more faith than Christians, because Christ was seen and felt. Lucifer has never felt the need to be seen, but in everyone's soul, he can be felt. Well, if he can be felt in everyone's soul, then why doesn't everyone believe in him? Because people don't want to know what's truly in their souls. So I read when you were five, you suffered a concussion. ( children's music plays ) ( phone rings ) <i> ♪ KBWH </i> <i> ( organ sting )</i> MAN:<i> And now...</i> They say head trauma is common among criminals. I know. I read all those same books too, lady. Frontal lobe damage can mess with your empathy, increase aggression. I'm impressed. I'm not an idiot. I didn't say you were. What else did you read about me in your Night Stalker book? I read that you spent a lot of time with your cousin, Mike. Yeah. I hung out with Mike a lot. He taught me how to hunt, to sneak up on an animal with stealth, or to shoot or stab it for the quickest death. Where is that? With a gun in the head, right above the ear. With a knife, across the throat. You drive the point into the side of the neck, and you pull it across. Cuts both the windpipe and the arteries. Always lethal. Guess that turned out to be pretty useful knowledge. There wasn't much going on in El Paso back in those days. ( rock on radio ) <i>We drove around,</i> <i>listened to metal,</i> <i>talked.</i> Now, look at this one, Richie. She's all by herself. Yeah. Hey, sexy. You want a ride? Hey, I know I'm too old for you, but my little cuz here, he can show you a good time. Come on. ( chuckling ) You got to learn how to talk to girls, homie. You got to show them who's boss, or... ( exclaims ) they'll have no respect, believe me. Hey, you want to go back? We'll get her in the car, show her what's up? Come on. I'll show you a few tricks with her. ( chuckling ) Look at you, all scared. RAMIREZ:<i> He'd just got back from 'Nam,</i> <i>so he'd tell me war stories,</i> <i>show me pictures from over there.</i> Yeah, that's a good one right there, man. ( chuckling ) KIT:<i> What was in the pictures, exactly?</i> RAMIREZ:<i> Trophies. Dead people.</i> <i>Girls going down on him.</i> <i>Like, with his gun at her head.</i> <i>And then that same girl's head on the ground. </i> KIT:<i> Jesus.</i> Don't say that name to me. ( sighs ) That's just a pretty terrible image. It's war. Those things happen here in polite society, you get the death sentence. They happen with the enemy, you get a Medal of Honor. Killing is killing, whether done for profit, duty, or fun. Why do you do it, Richard? Profit, duty, or fun? I bet you like it rough, don't you? You like to get forced, I bet. You're so in control out in the open, but you like to get controlled when no one's watching. ( breathing heavily ) You remind me of... what was her name? Carol. She was old too, but I could tell she liked it. You know who she was, Carol, I bet. I'm surprised you remember their names. What did I tell you about memories in here? KIT:<i> Carol Kyle, Burbank.</i> Wake up! ( gasps ) Rape and robbery. Not bad. You study me pretty hard, don't you? Why are you so interested? You want to be controlled by me, Katherine? Hmm? You like to think because you're so cleaned up on the outside, no one can see how dirty you are on the inside. But I see it. I know what you really want from me. That's enough for the day. RAMIREZ: Hey, Katherine. I'll be thinking about you tonight. Your face in my mind, just like mine's in yours. We still have a lot to talk about, you and I, don't we? They found another victim. Mission Viejo. I can't talk about rape and murder all day, every day. Shot the guy but not the girl. He only raped her. Stop it, Kit. My mom's here. You want a ride? Yeah. Bye. Hey. Hey. I think it's really smart you're paying attention to that stuff. I'm, like, kind of obsessed with it. Ooh, that's a bitchin' car. Yeah, it's my mom's boyfriend's car. He's fixing it up. Rad. He must be really cool. ( sighs ) He's all right. KIT: I was reading in the newspaper that he usually targets yellow and beige houses. BOY: Well, that's good. I live in a red house. ( Kit chuckles ) I don't have much yet. They say he's handsome. Ew! I just thought it was interesting that they'd describe him that way after what he did. I guess his teeth are pretty gnarly, though. Why do you think he raped those old ladies? I don't know. It's like, he's just driven to do it. Like, animalistic. ( water running ) ( faucet knobs turn off ) Mike's out job hunting. Okay. ( sighs ) Richard, could you turn that thing off? Cause if Mike sees that, he's gonna sit down, and I'll never get him back up. ( door opens ) Oh, hell, yeah. Popeye? Nice! ( baby cries ) What up, little man? Hey, any lady love yet or what? Maybe. "Maybe"? What, are you gonna be all coy with me now? ( chuckles ) All right, well, if you ever get there, you let me know, man. I got some good advice for you in that department. Do you really need to be getting high with Richie and watching cartoons? Weren't you supposed to be looking for work? I did. You've barely been gone an hour. Well, maybe I found a job real quick. You're useless. What the hell did you say? You heard me, you lazy piece of trash. WOMAN: Oh, God, are you serious? ( gasps ) ( gunshot ) ( baby cries ) ( chuckles ) ( laughing ) ( engine shuts off ) ( door opens ) ( dog barking ) ( dog barking ) ( engine starts ) You want to bail? We're gonna stay all night, remember? Who says? That's the game. You want to wait around for him, feel free. I'm not the one with the death wish. It's okay. That's more privacy for us. It's too hot. Listen, I thought we were having a good time, but I can take you home now if you want. I don't want to go home. So how come? So we'll stay, okay? ( groans ) ( groans ) <i> Hey, kid, it's Jed.</i> <i> Uh, listen, I know this is basically</i> <i> an impossible mission you're on.</i> <i> Believe me, I get that.</i> <i> But we're all, uh, hoping and praying down here.</i> <i> Don't let up.</i> So you came back. I didn't get what I came for yet. I've never met a girl like you. Most come once to see what it's like to be so close to evil. They're hobbyists. They never come back again. Did you ever meet a girl you respected? You talk like I'm some kind of woman hater. I gave up on love and happiness a long time ago. Until you walked in, that is. What made you give up on it? ( phone rings ) WOMAN: Hello? Yeah, who's calling? Richard. ( heavy metal plays over headphones ) Mary? RAMIREZ: Yeah? <i> Hey.</i> Yeah, uh, hang on. I got it. Thanks. She sounds real cute, Richie. Hey. <i> Hey. Do you remember</i> <i> seeing me on the street earlier?</i> Yeah. <i> Well, I remember seeing you, too.</i> Well, uh... you want to meet me someplace? <i> Now?</i> Sure. <i> Pretty late.</i> So... sneak out. <i> Where would you want to meet?</i> Cemetery? <i> Well, that's creepy.</i> <i> Why there?</i> It's quiet. No one bothers you there. <i> Okay.</i> Yeah? <i> Yeah.</i> <i> I'll meet you there in half an hour.</i> Cool. Bye. ♪♪ Pretty brave to hang out here all by yourself. It's just dead people. It doesn't bother me. Well, I'm not as brave. You'll have to protect me. ( dog barking ) RAMIREZ:<i> It took her for me to realize that</i> <i>I wasn't made right for that kind of thing.</i> <i>I couldn't walk with someone innocent like that.</i> <i>She was a sucker for jewelry, though.</i> KIT:<i> Did you start stealing to give her gifts?</i> RAMIREZ:<i> I stole because I was good at it.</i> <i>My brothers used to call me "dedos",</i> fingers, <i>'cause I could lift anything.</i> <i>People need to recognize</i> <i>what they're good at naturally.</i> <i>There's a lot of misery caused in this world</i> <i>by people who aren't true to their nature.</i> KIT:<i> And what is your nature?</i> Evil. What are you doing here with me on death row instead of being at home with your husband and kids? I don't know how it works out there these days, but the world I remember required a little give and take. You expect me to give you something without giving me something. That's stealing, Kit. That's how I got in here. That's not how you got in here. Well, it didn't help. ( wry chuckle ) What do you want to know? You married? No. Kids? No. How come? Family never interested me. Yours messed up? No. What's the point in lying to me? What am I gonna do with the truth in here? You play like you understand, but you don't. You don't know anything about me, as smart as you think you are. Don't you ever just want to get everything that's up here out? Just come clean? Oh, I get it. I see what's happening here. You're here to save my soul. Richard, I don't give a damn about your soul. You're like all the other people who used to come here trying to make me repent, but I don't repent. I know Satan knows what I've sacrificed, and I know I've got a place in his kingdom. So I don't need you or anyone else to come in here and save me. What I need from you is up your skirt. ( scoffs ) Don't you ever get sick of that? What? Just saying things to get a reaction. Everybody's trying to get a reaction. Why else even deal with people at all? Some are trying to get people to love them. Well, I could care less about being loved, so I might as well try the opposite. In the end, it doesn't matter what you think of me. I'm trying to give you a chance to set the record straight. What's out there right now? Speculation, crime-scene photos, victims' stories. No one knows your side of it. Don't you want them to? People don't want my side. People love to get inside of the mind of someone that scares them. There are whole industries dedicated to it. You're manipulating me. You're trying to get something from me. No. Lady, I still don't know what you're looking for here, but I'm done being your little project. Look. I know you. I've studied you. You did terrible things in your life. But you also had terrible things done to you. I don't know if anybody could've gone through what you did and come out the other side. I get it, Richard. I just want to have a real conversation. ( chuckling ) ( laughing ) You're a lawyer. Why would I tell you anything? I still have appeals. ( chuckles ) You still think you have a chance in hell of getting out of this prison? How dare you talk to me like that? Do you know what I'd do to you if you talked to me like that outside of these walls? I think I have a pretty good idea. You have no idea. No idea. Get her the hell out of here. You're Doreen, right? Yes. Richard's wife? Yes. And you are? I've read... I've read everything you wrote about him-- the letters to the papers during the trial. You seem like a sane person. Why would you want to be married to that man? Why would you spend 30 years waiting for him? What kind of masochist would you have to be to waste your whole life on someone that selfish? You can say whatever you want to denigrate me, but let me tell you something. You look like the loneliest person in this room. ( stammers ) MAN: Doreen Ramirez? Hello! Where are you going looking so good? ( dance music plays, faint ) Slow night? Yeah. They're all slow. No one wants to go out with that nutjob running around. What are you doing out all by yourself? Just taking a walk. Why don't you come inside? Let me call you a cab, get you home safe. ( dance music plays ) What do you want to hear? Do you have Pentagram? Hey, play "Be Forewarned." Pentagram. ( "Be Forewarned" plays ) ♪ As I wake ♪ In the darkness ♪ And I look around ♪ Is there any way out of this nightmare? ♪ ♪ I'm alone now ♪ And you're laughing at me ♪ ♪ But I take life ♪ In a way that you could never see ♪ ♪ So if you're leaving ♪ You'd better let me know ♪ ♪ 'Cause I've already started my plan ♪ ♪ And I'm never gonna let you go, oh, no ♪ ( exclaiming ) ( panting ) ( cell phone vibrates ) ( groans ) ( vibrates ) Hey, Jed. Look... FEMALE COMPUTER VOICE:<i> ...Correctional Facility is trying to contact you.</i> <i> Do you accept the call?</i> Yes. <i> One moment.</i> <i> ( beeping )</i> I can't figure you out, Katherine. <i> Are you there?</i> Kitty cat? Kitty Katherine? <i> Uh... ( clears throat )</i> When I was a teenager... I went to bed every night thinking you were going to come in my room. So you're another groupie. <i> When you got caught,</i> it was like something was suddenly missing. I... started reading everything about you I could find, about the trial. ( sighs ) I started studying killers. I never thought about crime before you. You changed me. Man, I attract all the crazy girls. I'm like the crazy magnet. <i> Crazy glue. ( laughs )</i> I never even came close to you, and... you affected my whole life. Richard, I want to come back. I still think we have things to talk about. You need to lose that recorder thing. <i>My phone? </i> Whatever it is. Okay. <i> And we need to ditch the guards too, if I'm gonna really talk.</i> <i> They do that for lawyers.</i> Um... <i> Don't worry.</i> <i> I'm still all chained up.</i> <i> I won't be able to get to you.</i> But you could get to me if you wanted to. <i> But you need to start telling the truth.</i> <i> I don't care if people know who I am,</i> <i> or why I did what I did.</i> I'm talking to you. I tell you the truth, you tell me the truth. <i> That's how it works.</i> Okay. <i> Okay.</i> See you later, Katherine. ( exhales sharply ) ( text tone sounds ) MAN: Is that her? Yep. Well... She says she's getting close, Harrison. ( chuckling ) Listen, I know you don't have a whole lot of faith. I get that, believe me. But she still has two more days. <i> ( moaning )</i> ( gasps ) RAMIREZ'S VOICE:<i> Kitty cat?</i> <i>Kitty Katherine.</i> <i>Wake up!</i> ( gasps ) ( gasping ) GUARD: I'll be outside the door. Just come knock or call out if you need anything. ( door shuts ) Tell me why you started killing. ( clears throat ) I did a lot of drugs when I was young. Prostitutes. Hunted animals. All those things had their appeal, but... killing was like nothing else. Its intensity can't be described with words. To have that power over life... Take me through it, the first time you did it. Why that person? Why that night? That old lady in your neighborhood. Not the first one you were convicted of, the first. It was her. Let's go back to El Paso. You started working in that motel. KIT:<i> They gave you a passkey?</i> RAMIREZ:<i> So we could let people in their rooms.</i> KIT:<i> But you did more than that, right?</i> RAMIREZ:<i> I'm surprised more people don't.</i> <i>Half the time, they didn't even notice</i> <i>anything was gone.</i> KIT:<i> Seems like a good gig for you.</i> RAMIREZ:<i> Yeah, that passkey came in handy a few times.</i> ( gasps, screams ) Some husband came in and beat the crap out of me. They call the cops? No. They left town without pressing charges. What happened to your passkey... Let's talk about you for a minute. Oh. Remember? You're real with me, I'm real with you? Go ahead. So you're a lawyer, right? I am. How did you go to school? Glassell Park wasn't rich. Believe me, I robbed from those places. They didn't have jack. I worked my way through school. Where did you work? At a fetish club. Now we're getting somewhere. Doing what? B.D.S.M. role play. What the hell is that? It can be a lot of things. You play the part the client wants. You have sex with them? No, never. You make a lot of money? Yes. You ever still do it? No. I knew there was something about you. Okay. My turn again. I bet you used to fantasize about me, huh? Don't feel bad about it. Sometimes we want things that society shames us for. Don't do that. What? Pair us off. Compare our secrets. It's a matter of degrees. We are a product of our times, and these are bloodthirsty times. That's a scripted answer. I've read that before. You want a different answer, ask a new question. Okay. You're right. You're absolutely right. I'm here because there's another man on death row. In Texas. Harrison Johnson. He's set to die for murders I don't think he committed, for murders I think you committed. When? January 1978. A mother and a son. Naoki and Yuko Kamori. What kind of names are those? Japanese. Let me guess. They were killed at the motel where I worked. Don't get all excited. Do you think I haven't been paying attention? You just asked me about the passkey. Well? So you came up here to get me to cop to some old murders in Texas? So... Johnson can get a stay. Because he's innocent? You tell me. ( exhales sharply ) He can't have been in jail since '78. Texas doesn't take as long as California to kill off their criminals. He got arrested in '08. So why do they think he did these old murders? He got picked up a few times for vagrancy and small crimes in El Paso around the same time. He hung around the motel, I guess. What did he look like? Uh, back then he was skinny. Light-skinned African American. Scar on his neck? Yeah. I remember that guy. He used to try to take showers in the rooms, steal coffee from the lobby. ( coughing ) Well, he eventually got arrested for beating a guy in a bar who turned out to be related to a congressman. The guy fell back and hit his head on a broken barstool. He died from the contusion. The prosecutor was a friend of the congressman. He dug up this cold case and drew a connection. He wanted the death penalty, and he got it. So he was beating some guy in a bar? Doesn't sound so innocent to me. They didn't have enough evidence to convict him. He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. ( sighs ) Do you ever worry you're on the wrong side? Am I on the wrong side, Richard? You lawyers, you have to be so sure about everything. You, with this. You read some files and made a decision-- he's innocent-- for something that happened so many years ago. I mean I just don't see how you can be so sure. The pieces of evidence tell a story. And when I read that story, it was awfully familiar. KIT:<i> The son was stabbed.</i> <i>The mother was cuffed, finger cuffs, and raped.</i> <i>And then, stabbed also.</i> The knife was driven into the side of the neck and then dragged straight across, severing both the windpipe and the arteries. Frankly, it reads like a sloppier, less practiced version of you. And you would know, I guess. Yeah. It wasn't me. I don't believe you. I don't care what you believe. I know you want your little theory to be true, you want to be on the right side, but sometimes you don't get to know if you're on the right side or not. Uh... Do you think you're evil, Katherine? I think you are. Everyone has good and evil in them. Personally, I'd like to be 100% evil, but I can't. I'm too easygoing sometimes. Everyone has hate and anger. Some people can cope with it. I can't. My hate and anger grow to a level that I can't live comfortably with it. When that happens, I have to act on it. Richard, did you act on it in the motel in 1978? What do you do with your hate and anger? Did you ever want to act on it? To kill someone? This is the problem with you. I don't care about you. You give me no reason to. And I bet you don't give anyone else a reason either. Maybe that's why you're all alone. Maybe it has nothing to do with choice. Maybe you spend so much of your life hiding who you really are that you ended up being no one. Get him out! Get him outside! ( door shuts ) GUARD: You all right? ( gasping ) ( crying ) ( woman speaking Japanese, faint ) <i>( Ramirez grunting )</i> ( Ramirez grunting ) ( blows landing ) ( cell phone vibrates ) ( cell phone vibrates ) <i> ...stolen car earlier this week.</i> <i>...revealed the identity of the man</i> <i>who has been terrorizing California residents for months.</i> <i>His picture was shared with press outlets</i> <i>and imprinted on nearly every paper's front page.</i> <i>Once his face became known, the infamous killer would not remain free</i> <i>to continue his murderous spree for long.</i> ( shouting in Spanish ) ♪♪ ( dog barking ) Give me the keys! ( woman screaming ) Give me the keys! ( people shouting ) ( siren wailing ) <i> "We got him." That's how Commander William Booth</i> <i> of the Los Angeles Police Department responded</i> <i> when asked if the suspected Night Stalker had been captured.</i> <i> 25-year-old Richard Ramirez</i> <i> is now in custody in Central Jail.</i> <i>After allegedly terrorizing Los Angeles and Orange Counties</i> <i>and the city of San Francisco, Ramirez was captured</i> <i>this morning in East Los Angeles.</i> <i>He was chased down by citizens</i> <i>after he attempted to steal a car.</i> <i>Hubbard Street resident Jose Burgoin insists</i> <i>he did not know it was the Night Stalker when he began the chase.</i> <i>He was merely defending his neighbor.</i> <i>His sons, Julio and Jaime, quickly joined the pursuit,</i> <i>as did others in the neighborhood.</i> <i>One man was able to get close enough to strike Ramirez with a pipe,</i> What are you doing? <i>literally bringing him to his knees.</i> Hey. This isn't funny. ( gasps ) Stop! Stop! Stop it! Stop, please! Stop! ( grunts ) Stop. ( groaning ) ( continues, indistinct ) <i>The Night Stalker has been apprehended.</i> KIT'S VOICE:<i> And what is your nature?</i> RAMIREZ:<i> Evil.</i> <i> What are you doing here with me on death row</i> <i> instead of being at home with your husband and kids?</i> <i> I don't know how it works out there these days,</i> <i> but the world I remember required a little give and take.</i> <i> You expect me to give you something without giving me something.</i> <i> That's stealing, Kit. That's how I got in here.</i> KIT:<i> That's not how you got in here. </i> <i> it works out there these days,</i> <i> but the world I remember</i> <i> required a little give and take.</i> <i> You expect me to give you something without giving me something.</i> <i> That's stealing, Kit. That's how I got in here.</i> KIT:<i> That's not how you got in here. </i> ♪♪ ( phone rings ) ( gasps ) ( mumbles ) ( phone rings ) Hello? JED:<i> Kit, damn it, I've been calling you all morning.</i> Jed? My phone is dead. Ramirez is in the hospital. <i> The warden called me when he couldn't reach you. </i> Where? Tell me you got something, Kit. I can't tell you that. What is happening out there? I'll call you back. GUARD: I heard you were coming. Hey, Charlie. What happened? He had an episode last night. Bashed his head pretty hard on his cell door. Is he conscious? In and out. Want me in there with you? No, I'm all right. ( monitor beeping ) ( monitor beeping ) And you said I'd never get out. Pretty extreme way to get a change of scenery. I got to admit, I'm surprised. You seemed fine yesterday. I never thought it made much sense to show off your weaknesses. ( coughing ) ( machine warbling ) Okay, Richard. You said if you were gonna tell me the truth, then I need to tell you the truth. So here it goes. Your... sexual impulses were formed when your cousin showed you those awful pictures. Mine were formed when your acts, your... your face were all over the news. And I was scared, but... somehow that became part of it. So... while my mom's boyfriend made me have sex with him, at first it felt like I thought it was supposed to feel. Scary and painful. I fantasized about killing him. Pushing something into him that he didn't want, over and over, something that would hurt him. ( sighs ) I thought about how you would do it without hesitating, and you didn't even have a reason. I... envied you. So I stabbed him. ( groaning ) God! ( groans ) <i>He took his stuff, and he left.</i> And he never told my mom about the stabbing. And... I never... told her about the rape. I never told anybody about it. ( sniffles ) I used the passkey. Can you say that again, please? I used the passkey, like you said. I killed the Asian lady and her kid, with an eight-inch knife that I got from my... father's hunting kit. ( phone vibrates ) I used finger cuffs that I'd gotten from the Army-Navy store. There's others too. Other-- Other victims? ( phone vibrates ) ( groans ) Richard, will you say your name and today's date? Richard Ramirez. It's... June 7, 2013. June 7, 2013. Is there... anything you would know that no one else would about the day, about the victims? ( phone vibrates ) The mother was a bitch. She treated her kid like crap. He was retarded. Or deaf, maybe. ( phone vibrates ) <i> Or deaf, maybe.</i> ( vibrates ) Tell me about the others. ( soft chuckle ) Some things are best kept between me and Satan. I'm not recording anymore, Richard. It's just you and me. ( breathing heavily ) ( rattling ) ( breathing accelerates ) Don't go thinking just because you told me your sad little story that you mean something to me. I gave you a gift, and I made your career... your life. That's the power I hold. You're not special to me. You're just another nobody, and you don't deserve my secrets. ( raspy breathing ) ( machine warbling ) ( shuddering gasps ) ( monitor beeping rapidly ) ( footsteps approaching rapidly ) ( door opens ) ( doctor muttering orders ) NURSE: Yes, doctor. ( monitor continues beeping rapidly ) CHARLIE: You need to calm down. Wait till we figure out what's going on, okay? JED:<i> We're pushing the judge to review</i> <i>the audio file A.S.A.P.</i> I have no doubt it'll make an impact, though, darlin'. <i>It's pretty compelling stuff.</i> <i>Kit? Still there?</i> Yeah. <i>Listen, uh,</i> <i>I had my doubts, I'm not gonna lie,</i> <i>but you really pulled this one out.</i> Thanks, Jed. So, when's your flight back? I think I'm gonna stay out here a while, go see my mom. <i>Oh, that's right. You're from out there.</i> Well, get on back here soon. That confession you got could be a very big deal. <i>It's a national story, kid.</i> Did I lose you? ( gulls squawking ) ( gulls squawking ) ( door opens ) KIT: Hey, Mom. Oh, my God, Kit. You startled me. I wanted to surprise you. Well, you did that. What was I looking for? Maybe we can close the refrigerator till you remember. I wanted to start dinner. I remember. You want me to help? No, I've got my routines. I'll make you a plate. Okay, Mom, I'm gonna put my stuff away. <i>...took over Taksim Square. The demonstrations began in late May,</i> <i>in protest of Government plants...</i> Need me to bring anything in? Oh, only if you want a drink. I don't drink with my dinner anymore. It gives me indigestion. <i>Richard Ramirez, known to many as the Night Stalker, died today.</i> <i>Ramirez remained on San Quentin's death row for 23 years</i> <i>awaiting execution until the time of his death earlier today.</i> <i>He was 53 years old.</i> <i>After terrorizing Californians</i> <i>with a slew of random and brutal slayings...</i> Oh, the horrible things that man did. You remember, Kit? It was the hottest summer I can remember. And you couldn't open your window without worrying whether you'd be letting that maniac inside. <i>over one of the hottest summers on record,</i> <i>in July and August of 1985,</i> <i>air conditioner sales spiked...</i> Mom, why is that picture still up? <i> Ramirez was convicted of...</i> I don't know. I don't like to just throw things out, Kit. <i>11 counts of sexual assault...</i> You should throw that out. You were a wild child back then. Always wanted to be out roaming the streets. I just wanted you here at home, where I knew you'd be safe. <i>"You don't understand me." end quote.</i> <i> We are all evil in some form or another,</i> <i>are we not?</i> ANCHOR:<i> Ramirez's passing will hopefully bring some peace</i> <i> to those with family members, or loved ones,</i> <i> counted among his many victims.</i> <i>Rescue efforts continue at the collapsed building</i> <i>in Philadelphia's city center...</i> <i>as many as 10 people...</i> ( "Be Forewarned" by Pentagram plays ) <i>♪ As I wake </i> <i>♪ In the darkness </i> <i>♪ And I look around </i> <i>♪ Is there any way out of this nightmare? ♪</i> <i>♪ I'm alone now </i> <i>♪ And you're laughing at me ♪</i> <i>♪ But I take life </i> <i>♪ In a way that you could never see ♪</i> <i>♪ So if you're leaving </i> <i>♪ You better let me know </i> <i>♪ 'Cause I've already started my plan ♪</i> <i>♪ And I'm never gonna let you go, oh, no ♪</i> <i>♪ So you be forewarned </i> <i>♪ I'm coming right up on your trail ♪</i> <i>♪ And when I catch you </i> <i>♪ Lord, I'm gonna never let you go ♪</i>
Channel: Lifetime
Views: 788,200
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Keywords: lifetime, lifetime shows, mylifetime, THE NIGHT STALKER, THE NIGHT STALKER full movie, THE NIGHT STALKER lifetime movie, THE NIGHT STALKER streaming, watch THE NIGHT STALKER online free, Richard Ramirez, lifetime tv, lifetime channel, dance moms, lifetime dance moms, lifetime full episodes, lifetime original movies, new lifetime movies, lifetime movies, lifetime movie promos, lifetime movie trailers, new movies, watch lifetime movies, full lifetime movies, true crime, movies
Id: AT0NtM1cfMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 1sec (5281 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2023
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