The Newsroom - Neal & Big Foot

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are you ready for me to blow your mind sure Bigfoots real no is that did you say bigfoot is real though it's not listen to me skeptics mode there are 1.7 million known species on the planet and biologists estimate this represents only a quarter of the total species on the planet the other three quarters are microscopic how do you know I don't know but if the other three quarters were Bigfoot they wouldn't be hard to see they'd be walking up and down the street anyone unless you know them really well and even then pandas were thought to be a myth until 1869 gorillas were thought to be a myth until 1902 the giant squid was thought to be a middle until 2004 exactly magley listen to me apex predator species at the top of the food chain have the smallest numbers and moving the tiniest packs is this Bigfoot species diversity is greatest in the rainforest now just don't even stop what do you do it well yeah I just wanted to introduce my friend Katie I'm a huge fan thank you I hate to bother you but do you have a second I've got all the time in the world we'll all right um Bigfoot is real let me stop get the hell away from me no problem sorry anything else yes I don't know how else to say this Bigfoot is great thank you all for coming let me begin there are 1.7 million known species biologists estimate this represents only a quarter of the total species on the planet species diversity is greatest in rainforests and 75% of all species live in rainforests so the argument is could there be an apex predator primate a missing link if you will between 6 and 10 feet tall weighing up to 500 pounds that lives in a dense temperate rainforest what's going on I didn't know you were coming I was told to come really generally called me at 7:00 this morning I wonder how that happened as I called in on a Saturday for Bigfoot I think you're gonna find this interesting I think you don't know what that word means what are you doing you told me to come in for this what is this I'm glad you asked Charlie Bigfoot yes the highest incidence of Bigfoot sightings have all come from the temperate rainforest region that stretches from Northern California to Alaska here we find local myths like the sasquatch and the semi the vast majority of this rainforest is unexplored despite almost a hundred years of commercial logging I would add that renowned primatologist Jane Goodall it's also a belief that given the cryptozoological history of the lowland gorilla but she's not alone in the scientific field due to frequent Yeti signs when we try when you get this is Anastasia description for the procedure they'll be trying hey when this is over let me see the Bigfoot presentation pretty I think I need some consulting on what's real and what's not okay I think you'll find that there's some striking evidence that thank you Tom let's put together what we know
Channel: luz lorenz
Views: 85,131
Rating: 4.8415842 out of 5
Keywords: sampat
Id: AepzM2i4-Zw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 32sec (212 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2013
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