Quinn and Logan's Relationship Timeline šŸ§Ŗ The Full Story of Quogan/Linn | Zoey 101

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Here is the full story of Quinn and Logan. From day one it was apparent that Logan and Quinn did not get along. Ewe, Logan? Heā€™s such a jerk. And the two werenā€™t afraid to let everyone know how they felt about each other. - What happened? - We all fell asleep. Must be an effect of my synthetic coconut aroma. - Thatā€™s weird. - So are you. While their feuding continued, Quinn was able to find someone who appreciated her weirdness, Mark. - Quinn? - I think we lost her. - Quinn, who you lookinā€™ at? - No one. Yeah, you were. - You were totally checking out that guy. - Who is he? His name is Mark. Heā€™s in my Biology class. Is he cute or what? Although they started off a little rockyā€¦ - Oh, hey, Clint. - Quinn! - Did you say Clint? - He said Quinn. I said Clint. They ended up in a long-term relationship. Logan, on the other hand, was busy being rejected. So, I was thinking. Maybe Iā€™ll take you out. You know, like a date. Well, thanks but I really donā€™t like you that way. Sorry. Rejected! Rejected! Yeah, you just got rejected! RE-JE-CTED, rejected! It seemed like Quinn and Logan would never get along. That was until Logan and Michael got into a stinky situation and needed a little Quinnvention help. Prepare to be de-skunkified. - Hold up! Please hold up! - Whoa! Whoa! What are you gonna spray us with? A chemical compound I created to neutralize the effect of skunk smell. Well, what if itā€™s dangerous? Yeah, I cannot risk anything happening to this face. Oh you babies! Here! Spray my sleeve. See? Now, do you guys wanna stink for the next 3 weeks? Just spray us. But just when we thought they were on their way to being friends, Loganā€™s old ways brought Quinn to her breaking point. I am Quinn. I must go get a sprocket from my home planet, Dorgon. I am Quinn from Dorgon. [laughing] So, you guys think Iā€™m a dork. - Quinn, we were justā€¦ - Making fun of me. - Look, Logan was justā€¦ - I heard what he was doing! And I heard you all laughing. Look, if yaā€™ll think Iā€™m such a dork you can just finish your stupid robot on your own. [slamming door] Uh oh. Zoey, Chase, and the rest of the gang felt bad for lying behind her back. And used the Loganator to send a heartfelt apology. - Hey, whatā€™s going on? - Weā€™re sorry, Quinn. Will you please forgive us? Please. Well, maybe Logan wasnā€™t super heartfelt, but he still apologized. - Kinda. - Weā€™re really sorry. All of you? Yes. Good. Even though they still didnā€™t seem to get along, they showed some signs that the relationship was moving from straight up enemies to frenemies. - Please help me. - Sure. - Come along. - Where are we going? You wanna ask me questions or you wanna learn to make freethrows? Meanwhile, Quinn thought her and Markā€™s 2-year relationship was going perfect until he told her they should go on a break. - Okay, Mark. What up? - What up what? Youā€™ve been acting weird for like two weeks now. I donā€™t know. Weā€™ve been going out for a long time. Maybe we should... take a little break? A break from each other? Kinda. Okay. If thatā€™s what you want. However, time to himself actually meant spending time with his new friend, Brooke. I donā€™t know. She started liking me and I guess I kinda started liking her back. - You lied to me! - Shhh! I didnā€™t mean to! I justā€¦ - I didnā€™t want you to get upset. - Psst, too late! Eat yellow kale! In an attempt to win him back, Quinn gave herself a make over. But even after all her efforts, he still wanted to stay with Brooke. - This isnā€™tā€¦ you. - Well, itā€™s what you want. Iā€™m not dating Brooke because she looks hot. - We just really connected. - Uh huh. Logan came rolling by to find a heartbroken Quinn and reminded her of who she really is. Heā€™s an idiot for breaking up with you. Why do you say that? I donā€™t know. I meanā€¦ Look. We all know youā€™re weird. But, youā€™re smart. Youā€™re pretty. Andā€¦ - Youā€™re kinda fun. - Thanks. Sure. And uhā€¦ Why are you dressed like that? - I was trying to compete with Brooke. - Well, donā€™t. Hey. Thereā€™s Quinn. Whoa! They kiss? I did not see that one coming! - Master! - Giddy up! [neighing] Weirdestā€¦ dayā€¦ ever. Uh huh. It seemed as though the kiss helped soften their feelings towards one another. Resulting in a secret love that they tried to deny. - What? - Come on. This is just insane. Why? Lots of guys and girls rub noses together. I mean, you and me. - This... - Oh. - Yeah. - Itā€™s just wrong. So, wrong. This canā€™t happen anymore. Letā€™s just move on and pretend none of this you and me stuff ever happened. Iā€™m so on board with that. - One more eskimo kiss?ā€™ - Kay! No matter what they did, they couldnā€™t be apart. Even though they were way too embarrassed to be dating publicly. Okay, obviously weā€™re not doing a good job of stopping this. Yeah. But Iā€™m not sure I wanna stop. Well, if neither of us wants to stop this, thenā€¦ - I guessā€¦ - We're... dating? Sorta. Wow! Yeah. What are you thinking? Iā€™m embarrassed to be dating you. - Really? - Yes. I canā€™t believe you made me say it! - Iā€™m thrilled you said it! - Huh? Iā€™m embarrassed to be dating you too! Seriously? Super embarrassed! If anyone found out, Iā€™d die! I know how you feel! Oh! Nervous that their secret relationship could be revealed by Michael, the two tried to show their friends that they still hated each other. - Why donā€™t you leave? - Why should I leave? I was here first! No you werenā€™t! We got here at the same time! Well, if you were a gentleman, you would leave! Yeah, well, if you were a gentleman, you would leave! I canā€™t be a gentleman! Iā€™m a girl you ninny! Hey! Iā€™ve never babysat kids in my life! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Cheese and rice! You guys sound like an old married couple! C-c a couple? Wh-wh-why would we sound like a couple? We donā€™t sound like a couple! We hate each other! We couldnā€™t be further from a couple! Whoo! That was a close one. - Do you think he knows weā€™re dating? - He might, which is really bad! Yeah! - Wanna go make out? - Absolutely! Open. Quinn almost blows their cover again when she defends Logan from Lola. - Youā€™re lame. - Youā€™re dumb. Leave him alone! - Why are you defending Logan? - Yeah? Ahā€¦ Iā€™m not. Stupid Logan. And Logan almost does the same when he talks about Quinnā€™s ex, Mark. Mark probably deserved it. - He was your boyfriend. - Well, heā€™s not anymore! Well, heā€™s not. But even under all this suspicion, they managed to sneak away for a quiet, romantic dinner. Youā€™re so funny. It must be fun having a rich father. Yeah, wellā€¦ Wellā€¦ almost. - Whatā€™s wrong? Did you drop a claw? - Donā€™t look down here! - Whatā€™s going on? - Look to your right. - Zoey and James are here! - I know! Why do you think Iā€™m under the table? Theyā€™re gonna see us and know weā€™re dating. In order to keep their relationship a secret, Logan asks Make-out-Mandy to the prom. Which quickly annoys Quinn. How could you ask Mandy Franklin to the prom? You said we should both ask somebody else to the prom - so no one will suspect weā€™re dating! - Shhh! Yes. But youā€™re not taking Make-out-Mandy! Go cancel her! Oh come on! I have to get your approval on who I ask? Absolutely! Okay, then you have to get my approval on who you ask! Fine! Logan ends up with Staci and Quinn is stuck taking Zoeyā€™s little brother, Dustin. Which makes them both miserable. Maybe we shouldā€™ve just come here together. And let everyone know we like each other? - No, I couldnā€™t take the abuse weā€™d get. - Me neither. - Logi come on! - Iā€™m coming! [grunting] Look. I promise. Sometime tonightā€¦ weā€™ll find a way to sneak off and be together. I like you. Later on, Staci tries to make the moves on Logan who quickly pulls away! Finally, revealing that he loves Quinn to the entire school. Why wouldnā€™t you want to kiss me? My lips are moist. Because I love Quinn! [gasping] Wh-what? You love Quinn? Thatā€™s right. I love Quinn Penski! And I love Logan Reese! [crying] Weā€™re you happy Quinn and Logan were able to get past their differences and end up together? Let us know in the comments. So irritating sometimes! - Wanna go make out? - Yes. [laughing]
Channel: NickRewind
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Keywords: quinn and logan relationship timeline, quinn and logan, quinn and logan zoey 101, quinn and logan breakup, logan and quinn, quinn pensky, logan reese, zoey 101, quogan, linn, zoey brooks, zoey and chase, jamie lynn spears, erin sanders, matthew underwood, quinn and logan kiss, zoey and chase kiss, teennick, teen nick, nick, nickelodeon, nickelodeon show, nickelodeon tv, 00's nick, ytao_z101
Id: y_6JoNgevj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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