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excuse me mate Gucci bloody not there you go I just put house today oh look at the size of these for you one [Music] hey guys thing I'm back for another video and today we're gonna be playing in sisha now this is basically the spiritual successor of so the dot IO but a lot deeper and a lot more interesting at the moment it's not a multiplayer game it's got like this all I'm hearing is bloody bugs getting eaten in my headset what the hell is going on at the moment they don't ever multiplayer it's just like a campaign type of thing and we're gonna check the out today and see how good it is all right here we go number one have you ever controlled our worm so it has like this little tutorial thing basically it's going to explain us how to control it so here we go left right left right so these are all the lovely little buggy things whirring hey hey you see you make tail excuse me mate could you bloody not there you go like I just got eaten help there he oh oh oh look at the size of these frigging worms ah okay I think it might throw us in the deep end a little bit we're dead great Bob stop making fun of people okay they're making fun of me and now we're an egg so we're on level 2 now that they give like a little bit of a lowdown if you guys want to get this you can just listen to them they'll tell you but I kind of know I'm doing excuse me could we could we wake up please oh look at that we're a little baby worm it is so cute what are we doing now is I think they're still trying to try to explain the controls what something about we got to move fast to play in the big leagues ok so please release 4 okay so we can use the forward arrow to turn really fast okay here we go so this is how you basically move around you'll go left to right real smooth like that it's not just okay so just holding fours and you go forward you actually have to weave to get speed up pretty much there we go how many of these were through 20 totes through times okay let's get in the groove there you go there you go big nicely done I think yeah so what twenty fives are max speed right now we've nearly done all the turns we do Oh turn around whoop there we go and we've done it awesome well done we are now a master in slithering one nice reference there actually what do we do now Oh next level alright fireflies got in the red beetles back so oK we've got to sort out the yeah The Beatles oh look these little fireflies here but we can't eat those yet we're not big enough so we're gonna have to eat some of these little poor poor little beetles I'm very sorry come here I mean come here come on there's no escaping me there's no escaping it just don't fight it leave it go what about a second meet this guy no we can't okay so if we hold all this kind of goes in like a slow boat it also shows us what we can eat apparently we can eat this guy oh just we just executed him rest in peace so yeah let's slow mo and now we know we can eat these guys we can't eat this guy shut on the Left we can eat his face so could you give us your face buddy nope commit I want your face want your face stop turn around for me there you go get execute all right nice can we eat the oh okay yeah can we eat the fireflies now or I can eat his head means head there you go we just execute him see you later all right waiting a few more of these red guys to get our size up scooting you anything you're going come on mr. beetle there oh we just absolutely destroyed him all right what about you um oh yeah yeah so if we hold forwards we can make really tight turn see look I like this guys we're learning the game together and when I get super MLG at this I will both know that we both did this together all right there you go so that if we just hold forwards it like turns really sharply so that's doing like emoji what there we go nice sick turns another Firefly get executed we've got two more left they are on our map excuse me coming through there we go oh you got in the way that's too bad look at this we are getting really big the shame that all we have to do is kill the firefighters but I feel like we could kill anything right now all right where's one last guy down here we're probably big enough just to consume whole yep get rekt there we go all right no more fireflies the Reds cannot sort themselves out now there you go good luck little buddies oh look at this there you go yummy um okay it looks like they just activated something else what the hell is going on here oh wait there's all white bugs coming out I guess they didn't have the right thing turned on or something do we get to eat these now so cute I don't think they're really argued they look kind of disgusting to me Oh Lee crap so now we actually have to just keep these slings YUM I think that was a bit of an infestation over here don't worry guys I'm here to sort it out I'm here to solve your problems yum yum yum there is so many all right meet the bigger ones now yes if we hold down we can actually jump off there you go this lets us just jump further ahead I think oh look it's another green one hey buddy hey oh that's too bad you got you in oh hey buddy oh that's too bad you got eaten I think we got really big really fast or it's just more jumping okay we get it back that's actually really freaking crazy ah it's really creepy imagine if that came of you okay you can stop don't drop me now it's kind of freaky yum yum yum all right we now eat eat I think another green one there just one more green worm left to eat where are you buddy ah you look so cute ah no we just a.m. um that's too bad alright time to finish him off I'm sorry yeah I'm gonna thank you alright whatever we are now something about an incubator oh we've got to stay alive for 60 seconds in this one so that probably means that it's really hard oh we just killed that guy straight away we're not even like big we just killed him come on come on we're done away with flight we're really small come on all right oh my queen II just lost ourselves already alright what about you I let your tail YUM no no I want to eat the rest of your tail there you go okay this okay I think if you lose some of your tail you can actually just eat your own tail back and gain it come on yeah thank you all sorry sorry about the death it's not you it's me drop me I'm going on oh this guy here ready okay that we just jumped into a tree okay come on there we go we killed him as well flippin hey we're getting big it says survive for sixty seconds but if anything we're gonna take over the flipping game at this point who else wants some or what does this green cloud do does it kill us can tell oh we've got a red guy there's something about the red snakes being more aggressive I think oh if we're not careful he's gonna eat us there you go nicely done I think we just killed everyone and we survived in one minute anyway so works for me all right next level what we got going on here I think this is where oaks are shut turn okay this is where we're gonna learn some extra cool things I think we're nearly done with the basic stuff what do we need to do okay there you go look at shot her shot touch shot turns look at that what what what hell yeah I look like I'm just doing some sort of weird dance all right now they just wanted me to do some like really sharp turns done at four out of five and then one more there we go done are sharp turns so how can we use that in fighting Oh a quick attack we want to sort so we want to get up one of them hole with a quick attack huh all right we've got to use our adrenaline and I don't know I did it wrong journal in which one's a jump button again huh okay who was that what we're supposed to do something about holding the jump button okay oh yeah that's it basically you can also use the jump button to like slow down so when we go really fast oh and we can nicely done we're becoming pros of this all right next level it is worm hunting season okay green worms are armed with back worms dangerous only if you get between them and their food and red rooms are aggressive we're gonna be the red worm let's do this Oh quad we just spawned right right next to this guy come in come on buddy come on gah hell this is really hard it was supposed to kill eight worms and with this big everyone else is gonna get so much bigger than us come on there we go we're just being real sneaky you just nip it a bit off people's arm bodies though don't you dare stay away from me so the black ones are actually okay ish we just can't get in the way of their food so if we just keep to ourselves down here we only need to really worry about the red ones sounds good to me I think the green ones are actually pretty passive as well they're just pretty friendly so we'll just leave them to it come on don't you dare all your crap we got killed alright this is definitely harder that looks oh ok we just managed to eat some of that guy straight away which is good quick is death ever whoa we just got a big chunk of that guy so there is some some little flies over here maybe these guys can get eaten by a slit you stop flying please keep stuff like come on come on look all this food ah there we go alright we're getting a bit of it but we need a lot more food Oh red there we go we killed the red nicely done I can eat the rest of his body he seems to be like still twitching so I'm sorry about that Oh quick in the corner come up come on come on I think this is like the key is to grow ourselves a little bit first okay we can't eat that guy's head green guy green guy come on there we go there we go okay we'll see awesome awesome can we this guy's head yep yes we can I want to eat that green one that we just heard damn come on come back come back oh that was such a nice killed alright we're finally getting big there we go you dare eat my bottle on my tail come in it come on there you go get out of here alright we're just gonna clean up this area a little bit because there's lots of deborah's we can eat alright bunch of these little like Beatles thing I think the Beatles you can't you can't eat their faces that's too bad thank you yum-yum alright well oh oh oh we just got so lucky there we go we just ate tons alright where there is literally two worms left that we need to kill hopefully they aren't too big we can basically eat these beetles full now oh my we are getting huge okay where the hell are these beetles are they're kind huge alright we just took a big chunk out of him but as you guys know that's not always a great thing there we go nice I think we just won there we go just going to eat this guy for fun even though we can go on to the next level get eaten yum yum yum yum yum yum yum alright what's the next level oh okay it's a race a race for what um wait is that it Oh a lap where the hell are we supposed to go can I just what does okay we we are not good at this racing thing I think we're supposed to go towards these red Oh everyone's blocking me this is not fair this is so weird I'll let you jump that's not fair okay okay I get it I get it so we're supposed to go into these things here move out the way this guy in front is way ahead of us do we have to win to move on come on come on there we go there we go get those turns I saw that we're going so slow come on come on where do we have to go now okay down down we're kind of ahead if only we could get point D nice we got in front of that one is it is it just whoever makes it to the very end because I feel like we're kind of in trouble here no beetle stay away can those beetles kill me I can't she tell hey buddy how you doing come on there we go point II is this the end no okay so that guy has to go all the way around get AK mechanic YUM thank you very much hopefully we'll go faster with you come on and weave and weave and weave we must be doing well this is lap one if we got multiple laps to do oh this isn't good please tell me this is the end there we go lap two okay I get this now okay we couldn't eat that guy that's fine that's fine alright we're gonna eat this guy over here we really need some more food to go faster on this thing it is really hard to go fast when you're little you'd think that if you were a little you'd go faster in this but it is not true you need to be able to wiggle wiggle that's what's the key of speed right now all right here we go coming up to point D and across how many laps I think there's probably three laps in it for us there is just not enough food to eat okay there's another one over here we can eat which is better than nothing I guess but we really need to get some length up but we seem to have a good decent lead which is it oh I just realized I was going to the wrong freaking checkpoint it's just like the end or something no way was there a checkpoint this far down think we might have just lost it for our hopefully hopefully you don't need to win to go through because this is intense my fingers are killing me hopefully they just decided hey you know why you guys can kill each other now point e there's no way that this was here on the first lap flippy neck alright we actually failed that first one but don't worry we're on the second lap and we are absolutely flying ahead on this one luckily I think we got a pretty if these beetles don't get Fenway think we've got a pretty good chance of winning should be fine excuse me excuse me I didn't expect to be racing worms to be honest when I played this game but it's actually kind of fun and there we go we won awesome first place we're just gonna eat this guy for fun as well me oh wait we can't eat this guy hey hey I meet you excuse me how bloody rude alright the next level um we need a bunch of tails just please do not kill me 140 tails neither more no less what does that mean so we've just got to eat tails okay something about the black ones don't attack us interesting okay I didn't really know that I think are we supposed to be letting them live like excuse hey so much for them not attacking us alright so we've got to be working on basically eating these backwards tails starting to understand how they work a bit more they will never attack you and as they seafood and they will go straight for it so when you do bite their tails you've got to be careful to leave any bits because they might just turn around and try and grab that food see that there we go we eating God he turned on us all right we're on 27 out of thought 40 tails we're getting close excuse me I want to eat these green work things but they won't let me we're getting close to finishing off our tail goals this guy here we go nicely done we pick are we killed one that means we fail crap [Music] [Applause] all right there we go awesome we did it that was it we just had to basically get some tails and not kill anyone which is what we did all right here we go level 10 don't eat me granddaughter this last level here that we're going to be doing to lay an egg the worms to grow a bit all right we need to grow up okay here we go let's take this guy out here sorry sorry about your head yeah what I think so it shows off all of them on the screen I want to leave buddy red ones these are a dangerous little guys here crap they killed us she's like a really brutal game like I'd really like to see this in multiplayer format because it does like add a definite layer of you know like uncertainty to it because any size can really kind of attack because you the tail gets smaller as it goes down which kind of makes it always be dangerous like right now that was brutal we should go really long now though after we get everything there we go nicely done wait if we got if we got an egg are we getting an egg oh oh we just popped out on egg and now we're gonna die we did pop out an egg I guess alright well I guess that wasn't enough we you can't just die after laying here you got to look after a bit so let's get there again and try and lay another egg without getting eaten by a huge red guy [Music] alright we're ready to do this little egg thing a wee q okay we popped out an egg so what do we do now do we just defend it let's wait okay we're waiting get away from my egg get away this is Mike oh look it's a little baby alright does that mean wait oh we're the little baby now so what happens to the mum oh did we just did we just get eaten by our mother and we just did all right we laid another egg hopefully this guy will not eat us this time you know what you just you just hang over here okay you just chill and when's baby there you go all right so the mother is like really far away now hopefully that doesn't I mean they're gonna come for us okay let's try to do it once oh my god this is hard I can see that red guy on the right come back here little guy there we go awesome okay yeah come back come on wait to swap are you kidding there we go where's our growth we are so small right now can we kill this thing so what about barring like a sheep but thank you there we go there we go nice done come on we are so flippin smaller okay with finally getting some length to us I don't want to go too far left cause it's dangerous don't know what's gonna happen over there oh we can't kill that guy either I hate these little flipping bouncing beanbag things okay there's a big red no guys we're so dead we're so dead that's it that's over we got killed all right well there you go that is the end of the first video drop a like you guys want to see some more we do have a couple more levels and a bunch of Sandboxie things as well so we can see how far we want to get the air drop now you guys want to see some more in say sure it's pretty cool game there's a lot of potential here and hopefully they use that potential so thanks much video have a great day and I'll see you next time goodbye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Slogo
Views: 7,377,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: insatia, worm, game, slither,, io, multiplayer, slogoman
Id: FhJpxPpdsQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 07 2016
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