CRAZY SLITHER IN 3D!? (Snake Pass)

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oh oh come on buddy [Music] yeah yeah yeah this is the this is the beach so like it's a it's a clicking kind of beat you know all right that's enough of that can we turn off can we please please please turn off the music please and someone how do we turn off the music how do I get the audio option whatever I just click it worked there we go piss off music are you kidding all right so here we are we've I have no idea what this is games cool there's a snake on the screen and I clicked it because it kind of looked like a 3d sliver let's play so here we are my first level Bowl doors realm spree little welcome so yeah pretty much this is a game where you're a snake and we got to slither around some places you know pardon one notes already upon noodle who the hell is Newt Oh Mike this game is odd-looking already no no no all right we're waking up we were really hungover we just had a really long night out on the town and we're wasted the gate oh we're snake yeah if we don't fix it we'll be stuck forever cook about gates all right use a and D to slither forward whoa I'm a snake all right oh okay so how do we oh oh we just lit something how do I know which direction to go is it just the opposite Oh No there we go Oh Mike are we growing no I want to get that one no okay how do we just go forward oh we can just aim where we want to go oh this makes a lot of sense all right so we got to pick up speed with a and deep but also looking where we kind of want to go all right okay I'm slithering oh hell yeah do we have the best skills ever I like this game lift your head by holding space it nice oh crap come on come on buddy oh we just like broke our neck all right so we can build up speed and kind of like whoa Oh Mike what the hell just happened okay this is that she can't good huh I can kind of just like keep my head in the air this is so cool my god I genuinely didn't think this game would be this cool but it is a bit odd looking so fast all right we got some green things and some yellow things you all know the Keystone is missing but I guess we gotta go find it I found that friggin bird do it alright we're gonna get to up scoop up we're gonna pick up some more of them then ball up we're gonna eat the chair that bug all right I think this is the last one over here so I guess we can get this dude there we go does that mean we're like full length or something honestly don't know all right anyway let's go get this friggin gemstone and get busy crap we we're not quite there with getting a popper thing dear all right here we go so ourselves a gemstone this is our way back and fix this bad boy oh okay so the birthdates moved in why did we have to do anything oh hey snake alright so big holes open in the ground you know what they say kids it's a big hole opens up in the ground lizard your ass into it nice it's level all right next up courtyard clamber alright so here we are what we got going on today not gonna like the game slightly a more colorful and odd then I thought yeah alright let's go alright why do we have to go now so at this bird is following me around all the time I'm going to eat it soon oh crap we need to get up some more speed oh hell yeah nice I think we have to get all of those so what's the best way in terms of like he'll look at that all that was so cool aha I'm a snake alright let's climb up these things here I guess we can just saw like weave our way I got this you still call if things are physics in this game are awesome and kind of just like dump himself on the ground so it looks like we've got um trying to keep up the slithering we gotta say we've got some like green goop oh my god wheat for a second there I thought we were dead come on dude let's get this full thing oh we got ourselves a coin over here come on come on come on there we go pull yourself up where's the upper-body strength all right let's see if we can make it onto this green come on get it get it ah okay so we're learning something new we can actually get a grip around something to like go up it I guess I don't know what that benefits us oh okay I kind of get it so we should probably not wrap our body around it so instantly so it kind of if you do the grip thing like I'm tying a knot in myself Oh Lee crap okay grip is useful hey oh my god that scared the hell outta me all right we got it excuse me sir I'd like your balls there we go nicely done I think we should get part of the level slightly but it's time to do some backtracking all right nice can we go in the water is that cool come on there we go all right let's climb this bad boy over here can we go off of it Oh big climb big climb can we hold on a bit come on buddy all right let's wrap your ass around oh my God we're going down there we go look at that look at that this is majestic come on come on you can make it but there you go plastic all right can we just wrap ourselves around this thing here there we come on sleep feeling good about this there we go nicely done we're becoming a snake Pro there we go perfectly done look at us we are flying through this level we be Veni blues down here that we missed or are we all good I think we're all good all right we got another blue guy over here I guess this is our next point of cool here we go Oh currently some reason we didn't get that there we go nicely done I've come to this wall please come on come on yeah Lizzie you back onto that bad boy all right we've made it up all right we haven't got too many left I do spot another blue over there well sudden weakness is so odd I think II we got this guy over here come on a little bit there we go nicely done oh look we got some bridge action can we just go under in the water on nine but like a snake boat it's our mouth filling up but at what point do we start being able to kill people oh really uh probably a bit too a child friendly uh-huh I'm thinking wraps around in climb there okey-dokey will do so just like rap like that maybe although that was so easy he says nearly falling off can you eat lessly nice so all we need now is one more key stone I kind of want to climb up this thing here feel like no there's nothing up here what are you talking about Josh all right oh oh okay used to hold tight and wrap around like like this okay you could have nearly made it there here we go we're holding tight can we oh yeah you yeah I like the way his snake did well at the same time we did okay does that that's the last gemstone the question is where are dem blue things we haven't got all of those can you go over to that platform or are we just going to die what happens when you die so many questions let's try it out we oh you just see it spawn here again all right oh my god it resets that everything I am so mad right now wait what so we do have all the Jets the gemstone what are you trying to tell me game huh so we don't go over here and test it out oh yes we did have everything alright haha oh wait no we don't kill me and there we go last gemstone there is nowhere in how you can make me collect all those friggin blue things again so there we go level level complete it could have been bad - just alright bro time to go into another portal boys and the malakut and a man hit there we go right alright next up we've got level 3 so I know what to expect in this one here we are again sun shining this turd I'm gonna eat it in a second I asked where oh no what the hell was happening maybe someone else we it I think it is where the bad stuff happened no go outside for a second there what was that well I guess we gotta open again all right well we got to expect here a bit more timing action alright no not that I got this I'm a professional now so we got some blue stuff not going to focus too much on the blue stuff because it makes me very upset - remember the last mission you're on come on come on dude give me that give me that goodness give me that goodness nice he's done all right slop spot for a second where the hell are we supposed to go now oh oh we are playing with fire right now all right come on let's get a better grip nice nice come on a bit stronger a bit more say we go where we are whoa for a fly snake alright let's head down here where the hell is ups down here um we've got one more gem to do where the heck is it oh my god oh my wimp no no oh oh my god we just made that alright there we go look at this is a slide it's a snake slide we we're a slithering snake guys alright we've done it let's head to the exit and get the heck out of this mission it's about get the budget debate is a one day one day all right guys let's get me the hell out of here wait what the hell was that I think a bird just flew over all right level 4 so this is going to be the last level that we do today so let's let's make this one a good and so I wonder if we'll find out what that bird thing is flying over but but nope nope didn't get through the bug are you gonna pick up some of them blues hello thank you very much so what the hell this looks different oh oh oh there we go all right can we make it onto these I guess we got to just go sideways that kind of works nice just making sure that we're not going for all Mike this is dangerous this is dangerous Oh No if we fall off this we have to restart oh my god this is so oh oh no hold on oh come on buddy let's do this bye-bye all right well I didn't go too well did it you know what screw your bait and switch I know that they were being mean to getting myself killed there so we are just gonna get busy with what's important the gems baby I can tell already that this game gets super difficult later on where the other gem this is interesting this one's a bit more interactive a lot more going on over here yeah there we go nicely done all right I think we're over course over here you're gonna wrap ourselves through this bad boy Oh Oh be careful there we go nicely done oh we need lost at the end there hopefully we're not going past any gem so that would kind of suck all right let's wrap ourselves around this guy over here can we go up it or is it not possible to go up something like this I guess it's not oh the yellow is up here don't don't don't fall Josh for Paul there we go nearly made it oh my god this game is difficult there we go one more wrap around the top and we made it alright let's just do it up oh my god we did go past it alright let's see if we can did you just hear something yeah I did I heard a bird scream all right we made it onto this side of the platform which is good going to pick up some good old blues let me guess the birds going to try and kill me in a second I want to kill the bird instead I forget this gemstone obviously and there we go level is complete are we going to find out this bird thing I'm actually genuinely worried what the hell is it going to be is it is it a bird is it a plane I don't know but something's happening the ground is shaking the portal is opening maybe we just ripped every piece that oh my god it is a school it's in your debt oh okay this is some juicy action right here oh he gave us something it's the new iPhone so what is it another bird you just give me an up or did my bird eat it I just talking to have no idea whatever happens we're out of here and there we go that was a you know what I still don't know the name of the game drop below you guys wanna see some more yeah I'll see you next time ah [Music] you
Channel: Slogo
Views: 3,186,630
Rating: 4.8760638 out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, slogomanify, funny moments, gaming, game, snake pass, slither,, ssss im a snak, snake, pass, steam
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2017
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