The NEW Pokerap!! - ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEO by grind3h - Starbomb
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Egoraptor
Views: 9,086,178
Rating: 4.8766899 out of 5
Keywords: egoraptor, ninja sex party, nsp, starbomb, player select, game grumps, animation, music video, pokemon, pokerap
Id: zCbl-12QV2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 37sec (157 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2015
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Seems Arin gave up on animating this one. Shame.
Neverttheless, it came out great!
Nice Gurren Lagann reference in "Lamborguineapig"
I thought Arin was doing the animation for this. Don't get me wrong I think this video is awesome and very nicely done, I just thought i read or heard somewhere that Arin was animating it.
Oh god, Poolboy. I did not need to see Mr. Mime like that.
Oh man, time to pause this video every couple seconds to analyze all these new Pokemon!
That Trubbish was cute as fuck
Clevergirl looks cool.
Also, anyone else notice the Grump faces on Man?
Is anyone else thinking that when it shows Reggie, Sakurai and Luigi that Luigi was previously Iwata but then it was changed?
Wow, all this time I thought "Common Whore" was "Common Core", like the education standards. I feel really dumb. Why would common core be a pokemon name in the first place?